I'm shocked that this is the reason why Erica is behaving this way. When you first introduced her, the pictures did not state a little girl with severe trauma. I'm assuming Michelle ONLY shows these pictures, in hopes no one really asks about her child. Taking a look back on Ethan's live prior to being the Deputy Mayor are always fun. I enjoy reading those bits.
The idea that Emily felt wrong sleeping with other men because they were not Gren, gives us the insight of how deep her love already was for the Fable. By sleeping with women, she wanted to 'mask' these feelings....interesting. I hope you cover this, too. Georgie's reactions were as expected but I'm pleased to know he loved Ethan, even when he felt strongly against the choices. Why is it that when a girl reveals she's gay its alright but a boy does it.....society. :P
The fact that Michelle hired Rosie to WATCH her apartment is chilling, yet she allows him the opportunity to see Erica. I'm baffled beyond words and hope you can explain more. That poor girl. Beaten by a bat and left like this...and Michelle taking on it alone. That ending, though....I ship them so hard now! XD
Great work, dude. This is getting really good and interesting. I can't wait for more information about Michelle, how Ethan plays role, Peter (I'd like to know more about his relationship with Bigby hint hint. LOL) and Gremily; Thomas mentioned preparing Gren and prtoect him against his brother....MY Robert or one of the others....0.o'
As Ethan sat in Michelle's apartment, he could suddenly recall his mother holding him in her arms. Ethan had been crying. He and Henry broke… more up that night; he was devestated and unable to fully comprehend what took place. He had other broken hearts. Many that healed with time, patience and a bucket of ice cream. This time was different. So much of his love, time and emotions were thrown into the mix. Ethan felt foolish. Alone. No one would ever understand.
As he sat there, waiting for Michelle, Ethan thought back to the day he had his parents alone in the living room. He finally found the courage to tell them he was attracted to both men and women; that was a tough one to swallow because his father viewed homosexuality differently than his mother. Ethan couldn't blame the man. He DID grow up in a time were it was cnsidered immoral and a sin.
Ethan, even as he sat alone in Michelle's living room, could picture Georgie's face. A distorted… [view original content]
Same! Tom Hardy is a good actor so hopefully he'll be right for the role; his Bane is one of my favourite superhero villains.
That is exciting news! XD The second is probably my favourite too; and I'm realising just how much I've forgotten exactly what happens in them which is a great excuse to watch them once more.
It would have made sense for Guns Of The Patriots to be last, seeing as it's also at the end of the timeline. Are they sticking with 'Metal Gear Rising' for Raiden though?
It'd be pretty interesting to see what he would make next, bringing the skills he's applied with MGS to a new IP, but then I've played little of the early games and I imagine there'll be others who missed it first time round, so there's probably a market for a remake.
I have seen the trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road. I love the Mad Max series!!!
Apparently the film will be closer in style to the second fi… morelm (The Road Warrior, which is my personal favourite Mad Max film) with it's minimal dialogue and long chases XD
As for MGS, I think everyone expected Guns Of The Patriots to be the last game as that is the latest game for Solid Snake. They will still make games with Raiden...
But Hideo Kojima has managed to find more story to tell, maybe he'll remake the old games on the new consoles just for the hell of it :P
Indeed! That can surely only mean very big news. Yeah, Fallout 4 is at the top of announcements I'm hoping for from all of E3. XD Possibly a Deus Ex game, too.
That friggin' line!! XP
I do love Elias Toufexis' voice though, he voices Andrey Kobin in Splinter Cell Conviction/Blacklist... he has such a recognisable voice!
Your uncle set you on a good path with those cartoons. Been looking at 'Life Is Strange' and after your comments I think I'm gonna give it a buy; TWAU is great and if you think it's similar in ways then it's probably worth checking out. The Witcher is pretty epic, and they're apparently making the third - and supposedly last - game much easier to get into if you've never played one before, which should be handy if you do decide to give it a go.
Freaking love Batman; grew up with this fool, used to watch the animated series with my uncle and the Arkham games made my love for him grow… more as I aged. I have my uncle to thank. I've been playing that 'life is strange.' It's actually not too bad. Noir mentions witcher and after doing my homework, I'd love to take a whack at it.
And you never let us down. (that probably sounds a little cheesy, but it's staying XD)
I did like the kitchen scene! If I'm honest, I thought that the practical advice of how to make a 'Po-boy' sandwich was an appetizing addition; and the talk about their accents and where they're from was a nice moment of bonding.
An awakening to friendly faces, at least. Reynard's bedside manners, as it were, are refreshingly relaxed. :P Just what are they going to do with Matthew? And Dragon's right about Belinda!
Also, good luck with all your classes! Creative Writing will be a shoe-in for success!
Harmony came to an indefinite amount of time later. She was in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar voices. No...there were some that she reco… moregnized, the ones speaking in English. She rolled on her side, which was inexplicably bruised, so she winced softly, and it must have gotten the attention of somebody.
"She's awake," A voice breathed softly. Harmony closed her eyes slowly, and then opened them, and things became a little less hazy in her vision. She wasn't in any major pain, but she definitely felt disoriented.
"I am," She replied, to whoever's voice it was. "As you can see." When she lifted her arm, she felt the tug of an IV that was stuck in it. She groaned at the limitations it brought her. She had to stay put for now. "So, what happened?"
By this time, she saw everyone who was there, facing her. Therese stood in the front of everyone, a mask of concern spread over her face. She wore a business skirt and floral blouse. Her heel… [view original content]
Ashlyn had heard about what happened in Paris the night that everyone had gone over to deal with it. Her Aunt Mary received a call in the middle of the night, and it woke Ash up because Mary had been frantically walking around the house looking for her shoes and her jacket. Ash had bolted up on her air matress bed, still sleepy but aware that something had gone wrong, somewhere.
It'd been another day since, and she was now standing in her own home watching over her youngest family members. Elora had also come home, from Ava's house, and Noah was there, and Robbie was going to be there in a few minutes. The only one she didn't expect was Scarlett, but to her surprise, her sister walked quietly in the room, her own newborn swaddled in her arms as Jackson stood beside her.
Ashlyn was going crazy with how eerily silent everyone was being. It wasn't as if their mother was dead; She was quite the opposite, really. They were awaiting her return through an emergency portal that was set up on the Thirteenth floor. She would probably be home any minute now, with their father. She sat on the floor, facing four baby bouncers and four sleepy babies who occasionally squirmed or opened their eyes to see her. She loved all of them, really, but her favorite was Gabriel. The boy had brown feathery hair and a tough look to him that reminded her much of her grandfather, Bigby.
The door opened with out warning, and Ash whipped her head eagerly to see who it was. Although it wasn't her parents, it was someone she wanted to see just as much as them. It was Franklin.
Franklin was awkwardly tall, with his pale palor gleaming under the living room light. He smiled curtly at Ash's siblings, his hands in the front pockets of a sweatshirt that used to be Carter's, before Carter started working out. It was still baggy on him though, and he seemed to have to pull his pants up every few minutes. Even almost fully grown, Franklin tended to be a skinny twig.
She felt his presence behind her, as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. He enjoyed watching the babies with her, even though he was crap at changing diapers and feeding them bottles. Ash couldn't help but think that maybe one day, they would be able to do this together, on their own. None of the siblings seemed to notice Franklin and Ash's affection for each other yet, as most had their eyes glued to the door.
"...It'll be fine, Tim. The kids won't mind..." They heard their mother's voice through the open door and all tensed slightly.
Harmony walked in right away. She looked perfectly fine, though definitely exhausted and a little bit bruised. She chuckled softly as each one of her children quickly crowded around her and exchanged hugs and kisses. Ash came up from behind and wrapped her arms around her mother fondly, as everyone else started asking questions and expressing how much they missed her. It was about a minute later that their father finally appeared in the doorway, and he got the same treatment Harmony had just gotten.
"Dad!" Scarlett said cheerfully. "We're so glad you and Mom are home!"
Jackson at that point had his daughter in his arm, and was giving Harmony a quick hug before returning to Scarlett's side. Ashlyn admired the love her sister and Jackson had for one another, and could only imagine how her and Franklin would be when it came to that, soon enough.
Tim looked a lot less excited than Harmony. He was a little slumped over, leaning on his crutch some. He didn't need to use it as much as he used to, as his newer braces have been keeping him much more stable than the old ones. He looked more tired than their mother, and it was their mother they'd been worrying about the entire time. No one thought to think about how much stress their father might be under. Still, Ashlyn didn't see why he would be so flustered, as she'd only dismember a few demons magically. That's what she heard, anyway. It wasn't like their mother was nearly killed. It seemed like she had the situation in control.
Tim peaked his head out the door of the apartment anxiously, and turned back around. Everyone was staring at him a little confused, but when Ash saw Harmony's face, she knew her mother knew what was happening.
"Should we tell them now, Tim?"
"Hmm?" Tim turned to his wife. "Oh...yeah, I guess."
Harmony sighed, and walked past the crowd of her children. She sat on the couch, which faced the four baby seats in which her babies mainly slept. She smiled softly at them, before speaking up again. "While we were on vacation, we found out that your father's sister is alive," She said solemnly. "She also has a son, your cousin Matthew. He-" She paused, looking to Tim a moment, who was completely immersed in looking out the doorway of their home. "...He's very flustered right now. He might be upset when he arrives-"
The whole room was a frenzy of troubled talking. Ash heard a few questions, such as 'We have a cousin?' or 'Why is he coming here?' or 'What's wrong with him that he's upset?'
She just paid all of her attention to her mother, who looked frayed as the room erupted in all sorts of questioning and talking.
"Quiet!" Ash yelled. She knew that the volume of everyone's voices was driving Harmony nuts right now, and she wanted to do anything to please her mother as best as she could. She looked back at Harmony, after the room settled into silence.
Harmony slowly continued. "Matthew will be staying with us. He's got no one else. His mother, your aunt Belinda, is in the hospital recovering. She was transferred to Knight's of Malta earlier this evening. You had better treat Matthew like he's part of the family, no matter how much trouble he gives us. He's a little.... lost, I suppose. He'll be here very soon."
Lost? What was that supposed to mean? Ash wasn't about to ask any questions herself, though, as she watched her mother fall back against the couch and rub her eyes slowly, probably willing a headache to go away. No one spoke up, either, which was a little better than before. But now the household was eager to see what was in store.
"Tim?" A voice from the hall said gruffly. Ash turned her attention to the door, which was being blocked by her father's frame. He nodded his head some, then whispered some short responses, and at that moment, moved out of the way to let a small figure step into the room.
"Say hello, Matthew," Tim said quietly to the boy. The boy refused to open his mouth.
"Very well," Tim said after a minute of waiting. "Everyone, this is Matthew Robert Cratchit. Your little cousin."
The boy just stood still, his face stone cold in expression. For a moment, Ashlyn could have sworn his eyes were completely black. Much like that demon girl she'd met on the farm a few months ago...
"Matthew," Tim continued. "You'll be staying here for a while, until your mother heals."
"I don't care about my Mum," He muttered. "I want my Daddey."
Ash felt her heart drop. The tone of the boy's voice, the sincerity of his remark. It haunted her, slightly. She excused herself from the room then, and most of the others dispersed too, letting their parents have a little space and to get away from the chilling stare of their new-found younger cousin.
I'll write more later I have to clean my house, lol XD My brother is having an at home EEG to look at his brain waves and stuff because he's got some issues and he has epilepsy but we only found this out last year so the doctors are unsure of the extent of it. So they're testing him this weekend, so that means that the house has to be spotless, especially everyone's rooms, because a camera is being strapped to his head or something to monitor everything he does. Yup.
Being alone is a dangerous thing, especially when the mind tends to think too much. Silence and broken dreams tend to make men insane. Aim for the bottle, light up a cigarette and take matters into their own hands.
robert, being off for the next four days, became the very thing the mundies called 'a loser.' While his son was at school, running along the baseball field and learning how to subtract, Robert sat in just his boxers. Thinking in the silence, of his long lost love. The love he marked but never returned the favor. To a Grendel, this meant there was never any love to begin with; her feelings were on a freidnship level and nothing more. but Robert could not accept this.
Even if her feelings had been based soely on friendship, there was still something there. The marking glowed. The memories still very fresh. The need to hold Lyla in his arms; not to make love but to simply feel her bare flesh against his very own. Even laying on the couch, Robert clung to his forehead and wept. He was losing all grip on reality.
Anger returned to the beast. Tossing the bottle against the wall, robert sat on the edge. This tangled black hair drapping to the side of his neck. He could feel the change deep in the core of his heart. The bitter taste and thoughts on the man currently holding onto his precious Lyla.
"Georgie Porgie...." His name like poision, a disgusting taste in his mouth. "Georgie....Georgie..."
Robert repeats his name for several minutes. Eventually, what was once a man now sat a fierce swamp creature. Veins poking along his arms, thighs and neck. The blood curdling screams he managed to make. His enormous hands clawing at the cushions, tearing them apart.
"Georgie!" Robert stands and knocks a lamp down. "Fucking Georgie...SHE was mine. NOT for you!"
The process, painful and time consuming, would have easily ended Robert's memories and painful reminder of his lost chances with Lyla Smith. By removing the marking, anything related to her would have been erased. Gone. Never to be his again. THAT is the reason Robert refused to go through with it. He could handle the pain. But knowing all he had with Lyla...the memories, their love? It was all he had of her. RJ would eventually grow, find his own and start a family. Robert would be left alone once more. Her memory is what made him alive.
"Georgie...." Robert falls to the ground. "You had no right. Selfish fucking prick."
The room was silent. Robert seemed to expect a response. A noise. Something indicating he wasn't alone and losing all grip on reality. Sadly, nothing. No comforting words. No gentle touch. Nothing. Robert spits on the ground, stands up and searches the room. Normally, he'd take off in the moment of anger, lfy down those flight of stairs and find the nearest mini-mart willing to sell him bottle after bottle of Whiskey. Not today. He needed to be strong.
Standing up, Robert hobbles to the sink. Even in the rippling waters, he saw her beauty. Trying to wash his face, the beast slowly changes back to man. One of the many perks to being half Grendel. He, like his brothers, all could chage at the drop of a dime into either. not Gren. The poor guy needed a glamour. Robert could recall a time back in the Homelands when they mocked Gren. Jason went as far taunting, teasing and tossed their brother into the water.
Robert often felt bad for the way poor Gren was treated. Even now, in the mundane world, Gren's life was not a walk in the park. He did it to himself, thought Robert, as he walks into the bathroom. Asshole got what he deserved. Serves him right. Robert turns the water on. The thought....Robert laughs to himself. Fucker actually thought Lyla was for him.
When Robert caught wind of Gren's failed attempts to claim Lyla as his mate, Robert chuckled to himself. She rejected him; what made Gren so confident in himself to take such a leap of faith and fall deep into the shadows of the bottom? When Gren removed the mark, it was indeed a terrible thing to witness, from what Robert heard. After that, it was as if nothing happened. Yet, Gren was determined something was there...
Robert laughs, taking off his boxers and standing under the water. "What a fool." Grabbing the soap, he lathers up his arms. "Gren actually thought he could claim her. Fool."
Perhaps Robert was the fool; Georgie did have Lyla and with that, came their beautiful family.
"Must not be doing EVERYTHING right, Porgie." Robert continues to laugh. "If she had to sleep with the Sheriff and make that boy..."
His confidance was through the roof, though. Robert did have a ego from her to the ends of the world. He never thought poorly of himself. THAT was the Grendel mentality. Another thing, Robert said, grabbing his towel, Gren did not have. And neither did Georgie. If he REALLY wanted to, Robert could easily kill Georgie and take his place. Raise the family and produce many males within her womb.
"Yeah...." Robert towel dries his hair, as he stares in the mirror. "That all sounds fucking wonderful."
That dream he had meant something; suddenly, he had anger and hate towards his brother. How did we go from Georgie to his own brother? They were fighting near an edge. Blood, flesh, teeth-everything that came down to a battle-happened in the dream. The only difference, was the woman. She was stunning. Her long black locks blowing in the wind. Her pleas into the night.
She resembled Georgie so much. Was it a sign? What did it all mean? The brothers seemed to be fighting for her, though; Gren continued to eye the mysterious woman, mouthing something. Robert could not hear. She seemed to respond. Robert was determined to defend the woman. But why? And who was she? She looked like....no, he thought....it couldn't be....could it?
Robert looked long and deep into the mirror. The phone suddenly rings, making the man jump twice. Speaking of, Gren was the one to call. robert answers.
"Yes, Gren?"
"You want to hang? Both off and I could REALLY use some brother time. You know. Catch up...."
"You and Carla fighting?"
Gren sighs. "All the fucking time, man"
"Meet me in ten at the park. We'll go from there."
Hanging up the phone, Robert glances one last time in the mirror. Grining, he couldn't help but picture the dream once more. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Any questions or comments, leave them below! Sorry for the short chap but got a lot to do today. Have to see the doctor. nothing major. Just need to get some things off my chest and whatnot. @pudding_pie I wanted to ask you if you've caught up to TWAU comic yet...
Freaking love Batman; grew up with this fool, used to watch the animated series with my uncle and the Arkham games made my love for him grow… more as I aged. I have my uncle to thank. I've been playing that 'life is strange.' It's actually not too bad. Noir mentions witcher and after doing my homework, I'd love to take a whack at it.
Nick's free will mostly comes from the host body he has (though I haven't explained this yet)
Lyra isn't safe yet...
Rhemsehr will appear again later on... and the size thing was just Nick saying that he (Rhemsehr) might not grow up to be as big as Nick, but he could be big if he tries :P
Nick's care for the boy is perhaps a sign of the humanity within him; though, after reading the last part where Nick is speaking to Death, i… moret makes me curious just how much autonomy Nick has and where it comes from. Where does his free will come from - if it is truly free - when he has been created as a Harbinger by an immortal force. I suppose if you want the Harbinger to be at all useful it must have it's own will, like with Nick. Given Pie's response, it seems your writing makes people think, which is no bad thing! :P
The description of Snow and the family interacting with each other and Lyra was a charming scene, and despite the animosity between Bigby and Nick the Wolf family will surely be able to see Lyra's innocence in it all.
Finally, I wonder if Rhemsehr will ever be seen again; and going by something Nick says, is he about medium to tall in height, or a little lower?
Good chapter.
He was enraged at his actions, leav… [view original content]
If they do a sequel with the Suicide Squad Deathstroke is a part of it, I think, so he will back!
Very true! Have you read any of the Batman comics, like The New 52 series?
Mad Max 1 and Beyond Thunderdome actually had a story; Road Warrior is pretty much one long chase film :P
Metal Gear Rising is getting a sequel apparently, and seeing as it is canon with the MGS series, it is technically continuing the timeline
Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 is surprisingly good for a game that came out in 1998, it is quite an advanced game for it's time as well. I really enjoyed it :P
Same! Tom Hardy is a good actor so hopefully he'll be right for the role; his Bane is one of my favourite superhero villains.
That is exc… moreiting news! XD The second is probably my favourite too; and I'm realising just how much I've forgotten exactly what happens in them which is a great excuse to watch them once more.
It would have made sense for Guns Of The Patriots to be last, seeing as it's also at the end of the timeline. Are they sticking with 'Metal Gear Rising' for Raiden though?
It'd be pretty interesting to see what he would make next, bringing the skills he's applied with MGS to a new IP, but then I've played little of the early games and I imagine there'll be others who missed it first time round, so there's probably a market for a remake.
the nightmare felt so real. Awaking in his bed, Gren's chest felt compressed. He taste the copper in his mouth, the painful marks upon his arms, face and chest. He saw him. Robert. His very own brother, sending the fatal blows to Gren's body.
They were on a cliff. It appeared to be the woods; it couldn't be the Homelands but a forest section near Fabletown that both brothers were familiar with. They were fighting. Both in their tru forms, roaring into the morning light, causing the earth to tremble in their presence. The world around them seemed to stop. No noise. Living souls ventured away and hid from the beasts. They refused to partake in the current situation at hand. The emotions were real. Gren could have sworn he was just there.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gren tried not wake his sleeping fiancee. Thankfully, Emily was too much like her father in more ways than one. She remained asleep, even as Gren fraughtly searched the bed. Tossing the sheets over to Emily's side, he stood up. Naked under the moonlight, Gren examined his body. Nothing was there. But the pain surged through his body, as if he and Robert finished their battle.
Rubbing his head, Gren dresses in a robe and heads for the kitchen. The wooden floors creaked as he drew closer to the stairs. The home was silent; Crickets chirped outside, a Wolf howled a single, lonely call into the night as the Frogs carried on their nightly tunes to soothe the sleeping creatures around them into slumber. Puddles, wagging his tail, follows Gren into the kitchen.
Taking out a loaf of bread and sandwich meat, Gren makes himself a midnight snack. Head still swimming with the images, he tries to focus his attention on something else. Failing miserably, Gren's thoughts return to the nightmare. his towering brother, flashing fangs and extended claws against Gren's neck. The slahes handed to him; chunks of flesh and skin, the intense smell of blood and death in the air. The pugent aroma of rotting wood beneath their feet. The familiar flower smell that caught both their attentions. Emily. Hair blowing in the wind, calling out to Gren and Robert. Tears rolling down both eyes. Her pleas heart breaking.
Gren tears a piece of bread and tosses it to Puddles. The pup quickly gathers it in his mouth, inhales and waits for another tasty treat. He begins to whine, causing Gren to roll his eyes and do as the Dog secretly commanded.
"Little fuckin' shit." Gren hands him a section of the Bologna. "Times like these, you little piss stain, makes me sad you'll die LONG before I do."
The Dog again inhales the food, sits besides Gren's foot and waits. Gren, however, manages to finish off the sandwich. He took the time to scan the quiet, empty house. The living room was dark; only form of light was the moon outside his window. The curtains blew to the side as Gren unlocks the window and pushes it open. Sniffing the air, Gren takes in the virtue and muted world all around him. Puddles jumps on the nearby couch and looks out.
"Look at that, Puddles." Gren chuckles. "All that...used to live in a place like that. Once that sun comes up, though, this fuckin' world will be what is already is. A mess."
Cocking his head, Puddles tries to understand the rambling thoughts of his owner. Thinking nothing more, the Dog chews on his leg, makes a circle twince and lays on the cushion. Gren reaches over and gently scratches the little Dog's ears. Suddenly, a cool mist grows along the curtains. Gren rubs the material with his fingers. moist and frigid, he looks around.
"Vivian." He was determined to speak to the guardian of his fiancee. "I know you're here. Wanna talk?"
Puddles' left ear stricks up immediatly, as a cool, misty gust of wind circles Gren. The form is the profile of the once hostess to the Pudding n' Pie. Gren never knew her personally but it was a pleasure to know she was there. Although angry and hurt by her actions, he was thankful she was there to save and protect his Emily. Without her, things would have gone differently.
"Can you hear me?" Gren leans forward. "I can kind of see you but....fuck. Its a bit-"
The mist of cold air swirls around Puddles' head. The little Dog yipps for a few seconds, before remaning quiet and still. His eyes change for a brief moment; Puddles had the apperance of the girl in the movie 'The Exorcist' but within seconds, they returned to their usual brown.
"Can you hear me now?"
Gren nearly tripped on his own foot. "How...Puddles? This you, Vivian!?"
"How...when the fuck-how the fuck did you-"
"I don't have much time with this. I heard your thoughts and wished to personally tell you, I'm honored to be a part of not only Emily's life but your's as well. You've changed my Emily. Made her better than ever before."
"So, its broken then." Gren sits closer to Puddles. "The curse. That Georgie had-"
"You would think." Puddles looks down. "But we have only begun, Grendel. The other half lies with you."
"Me?" Confused, Gren looks around. "Wait, how though?"
"The Knife Georgie stabbed you forever connected you and Emily. There is no way of breaking this chain unless the blood from your sworn enemy manages to touch it. The chain would become weak and there would be a possibility to removing you from her world, forever changing your lives."
"Who is my sworn enemy, Vivian? What the fuck are you trying to tell me-are me and Emily in danger?"
"Emily. No. With that knife, it connected you two. Heaven or Hell can't break that bond. Just like Georgie to Lyla-"
"but you JUST said the blood of my enemy MAY be able to break it-"
"Only if YOU allow it." Vivian stops. "I'm....I'm only good at telling Emily's fate. Not....not you, Gren. Just bits-"
Gren stands up. "Does this have to do with the dream I had?"
"What dream?" Now Vivian became concerned. "You had a-"
Gren storms out of the room. He already knew of the Knife; the story was told twice already. Once by Vivian to Emily and another by Georgie and his explanation. Gren ignored the little dog chasing after him. The second Gren turned the corner, Vivian's words stopped. Silence again. Puddles returned to normal, as if nothing occured. Gren, sitting outside, covers his face and cries.
"The fuck do you want with me!" He screams into the night. "Please...just fuckin' leave me alone. I just want to have a normal life with my fiancee and children. Please....please."
Gren sat under the moon and cried. He was tired of 'fates'. 'Dreams' or 'futures' of his loved ones. Was this another reason why his father suddenly returned. did he know something Vivian could not tell? A bright light shines behind Gren. Assuming it was a car, he ignores it. And, if it WAS Vivian, he wanted nothing to do with the ghost woman at the moment. Alone. That's all Gren wanted.
The light grew, however and it peeked Gren's interest. Turning, was was stunned to see a golden Koi fish, floating behind him. His tail, fanned in many directions, appears to have a swimming motion. The whiskers fly beside its head, from fins floating along the body.
"The fuck..." Gren stands up. "Vivian?!"
"No Grendel. Its not Vivian."
That voice. "Who the fuck are you!?"
The Koi fish was not ammused. "Watch that tongue, young man. Seems like being a monster has become the only thing you've managed to take into consideration."
Gren was addled. "....Mom...?"
"Just what you wish me to be." The Koi flies over to Gren's body and floats beside his head. "I represent what she practiced. She had courage. Ambition. A life so pure and simple like the currents of the river."
"Mom..." Gren was not sure how to feel. "Mom....mom..."
"Ssh, baby." The Koi wraps a fin around Gren's head. "Do not worry, baby. I got you. My, you're as handsome as your father. My Grendel. How you've changed."
Unable to utter a single word, Gren tightly grasps the fish representing his mother. She died back in the Homelands, doing everything she could to protect him. Sacrificing her life, she became a Weeping Willow and gave Gren the chance to live. Even after the inccident at the Mead halls and the Dragon he saught out to kill Beowulf, he lived. Gren secretly blamed himself for centuries.
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
"I had to see you, Grendel. So many questions fill your mind. I look into your eyes and all I see is the happiness that young woman brings you. Do you love her, Grendel? Do you love Emily Porgie?"
"I do." No hesitation. No regret in his voice. "I love her. I've always loved her, mom. Even when she was younger, my love for her was there."
"I know." The Koi bows its head. "I felt the power, the love...when her father hid the knife under my roots. I could feel her, too. She lingered inside and as my roots wrapped around that blade and handle, I was determined you two would meet in time."
"You...you had-"
"During the Exile, Georgie returned for the knife. Wanted to keep it. When he found it, my roots were tangled all over. When he pulled it, the magic brewed inside. I know he felt it. He stared into the trunk, blinked and mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear him."
"When he stabbed me..."
"I wanted you to know there was a chance, Grendel. I was no longer there to protect you, baby. I tried my hardest to keep you and your brothers safe but things...things changed."
"Dad blames me for everything..."
The golden Koi hangs its head low and glares at the ground. "Your father was always a tough nut to crack, Grendel. Even married to him was like a job in itself. But I loved him. He had a kind, gentle soul that I couldn't resist. He gave me five boys to love. You and I were always close, Grendel because I SAW....FELT....what you were truly capable of."
"Dad has been here." Gren sits up. "He's teaching me, preparing me....for war, mom. A battle. He's dying."
"I know." The Koi sighs. "I know your father is dying. Soon, he'll join me in the heavens and we'll be one again. But, as a male Grendel, there is a catch when the Alpha dies."
"Will my son have to fight RJ?" Gren grabs the Koi's fin. "Please...he can't. You've seen him, mom."
"Not Liam, Grendel..." The golden tears of the Koi falls to the grass, creating a circle of light. ".....Unless you take his place."
"I'll fight, RJ?!"
The Koi shakes its head before slowly disappearing. "I must go now, Grendel. I have the up most belief in you that you'll protect that chain from your enemy and hold onto Emily Porgie..."
Gren chases after the floating Koi. "MOM! Wait, no! I have-"
"Life has many lessons and even trials we as individuals must encounter and learn. I love you, Grendel....listen. Listen to your father...."
Gren continued to chase after the Koi until it disappears into the Heavens above. Gren, standing beneath the moon. Puddles joins his master; the little dog looks up as well, wagging its tail.
Gren beams. "Not sure if its you, Viv..."
Puddles licks Gren's ankle. He got his answer. Clutching a robe, Emily catches Gren standing in the open field.
"Gren, love...you okay?"
Gren turns, grabs Emily and holds her close. "Never better, Ems. I love you and would do anything for you and the quads."
"I know that, silly." Emily kisses Gren's lips. "Woot are ya' doin' out 'ere, love?"
Gren looks up. "Just enjoying the night. C'mon sweetie. Its getting cold. Let's go inside."
His mind, however, never forgetting the words from his mother. Vivian. Something big was going to happen. And soon. But he'd protect what was his. The quads, his home. Emily.
In another dark part of Fabletown
Naked and alone in his apartment, Robert stares out into the city below. The fire burning brightly beside him; the warmth from the flames licking his bare body as robert remained still. An eerie grin across his face. Touching the mark on his hand, Robert began to laugh. He had the same nightmare once more, like the previous nights since it began.
"You think you've won, don't you?" Robert chuckles. "You're weak. Pathetic. You don't deserve any of it...you don't deserve her...don't deserve happiness...."
Robert crumbles up a picture and tosses it into the fire. It pops, engulfing the image of Gren and Emily within seconds. The flames glare on his grin.
"My silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge..."
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for one more. Been wanting to write this down for some time now.
the nightmare felt so real. Awaking in his bed, Gren's chest felt compressed. He taste the copper in his mouth, the painful marks upon his a… morerms, face and chest. He saw him. Robert. His very own brother, sending the fatal blows to Gren's body.
They were on a cliff. It appeared to be the woods; it couldn't be the Homelands but a forest section near Fabletown that both brothers were familiar with. They were fighting. Both in their tru forms, roaring into the morning light, causing the earth to tremble in their presence. The world around them seemed to stop. No noise. Living souls ventured away and hid from the beasts. They refused to partake in the current situation at hand. The emotions were real. Gren could have sworn he was just there.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gren tried not wake his sleeping fiancee. Thankfully, Emily was too much like her father in more ways than one. She remained asleep, even as Gren fraughtly searched the bed… [view original content]
They've had a rough past and were estranged for centuries until finding out the other was alive and in the city. Robert does not hate Gren but I've mentioned in the past few chapters their father dying and his place needing to be taken over. Right now, Robert is succuming to his Grendel side and has little moments like this when it comes to Gren....He's only doing what has been built into his genetic material.
Being alone is a dangerous thing, especially when the mind tends to think too much. Silence and broken dreams tend to make men insane. Aim f… moreor the bottle, light up a cigarette and take matters into their own hands.
robert, being off for the next four days, became the very thing the mundies called 'a loser.' While his son was at school, running along the baseball field and learning how to subtract, Robert sat in just his boxers. Thinking in the silence, of his long lost love. The love he marked but never returned the favor. To a Grendel, this meant there was never any love to begin with; her feelings were on a freidnship level and nothing more. but Robert could not accept this.
Even if her feelings had been based soely on friendship, there was still something there. The marking glowed. The memories still very fresh. The need to hold Lyla in his arms; not to make love but to simply feel her bare flesh against his very own. Even laying on … [view original content]
If Gren loses control because of (what you know) happens to Emily, Nick sure as hell won't back down. Then Robert see's them fighting so viciously and his humane side tells him to help his Brother, but his Grendel side comes out when Nick's aggression shows no signs of stopping.
Dude, you have no idea how much you've helped me write Robert's part into my next story!! XD
They've had a rough past and were estranged for centuries until finding out the other was alive and in the city. Robert does not hate Gren b… moreut I've mentioned in the past few chapters their father dying and his place needing to be taken over. Right now, Robert is succuming to his Grendel side and has little moments like this when it comes to Gren....He's only doing what has been built into his genetic material.
I know what you are saying in regards to Emily. And how you explained the battle scene is EXACTLY what happen to Robert when he begins to think about Gren and their possible battle...
Awesome, man. JJ and I have been colaborating for a bit now.
I could factor this into my next story...
If Gren loses control because of (what you know) happens to Emily, Nick sure as hell won't back… more down. Then Robert see's them fighting so viciously and his humane side tells him to help his Brother, but his Grendel side comes out when Nick's aggression shows no signs of stopping.
Dude, you have no idea how much you've helped me write Robert's part into my next story!! XD
I know what you are saying in regards to Emily. And how you explained the battle scene is EXACTLY what happen to Robert when he begins to think about Gren and their possible battle...
Awesome, man. JJ and I have been colaborating for a bit now.
I am scarily observant when it comes to films and games. I can recite accurate parts of various scripts when I'm watching a film (the Parent's are fascinated and slightly annoyed by it all at once)
I do love Elias Toufexis' voice though, he voices Andrey Kobin in Splinter Cell Conviction/Blacklist... he has such a recognisable voice!
Seriously, how did I not notice that?! That's annoying. XD
Oh shit! so, Vivian can take over bodies if she wants to? That is pretty bad, dude! I feel bad for Gren, although that sandwich scene was fun, too. Puddles gets the shit ends, man. lol I love that his mother is portrayed as a Koi fish. They are symbols for the person to learn trials in their lives. The emotion tied to Gren being with his mother. I love the BG she gave, too on the knife, her feeling the love within Georgie...that is all so interesting! I want to know more!
That image, too! XD XD Who's the baby by Seraphina? Little viviana. And poor puddles, man! XD XD I love that one with all of them on the end there and Liam with those worms! XD XD
Also, robert....that ending, dude. 'Silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge...." :0 Shit! Shit, shit, shit! If Liam and RJ do not fight....it will fall to Robert and Gren! Right!?
the nightmare felt so real. Awaking in his bed, Gren's chest felt compressed. He taste the copper in his mouth, the painful marks upon his a… morerms, face and chest. He saw him. Robert. His very own brother, sending the fatal blows to Gren's body.
They were on a cliff. It appeared to be the woods; it couldn't be the Homelands but a forest section near Fabletown that both brothers were familiar with. They were fighting. Both in their tru forms, roaring into the morning light, causing the earth to tremble in their presence. The world around them seemed to stop. No noise. Living souls ventured away and hid from the beasts. They refused to partake in the current situation at hand. The emotions were real. Gren could have sworn he was just there.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gren tried not wake his sleeping fiancee. Thankfully, Emily was too much like her father in more ways than one. She remained asleep, even as Gren fraughtly searched the bed… [view original content]
I mentioned my thoughts on the story. Everyone already beat me to the point and what stood out the most. Hopefully Nick and Death can come to an agreement in regards to his true intentions in this world.
It took me WAY too long to write this chapter! I kept getting distracted throughout the day, if it wasn't watching the latest episode of TWD… more then it was watching Madonna fall off the stage on the BRIT Awards 2015 :P
Anyways, please enjoy dear friends! XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 6: A Monster Through and Through
Nick had to burn the bodies, he couldn’t just leave them the way they were, the way they were killed would spark questions. The bodies were set alight individually with a snap of Nick’s fingers, 3 snaps was all it took for the dark orange flames to engulf them and burn them to a crisp ash within a matter of seconds.
But then the unexpected happened “Dad?!”
Nick turned around, in the distance he could see a young boy, and he was calling out for his Father. Nick made his way slowly up to the child; he must’ve been around 7, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly chubby physique. The boy was dressed in dirtied b… [view original content]
I mentioned my thoughts on the story. Everyone already beat me to the point and what stood out the most. Hopefully Nick and Death can come to an agreement in regards to his true intentions in this world.
Just threw that in there for right now. As she mentioned, she can but only for a short amount of time. she rarely can because it takes a lot of energy. I love Koi and they are represented as creatures to symbol a new life and taming the issues in your life. His mother was a Wood Elf; I almost chose Owl but that would have been too obvious. I'll cover more on their BG as we go on.
The baby is Josiah, Johann & Penelope's boy.
Don't worry. I DO have a plan, like I mentioned to you, about this. THIS is the ending I was telling you about. Right now, as I explained to the H man in a previous comment. Robert is going by his natural instincts. Dad is dying. In the Homelands, when this occured, they fought for their next leader. Robert is experiencing these behaviors at the moment. WHICH explains the nightmares they are having. Don't worry. Nothing BAD will happen...yet, at least.
Oh shit! so, Vivian can take over bodies if she wants to? That is pretty bad, dude! I feel bad for Gren, although that sandwich scene was f… moreun, too. Puddles gets the shit ends, man. lol I love that his mother is portrayed as a Koi fish. They are symbols for the person to learn trials in their lives. The emotion tied to Gren being with his mother. I love the BG she gave, too on the knife, her feeling the love within Georgie...that is all so interesting! I want to know more!
That image, too! XD XD Who's the baby by Seraphina? Little viviana. And poor puddles, man! XD XD I love that one with all of them on the end there and Liam with those worms! XD XD
Also, robert....that ending, dude. 'Silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge...." :0 Shit! Shit, shit, shit! If Liam and RJ do not fight....it will fall to Robert and Gren! Right!?
Dang, I guess I'm really late to the party on this one. Everyone already pointed out the good parts! Glad to see you getting the flare for writing back!
It took me WAY too long to write this chapter! I kept getting distracted throughout the day, if it wasn't watching the latest episode of TWD… more then it was watching Madonna fall off the stage on the BRIT Awards 2015 :P
Anyways, please enjoy dear friends! XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 6: A Monster Through and Through
Nick had to burn the bodies, he couldn’t just leave them the way they were, the way they were killed would spark questions. The bodies were set alight individually with a snap of Nick’s fingers, 3 snaps was all it took for the dark orange flames to engulf them and burn them to a crisp ash within a matter of seconds.
But then the unexpected happened “Dad?!”
Nick turned around, in the distance he could see a young boy, and he was calling out for his Father. Nick made his way slowly up to the child; he must’ve been around 7, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly chubby physique. The boy was dressed in dirtied b… [view original content]
Dang, I guess I'm really late to the party on this one. Everyone already pointed out the good parts! Glad to see you getting the flare for writing back!
Gren was pleasently surprised to see Georgie pulling up into the driveway. The sun was just peeking over the mountains; Lyla was in the passenger seat and as she stepped out of the car, her yellow dress blew in the wind. There was a spring storm on its way. Gren could smell the wet dirt aroma in the air. It was heavier this morning.
Gren did not sleep; Emily managed to fall back to sleep and was curled in the sheets. Holding his coffee cup, Gren takes a long sip. Wearing his black robe and bunny slippers, Gren sits on the porch swing and waits for his in-laws. Locking the car and setting the alarm, Lyla and Georgie head up the stone walk way. Like always, the couple holds hands. Gren wanted to be like Georgie and Lyla; no matter what situation they had in their path, they always took it on together and with a smile. Both still very much in love with one another. Gren wanted that with Emily.
"Mornin' Gren." Georgie waves, as he assists Lyla onto the porch. "Nice and chilly, eh?"
"I love it." Gren inhales. "Rain is comin'."
As Georgie takes a seat beside Gren, Lyla embraces Gren with a warm and loving hug. Pressing her face against his, Lyla plants a kiss on Gren's forehead. The beast could feel his face turning into a rosey color.
"You look exhausted, Gren." Lyla seemed worried. "Have you even slept at all? Quads keeping you up or-"
"No, no. They are wonderful. Just....a lot on my fuckin' mind. Work, my dad...been havin' these weird dreams about Robert and-"
"RJ was telling me that." Lyla folds her arms. "What....what ARE they about? RJ has no idea because Robert refuses to talk about them."
Gren chuckles. Sounds like Robert. He had no problem asking about your troubles. The man, as Gren loved him dearly, had a nasty habit of sticking his business in places no one asked him to be. When someone asked Robert about his issues, however, the he clamed up and refused to speak. Gren knew why. It was the Alpha mentality. Emotions were a sign of weakness. Eventually, stone walls give into the continuing beating of the weather. His brother was finally crumbling.
Gren speaks, looking up into Lyla's eyes. "I'm fighting Robert. They...they fuckin' feel so real. This morning, my legs and arms hurt."
"Fightin'?" Georgie folds his arms. "Like, ya' two just havin' a bloody moment or-"
"No. ACTUAL fighting. Like...something inside of us is MAKING us fight. I think it has to do with my dad."
Lyla shakes her head. "I swear to God. I love your brother, Gren. Really, he's a sweetheart-but if THIS is a Grendel thing and YOU both are having the same reaccuring dream, I think its time you two sat down and figured out what your next step is. Do you WANT to be the Alpah or-"
"See, that's the fuckin' thing. Emily asked me the SAME thing last night and no...I don't WANT to be the fuckin' Alpha."
"Then fookin' tell Robert that." Georgie slaps Gren's knee. "Ya' need ta' stand up fa ya'self, Grendel. Ya' got a fiancee and four little babies that need their daddy."
Lyla nods. "I agree. Trust me...I've been waiting for the day when little RJ felt the need to 'demonstrate' his Alpha ability. So far, he's been calm. He had his moments going through puberty but that was expected."
Gren agrees. "He's still young. Give him time. He may not even have that urge. I don't want any part in what my father was. Robert can have all that."
"I'm sure you two will figure it out, Gren." Lyla opens the door. "Emily awake?"
"Still in bed. She's probably going to be getting up here in a bit. The babies will want to eat. Swear. Internal clock that one has."
Lyla smiles. "It's her Wolf instincts. All mother Wolves have it."
Lyla kisses the top of Georgie's head and enters the home. The last few times Gren has seen Georgie, no Bowler hat. It was odd; for centuries, he'd seen Georgie wear that silly hat and it became a calling card almost for the former pimp. Now, he rarely wore it.
"Did you want coffee, Georgie or-"
"No no." Georgie shakes his head. "Got ta' watch me diet, Grendel."
"Swineheart getting onto you, huh?"
Georgie taps his sotmach. "Got a little chunky 'round 'ere, Gren. Lyla always makin' those dinners and, well, I can't fookin' say no ta' fried chicken and those potatos she does so well."
Gren chuckles. "I hear you. Emily made this HUGE dinner last night. Swear, I gained a million pounds."
Georgie chuckles, takes out a cigarette and lights it. The two men sit in silence. A large gray cloud quickly takes over the once blue sky above the house; the shadows cast over like a child being tucked into bed. The wet dirt smell returns to Gren's nose. Georgie closes his eyes and listens to the still world around him. The rain seemed to make the world quiet for the time being.
"I remember when Emily was a little girl and she loved listen' ta' the rain. She'd come out here, in her jacket and listen."
"I remember." Gren smiles. "She used to make me go with her sometimes. We'd sit on the porch, her in my lap and we'd watch the rain trickle from the roof and collect on the ground."
"Jumpin' in puddles was always her favorite thing ta' fookin' do when it did stop for the moment."
Gren beams. He looked out from his front porch and pictured his Emily; nine years old, wearing a large coat, rain boots and hair pulled back. She'd slam her entire weight into the puddles and create a wave effect. Mud was scattered in several directions, her laughter filling the air as she twirled and danced in place.
'Come on, Gren!' Emily waves. 'Come jump in the puddles with me!'
Georgie seemed to be doing the same thing; a grin grows along his lips and before long, he chuckles. "Me Emily was somethin' else, Gren."
"She was." Gren sighs. "Reminds me a lot of Lyla."
Georgie nods his head in agreement. "She was a lot like her mutha until she became a teenager. That little girl that used ta' jump in the puddles was gone...she was not the same..."
"Don't Georgie." Gren despised when Georgie brought up Emily's past. "She's fuckin' fine now-"
"Her mutha and I worried we'd find her dead in the gutters. We...we kept her in our home, Gren...we would ratha'-"
Georgie covers his face and cries loudly. Gren could not remember the last time Georgie Porgie cried in front of him. It was rare; although he was getting better with showing emotions, Georgie often caught himself closing off the world and suffering alone. It was somehting he was used to. Gren could relate. He did the same. Gren did the only thing he knew. Reaching over, he cups Georgie's shoulder and shakes gently.
"I know, Georgie. Why....why do you think I stayed for almost two weeks at your place?"
Georgie wipes his nose. "I know, Grendel. Ya'....ya' lived at our place fa' awhile." Georgie pauses to look at the ground. "I wanted me Emily...if she did pass....I wanted her near me. In a place she was loved..."
Gren turns away. "I blamed you, Georgie." Gren had to tell Georgie his true feelings. "I secretly wanted it to be you instead of Emily. I fuckin' hated you for makin' Emily who she almost was."
"Me too, Gren. I'd go through the fookin' bullshit all ova' again-hangovers, overdosing, drugs, the Farm-if it meant Emily and my otha' kids can live normal lives and not deal with the bullshit..."
Georgie leans over, grabs Gren and hugs him tightly. Gren was taken back by the sudden wave of emotions. Those feelings surpassed what followed; Gren held onto his father-in-law and refused to release Georgie. They remained like this for two minutes. The rain slowly dripped from the sky and gathered on the dirt.
Their moment had to be put on hold; a familiar red truck, heading up the dirt road, pulls into Emily and Gren's property. Gren's heart sinks. The feelings from the dream returns as he inches closer.
Penkle was trying his best to ignore the Sheriff and his music. He did not mind the noise. It helped the creature focus on his work and what was expected for the day. Charming was no where to be found; he and Ethan were having a private meeting in another room. Michelle was there today. In the back working on the files, she kept her mind occupied with the day's work. She knew that meeting was about her. Michelle caught her name twice since it began.
Peter, holding a stack of files, dances around Penkle. The troll, drinking a Mountain dew, tries to avoid Peter, now clapping.
"You turn me on, I like what I see. When you bounce that thing, like a Trampoline!" Peter shakes, grabs Penkle's hands and tries to encourage the Fable to join in. "C'mon, Sheriff. Bounce like a Trampoline."
Michelle giggles; Penkle was not ammused and did his best not to lunge forward and bite the Sheriff. "Uh, sir-"
"Yeeeeeeeeeees, Michelle?"
"Um, I don't want to be a wet blanket but....Penkle does not seem like he's having a good time and-"
Peter pats Penkle in the face. "Not a fan of that song, huh?"
Penkle pulls away from Peter. "Me get work, Sheriff. No time. Play later...."
"We have PLENTY of time, guys." Peter twirls back to his desk. "C'mon! We need to fucking livin' this place up! I will not have it the way it USED to be-boring, dull, bland. No fun....rules this, rules that-"
Penkle tosses a stack of papers onto Ethan's desk. "What you do then, boss?"
Peter snaps his fingers. "I know the PERFECT song to really get this day going!"
As Peter searches his ipod for the 'perfect' song, Charming and Ethan return. Ethan notices Michelle and smiles. She tries to cover her quickly growing smile; Ethan was a very caring and attentive and he proved her theory right last night. Ethan made sure Erica and Michelle were safe before leaving back to his apartment. This morning, he brought the girls breakfast and walked Michelle to work; Rosie was surprised to see ethan was there when she arrived to babysit Erica.
The music played; Peter backs away, shakes his hips and waves his arms in the air. Charming laughs.
"Well, at least he makes the place fun." Placing his hand on his hip, Charming watches carefully. "His father and his little wifey would have made you all stop this 'nonsense' and get back to work. This is a 'job', not a club mundies go to dance like fools."
Peter continues to dance. "See, THAT'S the difference about me and-"
"Hold on, Peter." Ethan holds out his finger. "YOU dance around like a drunk fool and make yourself look silly."
"I know." Peter continues. "Hey, look-if I have to be stuck her for eight, nine-sometimes ten or more hours-we need to have SOME fun. Otherwise, we'll all end up like the old Business Office team. Time to add some spice to the soup we call life."
"Soup called life?" Ethan rubs his head. "WHAT the fuck are you-"
"Can't. Dancing. Working. You get it, Ethan."
Penkle nearly bumped into Peter. The Sheriff, scanning over some documents needing his signature, dances in place. Ethan rolls his eyes and faces Michelle. Her pale face was red as if she received a sun burn. Trying to remain calm and collected, Michelle holds the books against her chest.
"Is, ummm...Gren, he-"
"I gave him today off." Charming answered. "He needs that extra day..."
"Oh. Everything okay with him and-"
"Oh they are excellent. I figure he needed another day with the babies, is all." Charming opens a file. "My concern, however, is you."
Michelle was taken back. "Me? Mayor Charming, what are you-"
"Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie tells me you have a special needs child at home and you're having a difficult time providing the needed care for her condition."
Michelle glares at Ethan. "Oh...he DID, huh? Well, yes. My daughter experienced severe trauma and I-"
"We'd like to help you financially with her and-"
Michelle shakes her head. "No. No, thank you, Mayor. I appreciate the offer but...I'm fine. Erica and I are fine."
Charming was confused. "We can help you cover the medical costs. Pay Rosie for her time watching your daughter. The appoint-"
"No!" Michelle's voice was booming and carried into the room. "I said we're FINE, Mayor Charming. Deputy. I appreciate the offer but I can take care of this. I've been doing it for some time now and I have it down."
"But Michelle-"
"Deputy, I appreciate the concern but everything is under control. I wish you two would have included me in the meeting prior to addressing this issue. For the future, please ask me before intruding into my personal life. This is work. Other Fables need help, too."
Michelle turns away and heads back to her post. "I have work to do. This discussion is over, sir. I shall be in the back, should you need me for SOMETHING serious. Goodbye."
Michelle immediatly walks away from Ethan and Charming; she was appalled and could not understand Ethan's need to repeat what he'd seen and add more trouble to her world. Money was tight, yes but she had it covered; she didn't need everyone involved in her life. Michelle, for some unknown reason to the others, was severly hurt by this. She trusted Ethan. Why did he want to play savior now?
Michelle walks past Peter; he continued to shake, points to Michelle and smiles. She ignores the Sheriff and quickly walks to the back; hiding in the shadows, Michelle removes her glasses and cries softly.
Peter looks at Ethan. "What did you do?"
Ethan sighs and grabs Michelle's file from Charming. "Nothing, Peter. Just....fuck, dude-STOP dancing for five fucking minutes! Shit!"
Peter pauses; his brother, speaking to himself, grabs his coat and leaves the office. Charming does not say a word. He instead sits at his desk, fires up his computer and types up a document. Penkle waits for Peter.
"Woman. Right, Penkle?"
The yellow Troll dusts a nearby cabinent. He only tilts his head, glances at the Mayor and returns to his work.
"Got it, Penkle. Thank you for TRYING to hold a conversation with me."
Peter continues to sing. "Cause Ethan is going to hate, hate, hate, hate and Charming wil laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. Peter is just going to shake, shake, shake, shake it off-"
Charming laughs. "Yeah. You're nothing like the old Sheriff...."
However, Michelle remained in the back. Trying to hold back the tears, she began to wonder why Ethan suddeny cared about her or Erica. She secretly craved for Ethan to run towards the back, scoop Michelle up in her arms and tell her it would be alright.
HOLD on! I need to do something really quick, dude! XD I'll comment the rest. I need to do this! XD XD
EDIT: This is shit, yes but after reading the 2nd half. PLEASE, you must draw Peter dancing! I need to see him dance to Taylor Swift 'shake it off!' XD XD XD
Anyways, I loved the 1st half, too. Its nice seeing Georgie and Gren get along. It breaks my heart when Georgie talks about Emily's past.
"I wanted me Emily...if she did pass....I wanted her near me. In a place she was loved..."
:'0 Jesus, dude. I didn't need the tears THIS early in the morning. UGH! My heart. The feels. At least she's better now and knowing robert is heading there way....I hope no trouble comes out of this!! BTW, Michelle...STOP! Ethan is looking out for you and he wants to help! Stop being such a selfish Toothfairy's daughter!!! Sheesh! He loves you, he-coughsOh....ummmm...XD Look forward to more, man!
The very next day....
Gren was pleasently surprised to see Georgie pulling up into the driveway. The sun was just peeking over the mounta… moreins; Lyla was in the passenger seat and as she stepped out of the car, her yellow dress blew in the wind. There was a spring storm on its way. Gren could smell the wet dirt aroma in the air. It was heavier this morning.
Gren did not sleep; Emily managed to fall back to sleep and was curled in the sheets. Holding his coffee cup, Gren takes a long sip. Wearing his black robe and bunny slippers, Gren sits on the porch swing and waits for his in-laws. Locking the car and setting the alarm, Lyla and Georgie head up the stone walk way. Like always, the couple holds hands. Gren wanted to be like Georgie and Lyla; no matter what situation they had in their path, they always took it on together and with a smile. Both still very much in love with one another. Gren wanted that with Emily.
"Mornin' Gren." Georg… [view original content]
Always something happening to the most innocent of Fables. At least, Michelle is embracing Ethan's concern for her now. Rosie is a badass too, being a 'watchdog' for Michelle's apartment whenever the moment calls.
As Ethan sat in Michelle's apartment, he could suddenly recall his mother holding him in her arms. Ethan had been crying. He and Henry broke… more up that night; he was devestated and unable to fully comprehend what took place. He had other broken hearts. Many that healed with time, patience and a bucket of ice cream. This time was different. So much of his love, time and emotions were thrown into the mix. Ethan felt foolish. Alone. No one would ever understand.
As he sat there, waiting for Michelle, Ethan thought back to the day he had his parents alone in the living room. He finally found the courage to tell them he was attracted to both men and women; that was a tough one to swallow because his father viewed homosexuality differently than his mother. Ethan couldn't blame the man. He DID grow up in a time were it was cnsidered immoral and a sin.
Ethan, even as he sat alone in Michelle's living room, could picture Georgie's face. A distorted… [view original content]
Oh what the hell! XD I love it! Hey-at least you didn't have THIS in your head while writing....
Oh have to love the weekend and Peter Porgie's bubbly personality. XD As far as Emily, I still have a hard time believing she's a mommy and not cracked out or Ethan giving her medicine to bring her back....:( #Gremily
HOLD on! I need to do something really quick, dude! XD I'll comment the rest. I need to do this! XD XD
EDIT: This is shit, yes but after … morereading the 2nd half. PLEASE, you must draw Peter dancing! I need to see him dance to Taylor Swift 'shake it off!' XD XD XD
Anyways, I loved the 1st half, too. Its nice seeing Georgie and Gren get along. It breaks my heart when Georgie talks about Emily's past.
"I wanted me Emily...if she did pass....I wanted her near me. In a place she was loved..."
:'0 Jesus, dude. I didn't need the tears THIS early in the morning. UGH! My heart. The feels. At least she's better now and knowing robert is heading there way....I hope no trouble comes out of this!! BTW, Michelle...STOP! Ethan is looking out for you and he wants to help! Stop being such a selfish Toothfairy's daughter!!! Sheesh! He loves you, he-coughsOh....ummmm...XD Look forward to more, man!
I had a different idea but it was too damn dark. This felt a bit easier....michelle has a friend in Ethan but she's having a hard time believing he cares, especially after their 1st encounter....As far as Rosie, I want to develop her character and she's proving to be one tough cookie. >:D She'll show you all here in a bit WHY she's a badass.....:D
Always something happening to the most innocent of Fables. At least, Michelle is embracing Ethan's concern for her now. Rosie is a badass too, being a 'watchdog' for Michelle's apartment whenever the moment calls.
Oh what the hell! XD I love it! Hey-at least you didn't have THIS in your head while writing....
Oh have to love the weekend and Pete… morer Porgie's bubbly personality. XD As far as Emily, I still have a hard time believing she's a mommy and not cracked out or Ethan giving her medicine to bring her back....:( #Gremily
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping this thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping … morethis thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
I'm intrigued with what you have planned, Dragon. But all of it wouldn't have happend, if it wasn't for you, man. Can't wait to see what you have special waiting for us.
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping … morethis thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
I'm shocked that this is the reason why Erica is behaving this way. When you first introduced her, the pictures did not state a little girl with severe trauma. I'm assuming Michelle ONLY shows these pictures, in hopes no one really asks about her child. Taking a look back on Ethan's live prior to being the Deputy Mayor are always fun. I enjoy reading those bits.
The idea that Emily felt wrong sleeping with other men because they were not Gren, gives us the insight of how deep her love already was for the Fable. By sleeping with women, she wanted to 'mask' these feelings....interesting. I hope you cover this, too. Georgie's reactions were as expected but I'm pleased to know he loved Ethan, even when he felt strongly against the choices. Why is it that when a girl reveals she's gay its alright but a boy does it.....society. :P
The fact that Michelle hired Rosie to WATCH her apartment is chilling, yet she allows him the opportunity to see Erica. I'm baffled beyond words and hope you can explain more. That poor girl. Beaten by a bat and left like this...and Michelle taking on it alone. That ending, though....I ship them so hard now! XD
Great work, dude. This is getting really good and interesting. I can't wait for more information about Michelle, how Ethan plays role, Peter (I'd like to know more about his relationship with Bigby hint hint. LOL) and Gremily; Thomas mentioned preparing Gren and prtoect him against his brother....MY Robert or one of the others....0.o'
Same! Tom Hardy is a good actor so hopefully he'll be right for the role; his Bane is one of my favourite superhero villains.
That is exciting news! XD The second is probably my favourite too; and I'm realising just how much I've forgotten exactly what happens in them which is a great excuse to watch them once more.
It would have made sense for Guns Of The Patriots to be last, seeing as it's also at the end of the timeline. Are they sticking with 'Metal Gear Rising' for Raiden though?
It'd be pretty interesting to see what he would make next, bringing the skills he's applied with MGS to a new IP, but then I've played little of the early games and I imagine there'll be others who missed it first time round, so there's probably a market for a remake.
Indeed! That can surely only mean very big news. Yeah, Fallout 4 is at the top of announcements I'm hoping for from all of E3. XD Possibly a Deus Ex game, too.
Seriously, how did I not notice that?! That's annoying. XD
Your uncle set you on a good path with those cartoons.
Been looking at 'Life Is Strange' and after your comments I think I'm gonna give it a buy; TWAU is great and if you think it's similar in ways then it's probably worth checking out. The Witcher is pretty epic, and they're apparently making the third - and supposedly last - game much easier to get into if you've never played one before, which should be handy if you do decide to give it a go. 
And you never let us down.
(that probably sounds a little cheesy, but it's staying XD)
I did like the kitchen scene! If I'm honest, I thought that the practical advice of how to make a 'Po-boy' sandwich was an appetizing addition; and the talk about their accents and where they're from was a nice moment of bonding.
An awakening to friendly faces, at least. Reynard's bedside manners, as it were, are refreshingly relaxed. :P Just what are they going to do with Matthew? And Dragon's right about Belinda!
Also, good luck with all your classes! Creative Writing will be a shoe-in for success!
Ashlyn had heard about what happened in Paris the night that everyone had gone over to deal with it. Her Aunt Mary received a call in the middle of the night, and it woke Ash up because Mary had been frantically walking around the house looking for her shoes and her jacket. Ash had bolted up on her air matress bed, still sleepy but aware that something had gone wrong, somewhere.
It'd been another day since, and she was now standing in her own home watching over her youngest family members. Elora had also come home, from Ava's house, and Noah was there, and Robbie was going to be there in a few minutes. The only one she didn't expect was Scarlett, but to her surprise, her sister walked quietly in the room, her own newborn swaddled in her arms as Jackson stood beside her.
Ashlyn was going crazy with how eerily silent everyone was being. It wasn't as if their mother was dead; She was quite the opposite, really. They were awaiting her return through an emergency portal that was set up on the Thirteenth floor. She would probably be home any minute now, with their father. She sat on the floor, facing four baby bouncers and four sleepy babies who occasionally squirmed or opened their eyes to see her. She loved all of them, really, but her favorite was Gabriel. The boy had brown feathery hair and a tough look to him that reminded her much of her grandfather, Bigby.
The door opened with out warning, and Ash whipped her head eagerly to see who it was. Although it wasn't her parents, it was someone she wanted to see just as much as them. It was Franklin.
Franklin was awkwardly tall, with his pale palor gleaming under the living room light. He smiled curtly at Ash's siblings, his hands in the front pockets of a sweatshirt that used to be Carter's, before Carter started working out. It was still baggy on him though, and he seemed to have to pull his pants up every few minutes. Even almost fully grown, Franklin tended to be a skinny twig.
She felt his presence behind her, as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder. He enjoyed watching the babies with her, even though he was crap at changing diapers and feeding them bottles. Ash couldn't help but think that maybe one day, they would be able to do this together, on their own. None of the siblings seemed to notice Franklin and Ash's affection for each other yet, as most had their eyes glued to the door.
"...It'll be fine, Tim. The kids won't mind..." They heard their mother's voice through the open door and all tensed slightly.
Harmony walked in right away. She looked perfectly fine, though definitely exhausted and a little bit bruised. She chuckled softly as each one of her children quickly crowded around her and exchanged hugs and kisses. Ash came up from behind and wrapped her arms around her mother fondly, as everyone else started asking questions and expressing how much they missed her. It was about a minute later that their father finally appeared in the doorway, and he got the same treatment Harmony had just gotten.
"Dad!" Scarlett said cheerfully. "We're so glad you and Mom are home!"
Jackson at that point had his daughter in his arm, and was giving Harmony a quick hug before returning to Scarlett's side. Ashlyn admired the love her sister and Jackson had for one another, and could only imagine how her and Franklin would be when it came to that, soon enough.
Tim looked a lot less excited than Harmony. He was a little slumped over, leaning on his crutch some. He didn't need to use it as much as he used to, as his newer braces have been keeping him much more stable than the old ones. He looked more tired than their mother, and it was their mother they'd been worrying about the entire time. No one thought to think about how much stress their father might be under. Still, Ashlyn didn't see why he would be so flustered, as she'd only dismember a few demons magically. That's what she heard, anyway. It wasn't like their mother was nearly killed. It seemed like she had the situation in control.
Tim peaked his head out the door of the apartment anxiously, and turned back around. Everyone was staring at him a little confused, but when Ash saw Harmony's face, she knew her mother knew what was happening.
"Should we tell them now, Tim?"
"Hmm?" Tim turned to his wife. "Oh...yeah, I guess."
Harmony sighed, and walked past the crowd of her children. She sat on the couch, which faced the four baby seats in which her babies mainly slept. She smiled softly at them, before speaking up again. "While we were on vacation, we found out that your father's sister is alive," She said solemnly. "She also has a son, your cousin Matthew. He-" She paused, looking to Tim a moment, who was completely immersed in looking out the doorway of their home. "...He's very flustered right now. He might be upset when he arrives-"
The whole room was a frenzy of troubled talking. Ash heard a few questions, such as 'We have a cousin?' or 'Why is he coming here?' or 'What's wrong with him that he's upset?'
She just paid all of her attention to her mother, who looked frayed as the room erupted in all sorts of questioning and talking.
"Quiet!" Ash yelled. She knew that the volume of everyone's voices was driving Harmony nuts right now, and she wanted to do anything to please her mother as best as she could. She looked back at Harmony, after the room settled into silence.
Harmony slowly continued. "Matthew will be staying with us. He's got no one else. His mother, your aunt Belinda, is in the hospital recovering. She was transferred to Knight's of Malta earlier this evening. You had better treat Matthew like he's part of the family, no matter how much trouble he gives us. He's a little.... lost, I suppose. He'll be here very soon."
Lost? What was that supposed to mean? Ash wasn't about to ask any questions herself, though, as she watched her mother fall back against the couch and rub her eyes slowly, probably willing a headache to go away. No one spoke up, either, which was a little better than before. But now the household was eager to see what was in store.
"Tim?" A voice from the hall said gruffly. Ash turned her attention to the door, which was being blocked by her father's frame. He nodded his head some, then whispered some short responses, and at that moment, moved out of the way to let a small figure step into the room.
"Say hello, Matthew," Tim said quietly to the boy. The boy refused to open his mouth.
"Very well," Tim said after a minute of waiting. "Everyone, this is Matthew Robert Cratchit. Your little cousin."
The boy just stood still, his face stone cold in expression. For a moment, Ashlyn could have sworn his eyes were completely black. Much like that demon girl she'd met on the farm a few months ago...
"Matthew," Tim continued. "You'll be staying here for a while, until your mother heals."
"I don't care about my Mum," He muttered. "I want my Daddey."
Ash felt her heart drop. The tone of the boy's voice, the sincerity of his remark. It haunted her, slightly. She excused herself from the room then, and most of the others dispersed too, letting their parents have a little space and to get away from the chilling stare of their new-found younger cousin.
I'll write more later
I have to clean my house, lol XD My brother is having an at home EEG to look at his brain waves and stuff because he's got some issues and he has epilepsy but we only found this out last year so the doctors are unsure of the extent of it. So they're testing him this weekend, so that means that the house has to be spotless, especially everyone's rooms, because a camera is being strapped to his head or something to monitor everything he does. Yup.
Being alone is a dangerous thing, especially when the mind tends to think too much. Silence and broken dreams tend to make men insane. Aim for the bottle, light up a cigarette and take matters into their own hands.
robert, being off for the next four days, became the very thing the mundies called 'a loser.' While his son was at school, running along the baseball field and learning how to subtract, Robert sat in just his boxers. Thinking in the silence, of his long lost love. The love he marked but never returned the favor. To a Grendel, this meant there was never any love to begin with; her feelings were on a freidnship level and nothing more. but Robert could not accept this.
Even if her feelings had been based soely on friendship, there was still something there. The marking glowed. The memories still very fresh. The need to hold Lyla in his arms; not to make love but to simply feel her bare flesh against his very own. Even laying on the couch, Robert clung to his forehead and wept. He was losing all grip on reality.
Anger returned to the beast. Tossing the bottle against the wall, robert sat on the edge. This tangled black hair drapping to the side of his neck. He could feel the change deep in the core of his heart. The bitter taste and thoughts on the man currently holding onto his precious Lyla.
"Georgie Porgie...." His name like poision, a disgusting taste in his mouth. "Georgie....Georgie..."
Robert repeats his name for several minutes. Eventually, what was once a man now sat a fierce swamp creature. Veins poking along his arms, thighs and neck. The blood curdling screams he managed to make. His enormous hands clawing at the cushions, tearing them apart.
"Georgie!" Robert stands and knocks a lamp down. "Fucking Georgie...SHE was mine. NOT for you!"
The process, painful and time consuming, would have easily ended Robert's memories and painful reminder of his lost chances with Lyla Smith. By removing the marking, anything related to her would have been erased. Gone. Never to be his again. THAT is the reason Robert refused to go through with it. He could handle the pain. But knowing all he had with Lyla...the memories, their love? It was all he had of her. RJ would eventually grow, find his own and start a family. Robert would be left alone once more. Her memory is what made him alive.
"Georgie...." Robert falls to the ground. "You had no right. Selfish fucking prick."
The room was silent. Robert seemed to expect a response. A noise. Something indicating he wasn't alone and losing all grip on reality. Sadly, nothing. No comforting words. No gentle touch. Nothing. Robert spits on the ground, stands up and searches the room. Normally, he'd take off in the moment of anger, lfy down those flight of stairs and find the nearest mini-mart willing to sell him bottle after bottle of Whiskey. Not today. He needed to be strong.
Standing up, Robert hobbles to the sink. Even in the rippling waters, he saw her beauty. Trying to wash his face, the beast slowly changes back to man. One of the many perks to being half Grendel. He, like his brothers, all could chage at the drop of a dime into either. not Gren. The poor guy needed a glamour. Robert could recall a time back in the Homelands when they mocked Gren. Jason went as far taunting, teasing and tossed their brother into the water.
Robert often felt bad for the way poor Gren was treated. Even now, in the mundane world, Gren's life was not a walk in the park. He did it to himself, thought Robert, as he walks into the bathroom. Asshole got what he deserved. Serves him right. Robert turns the water on. The thought....Robert laughs to himself. Fucker actually thought Lyla was for him.
When Robert caught wind of Gren's failed attempts to claim Lyla as his mate, Robert chuckled to himself. She rejected him; what made Gren so confident in himself to take such a leap of faith and fall deep into the shadows of the bottom? When Gren removed the mark, it was indeed a terrible thing to witness, from what Robert heard. After that, it was as if nothing happened. Yet, Gren was determined something was there...
Robert laughs, taking off his boxers and standing under the water. "What a fool." Grabbing the soap, he lathers up his arms. "Gren actually thought he could claim her. Fool."
Perhaps Robert was the fool; Georgie did have Lyla and with that, came their beautiful family.
"Must not be doing EVERYTHING right, Porgie." Robert continues to laugh. "If she had to sleep with the Sheriff and make that boy..."
His confidance was through the roof, though. Robert did have a ego from her to the ends of the world. He never thought poorly of himself. THAT was the Grendel mentality. Another thing, Robert said, grabbing his towel, Gren did not have. And neither did Georgie. If he REALLY wanted to, Robert could easily kill Georgie and take his place. Raise the family and produce many males within her womb.
"Yeah...." Robert towel dries his hair, as he stares in the mirror. "That all sounds fucking wonderful."
That dream he had meant something; suddenly, he had anger and hate towards his brother. How did we go from Georgie to his own brother? They were fighting near an edge. Blood, flesh, teeth-everything that came down to a battle-happened in the dream. The only difference, was the woman. She was stunning. Her long black locks blowing in the wind. Her pleas into the night.
She resembled Georgie so much. Was it a sign? What did it all mean? The brothers seemed to be fighting for her, though; Gren continued to eye the mysterious woman, mouthing something. Robert could not hear. She seemed to respond. Robert was determined to defend the woman. But why? And who was she? She looked like....no, he thought....it couldn't be....could it?
Robert looked long and deep into the mirror. The phone suddenly rings, making the man jump twice. Speaking of, Gren was the one to call. robert answers.
"Yes, Gren?"
"You want to hang? Both off and I could REALLY use some brother time. You know. Catch up...."
"You and Carla fighting?"
Gren sighs. "All the fucking time, man"
"Meet me in ten at the park. We'll go from there."
Hanging up the phone, Robert glances one last time in the mirror. Grining, he couldn't help but picture the dream once more.
Any questions or comments, leave them below! Sorry for the short chap but got a lot to do today. Have to see the doctor. nothing major. Just need to get some things off my chest and whatnot.
@pudding_pie I wanted to ask you if you've caught up to TWAU comic yet...
I must be the only one that didn't like life is strange......lol
Nick's free will mostly comes from the host body he has (though I haven't explained this yet)
Lyra isn't safe yet...
Rhemsehr will appear again later on... and the size thing was just Nick saying that he (Rhemsehr) might not grow up to be as big as Nick, but he could be big if he tries :P
Deathstroke Forever!!
I don't read the Batman comics
Mad Max 1 and Beyond Thunderdome actually had a story; Road Warrior is pretty much one long chase film :P
Metal Gear Rising is getting a sequel apparently, and seeing as it is canon with the MGS series, it is technically continuing the timeline
Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 is surprisingly good for a game that came out in 1998, it is quite an advanced game for it's time as well. I really enjoyed it :P
You hella said what?
the nightmare felt so real. Awaking in his bed, Gren's chest felt compressed. He taste the copper in his mouth, the painful marks upon his arms, face and chest. He saw him. Robert. His very own brother, sending the fatal blows to Gren's body.
They were on a cliff. It appeared to be the woods; it couldn't be the Homelands but a forest section near Fabletown that both brothers were familiar with. They were fighting. Both in their tru forms, roaring into the morning light, causing the earth to tremble in their presence. The world around them seemed to stop. No noise. Living souls ventured away and hid from the beasts. They refused to partake in the current situation at hand. The emotions were real. Gren could have sworn he was just there.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gren tried not wake his sleeping fiancee. Thankfully, Emily was too much like her father in more ways than one. She remained asleep, even as Gren fraughtly searched the bed. Tossing the sheets over to Emily's side, he stood up. Naked under the moonlight, Gren examined his body. Nothing was there. But the pain surged through his body, as if he and Robert finished their battle.
Rubbing his head, Gren dresses in a robe and heads for the kitchen. The wooden floors creaked as he drew closer to the stairs. The home was silent; Crickets chirped outside, a Wolf howled a single, lonely call into the night as the Frogs carried on their nightly tunes to soothe the sleeping creatures around them into slumber. Puddles, wagging his tail, follows Gren into the kitchen.
Taking out a loaf of bread and sandwich meat, Gren makes himself a midnight snack. Head still swimming with the images, he tries to focus his attention on something else. Failing miserably, Gren's thoughts return to the nightmare. his towering brother, flashing fangs and extended claws against Gren's neck. The slahes handed to him; chunks of flesh and skin, the intense smell of blood and death in the air. The pugent aroma of rotting wood beneath their feet. The familiar flower smell that caught both their attentions. Emily. Hair blowing in the wind, calling out to Gren and Robert. Tears rolling down both eyes. Her pleas heart breaking.
Gren tears a piece of bread and tosses it to Puddles. The pup quickly gathers it in his mouth, inhales and waits for another tasty treat. He begins to whine, causing Gren to roll his eyes and do as the Dog secretly commanded.
"Little fuckin' shit." Gren hands him a section of the Bologna. "Times like these, you little piss stain, makes me sad you'll die LONG before I do."
The Dog again inhales the food, sits besides Gren's foot and waits. Gren, however, manages to finish off the sandwich. He took the time to scan the quiet, empty house. The living room was dark; only form of light was the moon outside his window. The curtains blew to the side as Gren unlocks the window and pushes it open. Sniffing the air, Gren takes in the virtue and muted world all around him. Puddles jumps on the nearby couch and looks out.
"Look at that, Puddles." Gren chuckles. "All that...used to live in a place like that. Once that sun comes up, though, this fuckin' world will be what is already is. A mess."
Cocking his head, Puddles tries to understand the rambling thoughts of his owner. Thinking nothing more, the Dog chews on his leg, makes a circle twince and lays on the cushion. Gren reaches over and gently scratches the little Dog's ears. Suddenly, a cool mist grows along the curtains. Gren rubs the material with his fingers. moist and frigid, he looks around.
"Vivian." He was determined to speak to the guardian of his fiancee. "I know you're here. Wanna talk?"
Puddles' left ear stricks up immediatly, as a cool, misty gust of wind circles Gren. The form is the profile of the once hostess to the Pudding n' Pie. Gren never knew her personally but it was a pleasure to know she was there. Although angry and hurt by her actions, he was thankful she was there to save and protect his Emily. Without her, things would have gone differently.
"Can you hear me?" Gren leans forward. "I can kind of see you but....fuck. Its a bit-"
The mist of cold air swirls around Puddles' head. The little Dog yipps for a few seconds, before remaning quiet and still. His eyes change for a brief moment; Puddles had the apperance of the girl in the movie 'The Exorcist' but within seconds, they returned to their usual brown.
"Can you hear me now?"
Gren nearly tripped on his own foot. "How...Puddles? This you, Vivian!?"
"How...when the fuck-how the fuck did you-"
"I don't have much time with this. I heard your thoughts and wished to personally tell you, I'm honored to be a part of not only Emily's life but your's as well. You've changed my Emily. Made her better than ever before."
"So, its broken then." Gren sits closer to Puddles. "The curse. That Georgie had-"
"You would think." Puddles looks down. "But we have only begun, Grendel. The other half lies with you."
"Me?" Confused, Gren looks around. "Wait, how though?"
"The Knife Georgie stabbed you forever connected you and Emily. There is no way of breaking this chain unless the blood from your sworn enemy manages to touch it. The chain would become weak and there would be a possibility to removing you from her world, forever changing your lives."
"Who is my sworn enemy, Vivian? What the fuck are you trying to tell me-are me and Emily in danger?"
"Emily. No. With that knife, it connected you two. Heaven or Hell can't break that bond. Just like Georgie to Lyla-"
"but you JUST said the blood of my enemy MAY be able to break it-"
"Only if YOU allow it." Vivian stops. "I'm....I'm only good at telling Emily's fate. Not....not you, Gren. Just bits-"
Gren stands up. "Does this have to do with the dream I had?"
"What dream?" Now Vivian became concerned. "You had a-"
Gren storms out of the room. He already knew of the Knife; the story was told twice already. Once by Vivian to Emily and another by Georgie and his explanation. Gren ignored the little dog chasing after him. The second Gren turned the corner, Vivian's words stopped. Silence again. Puddles returned to normal, as if nothing occured. Gren, sitting outside, covers his face and cries.
"The fuck do you want with me!" He screams into the night. "Please...just fuckin' leave me alone. I just want to have a normal life with my fiancee and children. Please....please."
Gren sat under the moon and cried. He was tired of 'fates'. 'Dreams' or 'futures' of his loved ones. Was this another reason why his father suddenly returned. did he know something Vivian could not tell? A bright light shines behind Gren. Assuming it was a car, he ignores it. And, if it WAS Vivian, he wanted nothing to do with the ghost woman at the moment. Alone. That's all Gren wanted.
The light grew, however and it peeked Gren's interest. Turning, was was stunned to see a golden Koi fish, floating behind him. His tail, fanned in many directions, appears to have a swimming motion. The whiskers fly beside its head, from fins floating along the body.
"The fuck..." Gren stands up. "Vivian?!"
"No Grendel. Its not Vivian."
That voice. "Who the fuck are you!?"
The Koi fish was not ammused. "Watch that tongue, young man. Seems like being a monster has become the only thing you've managed to take into consideration."
Gren was addled. "....Mom...?"
"Just what you wish me to be." The Koi flies over to Gren's body and floats beside his head. "I represent what she practiced. She had courage. Ambition. A life so pure and simple like the currents of the river."
"Mom..." Gren was not sure how to feel. "Mom....mom..."
"Ssh, baby." The Koi wraps a fin around Gren's head. "Do not worry, baby. I got you. My, you're as handsome as your father. My Grendel. How you've changed."
Unable to utter a single word, Gren tightly grasps the fish representing his mother. She died back in the Homelands, doing everything she could to protect him. Sacrificing her life, she became a Weeping Willow and gave Gren the chance to live. Even after the inccident at the Mead halls and the Dragon he saught out to kill Beowulf, he lived. Gren secretly blamed himself for centuries.
"Mom, what are you doing here?"
"I had to see you, Grendel. So many questions fill your mind. I look into your eyes and all I see is the happiness that young woman brings you. Do you love her, Grendel? Do you love Emily Porgie?"
"I do." No hesitation. No regret in his voice. "I love her. I've always loved her, mom. Even when she was younger, my love for her was there."
"I know." The Koi bows its head. "I felt the power, the love...when her father hid the knife under my roots. I could feel her, too. She lingered inside and as my roots wrapped around that blade and handle, I was determined you two would meet in time."
"You...you had-"
"During the Exile, Georgie returned for the knife. Wanted to keep it. When he found it, my roots were tangled all over. When he pulled it, the magic brewed inside. I know he felt it. He stared into the trunk, blinked and mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear him."
"When he stabbed me..."
"I wanted you to know there was a chance, Grendel. I was no longer there to protect you, baby. I tried my hardest to keep you and your brothers safe but things...things changed."
"Dad blames me for everything..."
The golden Koi hangs its head low and glares at the ground. "Your father was always a tough nut to crack, Grendel. Even married to him was like a job in itself. But I loved him. He had a kind, gentle soul that I couldn't resist. He gave me five boys to love. You and I were always close, Grendel because I SAW....FELT....what you were truly capable of."
"Dad has been here." Gren sits up. "He's teaching me, preparing me....for war, mom. A battle. He's dying."
"I know." The Koi sighs. "I know your father is dying. Soon, he'll join me in the heavens and we'll be one again. But, as a male Grendel, there is a catch when the Alpha dies."
"Will my son have to fight RJ?" Gren grabs the Koi's fin. "Please...he can't. You've seen him, mom."
"Not Liam, Grendel..." The golden tears of the Koi falls to the grass, creating a circle of light. ".....Unless you take his place."
"I'll fight, RJ?!"
The Koi shakes its head before slowly disappearing. "I must go now, Grendel. I have the up most belief in you that you'll protect that chain from your enemy and hold onto Emily Porgie..."
Gren chases after the floating Koi. "MOM! Wait, no! I have-"
"Life has many lessons and even trials we as individuals must encounter and learn. I love you, Grendel....listen. Listen to your father...."
Gren continued to chase after the Koi until it disappears into the Heavens above. Gren, standing beneath the moon. Puddles joins his master; the little dog looks up as well, wagging its tail.
Gren beams. "Not sure if its you, Viv..."
Puddles licks Gren's ankle. He got his answer. Clutching a robe, Emily catches Gren standing in the open field.
"Gren, love...you okay?"
Gren turns, grabs Emily and holds her close. "Never better, Ems. I love you and would do anything for you and the quads."
"I know that, silly." Emily kisses Gren's lips. "Woot are ya' doin' out 'ere, love?"
Gren looks up. "Just enjoying the night. C'mon sweetie. Its getting cold. Let's go inside."
His mind, however, never forgetting the words from his mother. Vivian. Something big was going to happen. And soon. But he'd protect what was his. The quads, his home. Emily.
In another dark part of Fabletown
Naked and alone in his apartment, Robert stares out into the city below. The fire burning brightly beside him; the warmth from the flames licking his bare body as robert remained still. An eerie grin across his face. Touching the mark on his hand, Robert began to laugh. He had the same nightmare once more, like the previous nights since it began.
"You think you've won, don't you?" Robert chuckles. "You're weak. Pathetic. You don't deserve any of it...you don't deserve her...don't deserve happiness...."
Robert crumbles up a picture and tosses it into the fire. It pops, engulfing the image of Gren and Emily within seconds. The flames glare on his grin.
"My silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge..."
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time for one more. Been wanting to write this down for some time now.
So Robert hates Gren with a murderous passion? That doesn't match what I was told about him
They've had a rough past and were estranged for centuries until finding out the other was alive and in the city. Robert does not hate Gren but I've mentioned in the past few chapters their father dying and his place needing to be taken over. Right now, Robert is succuming to his Grendel side and has little moments like this when it comes to Gren....He's only doing what has been built into his genetic material.
Oh robert....will you ever learn? And yes, I have caught up.
Getting good. Can't wait for Georgie! XD XD But who did not see THAT coming? lol
I could factor this into my next story...
If Gren loses control because of (what you know) happens to Emily, Nick sure as hell won't back down. Then Robert see's them fighting so viciously and his humane side tells him to help his Brother, but his Grendel side comes out when Nick's aggression shows no signs of stopping.
Dude, you have no idea how much you've helped me write Robert's part into my next story!! XD
I know what you are saying in regards to Emily.
And how you explained the battle scene is EXACTLY what happen to Robert when he begins to think about Gren and their possible battle...
Awesome, man.
JJ and I have been colaborating for a bit now.
But Nick is no Grendel.... he is something much worse (maniacal laughter)
I hope you like it when it comes
I am scarily observant when it comes to films and games. I can recite accurate parts of various scripts when I'm watching a film (the Parent's are fascinated and slightly annoyed by it all at once)
Oh shit! so, Vivian can take over bodies if she wants to? That is pretty bad, dude!
I feel bad for Gren, although that sandwich scene was fun, too. Puddles gets the shit ends, man. lol I love that his mother is portrayed as a Koi fish. They are symbols for the person to learn trials in their lives. The emotion tied to Gren being with his mother.
I love the BG she gave, too on the knife, her feeling the love within Georgie...that is all so interesting! I want to know more!
That image, too! XD XD Who's the baby by Seraphina? Little viviana.
And poor puddles, man! XD XD I love that one with all of them on the end there and Liam with those worms! XD XD
Also, robert....that ending, dude. 'Silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge...." :0 Shit! Shit, shit, shit! If Liam and RJ do not fight....it will fall to Robert and Gren! Right!?
I mentioned my thoughts on the story. Everyone already beat me to the point and what stood out the most.
Hopefully Nick and Death can come to an agreement in regards to his true intentions in this world.
All will be revealed, but Death is never that easy with people :P
Just threw that in there for right now. As she mentioned, she can but only for a short amount of time. she rarely can because it takes a lot of energy. I love Koi and they are represented as creatures to symbol a new life and taming the issues in your life. His mother was a Wood Elf; I almost chose Owl but that would have been too obvious. I'll cover more on their BG as we go on.
The baby is Josiah, Johann & Penelope's boy.
Don't worry. I DO have a plan, like I mentioned to you, about this. THIS is the ending I was telling you about. Right now, as I explained to the H man in a previous comment. Robert is going by his natural instincts. Dad is dying. In the Homelands, when this occured, they fought for their next leader. Robert is experiencing these behaviors at the moment. WHICH explains the nightmares they are having. Don't worry. Nothing BAD will happen...yet, at least.
Dang, I guess I'm really late to the party on this one. Everyone already pointed out the good parts! Glad to see you getting the flare for writing back!
My flare is still going, but the weekends are not a good time for writing :P
I have work and all sorts to do, I actually prefer weekdays because of this!!! XD
The very next day....
Gren was pleasently surprised to see Georgie pulling up into the driveway. The sun was just peeking over the mountains; Lyla was in the passenger seat and as she stepped out of the car, her yellow dress blew in the wind. There was a spring storm on its way. Gren could smell the wet dirt aroma in the air. It was heavier this morning.
Gren did not sleep; Emily managed to fall back to sleep and was curled in the sheets. Holding his coffee cup, Gren takes a long sip. Wearing his black robe and bunny slippers, Gren sits on the porch swing and waits for his in-laws. Locking the car and setting the alarm, Lyla and Georgie head up the stone walk way. Like always, the couple holds hands. Gren wanted to be like Georgie and Lyla; no matter what situation they had in their path, they always took it on together and with a smile. Both still very much in love with one another. Gren wanted that with Emily.
"Mornin' Gren." Georgie waves, as he assists Lyla onto the porch. "Nice and chilly, eh?"
"I love it." Gren inhales. "Rain is comin'."
As Georgie takes a seat beside Gren, Lyla embraces Gren with a warm and loving hug. Pressing her face against his, Lyla plants a kiss on Gren's forehead. The beast could feel his face turning into a rosey color.
"You look exhausted, Gren." Lyla seemed worried. "Have you even slept at all? Quads keeping you up or-"
"No, no. They are wonderful. Just....a lot on my fuckin' mind. Work, my dad...been havin' these weird dreams about Robert and-"
"RJ was telling me that." Lyla folds her arms. "What....what ARE they about? RJ has no idea because Robert refuses to talk about them."
Gren chuckles. Sounds like Robert. He had no problem asking about your troubles. The man, as Gren loved him dearly, had a nasty habit of sticking his business in places no one asked him to be. When someone asked Robert about his issues, however, the he clamed up and refused to speak. Gren knew why. It was the Alpha mentality. Emotions were a sign of weakness. Eventually, stone walls give into the continuing beating of the weather. His brother was finally crumbling.
Gren speaks, looking up into Lyla's eyes. "I'm fighting Robert. They...they fuckin' feel so real. This morning, my legs and arms hurt."
"Fightin'?" Georgie folds his arms. "Like, ya' two just havin' a bloody moment or-"
"No. ACTUAL fighting. Like...something inside of us is MAKING us fight. I think it has to do with my dad."
Lyla shakes her head. "I swear to God. I love your brother, Gren. Really, he's a sweetheart-but if THIS is a Grendel thing and YOU both are having the same reaccuring dream, I think its time you two sat down and figured out what your next step is. Do you WANT to be the Alpah or-"
"See, that's the fuckin' thing. Emily asked me the SAME thing last night and no...I don't WANT to be the fuckin' Alpha."
"Then fookin' tell Robert that." Georgie slaps Gren's knee. "Ya' need ta' stand up fa ya'self, Grendel. Ya' got a fiancee and four little babies that need their daddy."
Lyla nods. "I agree. Trust me...I've been waiting for the day when little RJ felt the need to 'demonstrate' his Alpha ability. So far, he's been calm. He had his moments going through puberty but that was expected."
Gren agrees. "He's still young. Give him time. He may not even have that urge. I don't want any part in what my father was. Robert can have all that."
"I'm sure you two will figure it out, Gren." Lyla opens the door. "Emily awake?"
"Still in bed. She's probably going to be getting up here in a bit. The babies will want to eat. Swear. Internal clock that one has."
Lyla smiles. "It's her Wolf instincts. All mother Wolves have it."
Lyla kisses the top of Georgie's head and enters the home. The last few times Gren has seen Georgie, no Bowler hat. It was odd; for centuries, he'd seen Georgie wear that silly hat and it became a calling card almost for the former pimp. Now, he rarely wore it.
"Did you want coffee, Georgie or-"
"No no." Georgie shakes his head. "Got ta' watch me diet, Grendel."
"Swineheart getting onto you, huh?"
Georgie taps his sotmach. "Got a little chunky 'round 'ere, Gren. Lyla always makin' those dinners and, well, I can't fookin' say no ta' fried chicken and those potatos she does so well."
Gren chuckles. "I hear you. Emily made this HUGE dinner last night. Swear, I gained a million pounds."
Georgie chuckles, takes out a cigarette and lights it. The two men sit in silence. A large gray cloud quickly takes over the once blue sky above the house; the shadows cast over like a child being tucked into bed. The wet dirt smell returns to Gren's nose. Georgie closes his eyes and listens to the still world around him. The rain seemed to make the world quiet for the time being.
"I remember when Emily was a little girl and she loved listen' ta' the rain. She'd come out here, in her jacket and listen."
"I remember." Gren smiles. "She used to make me go with her sometimes. We'd sit on the porch, her in my lap and we'd watch the rain trickle from the roof and collect on the ground."
"Jumpin' in puddles was always her favorite thing ta' fookin' do when it did stop for the moment."
Gren beams. He looked out from his front porch and pictured his Emily; nine years old, wearing a large coat, rain boots and hair pulled back. She'd slam her entire weight into the puddles and create a wave effect. Mud was scattered in several directions, her laughter filling the air as she twirled and danced in place.
'Come on, Gren!' Emily waves. 'Come jump in the puddles with me!'
Georgie seemed to be doing the same thing; a grin grows along his lips and before long, he chuckles. "Me Emily was somethin' else, Gren."
"She was." Gren sighs. "Reminds me a lot of Lyla."
Georgie nods his head in agreement. "She was a lot like her mutha until she became a teenager. That little girl that used ta' jump in the puddles was gone...she was not the same..."
"Don't Georgie." Gren despised when Georgie brought up Emily's past. "She's fuckin' fine now-"
"Her mutha and I worried we'd find her dead in the gutters. We...we kept her in our home, Gren...we would ratha'-"
Georgie covers his face and cries loudly. Gren could not remember the last time Georgie Porgie cried in front of him. It was rare; although he was getting better with showing emotions, Georgie often caught himself closing off the world and suffering alone. It was somehting he was used to. Gren could relate. He did the same. Gren did the only thing he knew. Reaching over, he cups Georgie's shoulder and shakes gently.
"I know, Georgie. Why....why do you think I stayed for almost two weeks at your place?"
Georgie wipes his nose. "I know, Grendel. Ya'....ya' lived at our place fa' awhile." Georgie pauses to look at the ground. "I wanted me Emily...if she did pass....I wanted her near me. In a place she was loved..."
Gren turns away. "I blamed you, Georgie." Gren had to tell Georgie his true feelings. "I secretly wanted it to be you instead of Emily. I fuckin' hated you for makin' Emily who she almost was."
"Me too, Gren. I'd go through the fookin' bullshit all ova' again-hangovers, overdosing, drugs, the Farm-if it meant Emily and my otha' kids can live normal lives and not deal with the bullshit..."
Georgie leans over, grabs Gren and hugs him tightly. Gren was taken back by the sudden wave of emotions. Those feelings surpassed what followed; Gren held onto his father-in-law and refused to release Georgie. They remained like this for two minutes. The rain slowly dripped from the sky and gathered on the dirt.
Their moment had to be put on hold; a familiar red truck, heading up the dirt road, pulls into Emily and Gren's property. Gren's heart sinks. The feelings from the dream returns as he inches closer.
Penkle was trying his best to ignore the Sheriff and his music. He did not mind the noise. It helped the creature focus on his work and what was expected for the day. Charming was no where to be found; he and Ethan were having a private meeting in another room. Michelle was there today. In the back working on the files, she kept her mind occupied with the day's work. She knew that meeting was about her. Michelle caught her name twice since it began.
Peter, holding a stack of files, dances around Penkle. The troll, drinking a Mountain dew, tries to avoid Peter, now clapping.
"You turn me on, I like what I see. When you bounce that thing, like a Trampoline!" Peter shakes, grabs Penkle's hands and tries to encourage the Fable to join in. "C'mon, Sheriff. Bounce like a Trampoline."
Michelle giggles; Penkle was not ammused and did his best not to lunge forward and bite the Sheriff. "Uh, sir-"
"Yeeeeeeeeeees, Michelle?"
"Um, I don't want to be a wet blanket but....Penkle does not seem like he's having a good time and-"
Peter pats Penkle in the face. "Not a fan of that song, huh?"
Penkle pulls away from Peter. "Me get work, Sheriff. No time. Play later...."
"We have PLENTY of time, guys." Peter twirls back to his desk. "C'mon! We need to fucking livin' this place up! I will not have it the way it USED to be-boring, dull, bland. No fun....rules this, rules that-"
Penkle tosses a stack of papers onto Ethan's desk. "What you do then, boss?"
Peter snaps his fingers. "I know the PERFECT song to really get this day going!"
As Peter searches his ipod for the 'perfect' song, Charming and Ethan return. Ethan notices Michelle and smiles. She tries to cover her quickly growing smile; Ethan was a very caring and attentive and he proved her theory right last night. Ethan made sure Erica and Michelle were safe before leaving back to his apartment. This morning, he brought the girls breakfast and walked Michelle to work; Rosie was surprised to see ethan was there when she arrived to babysit Erica.
The music played; Peter backs away, shakes his hips and waves his arms in the air. Charming laughs.
"Well, at least he makes the place fun." Placing his hand on his hip, Charming watches carefully. "His father and his little wifey would have made you all stop this 'nonsense' and get back to work. This is a 'job', not a club mundies go to dance like fools."
Peter continues to dance. "See, THAT'S the difference about me and-"
"Hold on, Peter." Ethan holds out his finger. "YOU dance around like a drunk fool and make yourself look silly."
"I know." Peter continues. "Hey, look-if I have to be stuck her for eight, nine-sometimes ten or more hours-we need to have SOME fun. Otherwise, we'll all end up like the old Business Office team. Time to add some spice to the soup we call life."
"Soup called life?" Ethan rubs his head. "WHAT the fuck are you-"
"Can't. Dancing. Working. You get it, Ethan."
Penkle nearly bumped into Peter. The Sheriff, scanning over some documents needing his signature, dances in place. Ethan rolls his eyes and faces Michelle. Her pale face was red as if she received a sun burn. Trying to remain calm and collected, Michelle holds the books against her chest.
"Is, ummm...Gren, he-"
"I gave him today off." Charming answered. "He needs that extra day..."
"Oh. Everything okay with him and-"
"Oh they are excellent. I figure he needed another day with the babies, is all." Charming opens a file. "My concern, however, is you."
Michelle was taken back. "Me? Mayor Charming, what are you-"
"Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie tells me you have a special needs child at home and you're having a difficult time providing the needed care for her condition."
Michelle glares at Ethan. "Oh...he DID, huh? Well, yes. My daughter experienced severe trauma and I-"
"We'd like to help you financially with her and-"
Michelle shakes her head. "No. No, thank you, Mayor. I appreciate the offer but...I'm fine. Erica and I are fine."
Charming was confused. "We can help you cover the medical costs. Pay Rosie for her time watching your daughter. The appoint-"
"No!" Michelle's voice was booming and carried into the room. "I said we're FINE, Mayor Charming. Deputy. I appreciate the offer but I can take care of this. I've been doing it for some time now and I have it down."
"But Michelle-"
"Deputy, I appreciate the concern but everything is under control. I wish you two would have included me in the meeting prior to addressing this issue. For the future, please ask me before intruding into my personal life. This is work. Other Fables need help, too."
Michelle turns away and heads back to her post. "I have work to do. This discussion is over, sir. I shall be in the back, should you need me for SOMETHING serious. Goodbye."
Michelle immediatly walks away from Ethan and Charming; she was appalled and could not understand Ethan's need to repeat what he'd seen and add more trouble to her world. Money was tight, yes but she had it covered; she didn't need everyone involved in her life. Michelle, for some unknown reason to the others, was severly hurt by this. She trusted Ethan. Why did he want to play savior now?
Michelle walks past Peter; he continued to shake, points to Michelle and smiles. She ignores the Sheriff and quickly walks to the back; hiding in the shadows, Michelle removes her glasses and cries softly.
Peter looks at Ethan. "What did you do?"
Ethan sighs and grabs Michelle's file from Charming. "Nothing, Peter. Just....fuck, dude-STOP dancing for five fucking minutes! Shit!"
Peter pauses; his brother, speaking to himself, grabs his coat and leaves the office. Charming does not say a word. He instead sits at his desk, fires up his computer and types up a document. Penkle waits for Peter.
"Woman. Right, Penkle?"
The yellow Troll dusts a nearby cabinent. He only tilts his head, glances at the Mayor and returns to his work.
"Got it, Penkle. Thank you for TRYING to hold a conversation with me."
Peter continues to sing. "Cause Ethan is going to hate, hate, hate, hate and Charming wil laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. Peter is just going to shake, shake, shake, shake it off-"
Charming laughs. "Yeah. You're nothing like the old Sheriff...."
However, Michelle remained in the back. Trying to hold back the tears, she began to wonder why Ethan suddeny cared about her or Erica. She secretly craved for Ethan to run towards the back, scoop Michelle up in her arms and tell her it would be alright.
But it never happened.
Any questions, you know the drill.
HOLD on! I need to do something really quick, dude! XD I'll comment the rest. I need to do this! XD XD
EDIT: This is shit, yes but after reading the 2nd half. PLEASE, you must draw Peter dancing! I need to see him dance to Taylor Swift 'shake it off!' XD XD XD
Anyways, I loved the 1st half, too. Its nice seeing Georgie and Gren get along. It breaks my heart when Georgie talks about Emily's past.
:'0 Jesus, dude. I didn't need the tears THIS early in the morning. UGH! My heart. The feels. At least she's better now and knowing robert is heading there way....I hope no trouble comes out of this!! BTW, Michelle...STOP! Ethan is looking out for you and he wants to help! Stop being such a selfish Toothfairy's daughter!!! Sheesh! He loves you, he-coughsOh....ummmm...XD Look forward to more, man!
Always something happening to the most innocent of Fables.
At least, Michelle is embracing Ethan's concern for her now. Rosie is a badass too, being a 'watchdog' for Michelle's apartment whenever the moment calls.
Oh what the hell! XD I love it! Hey-at least you didn't have THIS in your head while writing....
Oh have to love the weekend and Peter Porgie's bubbly personality. XD As far as Emily, I still have a hard time believing she's a mommy and not cracked out or Ethan giving her medicine to bring her back....:( #Gremily
I had a different idea but it was too damn dark.
This felt a bit easier....michelle has a friend in Ethan but she's having a hard time believing he cares, especially after their 1st encounter....As far as Rosie, I want to develop her character and she's proving to be one tough cookie. >:D She'll show you all here in a bit WHY she's a badass.....:D
XD OMG Ethan's face! I never did like that song...XD XD Poor Penkle! I adore him. I have a little something for you, Pie.
Wow JJ!!
That's pretty good!! XD
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping this thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
Just noticed tomorrow is the one year anniversary.
You are correct, expect a little celebration tomorrow!
I'm intrigued with what you have planned, Dragon. But all of it wouldn't have happend, if it wasn't for you, man.
Can't wait to see what you have special waiting for us. 
Hey man I love this!
See you did Georgie without the hat.
Is that Robert or....Gren maybe?