Who are your favorite Walking Dead characters, and why?
Just list your favorites here, and maybe give a little info as to why. Here's mine:
1-Ben Paul
Ben was simply the best written, and most relatable character. He was also insanely fun to watch. He was always trying, and even if he failed, he always wanted to improve. That's more than can be said about many much more flawed characters. I don't have much more to say about Ben, however, due to just how perfect his arc and endings all were.
Nick was one of the few characters in Season 2 that was is in any way remarkable or likable. Similarly to Ben, he fucked up often, but unlike Ben, his fuck ups came from all of his unexpressed pain. He never had a chance to face the things that fucked him in the head. Whenever he did face his pain, such as in the shed with Clementine, or confessing to Walter, you could tell that he was struggling to get from each day to the next. That makes it even worse that he got nothing after episode 2. There was so much more to do with him. It would've been awesome to see him work through his issues. Hell, it would've been awesome if he even lived past Luke, and then, in episode 5, if he was saved, maybe he chooses to leave with Mike and Bonnie, and if he's alive, then maybe Clementine is woken up, and offered a place in the truck. Then Arvo would do his thing. All speculation, though.
3-Kenny (S1)
As much as I detest Kenny on a moral level, he was a beautifully written character. His flaws are very real and very present, just as his good side is. The reason that I only like him from season 1 was because of his pointlessness in season 2. In S1, he heavily added to the themes of family, and love, whereas in season 2, they decided, "Hey, people liked this guy in season 1, so let's just do that again. Just so people don't notice this, let's have Kenny take the death of his loved one slightly worse (but not too much worse. He's still gotta be everybody's hero), and have everybody say that he's losing it, without him ever actually doing anything too controversial." He added to pretty much nothing, and died in a boring, pointless way, which completely diminishes his deaths in Season 1, where he gets over his massive ego, and saves a person that he dislikes, at the cost of his own life.
Nate is so fucking interesting. We don't know much about him, and he could be a morally shitty person, but he could also be great. I choose to think of Nate as great. Despite his natural vindictiveness, he always seems people a chance, and has a high tolerance for bullshit. Wyatt and Eddie talked about another one of Nate's people surprising them. This means that Nate wasn't just going crazy on them from the start. Then, later, Russel can try to kill Nate, but he's alright with it. Nate realizes who he appears to be, and doesn't appear to care about whether he lives or dies. I just want to see more of him.
To me, Doug honestly seemed to be morally the best character. Within his series lifetime, he risked his life for others multiple times. Once before we ever see him, he saves Carley. He chose to take the biscuits back home, despite the bandits infesting the roads. Then, Ben, of course. Despite him saying that he feels useless, he saves people multiple times, like telling Lee where the bandits are coming from, or with the laser pointer. He was just such a kickass character, and I couldn't see him going out any other way.
Carley-Despite that she knew that Lee was murderer, she still trusted Lee and promised not to tell anyone about his secret. And she saved Lee, Clem, Kenny and his family when they arrived in Macon, she can save Lee or Clem from the walker from the bathroom, she goes with Lee to save Glenn, she saves Lee from Ben's teacher when he turns into a walker, she can shoot Andy in the ear thus saving Duck, she tells Lee to reveal his secret to the people he trusts and helps with the bandits. When she died, it was probably the most shocking death ever in video game history and I really din't see that coming. She and Lee had a great bond and it was sad to see her go but, this is the Walking Dead after all. Either way, Carley was a great character.
Clementine(S1)-She was basically Lee's last hope and the only thing that wasn't tainted by the apocalypse, and I loved every scene featuring her and Lee. She also had her funny moments like when Lee asked her if she licked the salt lick, putting bugs on Duck's pillow and such. I really loved her in season 1 and was hoping that she will make it but in season 2, she wasn't the same Clem as before and I understand that she lost Lee, her parents and such, but to me, Clem S1 and Clem S2 feel like different characters to me, probably because she was chosen to be the main protagonist. If you are wondering which Clem is my favorite, definitely Clem S1.
Sarah-Sarah reminded me of how Clem was in season 1, and she is example of how some of us would be in the apocalypse. I was hoping her and Clem would become great friends and Clem would teach and protect her the same way Lee did but unfortnately, she died before that could even happen. Sarah was probably the biggest wasted potential in season 2, her character arc felt incomplete and I wish there was an option to tell Sarah that Clem lost her parents aswell after we save her but that din't happen and she only died just so then Carver, Crawford and Jane's philosophy about how the weak are useless and should be left to die and just to add character development to Jane. I wish they did more with her but then again, I wish Telltale did more with some of the characters from season 2.
YES! I love that you have Ben on your list! And such a good description of both his and Nick's characters, too.
Too many characters to choose from, though.....
1. Kenny season 1 & 2
One of the best written characters, even though there were many times I couldn't stand him (we were not good friends at all in season 1). I disagree that he felt pointless in season 2 - I absolutely loved his development, seeing him struggle to cope with his past, and in no way was he portrayed as a hero (not until the end, that is). He got angry over nothing, became abusive and even more irrational than in season one, and many times he was very much out of control. The things he did in season 1 often had a reason behind them (killing Larry, stealing from the car, leaving the motor inn, finding the boat etc.) , but in season 2 he beats up a crippled kid (who is not innocent, but is still seemingly harmless and a cripple... even though he's an excellent manipulator), refuses to listen to anyone else even more than in season 1 and tries to murder a woman out of blind rage, which he admits later - "everything went black, and by the time it was too late, we were already at each other's throats". He is a sad and broken character in season 2, and I like him just as much there as in season 1, because the development of his character felt very natural in my opinion. That being said, I wish they'd invested more time in the new characters than in him in season 2.
2. Lilly
Another very well written character. She was also one person I disagreed with at times, but she had good intentions and always tried to make the best choices for the whole group, in difference to Kenny who always put his wife and kid above everyone else. That being said, she obviously had control issues, and forcefully took on the role as leader of the group because she considered herself the best person for the job, despite not being very well liked. She's starting to lose it after seeing her father being murdered in front of her eyes (understandably), and when she starts pointing fingers in the RV she still thinks she's doing the best for the group, even though she's clearly getting more and more unstable, which finally shows when she tries to kill Ben (because she's sure he's guilty even though he doesn't confess) or Carly (simply because she was being provoked). She is very capable and strong, and knows how to take care of herself. I hope we get to see more of her in the future.
3. Sarah
The most underrated character, and probably one of the most hated. She is a bit odd, innocent and totally oblivious to the world outside due to her dad's protectiveness. People often complain about him doing this to her, but he had a good reason to - he doesn't exaggerate when he says to Clementine that "she would cease to function" if she knew what the world was really like. Although he probably should've tried to explain it to her at some point, it was extremely naive of him to think she'd never be exposed to it. Because of his decision on top of her anxiety disorders it's not strange that she freaks out easily when being hit in the face, walking through a herd of walkers and seeing her dad being eaten alive (really, how can you blame her for that? ANYONE would scream their lungs out at that point). I wish that they'd kept her around longer because she clearly wanted to be able to take care of herself and had a will to protect her friends (trying to learn how to use a gun, being mad at Carlos if she finds out he'd told Clementine to distract her, standing up to Carver when he hits Clementine etc.). I was so mad at her death (second one), and the fact that no one seemed very bothered by it - Luke and Clementine seemed sadder over Jane leaving than seeing Sarah get eaten alive!!! Just... Wtf.
4. Bonnie
My favorite character from 400 days, and one of the few in season 2 I cared about. We don't get to see a lot from her past, although we get to know that she is a former drug addict, and it seems to me like she had a rough past before the ZA. She lost the two people she had in her life, and was striving towards a better life - somewhere to feel safe and needed, which is why she followed Tavia to Carver's camp without a second thought. In season 2, when she joins your group, she seems to be one of the more levelheaded adults and kind of becomes a mother figure. But despite having a kind nature, she is also naive, cowardly and to a degree selfish. She can be unpredictable in her behavior, as shown if you choose to cover Luke instead of trying to save him, as she will despise you afterwards even though she should've known that walking towards him on that thin ice was a very bad idea. She tries to leave the group with Mike and Arvo , showing that she's not as selfless as we first thought she were. It seems that in the end she was only with the group because Luke was there, and he is the only one she truly cares about, seeing how depressed she gets after that, acting like nothing really matters anymore. After that she'd rather save herself than try to keep the group together (she didn't seem to care much about Arvo, after all, like Mike did). So even though I was mad at her more than once, she still remains one of my favorite characters and I hope she makes an appearence in season 3... although I doubt it.
5. Duck
Now, there are other characters I like more than Duck, simply because he never develops... but that's not really in his character, either. He's goofy and dumb but pure and adorable. The picture pretty much says it all - I'll never understand the hatred for him. People thinks he's annoying - why? He never whines or complains about anything. I guess it's because he's being put beside Clementine, who's almost unnaturally mature, intelligent and flawless for a kid. And he didn't kill Shawn; if anything, it was Shawn's own fault for putting a little kid on the tractor. That's an incredibly stupid thing to do if you're going to sit right in front of it. And the fact that Duck, despite seeing unfazed about most things, blames himself for his death even three months after it happened breaks my heart. His death was one of the most tragic events in season 1 and I never really got over it.
Honorary mentions (because I couldn't really decide): Ben, Kaatja, Nick, Arvo, Becca, Christa and Nate.
Wow. You basically took everyone I love and put them down in the exact words of how I feel about them.
But I want to add more about my all time favourite character which is Nick.
Season 2 lacked in realistic/ interesting characters, which was why Nick was such a standout for me personally.
He was a realistically formed character and I loved how there was always meaning behind his actions.
He wasn't just the generic "Asshole for no reason but dramatic purposes" character. He was a troubled soul. We are beautifully presented with this information in hints rather then a full blown life story in 5 seconds. Though this is largely based on player choice. If you accept Nick's apology, then the event surrounding his mum's death will be explained. If you tell Pete that Nick "Doesn't hate him" then Pete will explain how Nick's dad was a piece of shit who was never around so Pete had to raise him. With Pete saying that he couldn't just be "Nice Uncle Pete" it hints at the condescending nature of Pete's take at raising a child. This in turn hints that Nick suffers low self esteem prior to the apocalypse. Low self esteem can lead to depression, on top of losing those most close to him. His monologue about having to kill his mum and how he wished he was more like Luke was a devastatingly confronting speech from someone suffering depression. (Although I don't necessarily like how the writers placed it in at the station house if you go with Pete, it makes more sense in the context of the shed when he is intoxicated. Purely because people suffering depression don't express their feeling easily).
Also with hints, if you listen in on the meeting in the kitchen, Pete will say to Nick that "He would've done the same thing" referring to bringing Clem back to the cabin. It shows that Nick has a caring side before we see evidence of it. It's also interesting to note the story Pete tells about Nick not being able to shoot the buck as a child. Usually kids in Nick's situation are angry and have little regard for anything, but Nick seemed to care deeply about the idea of taking another creatures life.
This scene contrasts well with Matthew's death. Nick runs up on the bridge and draws on Matthew, but he appears frightened the whole time. It seems that he also must've closed his eyes when he pulled the trigger because he asks Luke "Did I hit him? Where is he?" meaning that he didn't see the shot or see him fall off the bridge. This helps in justifying that Nick only shot Matthew because he truly believed that Luke and Clem were in trouble.
He feels guilty about it the whole time and admits that he wished he hadn't pulled the trigger, before he even knows about Matthew being Walter's partner.
His reaction to seeing the photo if you show him was a really defining moment for Nick's character. It just screamed "I'm a human being, not a cold killing machine, and I can't handle what I've become" at me. The absolute disgust he expresses of himself was heart breaking and I truly cared for Nick in that moment. I wanted Luke to shut his face and let Nick tell Walter the truth (Even though he only tells Walter the truth if you choose the "Nick is a good guy" option which is really bad writing on Telltale's behalf). His apology to Walter was really sad as well, it felt genuine.
Nick not being used after episode 2 still grinds my gears, but that doesn't stop him from being my all time favourite character.
That boy had no idea how beautiful he was...
Unless Nick was an illegitimate child, his last name is not Randall by the way.
Yeah, I never got why people thought that.
I'm not much of a guy that likes picking favorites, but i'll give my top 5
Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben, and Nick
Ben: Largely for the same reasons as you. I also like the juxtaposition of his character in comparison to the rest of the cast: everyone else has more or less adapted to this new world; Ben is someone who has not. As a result, he's something of a black sheep, the odd man out. I find him inherently more interesting in that sense as he goes against the rest of the flow, so to speak. I also like that he's one of the few prominent teenage characters across the entire franchise. Sure, we have teen kids here and there, but none of them have really played a role to the story that is as big as Ben's.
Lee: I like how they handled Lee, both as a vessel for the player, but just as much a character himself. He was designed in such a way that the player and Lee himself could co-exist. I guess he was something of a semi-blank slate. There was some amount of personality that you as the player injected into him, but he was nevertheless his own character, complete with his own unique set of flaws and shortcomings that still made him human enough to relate to, but also allowed enough elbow room for the player to immerse themselves in. I think they came real close to striking that balance that you don't commonly see with playable protagonists; where the player has just enough agency and control over them, but they still very much exist as their own character that fits within their respective universe/world.
Kenny: I always found this guy interesting. Again, largely for similar reasons to you (even down to the moral dissonance between me and him). However, I guess I always had a bit of an affinity towards his character. Ever since I first saw him in A New Day, something inside me said "you know what, I really like this guy," something that never really faded, even going into S2. I kind of like how with S2, is that Kenny's almost something of a slow-burn version of the Stranger: family man that slowly loses everything close and important to him, and eventually, loses himself. You saw some extent of that in S1, but I don't think you saw that much of an extent at how fractured and broken he was as an individual. In some areas, S2 remedied that, from when he first returns up to his determinant death throes. You see the signs of someone who quite honestly is slowly but surely losing their damn mind. Maybe he doesn't do that much controversial stuff in comparison to S1 (the infamous meat locker scene), but I feel they dropped enough hints and subtlety to make those connections and draw conclusions about where and how he'd ultimately end up by the end of it. At least on this forum, I guess I'm in the minority of people that feel that Kenny was executed well in S2
Nick: Pretty much a similar case to Ben. I found this guy incredibly relatable and sympathetic as a character. And I like how his characterization was handled: in a sense, he's the first character whose character development is almost entirely determinant. You can refuse his apology, never talk to him, never bring him up to anyone else, and you'll learn practically nothing about this guy. But if you take the steps and show intrigue and interest towards his character, it opens up so many doors and provides a lot of opportunities to learn who Nick is. I found that concept of determinant characterization to be a unique and interesting concept, which I sincerely wish they could have explored further.
Clementine: I don't mean to sound like some lazy bum, but I think most of what needs to be said about Clem has been said by countless others. And I still like her and find her interesting going into S2.
I relate a lot with this character. When he said the words, "Look man i'm "sorry" if i freaked you out at first. We all got our way of coping with shit, right? I Guess i can come off a bit... Whatever. "
That line really spoke with me. After coming back to the states, i felt like a outsider. Couldn't speak to anyone, felt pretty isolated. I just learned how to cope with it. Personally i want to go back every day. I think about going back, every day. I am pretty much a loner, i don't really socialize with people because most people can't handle my intensity. People test me every day, they bend the ruler, trying to see how far they can bend it before it snaps. I have a addictive personality, which gets me into all sorts of trouble.
A lot of people like the Clementine from S1, but for me the Clementine of S2 was arguably a better main character than Lee. There's a lot more depth to Clementine- she's a little girl who's grown up in an apocalyptic situation, and it's interesting to see how such an environment can affect a person, especially someone who's character isn't fully formed. She's been forced to grow up quickly in order to survive, and the psychological effects of such an ideal are interesting to watch (though TT could have done a LOT more with her character- at the end of S2 I still wasn't sure who she was, something that should've been nailed down and confirmed for S3). She's also, despite her age, tough and independent, two characteristics that appeal to me. Clementine's character is still raw and not yet decided, and your decisions are what shape who she is and who she will become. This makes her a very interesting character to play as. It goes without saying that she's also a very likable character in general, but it's the dynamic between her and the environment she is growing up in that intrigues me and makes her my favourite character by far.
In the end, I feel TT could have done a lot more with his character- they could have given us some backstory that turned him into the monster we know him as, but instead they took the lazy route and just made him a cliché psychopath. However, that doesn't mean I didn't dislike him- quite the opposite (as my name suggests). S2 wasn't rich in great, intriguing characters but Carver stood out amongst them, even if TT could've done more with his character. People complain about how his character developed but, though portraying Carver simply as a psychopath was lazy, they also pulled it off magnificently. He was completely unpredictable, capable of monstrous brutality- and yet he came across as charming, even friendly (a tribute all psychopaths share, I might add). I liked him so much because, till Carver's appearance, TWD and arguably all of TT's games had lacked a truly strong villain- Carver fitted the bill perfectly, and I see that TT have taken a number of his traits and used them in their portrayal of Ramsey Snow (though, to be fair, he was already a GOT character). But apart from the mystery surrounding his past and his unpredictability that made him intriguing, I also found myself agreeing with a lot of the things he said- his principles and actions were horrific, but his theory made sense. I didn't agree with his methods, but his logic made sense and helped him adapt to the situation he and his fellow survivors had been put into. I'm not defending his character, I'm just pointing out that in a survival situation he knew what to do to survive, and if I was ever in such a situation I'd probably do the same. All his actions un-related to survival- beating Kenny, etc. - are impossible to defend obviously. Finally, I'd just like to add that (though a bit predictable) a really liked the Clementine-Carver dynamic, and I was disappointed that TT didn't build on that more.
I can't decide between S1 and S2 Kenny, so I'll just include both (they are the same person, after all). In S1, I liked Kenny simply because he was such an emotional character- yes, he could be a jerk and stubborn if you disagreed with him, but he was also very loyal and his only fault was that he allowed his emotions to overrule his judgement, which arguably makes him the most human and realistic of all the characters. In S2 he was, again, a jerk to most of the other character and again he was unreasonable over Sarita's death, but at the same time he still had that loyalty and emotional that (eventually) resurfaced. The guy lost a lot, and it was interesting to see how he coped with that loss in a different way than he did in S2. And, though I chose not to kill Kenny or leave him at Wellington, the other endings were you do leave him make me cry (literally) every time. Not many characters bring that sort of emotion out of me (in fact, TWD is one of the few games that does that).
I don't think Lee was that deep of a character- his personality was already determined, being an adult. But what he lacks in depth he made up for a million times over. His whole story was about protecting Clementine, and he would go to any lengths to protect her- his bond with Clementine was strong and that effected me as a player, as I felt that same attachment to both Lee and Clementine. He was a brilliant character and I loved playing as him, but it was the ending that really defined him for me- he died trying to protect one of the few people left to care about, and his death brought me to tears. I thought I was prepared for it- I really, really, really wasn't.
Again, there wasn't much depth to Luke, but much like Lee it was his overall, likable character that appealed to me. He was the only person who trusted Clementine, was kind to her and almost took over Lee's role of watching over her. He was just a blatantly kind, honest, emotional, moral person struggling to keep his and everyone else's humanity in a situation were it would be too easy to let your humanity slip away. It was disheartening and striking to see his faith slowly dying, and his death (though I didn't cry this time) struck me hard. I really, really think TT should've kept him alive, or at least they could've given him a death worthy of the character he was.
For some reason all the characters are labelled as 1 and I can't seem to fix it
You should probably know what order there in, but in case you don't it's Clem, Carver, Kenny, Lee and then Luke
Right. The problem is that it autocorrects it into a normal list. You'd have to put a dash instead of a period and a space.
Oh shit, you're right. I wrote this after a night of no sleep, so I fucked a few things up.
About Kenny, I used to really really like him. I was on his side 24/7. Then he left me to die in Ep3, and since then, I had a disconnect with him. But he was such a well done character in season 1 that, looking back, I still hold him in high regard. Shame that I shot him, though.
Hell yes. All of this. Fucking NIck, baby. I personally prefer Ben, due to the superior writing surrounding Ben's plot, but Nick is a very close second.
About Duck, I found him really annoying, but I didn't exactly hate him. The problem is, I find most kids annoying. It's not their fault, they just suck because they don't quite yet have a brain. I still have all the care in the world for them, though, and when Duck died, that fucking ruined me. RIP Duck bby.
Similarly pretty much all kids are initially annoying to me, however its the smart arse ones that get me irritated. Duck was dumb but eh he was alright.
"They don't quite yet had a brain" that sentence killed me. But I know what you mean. I've been working with kids,and it can be horribly exhausting, although fun at times. But I don't think I'm really cut out to take care of them, definitely not to be a mom. I'd be better as the crazy aunt.
The weird thing is that for some reason, almost every kid I have ever met really likes me. They also tend to respect me, so I can get them to fuck off when they annoy me. I think I might make a decent dad, if I were able to get a money making job.
At least you share similarities with someone as awesome as Nate, who is one of a kind and ten times more interesting than your average person. Many people can't handle stuff that aren't "ordinary", but in the end it's their loss.
Hmm, that's interesting. You must be treating them well then, despite your dislike? But you probably shouldn't be a dad even if you could if you feel like you want them to fuck off when they get annoying. They'll ALWAYS be annoying, one way or another...
tl;dr : lee, s1 clem, omid, luke, rebecca & alvin
I definitely want kids, so I'll probably be a dad at some point or another.
Oh, well then all is well and good.
But what about the saltlick?
I was referring to your Human characters of course, And...Wait a sec, That's me! That's me in that pic! Look at my perfectly squared ass...... Shit....I remember when that was taken......
1.) Lee. He was by far my favorite character, and not just because we played as him, his personality and story was one to remember
2.) Clementine. No other game made me want to feel like it was my job and duty to protect a person with my life
3.) Kenny. I'm not sure why I liked Kenny from the very start when we first meet him, but as the story went on, you could see how different he had changed
4.) Luke. Just an overall nice guy, he was one of the characters who never did something that I was agents
5.) Omid. I really enjoyed how he was always trying to make light of a bad situation
Kenny : He’s my favorite character in both season 1 and 2. It’s the first time in a video game that a character makes me feel so many different emotions! I loved him as much as I hated him, for being such an asshole sometimes but being capable of very beautiful actions at others. He made me disappointed, annoyed, angry or even mad at him, but also really sad for him, and he surprised me in a good way a lot of times. He’s probably the character the most human in the game, because he’s capable of both the worst and the best.
Ben : I really love this character, because he always had good intentions even if he fucked up. I think a lot of people would be as panicked and scared as he is, if the zombie apocalypse happened in real life. It’s interesting to have a character who is not as strong as the others. And even if he’s not good at killing zombies, he has to have guts to tell Kenny the truth and to ask Lee to drop him. And it proves he really feels guilty and wants to make up for his mistakes.
Omid : I love Omid because he’s so positive and nice all the time. He’s a funny guy, very careful to others, enthusiastic … Seriously, I don’t think it’s possible to hate Omid. I was so sad when he was killed in season 2 !
Of course I love Lee and Clementine, but as we play them I didn't count them.
I also love Carley, Molly, Pete, Sarah and Walter, I like Christa, Luke and Jane and I find Carver and Nate very interesting even if I think they are assholes.
A night of no sleep can do that for ya!
Ben did have a superior plot, but I found Nick more relatable personally due to his troubles.
Also a lot of great story arcs happened during season 1 that can cloud the brilliant arc of Ben's character.
Season 2 didn't have that as much so I remember Nick easily just because his arc was the highlight for me.
ALSO! I forgot to mention in my main post that Nick gained a lot of love/respect points when he handed Clem the gun at the lodge.
Dude, Nick is exactly what I imagine I'd be like in that situation. I love Nick, too. He's the highlight of Season 2. Season 2 died with him.
I too share many similarities with him. So I would also react that way in a situation.
No truer words have ever been spoken.
He also seemed like he had a good sense of humour when he wasn't dealing with a lot of shit.
"You comin' to tuck me in?" followed by the adorable grin was very funny.
It sounded like something I would say hahaha.
I LOVED Ben, Duck, and Katjaa. I feel like Ben just was lost and needed help. Duck was just trying to bed a kid, and Katjaa was so kind. Im sad Katjaa ended her life.
The bandit who got shot in the ass is the best
speaking of salt licks, i think my favorite char is maybelle. like maybelle the cow from s1 ep2.
My top three are:
Maybelle is Love. Maybelle is Life.
I have this same quirk. And its really strange because, while I don't particularly dislike kids, I don't really make much of an effort to connect with them either. They just naturally follow me around and try to get on my good side.
And I'll add most hated for the hell of it.
4-The Stranger
6- Bonnie
Lilly-Smart survivor
Nate-Cool, funny, survivor
Clementine S2-Badass