Gags you want to happen and ideas



  • Everyone is cheating except loader bot. It's beautiful

    Ahaha exactly, and then when everyone was feeling confident he couldn't cheat he could use Jack (if he's feeling cooperative) to look at eve

  • Dude... that should totally be an expansion or something after the main game is done.

    Life is Strange has a "collective mode" where you can go in and collect stuff without harming your choices. Telltale should do something similar to do for Tales - we can go back and do random side quests from people in hub areas without harming our canon choices.

    Crips posted: »

    Omg, I just had the best idea ever. What if we could get side quests from people on hub areas and making them would get us more money!

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    Crips posted: »

    Omg, I just had the best idea ever. What if we could get side quests from people on hub areas and making them would get us more money!

  • edited February 2015

    Oh oh oh! I just thought of something Dapnee XD what if when Rhys asked "what do you need all that money for!?", Loader bot takes out a photograph and it's one of a female Loader bot [he looks exactly like him but she's PINK] and he wants to buy an engagement ring so he can marry her! XD Or! Loader bot wants to get the hat for her, and shows a picture of them with their three little loader bot children, and he's really proud...and Rhys is just staring all like 'wtf, i gotta lay off the Pandora martinez's! Nobody told me these things had kids!'

    That or it turns out he's dating Rex from Metal Gear Solid:

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    Dapnee posted: »

    Rhys throws his cards on the table, scattering another terrible hand in front of everyone, "Oh come on! What do you even need to have money for?!" Loader bot shrugs, "For a nice hat." "You don't even have a head!"

  • He could be dating Moxxi's Geisha Bot!

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    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Oh oh oh! I just thought of something Dapnee XD what if when Rhys asked "what do you need all that money for!?", Loader bot takes out a phot

  • I thought you were gonna say "I have a stun baton" XD

    Vasquz has a gun on Rhys: "I practically have an army behind me Rhys. What the hell do you have?" Rhys: "We have a LoaderBot"

  • edited February 2015

    So please, please tell me, somebody at Telltale knows about Red Dwarf?

    Because if you don't, I demand you put a talking toaster in your game right this second:

    And that you watch the whole series, because it has this really funny humor in it that might give you a lot of ideas for Tales from The Borderlands. Although the first two seasons weren't the best [they even admit in interviews that it didn't really take off until Season 3 when Kryten the android showed upand completed their crew.] the funny stuff that happens in this is just...funny! Honestly not that many comedy shows nowadays really get me laughing hard to the point of being unable to breathe. If you can get a chance to watch it, Red Dwarf is reaaaally worth your time.

    And I'm just gonna leave these other ones here >.>

  • Wait they have these in Borderlands!? XD Omg!

    Loader Bot and Geisha Bot, I ship it!

    He could be dating Moxxi's Geisha Bot!

  • "I demand you put a talking toaster in your game right this second"

    Isn't that just Claptrap?

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    So please, please tell me, somebody at Telltale knows about Red Dwarf? Because if you don't, I demand you put a talking toaster in your g

  • Yeah, she's mentioned in TPS a few times, but sadly only ever shown on a poster in Moxxi's bar. I'd love to see her design fleshed out, though!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Wait they have these in Borderlands!? XD Omg! Loader Bot and Geisha Bot, I ship it!

  • I'd love to see her design fleshed out, though!

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    Loader Bot too.

    Yeah, she's mentioned in TPS a few times, but sadly only ever shown on a poster in Moxxi's bar. I'd love to see her design fleshed out, though!

  • Rhys has a daydream sequence where they're at some crummy church, he and Vaughn are best men, Fiona, Sasha are bridesmaids. Everyone's actually dressed the part, loader bot has a magnetic decal of a tux on. We see Loader bot is holding hands with his soon to be Mrs. Loaderbot (in her very fancy hat), as a Psycho Minister is doing the whole shpeel, "We're all here today to, yadda yadda yadda, not anything to do with meat, yadda yadda, if anyone objects-"

    Claptrap busts in, "I OBJECT!" Everyone gasps, Vaughn drops his glasses and they make the generic wine glass shattering sound.

    The Psycho clears his throat, "If anyone objects, tough luck Sam!"

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Oh oh oh! I just thought of something Dapnee XD what if when Rhys asked "what do you need all that money for!?", Loader bot takes out a phot

  • Ha, I guess that works too. Doesn't fit as well though because LoaderBot = Hulk

    I thought you were gonna say "I have a stun baton" XD

  • edited February 2015

    That'd be great if they do some kind of joke with the "Previously on Tales from the Borderlands"...

    Talking about that, I wonder what music they will put for the previously thing. :3

  • Haha, omg that would be awesome.

    That'd be great if they do some kind of joke with the "Previously on Tales from the Borderlands"... Talking about that, I wonder what music they will put for the previously thing.

  • I just want an episode with Gaige. And Deathtrap.


    I am such a B.A.

  • I think it'll be the Stranger summarizing the events of the 1st episode.

    That'd be great if they do some kind of joke with the "Previously on Tales from the Borderlands"... Talking about that, I wonder what music they will put for the previously thing.

  • edited February 2015

    It'd be cool. Imagine if he makes a (funny) mistake and Rhys and Fiona have to help him. xD

    Pipas posted: »

    I think it'll be the Stranger summarizing the events of the 1st episode.

  • I think it will be Rhys saying

    ''Previously in the story...''

    or something like that

    Pipas posted: »

    I think it'll be the Stranger summarizing the events of the 1st episode.

  • I'd like to see Loader Bot fightning big monster just like Ripley in "Aliens" and saying: Get away from Rhys, you bitch.

  • I wish I could give extra thumbs up for usage of gifs from my favorite shows :)

  • Haha, you must have impeccable taste, Kiddo!

    (Also, I miss The IT Crowd so, so much...)

    nursethalia posted: »

    I wish I could give extra thumbs up for usage of gifs from my favorite shows

  • Also, I miss The IT Crowd so, so much...

    You and me both, Jack.

    Haha, you must have impeccable taste, Kiddo! (Also, I miss The IT Crowd so, so much...)

  • Is it weird how much I love getting compliments from Handsome Jack?

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    FYI, my bb is named Roy, so I love throwing Moss quotes at him ;P

    Haha, you must have impeccable taste, Kiddo! (Also, I miss The IT Crowd so, so much...)

  • edited March 2015

    As a Borderlands fan, there is a LOT I want to see:

    -If the protagonists become Vault Hunters eventually, there needs to be a training montage. Like, I can imagine Axton in an insane drill sergeant hat screaming into a megaphone while Rhys and friends attempt to fight enemies at Digistruct Peak, (which is a DLC area where you can fight against various bosses in Borderlands 2.)


    -Handsome Jack, per the norm, making various wisecracks and talking about his frickin' pony made out of diamonds. (Made famous by a bit of random dialogue he throws around at the beginning of Borderlands 2.)

    -Rhys and pals meeting the Vault Hunters for the first time. So many could happen here. I mean, Claptrap was a badass Vault Hunter during the events of the Pre-Sequel, and given how many people hate Claptraps, this could happen...

    Lilith: And this is...
    Rhys: OH MY GOD, WHAT IS IT...
    Vaughn: I thought they were gone! THEY'RE NOT!
    Rhys and Vaughn run away screaming while Fiona and Sasha glare at Claptrap in a combination of distaste and hatred.

    -Gaige geeking out over Loader Bot while the BL2 Vault Hunters cringe due to past experience with combat loaders.

    -Athena. Just. Athena. She's nearly completely stoic most of the time in the Pre Sequel, and it would be funny to see her react to the insanity that is Pandora.

    -August could make some jokes in Episode 2. So could Assquez.

    -Rhys fanboying over Zero again.

    -Seeing how they're going to Elpis, imagine Springs hitting on Sasha and Fiona.

    -More of the wise sayings of Loader Bot.

    -I would actually like to see August and Vasquez bicker if they're working together.

    -Rhys's reaction to Mad Moxxi, with her being the sexiest woman on Pandora and all.

  • I guesse Ill bump this, after ep 2 came out

  • They should definitely find a way to make fun of all the crazy shipping that's going on in this section, that would be hilarious. I don't know how they would do it, but it would be awesome.

  • Damn it, we need some Star Wars jokes.

  • edited March 2015

    -A scene where Rhys cooks up some breakfast for everybody, and it being shockingly really good that it looks like art on a plate...oh >.> and while wearing some goofy apron.

    -We get a chance to headbutt Vasquez in return and actually do it right.

    -An epic burping contest, and Sasha wins :D

    -Jack shouts 'I'M THE KING OF THE WOOOOOORLD!'

    -Athena slips and falls over while being a dramatic assassin.

    -Fiona and Rhys fight for real....and end up kissing >.>

    -An intense moment of trying to shut some computer down, and it turning out all they had to do pull out the plug.



    Oh and this happening >.> yupyupyupyupyup

  • I'd like to see more backgroud information on Rhys' arm and eye, would be cool if Fiona and Sasha are apart of the dialogue as well.

  • Sounds like Agent J in MIB

    Kyle-2006 posted: »

    Lol i could totally see that happening to Rhys. I would like to see someone use a fake mustache as a disguise and actually fooling everybody .

  • Beginning of an episode, both Rhys and Fiona are sleeping in one place but when woke up they're in another place.
    Dreaming the same dream, sleeping together...

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