"Does this mean you're going to make love to me tonight, Kenny? Holy shit. Did I just say that? His mouth drops open slightly, but he recove… morers quickly."
"No, Jane, it doesn't. First I don't make love. I fuck.....hard. Second, there's other things that need to be done. And third, you don't know what you're in for."
Seriously What THE ...
Side note, if you want to improve the number of girls to contact you on social media dating sites put in your interests 50 shades of grey. LOL
ok, not saying i've done it.
That´s what I mean, I don´t get why a vast majority of the women is into it. Granted, I haven´t read it but from what I´ve seen people say about it...it sounded more like abuse than romance.
Why not? It is a Romance book for 2014, bro times are changing, and that are what women are into, i don't make the rules i just play the game.
Personally i'm not into weird things, but to each their own.
Cerntainly makes as much sense as what we got. But no just no! Kenny or Jane would die before they'd do that with each other. Wait...Clem was knocked out a good while... maybe Jane tried to "calm"Kenny down and it back fired. That whole ending makes much more sense if they are jilted lovers! Jk Why even make this a thing?
Green..............Green ...........Let the skrubs roam I guess...........
The final fight in EP5 was a metaphor of their passionate love making.
Kenny stabs Jane with a knife? We all know what that knife truly was.
Okay, even I laughed at this.
It's true love man.
Reviewers are praising this greatly, it seems they really enjoy it.
I have no words...
Wait.... what.
insert Clementine backing away gif here
[sings] You got me looking so craaazy right now...
Seriously What THE ...
Side note, if you want to improve the number of girls to contact you on social media dating sites put in your interests 50 shades of grey. LOL
ok, not saying i've done it.
haha, ok i have.
I might not understand what it is, but usually i let them do all the talking anyways.
I don´t even understand how anyone can like 50 shades of grey, to be honest.
Dafuq did I just read? Where's the rest of it?
Why not? It is a Romance book for 2014, bro times are changing, and that are what women are into, i don't make the rules i just play the game.
Personally i'm not into weird things, but to each their own.
Jumps from bridge
That´s what I mean, I don´t get why a vast majority of the women is into it. Granted, I haven´t read it but from what I´ve seen people say about it...it sounded more like abuse than romance.
Not my business, though. shrug
Something Anime would do
Don't bump unless you have something new to add to the discussion.
bloop, all kidding aside, you're actually a very talented writer of erotic fiction. It's better than the original for sure, especially the ending.
I didn't write it though, @ABigBadWolf did.
Right, sorry - ABigBadWolf is a very talented writer of erotic fiction.
New fap material...
I would never go that far...
Better than the original for sure
What is this even, oh my God.
I forgot this thread existed.
Hmm, kinky.
Whoever necrobumped this thread is a dick sucker.
Cerntainly makes as much sense as what we got. But no just no! Kenny or Jane would die before they'd do that with each other. Wait...Clem was knocked out a good while... maybe Jane tried to "calm"Kenny down and it back fired. That whole ending makes much more sense if they are jilted lovers! Jk Why even make this a thing?
I like the ship but this is meh