I think i kind of look like Mira, but i'm not sure
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
Haha yeah, not particularly dramatic story, I fucked up my legs on a run and they gave out under me in the shower and I smashed my head on the step down into it :P
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
A lot of people have thought that, I think it's because I have a husband and people automatically assume that means I'm female if they don't know otherwise, which is sort of fair enough i guess :P
A lot of people have thought that, I think it's because I have a husband and people automatically assume that means I'm female if they don't know otherwise, which is sort of fair enough i guess :P
A younger version of Tormund Giantsbane!
I think i kind of look like Mira, but i'm not sure
Yeah, you do.
Ahh, good shout.
Male Ygritte!!
Khal Drogo's distant cousin. Just kidding lol, I have no idea.
Maybe Ramsay Snow.
Daenaery's lol
Another account?
Aren't you that Rosemary girl?
No that's my sister's account. She's still staying away from the forums for awhile. I'll tell her you said hi.
Yeah, okay.
Do you miss her or something?
Sounds... awfully convenient, doesn't it?
My gosh, you're beautiful!
Her theories made me laugh, but not really.
It does.
Why do loads of people you never see commenting anywhere else always comment on these threads xD
I actually wondered that, myself. Who are you, folks, and why I haven't seen any/most of you before?
Ok, I haven't given a photo on the forums before, so be gentle! Haha
(Also don't judge me for my hair I need a haircut ok)
^ My angry face when I see sexism/racism/homophobia on teh forumz.
Cool scar, I think?
Haha yeah, not particularly dramatic story, I fucked up my legs on a run and they gave out under me in the shower and I smashed my head on the step down into it :P
What even is that? I don't want to assume that is a scar, or something else, so what is that?
Well, gotta hand it over to you, you sure are handsome. And I'm not even gay.
Nice Tyrion-scar
Actually the hair is kinda Tyrion too XD (talking about show/game Tyrion ofc).
Seriously though I'd say Asher could be the one...
Aww that's such a nice thing to say, thank you
Haha d'ya think?
Wish I was Asher, his hair's really cool and an awesome colour hah
It's a scar, but not a permanent one :P
@AllThatRemains @Dont_Look_Back
Yeah well the hair is the one thing that doesn't match
Its flogs face! For some reason I thought you were female
A lot of people have thought that, I think it's because I have a husband and people automatically assume that means I'm female if they don't know otherwise, which is sort of fair enough i guess :P
No its the way you argue
Currently pulling the above face.
Heres an old one from when I had a mohican.
Can anyone guess when it was taken?
And because im feeling narcissistic heres a sexier one
Im a girl I know how we argue
Well clearly you don't as you mistakenly thought I was a girl :P