Thank-you for taking the time to read it. It is heart-warming the support that people have shown me on this thread, that has cheered me up considerably, and I'm more hopeful than I was before
Thank-you for taking the time to read it. It is heart-warming the support that people have shown me on this thread, that has cheered me up considerably, and I'm more hopeful than I was before
Well ScoobyDoobyDoo I'm going to miss talking to you and others who were kind to me. I'm very shocked, upset, and about to officially leave. I thought this was a place to have fun and talk about things with people, but what I just saw in my notification private messages hurt me much . It's happening all over again. Hope you continue to be strong and enjoy your time on here. I'm going to tell my sister to leave the forums too because, it's not worth it anymore. I'm surprised the person isn't banned yet.
Well ScoobyDoobyDoo I'm going to miss talking to you and others who were kind to me. I'm very shocked, upset, and about to officially leave.… more I thought this was a place to have fun and talk about things with people, but what I just saw in my notification private messages hurt me much . It's happening all over again. Hope you continue to be strong and enjoy your time on here. I'm going to tell my sister to leave the forums too because, it's not worth it anymore. I'm surprised the person isn't banned yet.
I was (am) bullied on here because of my theories. Most people here said they like them, but the hater's go as far as threats and stupid fiction. I never once threatened a user here. I might argue with people, but not go as far to threaten them. If they hate my theories and threads why bother to click on them? I'm trying to calm down and prevent myself from leaving, but I'm tired of the drama. I know I keep saying I'm leaving and come back, but it's hard because this is the place I go when I want to talk and have fun. Thanks have a great day.
I think it's Vlish, here's the link:
He has two comments and one of them are links to two ugly, and despicable fan fictions about Jill.
Jill, I do hope you know that many of us here do enjoy having you here. There will be assholes everywhere, it's unfortunate but I do wish for you to stay as many others do too.
Here's my last bullying story.
I was (am) bullied on here because of my theories. Most people here said they like them, but the hater's g… moreo as far as threats and stupid fiction. I never once threatened a user here. I might argue with people, but not go as far to threaten them. If they hate my theories and threads why bother to click on them? I'm trying to calm down and prevent myself from leaving, but I'm tired of the drama. I know I keep saying I'm leaving and come back, but it's hard because this is the place I go when I want to talk and have fun. Thanks have a great day.
Never got bullied, kind of surprises me that no one tried to pick on me, I'm somewhat likable and unlikable at the same time, likable enough… more to not get picked on, unlikable enough that people won't approach me and start conversation out of friendliness.
Never bullied anyone, that would be horrible, if I were to see anyone getting bullied, or someone trying to bully me, I would ruin him... I'm scared of thinking what I would do to them, probably break a chair on their heads or something... lol.
Hey, there's no need to feel like that. I saw what that person told you, but don't worry, he's already banned I think. People here sometimes like to make jokes and stuff (including me sometimes) but it's not serious, it's not personal. There's no need to leave the forums.
Here's my last bullying story.
I was (am) bullied on here because of my theories. Most people here said they like them, but the hater's g… moreo as far as threats and stupid fiction. I never once threatened a user here. I might argue with people, but not go as far to threaten them. If they hate my theories and threads why bother to click on them? I'm trying to calm down and prevent myself from leaving, but I'm tired of the drama. I know I keep saying I'm leaving and come back, but it's hard because this is the place I go when I want to talk and have fun. Thanks have a great day.
Hey, there's no need to feel like that. I saw what that person told you, but don't worry, he's already banned I think. People here sometimes… more like to make jokes and stuff (including me sometimes) but it's not serious, it's not personal. There's no need to leave the forums.
I was not talking only about what that guy said to her.. I saw her complaining about some people being rude to her in that thread, you remember that. Everyone was like ''wot are u talking about gurl???'' including me. I was kidding of course, didn't mean to be rude, but I just realized that maybe I was kinda rude. :P
I was not talking only about what that guy said to her.. I saw her complaining about some people being rude to her in that thread, you remem… moreber that. Everyone was like ''wot are u talking about gurl???'' including me. I was kidding of course, didn't mean to be rude, but I just realized that maybe I was kinda rude. :P
Here's my last bullying story.
I was (am) bullied on here because of my theories. Most people here said they like them, but the hater's g… moreo as far as threats and stupid fiction. I never once threatened a user here. I might argue with people, but not go as far to threaten them. If they hate my theories and threads why bother to click on them? I'm trying to calm down and prevent myself from leaving, but I'm tired of the drama. I know I keep saying I'm leaving and come back, but it's hard because this is the place I go when I want to talk and have fun. Thanks have a great day.
During the last day of school, I once punched my bully in the face. I never got any repercussions for it, but at the same, I also wasn't sure how hard I hit him because I immediately ran away.
....Until I bumped into one of my former classmates who asked me "DOOD, DID YOU PUNCH THAT GUY IN THE FACE"
Thank-you very much Jill, but if people are being horrible to you on here then I urge you to report them or something and stay at least a little while longer! It's clear to me that the majority of people on these forums are lovely and supportive and friendly, but of course there are always going to be people who spoil it for others. Please pay no attention to them though (it may sound hypocritical coming from me) as they really are in the minority and are honestly not worth spending time hating. If I can be stronger, so can you!
Well ScoobyDoobyDoo I'm going to miss talking to you and others who were kind to me. I'm very shocked, upset, and about to officially leave.… more I thought this was a place to have fun and talk about things with people, but what I just saw in my notification private messages hurt me much . It's happening all over again. Hope you continue to be strong and enjoy your time on here. I'm going to tell my sister to leave the forums too because, it's not worth it anymore. I'm surprised the person isn't banned yet.
That was just joking around which at the time I did point out to her. So yeah, I get what you're saying.
What that other guy did was plain just fucked up, which again, you understand.
Really Jill? Don't be like that you can't just leave because some bastard wrote some stuff you shouldn't even care about...You are a good member of the forums and im sure that most of us don't want to see you leave
Well ScoobyDoobyDoo I'm going to miss talking to you and others who were kind to me. I'm very shocked, upset, and about to officially leave.… more I thought this was a place to have fun and talk about things with people, but what I just saw in my notification private messages hurt me much . It's happening all over again. Hope you continue to be strong and enjoy your time on here. I'm going to tell my sister to leave the forums too because, it's not worth it anymore. I'm surprised the person isn't banned yet.
Well, I was teased a great deal throughout school, but that doesn't matter compared to the fact as a child I was molested. I don't wish to delve too deep into it. But, it caused a great deal of psychological trauma and for years I went to therapy and had to receive counseling.
I loathed and hated for a long time, and I can't say I'm still completely mentally over it. I still have some attachment and trust issues. But most of those are minor, more so than anything the human spirit is an amazing thing that over time patches and heals itself. One thing that suffering is good for is teaching you things later on down the line, peace lies within.
Here's my last bullying story.
I was (am) bullied on here because of my theories. Most people here said they like them, but the hater's g… moreo as far as threats and stupid fiction. I never once threatened a user here. I might argue with people, but not go as far to threaten them. If they hate my theories and threads why bother to click on them? I'm trying to calm down and prevent myself from leaving, but I'm tired of the drama. I know I keep saying I'm leaving and come back, but it's hard because this is the place I go when I want to talk and have fun. Thanks have a great day.
You are incredibly strong even though I dont know you I can honestly say that im proud of you for going through something so traumatic and keeping a positive outlook on life. Without sounding horrible you will never "get over it" and never should be expected to but you seem to be coping incredibly well and moving forward with your life which is the most you can be expected to do. Keep your chin up!
Well, I was teased a great deal throughout school, but that doesn't matter compared to the fact as a child I was molested. I don't wish to d… moreelve too deep into it. But, it caused a great deal of psychological trauma and for years I went to therapy and had to receive counseling.
I loathed and hated for a long time, and I can't say I'm still completely mentally over it. I still have some attachment and trust issues. But most of those are minor, more so than anything the human spirit is an amazing thing that over time patches and heals itself. One thing that suffering is good for is teaching you things later on down the line, peace lies within.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I know that the burden will always be somewhat there. But, time heals all wounds even if you never forget how it hurt when you first received it.
You are incredibly strong even though I dont know you I can honestly say that im proud of you for going through something so traumatic and k… moreeeping a positive outlook on life. Without sounding horrible you will never "get over it" and never should be expected to but you seem to be coping incredibly well and moving forward with your life which is the most you can be expected to do. Keep your chin up!
I was bullied a lot in school (not as much anymore since I moved but the school I went to previously had kids in it who I knew from elementary through junior high). A big part of it was for my appearance, but also just because of my attitude toward others. I wasn't rude or anything, in fact I really liked being around people. but I guess something about me made me unapproachable because I didn't really have any friends. I was pretty strange as a child too and had a few tics (a speech impediment I barely have anymore and some other weird habits like foot tapping and ear pinching that I got help to stop doing), and I spent a lot of time alone at recess reading by myself. It was hard for me to make friends because I was really shy and always afraid I would say the wrong thing, so I never talked to anyone unless they talked to me first.
So when I was in grade 5 I finally decided to come out of my shell more and talk to people. I met this girl in my class who didn't seem to have any friends either. It took a lot of courage to go up and introduce myself but eventually I did and we became pretty good friends. She became really clingy after a while, always telling me to call her the minute I got home from school, and I'd rush home because I normally spent my nights alone and was happy that someone wanted to talk to me so much. One night I forgot to call her and she refused to talk to me at school the next day. She wasn't very nice to me and she would often prank call me by picking up the phone and pretending to be her mother, saying things like "What are you doing talking to my daughter? What are you talking about?" or pretending to be her brother and 'flirting' with me (if you can even call it that). Obviously I wasn't stupid enough to believe her, but I didn't want to upset her so I played dumb. Which, of course, gave her a free pass to do it even more. I liked the attention I was getting because I wasn't used to it, so I just shut up and let her have her fun.
Summer passed (I went on vacation that year and didn't get to see her), and when I came back to school for grade 6 in September, I found out that she had made a new friend, a whole year older than both of us and therefore more "cool" (she had failed a grade). My friend slowly started hanging out with her instead of me, leaving me alone again. When I would try and hang out with them, her other friend would always say things like "You're not supposed to be here" or "We don't want you here". So a majority of my time at recess was spent watching the two of them talk from afar.
That year was when the real bullying started. I never talked to my friend on the phone anymore but I would constantly get phone calls from not only her, but the new girl as well. I'd be reading comics in my room and the phone would ring, but when I answered it there would only be loud breathing on the other end and then "click" as they hung up. Then they would call back, do the same thing, hang up. Call back again... except this time someone would say something like "God, you're such a bitch", then laugh, then hang up. At school the next day both of them would approach me and ask "Did you get the call last night? There's more where that came from". That happened a few more times until I told my parents and had them change our number.
One time when I was walking home from school, I noticed that both of them had started following me. I started running, and they did too. When I reached my house I locked the door and opened the curtains, looking out. The girls were standing in front of my house, in front of the window, laughing at me. One of them got the idea to start throwing rocks at the window. At this point I'm crying, because I had told my mother that the girls weren't bothering me anymore and I didn't want her to find out. Eventually they stopped, but not before they broke the window. I later told my mother that one of the neighbour boys had cracked it with a baseball.
Thankfully I left all that awful stuff behind me, but those were the two years that really stuck with me.
They were a pair of pathetic little bitches and by sounds of things they were obsessed with you, they would sit around with nothing better to do then make stupid creepy phone calls, it goes to show how much they had going on in their lives and they clearly didnt have much fun being friends with each other if they had to do that for entertainment. I dont know if your still school age or not but when you leave I can almost guarantee they wont be friends because they probably never were.
You may have gone through school as a loner but at least you didn't have to lower yourself to bullying in order to pass the time with a fake friend.
School doesn't last forever most people I know rarely see the kids from there schools again, when your there the social side of school seems like the most important part but your grades are what you take away with you friends usually go there seperate ways eventually. I know very few people that are still in contact with anyone from school days in real life (social media doesn't realy count in most cases).
I was bullied a lot in school (not as much anymore since I moved but the school I went to previously had kids in it who I knew from elementa… morery through junior high). A big part of it was for my appearance, but also just because of my attitude toward others. I wasn't rude or anything, in fact I really liked being around people. but I guess something about me made me unapproachable because I didn't really have any friends. I was pretty strange as a child too and had a few tics (a speech impediment I barely have anymore and some other weird habits like foot tapping and ear pinching that I got help to stop doing), and I spent a lot of time alone at recess reading by myself. It was hard for me to make friends because I was really shy and always afraid I would say the wrong thing, so I never talked to anyone unless they talked to me first.
So when I was in grade 5 I finally decided to come out of my shell more and talk to people. I met this girl … [view original content]
F**K You didn't deserve that I known you a while and you are fantastic person I wish I was in that school I would of sorted that straight away we all fall into the trap of trying to impress people we shouldn't we should only care for those who care for us
I liked the attention I was getting because I wasn't used to it, so I just shut up and let her have her fun.
I'm so confused because rachelle I know has such a great personality everyone loves her she is so funny, talented and kind you deserve to receive positive attention you don't deserve attention off a-holes
I would of never of guessed you were so lonely because you are such a unique and cool person so it's ironic you outgrow those who bullied you and became much more
I was bullied a lot in school (not as much anymore since I moved but the school I went to previously had kids in it who I knew from elementa… morery through junior high). A big part of it was for my appearance, but also just because of my attitude toward others. I wasn't rude or anything, in fact I really liked being around people. but I guess something about me made me unapproachable because I didn't really have any friends. I was pretty strange as a child too and had a few tics (a speech impediment I barely have anymore and some other weird habits like foot tapping and ear pinching that I got help to stop doing), and I spent a lot of time alone at recess reading by myself. It was hard for me to make friends because I was really shy and always afraid I would say the wrong thing, so I never talked to anyone unless they talked to me first.
So when I was in grade 5 I finally decided to come out of my shell more and talk to people. I met this girl … [view original content]
Being bullied was a gift it taught me so many lessons
It all started when my parents got divorced I was in my family home with all my brothers and sisters one of the most popular kids in my school and outside with my friends all day everyday I was so happy in the middle of a big town
Then it happened divorce my whole family got split up and I ended up with the youngest family members in the country with just a field with my mam no people and a school who hated my guts because I was born in the capital who were rivals and seen as dirt all because of where I was from.
I got so depressed and couldn't understand why everyone hated me including the teachers when I was so nice to everyone I felt like the odd one out being treated like dirt because where I was from I was living my worst nightmare everyday
It all became to much and one night I considered suicide I couldn't go another day of this abuse
But then suddenly everything made sense in my head why I'm I trying to impress people who don’t care for me who treat me like dirt do I even want to be friends which such people NO. People can call me whatever they want but for now on I'm not the victim for a-holes but the instigator. I will care for those who care for me and treat the people like dirt who treat me like dirt whatever I am I'm just going to have a little fun in this world and not ending it here tomorrow they are playing my game I'm not playing theres anymore
I went in the next day I saw the main guy who hates me sitting at a table in front of me and giving me an angry stare. I laugh at him calmly walked up beside him pulled out a chair out and sat down beside him and said "Now what the FUCK are you looking at"
This was his response he was speechless and never messed with me again he was wise
I few weeks later I quit the football team for the school they never played me because I was from Dublin(capital) I love sport so much I'll be honest I cried after games I didn't play on the team bus home it really upset me so I quit the team.
I was getting changed for PE later that week and 4 guys in a gang walked up to me and one grabbed my shoulder as I was getting changed and whispered in my ear behind my back *WHY DID YOU QUIT THE FOOTBALL TEAM"
In front of the whole class I could tell they were going to try intimidate then attack me and make me look like their bitches in front of everyone in the class getting changed I knew this was make or break for me in this school I could turn the tide now
So I turned around and laughed pushed the guy and he nearly fell over and I said "If you ever touch me again I will f**king kill you"
Stared at all four of them making sure I made eye contact I was slow and clear in my words "I quit the team because your all shite and you will all only drag me down so I quit and if you ever touch me again I will kill all of you understand?"
So I said "I will not repeat myself please touch me I dare you I beg you"
All four guys said ok and backed off they never dared try to bully me again they learned.
One of them punched me in the stomach in football training when I had the ball when he got it I punched them 4 times in the face he never did that again
I had many crazy stories from that school and I made a few good friends and learned many lessons I moved back to Dublin to my dads house went to school I learned a valuable lesson most schools are like sheep they will follow confidence not matter how stupid the voice is and mess with those who allow it who are insecure to appear better. I became one of the most popular students in the school in my hometown everyone liked me and I made sure no one got bullied as I could relate to their problems so I always helped anyone in trouble
I also have a story how I got the nickname rocky for a fight I got in but this is a long post so I don't want to make you read to long :x
I didn't get bullied anymore for being myself in fact people loved me for it because now I believed in myself and was fully confident in myself people sensed that so they found any of my craziness and randomness cool because there is no one in the world better then you imo so back it up you will make mistakes be confident your uniqueness is what makes you stand out and in the end will be your most valuable asset cherish it
Being bullied was a gift it taught me so many lessons
It all started when my parents got divorced I was in my family home with all my bro… morethers and sisters one of the most popular kids in my school and outside with my friends all day everyday I was so happy in the middle of a big town
Then it happened divorce my whole family got split up and I ended up with the youngest family members in the country with just a field with my mam no people and a school who hated my guts because I was born in the capital who were rivals and seen as dirt all because of where I was from.
I got so depressed and couldn't understand why everyone hated me including the teachers when I was so nice to everyone I felt like the odd one out being treated like dirt because where I was from I was living my worst nightmare everyday
It all became to much and one night I considered suicide I couldn't go another day of this abuse
But then suddenly everything made … [view original content]
most schools are like sheep they will follow confidence not matter how stupid the voice is
This. Most young kids aren't sure of themselves so will gravitate toward someone who seems sure, even if he/she is also not that nice. It takes a while and some special moments to get out of this. Congratulations for figuring it out!
Being bullied was a gift it taught me so many lessons
It all started when my parents got divorced I was in my family home with all my bro… morethers and sisters one of the most popular kids in my school and outside with my friends all day everyday I was so happy in the middle of a big town
Then it happened divorce my whole family got split up and I ended up with the youngest family members in the country with just a field with my mam no people and a school who hated my guts because I was born in the capital who were rivals and seen as dirt all because of where I was from.
I got so depressed and couldn't understand why everyone hated me including the teachers when I was so nice to everyone I felt like the odd one out being treated like dirt because where I was from I was living my worst nightmare everyday
It all became to much and one night I considered suicide I couldn't go another day of this abuse
But then suddenly everything made … [view original content]
most schools are like sheep they will follow confidence not matter how stupid the voice is
This. Most young kids aren't sure of the… moremselves so will gravitate toward someone who seems sure, even if he/she is also not that nice. It takes a while and some special moments to get out of this. Congratulations for figuring it out!
Well then...That was a whole ride of emotions. It's like reading Perks of being a Wallflower.
That fucking sucks. Me and you have very interesting stories and have learned different lessons. You've been both feared and loved by people and you've decided it's good for the bad guys to fear you and everyone else to love you. However, I'm going to guess you're a big guy and can easily intimate. I could never do that, so I've learned, you get people to love you and others will stand up for you. I don't know if I actually am saying this right...I don't know honestly.
Being bullied was a gift it taught me so many lessons
It all started when my parents got divorced I was in my family home with all my bro… morethers and sisters one of the most popular kids in my school and outside with my friends all day everyday I was so happy in the middle of a big town
Then it happened divorce my whole family got split up and I ended up with the youngest family members in the country with just a field with my mam no people and a school who hated my guts because I was born in the capital who were rivals and seen as dirt all because of where I was from.
I got so depressed and couldn't understand why everyone hated me including the teachers when I was so nice to everyone I felt like the odd one out being treated like dirt because where I was from I was living my worst nightmare everyday
It all became to much and one night I considered suicide I couldn't go another day of this abuse
But then suddenly everything made … [view original content]
XD no I'm small between 5ft 6 and 5ft 10 it's the size of your heart not how tall you are and not intimidating at all I'm always smiling and laughing with everyone I'm very happy and positive person
I became popular by being kind and nice to everyone I was the laid back funny nice guy who tried to help everyone always honest I'm rarely aggressive like that only when I have no other option and they are trying to intimidate me and force my hand I never look for fights
You are a nice and great person who always stands up for your opinion you will do great I believe
Well then...That was a whole ride of emotions. It's like reading Perks of being a Wallflower.
That fucking sucks. Me and you have very in… moreteresting stories and have learned different lessons. You've been both feared and loved by people and you've decided it's good for the bad guys to fear you and everyone else to love you. However, I'm going to guess you're a big guy and can easily intimate. I could never do that, so I've learned, you get people to love you and others will stand up for you. I don't know if I actually am saying this right...I don't know honestly.
XD no I'm small between 5ft 6 and 5ft 10 it's the size of your heart not how tall you are and not intimidating at all I'm always smiling and… more laughing with everyone I'm very happy and positive person
I became popular by being kind and nice to everyone I was the laid back funny nice guy who tried to help everyone always honest I'm rarely aggressive like that only when I have no other option and they are trying to intimidate me and force my hand I never look for fights
You are a nice and great person who always stands up for your opinion you will do great I believe
I suspected as much, however it does seem like you can scare people off if you need to, make the bad people fear you and such. It's better to be loved as both of us has seen. It just shows that you can actually scare people if need be, I have my friends willingly do that if they see me in trouble.
I believe too...As long as your beliefs are in the right state of mind of course.
XD no I'm small between 5ft 6 and 5ft 10 it's the size of your heart not how tall you are and not intimidating at all I'm always smiling and… more laughing with everyone I'm very happy and positive person
I became popular by being kind and nice to everyone I was the laid back funny nice guy who tried to help everyone always honest I'm rarely aggressive like that only when I have no other option and they are trying to intimidate me and force my hand I never look for fights
You are a nice and great person who always stands up for your opinion you will do great I believe
Thank-you for taking the time to read it. It is heart-warming the support that people have shown me on this thread, that has cheered me up considerably, and I'm more hopeful than I was before
You're welcome
I was never a bully or bullied...I'm like a unicorn on the internet
Well ScoobyDoobyDoo I'm going to miss talking to you and others who were kind to me. I'm very shocked, upset, and about to officially leave. I thought this was a place to have fun and talk about things with people, but what I just saw in my notification private messages hurt me much
. It's happening all over again. Hope you continue to be strong and enjoy your time on here. I'm going to tell my sister to leave the forums too because, it's not worth it anymore. I'm surprised the person isn't banned yet.
Someone was extremely ugly to Jill on this forum and made some fan fiction about Jill....... it's very bad.
That's horrible.
I for one never showed it but I enjoyed having Jill on the Forums.
Do we know who did it?
I think it's Vlish, here's the link:
He has two comments and one of them are links to two ugly, and despicable fan fictions about Jill.
Here's my last bullying story.
I was (am) bullied on here because of my theories. Most people here said they like them, but the hater's go as far as threats and stupid fiction. I never once threatened a user here. I might argue with people, but not go as far to threaten them. If they hate my theories and threads why bother to click on them? I'm trying to calm down and prevent myself from leaving, but I'm tired of the drama. I know I keep saying I'm leaving and come back, but it's hard because this is the place I go when I want to talk and have fun. Thanks have a great day.
That's fucked up.
This bullying is pretty fucked up.
Jill, I do hope you know that many of us here do enjoy having you here. There will be assholes everywhere, it's unfortunate but I do wish for you to stay as many others do too.
You bullied me before, you fuck.
Hey, there's no need to feel like that. I saw what that person told you, but don't worry, he's already banned I think. People here sometimes like to make jokes and stuff (including me sometimes) but it's not serious, it's not personal. There's no need to leave the forums.
Um...Are you sure? That wasn't joking man.
I was not talking only about what that guy said to her.. I saw her complaining about some people being rude to her in that thread, you remember that. Everyone was like ''wot are u talking about gurl???'' including me. I was kidding of course, didn't mean to be rude, but I just realized that maybe I was kinda rude. :P
That was just joking around which at the time I did point out to her. So yeah, I get what you're saying.
What that other guy did was plain just fucked up, which again, you understand.
I am sorry that happens to you, Jill. I like having you around here.
During the last day of school, I once punched my bully in the face. I never got any repercussions for it, but at the same, I also wasn't sure how hard I hit him because I immediately ran away.
....Until I bumped into one of my former classmates who asked me "DOOD, DID YOU PUNCH THAT GUY IN THE FACE"
Thank-you very much Jill, but if people are being horrible to you on here then I urge you to report them or something and stay at least a little while longer! It's clear to me that the majority of people on these forums are lovely and supportive and friendly, but of course there are always going to be people who spoil it for others. Please pay no attention to them though (it may sound hypocritical coming from me) as they really are in the minority and are honestly not worth spending time hating. If I can be stronger, so can you!
Yep, hopefully he won't come back soon.
Really Jill? Don't be like that you can't just leave because some bastard wrote some stuff you shouldn't even care about...You are a good member of the forums and im sure that most of us don't want to see you leave
Well, I was teased a great deal throughout school, but that doesn't matter compared to the fact as a child I was molested. I don't wish to delve too deep into it. But, it caused a great deal of psychological trauma and for years I went to therapy and had to receive counseling.
I loathed and hated for a long time, and I can't say I'm still completely mentally over it. I still have some attachment and trust issues. But most of those are minor, more so than anything the human spirit is an amazing thing that over time patches and heals itself. One thing that suffering is good for is teaching you things later on down the line, peace lies within.
You are incredibly strong even though I dont know you I can honestly say that im proud of you for going through something so traumatic and keeping a positive outlook on life. Without sounding horrible you will never "get over it" and never should be expected to but you seem to be coping incredibly well and moving forward with your life which is the most you can be expected to do. Keep your chin up!
Thank you, I appreciate it. I know that the burden will always be somewhat there. But, time heals all wounds even if you never forget how it hurt when you first received it.
I was bullied a lot in school (not as much anymore since I moved but the school I went to previously had kids in it who I knew from elementary through junior high). A big part of it was for my appearance, but also just because of my attitude toward others. I wasn't rude or anything, in fact I really liked being around people. but I guess something about me made me unapproachable because I didn't really have any friends. I was pretty strange as a child too and had a few tics (a speech impediment I barely have anymore and some other weird habits like foot tapping and ear pinching that I got help to stop doing), and I spent a lot of time alone at recess reading by myself. It was hard for me to make friends because I was really shy and always afraid I would say the wrong thing, so I never talked to anyone unless they talked to me first.
So when I was in grade 5 I finally decided to come out of my shell more and talk to people. I met this girl in my class who didn't seem to have any friends either. It took a lot of courage to go up and introduce myself but eventually I did and we became pretty good friends. She became really clingy after a while, always telling me to call her the minute I got home from school, and I'd rush home because I normally spent my nights alone and was happy that someone wanted to talk to me so much. One night I forgot to call her and she refused to talk to me at school the next day. She wasn't very nice to me and she would often prank call me by picking up the phone and pretending to be her mother, saying things like "What are you doing talking to my daughter? What are you talking about?" or pretending to be her brother and 'flirting' with me (if you can even call it that). Obviously I wasn't stupid enough to believe her, but I didn't want to upset her so I played dumb. Which, of course, gave her a free pass to do it even more. I liked the attention I was getting because I wasn't used to it, so I just shut up and let her have her fun.
Summer passed (I went on vacation that year and didn't get to see her), and when I came back to school for grade 6 in September, I found out that she had made a new friend, a whole year older than both of us and therefore more "cool" (she had failed a grade). My friend slowly started hanging out with her instead of me, leaving me alone again. When I would try and hang out with them, her other friend would always say things like "You're not supposed to be here" or "We don't want you here". So a majority of my time at recess was spent watching the two of them talk from afar.
That year was when the real bullying started. I never talked to my friend on the phone anymore but I would constantly get phone calls from not only her, but the new girl as well. I'd be reading comics in my room and the phone would ring, but when I answered it there would only be loud breathing on the other end and then "click" as they hung up. Then they would call back, do the same thing, hang up. Call back again... except this time someone would say something like "God, you're such a bitch", then laugh, then hang up. At school the next day both of them would approach me and ask "Did you get the call last night? There's more where that came from". That happened a few more times until I told my parents and had them change our number.
One time when I was walking home from school, I noticed that both of them had started following me. I started running, and they did too. When I reached my house I locked the door and opened the curtains, looking out. The girls were standing in front of my house, in front of the window, laughing at me. One of them got the idea to start throwing rocks at the window. At this point I'm crying, because I had told my mother that the girls weren't bothering me anymore and I didn't want her to find out. Eventually they stopped, but not before they broke the window. I later told my mother that one of the neighbour boys had cracked it with a baseball.
Thankfully I left all that awful stuff behind me, but those were the two years that really stuck with me.
Here's a funny (and completely true) song:
They were a pair of pathetic little bitches and by sounds of things they were obsessed with you, they would sit around with nothing better to do then make stupid creepy phone calls, it goes to show how much they had going on in their lives and they clearly didnt have much fun being friends with each other if they had to do that for entertainment. I dont know if your still school age or not but when you leave I can almost guarantee they wont be friends because they probably never were.
You may have gone through school as a loner but at least you didn't have to lower yourself to bullying in order to pass the time with a fake friend.
School doesn't last forever most people I know rarely see the kids from there schools again, when your there the social side of school seems like the most important part but your grades are what you take away with you friends usually go there seperate ways eventually. I know very few people that are still in contact with anyone from school days in real life (social media doesn't realy count in most cases).
F**K You didn't deserve that I known you a while and you are fantastic person I wish I was in that school I would of sorted that straight away we all fall into the trap of trying to impress people we shouldn't we should only care for those who care for us
I'm so confused because rachelle I know has such a great personality everyone loves her she is so funny, talented and kind you deserve to receive positive attention you don't deserve attention off a-holes
I would of never of guessed you were so lonely because you are such a unique and cool person so it's ironic you outgrow those who bullied you and became much more
Being bullied was a gift it taught me so many lessons
It all started when my parents got divorced I was in my family home with all my brothers and sisters one of the most popular kids in my school and outside with my friends all day everyday I was so happy in the middle of a big town
Then it happened divorce my whole family got split up and I ended up with the youngest family members in the country with just a field with my mam no people and a school who hated my guts because I was born in the capital who were rivals and seen as dirt all because of where I was from.
I got so depressed and couldn't understand why everyone hated me including the teachers when I was so nice to everyone I felt like the odd one out being treated like dirt because where I was from I was living my worst nightmare everyday
It all became to much and one night I considered suicide I couldn't go another day of this abuse
But then suddenly everything made sense in my head why I'm I trying to impress people who don’t care for me who treat me like dirt do I even want to be friends which such people NO. People can call me whatever they want but for now on I'm not the victim for a-holes but the instigator. I will care for those who care for me and treat the people like dirt who treat me like dirt whatever I am I'm just going to have a little fun in this world and not ending it here tomorrow they are playing my game I'm not playing theres anymore
I went in the next day I saw the main guy who hates me sitting at a table in front of me and giving me an angry stare. I laugh at him calmly walked up beside him pulled out a chair out and sat down beside him and said "Now what the FUCK are you looking at"
This was his response he was speechless and never messed with me again he was wise
I few weeks later I quit the football team for the school they never played me because I was from Dublin(capital) I love sport so much I'll be honest I cried after games I didn't play on the team bus home it really upset me so I quit the team.
I was getting changed for PE later that week and 4 guys in a gang walked up to me and one grabbed my shoulder as I was getting changed and whispered in my ear behind my back *WHY DID YOU QUIT THE FOOTBALL TEAM"
In front of the whole class I could tell they were going to try intimidate then attack me and make me look like their bitches in front of everyone in the class getting changed I knew this was make or break for me in this school I could turn the tide now
So I turned around and laughed pushed the guy and he nearly fell over and I said "If you ever touch me again I will f**king kill you"
Stared at all four of them making sure I made eye contact I was slow and clear in my words "I quit the team because your all shite and you will all only drag me down so I quit and if you ever touch me again I will kill all of you understand?"
So I said "I will not repeat myself please touch me I dare you I beg you"
All four guys said ok and backed off they never dared try to bully me again they learned.
One of them punched me in the stomach in football training when I had the ball when he got it I punched them 4 times in the face he never did that again
I had many crazy stories from that school and I made a few good friends and learned many lessons I moved back to Dublin to my dads house went to school I learned a valuable lesson most schools are like sheep they will follow confidence not matter how stupid the voice is and mess with those who allow it who are insecure to appear better. I became one of the most popular students in the school in my hometown everyone liked me and I made sure no one got bullied as I could relate to their problems so I always helped anyone in trouble
I also have a story how I got the nickname rocky for a fight I got in but this is a long post so I don't want to make you read to long :x
I didn't get bullied anymore for being myself in fact people loved me for it because now I believed in myself and was fully confident in myself people sensed that so they found any of my craziness and randomness cool because there is no one in the world better then you imo so back it up you will make mistakes be confident your uniqueness is what makes you stand out and in the end will be your most valuable asset cherish it
I believe this ^
Wow, thanks for sharing your story, Mark. I can see how its shaped you into the person you are today.
Thanks bro I really appreciate your response and thank you for taking the time to read it
This. Most young kids aren't sure of themselves so will gravitate toward someone who seems sure, even if he/she is also not that nice. It takes a while and some special moments to get out of this. Congratulations for figuring it out!
Thanks bro
Well then...That was a whole ride of emotions. It's like reading Perks of being a Wallflower.
That fucking sucks. Me and you have very interesting stories and have learned different lessons. You've been both feared and loved by people and you've decided it's good for the bad guys to fear you and everyone else to love you. However, I'm going to guess you're a big guy and can easily intimate. I could never do that, so I've learned, you get people to love you and others will stand up for you. I don't know if I actually am saying this right...I don't know honestly.
XD no I'm small between 5ft 6 and 5ft 10 it's the size of your heart not how tall you are and not intimidating at all I'm always smiling and laughing with everyone I'm very happy and positive person
I became popular by being kind and nice to everyone I was the laid back funny nice guy who tried to help everyone always honest I'm rarely aggressive like that only when I have no other option and they are trying to intimidate me and force my hand I never look for fights
You are a nice and great person who always stands up for your opinion you will do great I believe
No wonder you and me get on well, Mark.
I always imagined you as like 6 ft tall. :P
I suspected as much, however it does seem like you can scare people off if you need to, make the bad people fear you and such. It's better to be loved as both of us has seen. It just shows that you can actually scare people if need be, I have my friends willingly do that if they see me in trouble.
I believe too...As long as your beliefs are in the right state of mind of course.