The Walking Dead - Second offseason - 6 months

Today is exactly 6 months after the end of "The Walking Dead: Season Two"!

YAY! ^_^

Already passed a little way ;)

Let us believe that it will happen at the end of 2015 :)

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  • I kept telling my friend this today. :P

    Also it just makes me depressed because it's been 6 months and I'm still not over Luke... :/

  • Almost to S3, so close.

  • Has it really already been six months, wow, time flies I guess. Hopefully the remaining time will fly by as well.

  • edited February 2015

    6 months since I lost faith in humanity and the TWDG ever being good agaaaaaain T_T

  • You're just blowing it out of proportion.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    6 months since I lost faith in humanity and the TWDG ever being good agaaaaaain T_T

  • edited February 2015

    Well, maybe the humanity part >.>

    AndreiB707 posted: »

    You're just blowing it out of proportion.

  • Still having a little faith in TWDG. In Telltale we trust.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    6 months since I lost faith in humanity and the TWDG ever being good agaaaaaain T_T

  • Commence praying circle! =D

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    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Still having a little faith in TWDG. In Telltale we trust.

  • Look at it this way: If S2 was the lowest of the low for you, then surely the only direction S3 can go is up, right? Unless they manage to go even lower; so low that they enter The Room level of terribleness, where it gets so bad, it actually becomes good again

    So whichever way it goes, it's a win-win situation with this perspective!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Commence praying circle! =D

  • As long a Season 3 has a clear aim to reach or vision to fulfill like Season 1! The first season Telltale knew that they wanted to kill off Lee at the end before the game was written, but Season 2 just seemed to be written to go with the flow with no true aim... it was very disappointing!

    If Season 3 has a clear aim, involving story and hubs then I think we'll all be happy :)

    Deltino posted: »

    Look at it this way: If S2 was the lowest of the low for you, then surely the only direction S3 can go is up, right? Unless they manage to g

  • If Season 3 has a clear aim, involving story and hubs then I think we'll all be happy :)

    Yeah I hope so, that would be nice :)

    Telltale take notes!

    As long a Season 3 has a clear aim to reach or vision to fulfill like Season 1! The first season Telltale knew that they wanted to kill off

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