I'm intrigued with what you have planned, Dragon. But all of it wouldn't have happend, if it wasn't for you, man. Can't wait to see what you have special waiting for us.
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping … morethis thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping … morethis thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
Sup, forum buddies, I've had this idea for a while now. One that's going to show my further appreciation for you all that have been keeping … morethis thread alive with your amazing stories. However, I'm not going to reveal my appreciation idea just yet, probably not until I feel I'm completely done with it.
So, if any of you are interested, send me a personal message on here so that I can ask one simple question in return for your curiosity.
Next time, I'm fookin' takin' someone ELSE ta' the party...
It was brought to my attention that this wonderful thread has been running for a year now and I wanted to say its been one hell of a ride and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. First off, thanks to @Dragonbutter for not ony being a radical dude but creating a place were creativity happens; we've met some interesting characters that have stolen our hearts, made us laugh, cry, feel and learn. Second, to all the contributers: you guys are wonderful people and you have my up most respect. We have all spoken on different and personal levels and within one year, we've created (excuse the language) a pretty fucking awesome circle of friends. Third, @JJWolf. Without this thread, we may never have met. We've had our bumps but what GOOD friendship doesn't? My litte Emily adores you, Tammy has considered you a huge part in our lives and its been fun crusing to classes, listening to 'Uptown Funk' and dancing like fools. And last, the support for Lyla and Georgie and their continuing journey. #Porgie Clan These two and their mini crew have a special place in my heart and although some took the time to warm up, your support for them mean the world to me. So, let's all take Robert's 'advice' and dance the night away! XD
Next time, I'm fookin' takin' someone ELSE ta' the party...
It was brought to my attention that this wonderful thread has been running fo… morer a year now and I wanted to say its been one hell of a ride and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. First off, thanks to @Dragonbutter for not ony being a radical dude but creating a place were creativity happens; we've met some interesting characters that have stolen our hearts, made us laugh, cry, feel and learn. Second, to all the contributers: you guys are wonderful people and you have my up most respect. We have all spoken on different and personal levels and within one year, we've created (excuse the language) a pretty fucking awesome circle of friends. Third, @JJWolf. Without this thread, we may never have met. We've had our bumps but what GOOD friendship doesn't? My litte Emily adores you, Tammy has considered you a huge part in our lives and its been fun crusing to classes, listeni… [view original content]
That's some memory you've got then! :P If it's a crime film though, you're always going to know who did it! I can do it a little bit, mostly with episodes of 'The Simpsons'. XD
I am scarily observant when it comes to films and games. I can recite accurate parts of various scripts when I'm watching a film (the Parent's are fascinated and slightly annoyed by it all at once)
That should be a title of some DLC or something. XD
Ah, if you're at all interested in any I highly recommend The Court of Owls and The City of Owls - they're brilliant, and I have a theory that some of the storline of 'Gotham' might tie into them, but it's only a theory.
Nick's free will mostly comes from the host body he has (though I haven't explained this yet)
Lyra isn't safe yet...
Rhemsehr will app… moreear again later on... and the size thing was just Nick saying that he (Rhemsehr) might not grow up to be as big as Nick, but he could be big if he tries :P
That's some memory you've got then! :P If it's a crime film though, you're always going to know who did it! I can do it a little bit, mostly with episodes of 'The Simpsons'. XD
That should be a title of some DLC or something. XD
Ah, if you're at all interested in any I highly recommend The Court of Owls and The C… moreity of Owls - they're brilliant, and I have a theory that some of the storline of 'Gotham' might tie into them, but it's only a theory.
Lord of the Rings is good for memorable lines and also holds the record for the greatest number of false feet used in a single movie, at 60, 000.
Can't remember many from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it has to be a joy watching it with you doing Captain Jack's lines. :P
Was totally not expecting The Devil Wears Prada. XD There's nothing wrong with it, it's just after some of the films and games we've discussed it seems completely different, but props for the cinematic depth!
I am at my worst (lol) when I'm watching
* Lord of the Rings (any of the 3)
* Pirates of the Caribbean (the first 3)
* The Devil Wears Prada (don't judge me)
Heard the same! Though I also heard that In the States it's going to go on a break again, possibly at the end of March or sometime in April, so because we've had a longer break now we should get to see the rest without any more breaks, if you see what I mean.
I'm writing the next chapter now (it's the weekend though so I'm not as able)
Nick is 6'3 and has a muscular physique like a body-builder, but his physique is also lean. So he isn't massive like Cormac is :P
It's my Mum's fault :P She wants me to be varied in my movies, so I have some weird interests...
I also love Jaws and Jurassic Park (but then again, who doesn't :P)
Me and my Dad mimic Captain Jack from time to time when we say something that sounds like one of his lines!
Viggo Mortenson broke his foot in TTT when he kicks the Uruks helmet (only one take) and he parries the knife away in FOTR when Lurtz throws it at him (he was meant to throw it at the tree next to him, but his vision was compromised by the mask the actor was wearing)
Lord of the Rings is good for memorable lines and also holds the record for the greatest number of false feet used in a single movie, at 60,… more 000.
Can't remember many from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it has to be a joy watching it with you doing Captain Jack's lines. :P
Was totally not expecting The Devil Wears Prada. XD There's nothing wrong with it, it's just after some of the films and games we've discussed it seems completely different, but props for the cinematic depth!
Cormac is ridiculously big.,.. and due to appear in the next chapter :P
I write them in one go usually, but when I first started writing The Devil Among Us I was constantly adding to and changing chapters weeks before I published them (My first story so it required a lot of attention)
Heard the same! Though I also heard that In the States it's going to go on a break again, possibly at the end of March or sometime in April,… more so because we've had a longer break now we should get to see the rest without any more breaks, if you see what I mean.
Gren was not too sure, as his brother walked in from the back, took a cup and poured himself some coffee. He and Robert had their differences; it was apparent to both who the favorite was from both their parents. Their father favored Robert and held him high in his own litte section of the world. Surrounded by praise, a foundation of adoration and path of approval, Robert could do no wrong. His other brothers were respected and tolerated but nothing compared to Robert. And he knew this, too. Grendel, however, was worshipped and loved tremendously by their mother.
Calla loved all her boys and was blessed to have each one in her life. She used to call them her 'Five Elements' or Wu Xing in Chinese. Wood was Robert, for he was strong, sturdy and could easily hold his own. Jason, metal; he could be bent and twisted how you saw fit but he'd never crack or give way. He remained whole and as one. Isaiah was labled as Fire; growing up, he had quite the mouth and always faced danger in the eye. His father woud joke that if he truly was a wid fire, the entire forest would be nothing but ash within hours. Richard water. Like the creeks lining the paths, Richard's soul was flowing, pure and looking for new paths. He rarely took the same one twice. Then, there was Grendel.
Grendel was too much like their mother; he had Thomas' apperance but Calla's good intentions and kind soul. Earth was Gren's element. His inherited ability to heal pants and kill off both poision and weeds alike was looked upon with pride and joy from his mother. The two would spend their morning and afternoons, wondering through the forest, collecting berries and flowers. She'd allow Gren the opportunity to appreciate nature and be one with the Earth, creatures and sky above. The other brothers occasionally joined and grew accustomed to their Wood Elf side.
Never Robert. He was too proud and determined to view life only through the eyes of a Grendel. For this, he and their mother grew distant and became strangers within years. During her death, Robert did not shed a single drop but tagged along with Thomas when he cast Grendel to the shadows. For centuries, he blamed Gren for everything. Their seperation, mother's death, Jason and Richard's death and Isaiah cutting off all contact with the remaining family members. Gren used to envy Robert for his strong relationship and began to truly believe he was responsibe for everything.
Watching his brother stir in the sugar and creme was still new and fresh, like an open wound on your body. You knew it was there but it hurt beyond words and comprehension. Robert could sense the intense feelings, too. His eyes, now glued onto Gren, tried to smile and stir up some form of communication. Georgie, never one to leave Gren alone with Robert, remaind in his seat. He'd stay hushed; this was between the brothers and was there for support. Gren, however, had the slight upper hand and Georgie was ready to defend Gren, should he need it.
"Great coffee." Robert holds up his cup. "Emily sure knows how to brew a cup. Just like Lyla. I remember one time-"
"What do you want, Robert?" Gren folds his hands together. "I know you didn't come here for the coffee or make small chit chat. That ain't fuckin' you. So, whatever the fuck it is you WANT to tell me, I suggest you do it."
Robert leans forward, shifting to the side in his chair. "I know you've been having the same dream as I've been for years now. I know. I can see you have not slept well these past few fucking days."
Gren leans back into his chair. "So, its happening? Fuck...."
"Woot's happenin', Gren?" Georgie grew concerned. "The fook is he blabbing 'bout?"
"Our dad." Robert spoke. "He's dying and-our natural instincts are finally kicking in to replace the alpha."
Gren huffs. "This is bullshit. We ain't in the fuckin' Homelands and ain't got not tribe to protect."
"YOU tell genetics that, Gren."
"You being a fuckin' smartass, Robert?"
Robert sighs and sips from his cup. "Always with the sharp tongue, huh Gren? I'm not being a smartass and don't want to waste your time or my own. I'm here because I know dad has been coming to see you. He tells me all the time-"
"Good for you." Gren sarcastically claps. "Good for fuckin' you, Robert. You and daddy speak and before you know it, you'll be smoking a cigar, talking about how wonderful YOU are and forget that there were other kids around..."
Robert could detect the anguish and hurt in Gren's voice. He couldn't blame his brother; when the others were alive back at the Homelands, Robert sort of became his own group and slowly pushed out from his brother's circle. Gren became so hostile, they refused to speak for centuries. To be honest, Robert was annoyed for several months when he found out Gren was alive. He didn't believe it at first until he got a good look at his brother.
"Gren, I'm sorry but I can't take back what was done YEARS ago in the Homelands and-"
"I don't fuckin' want it."
Robert tilts his head. "Wait, want what?"
"I don't WANT to take dad's place and I refuse to fuckin' fight with you. I'll be damnned if Liam gets involved in this bullshit, too. I'm not interested. It's yours, Robert."
Georgie slams the table. "There. Problem solved. Now, go and tell ya' dad that-"
Robert glares at Gren, fingers gripping tight on the handle. "It's not THAT fucking simple, Gren. Remember?"
Leaning forward, the brother's noses barely touch one another. Gren could see the muscles bulging in his brother's arms, the veins popping out of his neck. There was a slight glimmer of determination and for a second, hate.
"And WHY is that, Robert? I don't fuckin' want this shit! Those are the rules-all parties MUST agree they do not wish to posses it, we tell the original alpha and BOOM-you can live in the light dad created for you and I'll heave my sorry ass back into the darkness and call it good."
"There is just one issue with this, Gren. YOU don't want it....but what about Isaiah?"
Suddenly, it dawned on Gren that there was another brother alive. In order for Robert to take their father's place, all the brothers had to agree there was to be no battle and Robert could carry on the tradition of being the leader. Jason and Richard were dead; Jason died during the Exile and Richard was murdered several centuries ago for some unknown reason.
"Isaiah...." Gren rubs his eyes. "Fuckin' idiot."
"What is the big deal? We call him up, tell him we need to talk to him and there you go. I doubt he'd want to be the leader. He was weak and-"
Gren looks up. "Wow you really are thinking like a fuckin' alpha, ain't you? Must be proud...."
"Do you know where he is, Gren or are we going to have to search every fucking corner of this shit hole town?"
"Last I checked he was working for Santa but that was years go when Georgie's kids were little. For all I know, he could be fuckin' dead or moved on to somewhere new."
Robert tosses his spoon onto the table. "Well, looks like we're going on a wild Goose chase then."
"Obviously he doesen't, Gren. Look, I don't want to do this neither; it would have been so much easier if he was dead, too but he aint. So, we need to find him."
Georgie looks over at Gren. "Call Peter and Ethan. They may 'ave records on him."
"Georgie is right." Robert paces in the kitchen. "We need to call them and see if they know anything inregards to Isaiah and if he's even STILL alive."
Georgie takes out his phone. "I got this." Standing up, he pats Gren on the shoulder. "I'll be outside, takin' the call. Ya' need me-'
"We're fine, Georgie. Thank you."
Georgie smile and as he turns to face the door, glances at Robert one last time. He did not have bad blood against Robert; he was the father to RJ and would always be a huge part in his life. Georgie, however, did not have to like him. He tolerated Robert. That was it. Dialing the number for the Business Office, Georgie steps outside.
"Cute Gren."
"Keeping your guard Dog with you at all times. You afraid I'll do something to you?"
Gren looks around the room. "I'll keep this short, Robert because you're not a fucking stupid man. You could easily kill me right now, look for Isaiah and make some stupid lie that I've been dead for years now. You'd make it as if I fuckin' killed myself or something. He'll hand it over, you win...life goes on. I know about the fuckin' dreams. I've been having them a lot these days since dad came around."
"You really think I'm that determined to replace dad, Gren?"
"Yes. I'm not taking this chance, neither. I have a fiancee and four babies in there that need me. YOU have RJ; althought not a baby he still needs you, too. I rememebr what the males used to do just to get their fucking' place as Alpha-some would go as far as to kill their own family memebers. Remember that tribe dad used to be really good friends with? Nine boys and four girls. Four of the boys died by 'accidents'; fire for one, poison for the other two and an accidental drowning for the last. What motherfuckin' Grendel DIES from drowning, Robert?"
Robert agrees. He recalled that inccident. What could they do? Sick as it was, this is what Grendels did. Only the strong survived, grew up and had a chance at life. Robert, annoyed, glared at Gren. Suddenly, he wished secretly that Gren had demised years ago.
Georgie returns. "Ethan is out but Peter said he can help us. Ya' want me ta' drive or-"
"Nah, we got this Georgie Porgie." Robert grabs Gren. "We'll be heading down there and-"
"I ain't that fookin' stupid, Robert. Ya' aint takin' him alone."
Robert chuckles. "What, you don't trust me-"
"No, we don't." All three men turn to see Emily. "He's going ta' have someone go with him, Robert. Until this thing gets fookin' settled, he ain't going alone with ya'."
Robert nods. "Fair enough..."
Robert watches as Gren grabs Emily, holds her close and kisses her. The entire time she stood there, her sweet aroma filled Robert's mind. He had to control the urge to jump at Gren and tear him to shreds. What the fuck was going on, Robert thought. WHY do I want to fight Gren so bad and rip him away from Emily?
Gren detected the growing tension in the air; he turned, glanced at Robert and growled. Emily smacks him on the head.
"Stop! Ya' want the babies ta' see ya' like this!?"
"OH the babies." Robert claps. "Let ol' uncle Robert get a look and-"
Emily holds Robert back. "Go fix this and then ya' can come back and see the kids. Okay?"
Emily's slender fingers were warm and gentle against Robert's shirt. Her smell grew stronger as she spoke; she looked radiant in her light blue dress, hair dropping down the curves of her torso and pale skin glistening in the sun light. Robert felt a strange sensation the longer he stood there. Immediatly, Gren pushes Robert back; both their eyes changed for a brief moment and the second Robert and Gren were away from Emily, it changed once more.
"Let's go." Gren grabs the keys. "We need to find Isaiah and fast."
Gren kisses the babies and Emily before heading out with Robert; Georgie follows, kisses Lyla, Emily and the quads goodbye and joins the Grendel brothers. Georgie carried a gun in his pocket, as he buckled in the back of Gren's car.
Just in case....
Any questions, you know the drill.
NEVER get tired of drawing these two. Have a few others but....you know...CAN'T show those. XD XD oh pie....lol
Made an edit to the OP and title above. It's just a little notice to ensure that you guys have the option to celebrate, have fun, talk about the moments we had in here, or whatever else you deem necessary!
Here's to another year of storytelling, my friends.
She's probably doing you a favour in encouraging a broad selection, really. :P Plus it's handy because if there's a conversation about movies going on you'll probably know something in relation to what's been spoken about.
Ah, good choices! Both probably the best out of their respective franchises, too. Sequels in general can be good, but remakes over the past decade or don't always do much justice to the original.
I love quite a few films, Alien and Blade Runner being among them. :P
Hahah, that's excellent! XD
Didn't know about either of those things; did they have to take a break in filming while his foot healed? And when he parries the knife away was that him reacting and not acting? It's not quite as interesting and you probably already know it, but the cast and crew started getting t-shirts saying 'I survived Helm's Deep' after filming, because it was for a few weeks, at night, in real and man-made rain.
It's my Mum's fault :P She wants me to be varied in my movies, so I have some weird interests...
I also love Jaws and Jurassic Park (but … morethen again, who doesn't :P)
Me and my Dad mimic Captain Jack from time to time when we say something that sounds like one of his lines!
Viggo Mortenson broke his foot in TTT when he kicks the Uruks helmet (only one take) and he parries the knife away in FOTR when Lurtz throws it at him (he was meant to throw it at the tree next to him, but his vision was compromised by the mask the actor was wearing)
Cormac is ridiculously big.,.. and due to appear in the next chapter :P
I write them in one go usually, but when I first started writing … moreThe Devil Among Us I was constantly adding to and changing chapters weeks before I published them (My first story so it required a lot of attention)
I would just like to say that, after ignoring this thread for so long, I am happy to know that I am in the company of fellow writers whom I can talk to about a wide range of things. I consider the people on this thread:
Made an edit to the OP and title above. It's just a little notice to ensure that you guys have the option to celebrate, have fun, talk about… more the moments we had in here, or whatever else you deem necessary!
Here's to another year of storytelling, my friends.
-raises glass- I agree with you, Man. You guys have been nothing but wonderful. Here is to TWAU for bringing us together, the love of FABLES, creativity and having fun. #Season 2
EDIT: Heeeeeeeeeey....where is MasterStone at!? And are you guys SURE you want Pie in real life?? XD
Stands up and raises a glass
I would just like to say that, after ignoring this thread for so long, I am happy to know that I am in the c… moreompany of fellow writers whom I can talk to about a wide range of things. I consider the people on this thread:
* @DragonButter
* @pudding_pie
* @JJwolf
* @Tetra
* @LupineNoir
To be great people, that I would love the pleasure of meeting someday, face to face, and who knows? Life is certainly strange that way :P
Here's looking forward to more from all of us and from TellTale, love you guys :')
Movies and games... I'm the guy (sometimes for games though, my company of friends over here are really into online gaming on Steam... and I don't have Steam)
Terminator 2 is better than Terminator 1, as an example :P
Alien is a good series. I have only seen Blade Runner once a few years ago, I definitely have to watch it again...
Those T-shirts sound pretty epic :P The Fellowship all got tattoos of their number in the group (like who joined first) the only one who didn't get a tattoo was John-Rhys Davies (Gimli) he got his stunt double to get the tattoo instead as he played Gimli more than John did in the films XD
Viggo parried that knife out of instinct, it was a real knife and wasn't meant to be anywhere near him!
Also, John-Rhys had an accident on a farm in his youth where he lost the tip of one of his fingers, and during filming he covered the digit in blood and went to Peter Jackson about an 'accident' he had had. Cuz Jackson hadn't noticed the finger before!!
She's probably doing you a favour in encouraging a broad selection, really. :P Plus it's handy because if there's a conversation about movie… mores going on you'll probably know something in relation to what's been spoken about.
Ah, good choices! Both probably the best out of their respective franchises, too. Sequels in general can be good, but remakes over the past decade or don't always do much justice to the original.
I love quite a few films, Alien and Blade Runner being among them. :P
Hahah, that's excellent! XD
Didn't know about either of those things; did they have to take a break in filming while his foot healed? And when he parries the knife away was that him reacting and not acting? It's not quite as interesting and you probably already know it, but the cast and crew started getting t-shirts saying 'I survived Helm's Deep' after filming, because it was for a few weeks, at night, in real and man-made rain.
-raises glass- I agree with you, Man. You guys have been nothing but wonderful. Here is to TWAU for bringing us together, the love of FABLE… moreS, creativity and having fun. #Season 2
EDIT: Heeeeeeeeeey....where is MasterStone at!? And are you guys SURE you want Pie in real life?? XD
Stands up and raises a glass
I would just like to say that, after ignoring this thread for so long, I am happy to know that I am in the c… moreompany of fellow writers whom I can talk to about a wide range of things. I consider the people on this thread:
* @DragonButter
* @pudding_pie
* @JJwolf
* @Tetra
* @LupineNoir
To be great people, that I would love the pleasure of meeting someday, face to face, and who knows? Life is certainly strange that way :P
Here's looking forward to more from all of us and from TellTale, love you guys :')
Next time, I'm fookin' takin' someone ELSE ta' the party...
It was brought to my attention that this wonderful thread has been running fo… morer a year now and I wanted to say its been one hell of a ride and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. First off, thanks to @Dragonbutter for not ony being a radical dude but creating a place were creativity happens; we've met some interesting characters that have stolen our hearts, made us laugh, cry, feel and learn. Second, to all the contributers: you guys are wonderful people and you have my up most respect. We have all spoken on different and personal levels and within one year, we've created (excuse the language) a pretty fucking awesome circle of friends. Third, @JJWolf. Without this thread, we may never have met. We've had our bumps but what GOOD friendship doesn't? My litte Emily adores you, Tammy has considered you a huge part in our lives and its been fun crusing to classes, listeni… [view original content]
I know! It's amazing what adventures we've all had since March. Glad to bring the creativity out of you guys.
Don't forget to send me a message if you want in!
Is this really yours? Or is it someone else's? If it is yours, then damn, you've improved a lot since the last picture!
It's supposed to be Robert. XD
'Tis mine.
I've been looking at Pie's work a lot these past few days and studying them. Thanks, bro. 
Oh yay! Wow...one year already. I'd love to know what you have planned!
Wow this is really awesome JJ!
I know I haven't been here the whole year but for the time I have been here it's been a lot of fun! Here's to many more!
I think Pudding said it the best though! Thanks for thinking of this awesome thread!
I'm all excited now!! XD
I've only been here for a number of months, but already I feel right at home :')
I look forward to what you have planned, Dragon!
Next time, I'm fookin' takin' someone ELSE ta' the party...
It was brought to my attention that this wonderful thread has been running for a year now and I wanted to say its been one hell of a ride and I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead. First off, thanks to @Dragonbutter for not ony being a radical dude but creating a place were creativity happens; we've met some interesting characters that have stolen our hearts, made us laugh, cry, feel and learn. Second, to all the contributers: you guys are wonderful people and you have my up most respect. We have all spoken on different and personal levels and within one year, we've created (excuse the language) a pretty fucking awesome circle of friends.
Third, @JJWolf. Without this thread, we may never have met. We've had our bumps but what GOOD friendship doesn't? My litte Emily adores you, Tammy has considered you a huge part in our lives and its been fun crusing to classes, listening to 'Uptown Funk' and dancing like fools. And last, the support for Lyla and Georgie and their continuing journey.
#Porgie Clan These two and their mini crew have a special place in my heart and although some took the time to warm up, your support for them mean the world to me. So, let's all take Robert's 'advice' and dance the night away! XD
TWAU fanfic writers are friends for life! XD
That's some memory you've got then! :P If it's a crime film though, you're always going to know who did it! I can do it a little bit, mostly with episodes of 'The Simpsons'. XD
That should be a title of some DLC or something. XD
Ah, if you're at all interested in any I highly recommend The Court of Owls and The City of Owls - they're brilliant, and I have a theory that some of the storline of 'Gotham' might tie into them, but it's only a theory.
Makes sense!
The situation with Lyra suddenly seems much more foreboding!
And that clarifies that! Nick really is a big guy. :P
I am at my worst (lol) when I'm watching
Ah cool!
Gotham is coming back to us in March it seems :P
It's been running in the States since mid-January though...
I'm writing the next chapter now (it's the weekend though so I'm not as able)
Nick is 6'3 and has a muscular physique like a body-builder, but his physique is also lean. So he isn't massive like Cormac is :P
Lord of the Rings is good for memorable lines and also holds the record for the greatest number of false feet used in a single movie, at 60, 000.
Can't remember many from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it has to be a joy watching it with you doing Captain Jack's lines. :P
Was totally not expecting The Devil Wears Prada. XD There's nothing wrong with it, it's just after some of the films and games we've discussed it seems completely different, but props for the cinematic depth!
Heard the same! Though I also heard that In the States it's going to go on a break again, possibly at the end of March or sometime in April, so because we've had a longer break now we should get to see the rest without any more breaks, if you see what I mean.
Do you tend to write your chapters in one go or add to them when you can?
He may not be as big as Cormac but that's still pretty imposing. :P
It's my Mum's fault :P She wants me to be varied in my movies, so I have some weird interests...
I also love Jaws and Jurassic Park (but then again, who doesn't :P)
Me and my Dad mimic Captain Jack from time to time when we say something that sounds like one of his lines!
Viggo Mortenson broke his foot in TTT when he kicks the Uruks helmet (only one take) and he parries the knife away in FOTR when Lurtz throws it at him (he was meant to throw it at the tree next to him, but his vision was compromised by the mask the actor was wearing)
Cormac is ridiculously big.,.. and due to appear in the next chapter :P
I write them in one go usually, but when I first started writing The Devil Among Us I was constantly adding to and changing chapters weeks before I published them (My first story so it required a lot of attention)
I hope so...
Btw, TWD is getting interesting!! (If you watch it that is)
Gren was not too sure, as his brother walked in from the back, took a cup and poured himself some coffee. He and Robert had their differences; it was apparent to both who the favorite was from both their parents. Their father favored Robert and held him high in his own litte section of the world. Surrounded by praise, a foundation of adoration and path of approval, Robert could do no wrong. His other brothers were respected and tolerated but nothing compared to Robert. And he knew this, too. Grendel, however, was worshipped and loved tremendously by their mother.
Calla loved all her boys and was blessed to have each one in her life. She used to call them her 'Five Elements' or Wu Xing in Chinese. Wood was Robert, for he was strong, sturdy and could easily hold his own. Jason, metal; he could be bent and twisted how you saw fit but he'd never crack or give way. He remained whole and as one. Isaiah was labled as Fire; growing up, he had quite the mouth and always faced danger in the eye. His father woud joke that if he truly was a wid fire, the entire forest would be nothing but ash within hours. Richard water. Like the creeks lining the paths, Richard's soul was flowing, pure and looking for new paths. He rarely took the same one twice. Then, there was Grendel.
Grendel was too much like their mother; he had Thomas' apperance but Calla's good intentions and kind soul. Earth was Gren's element. His inherited ability to heal pants and kill off both poision and weeds alike was looked upon with pride and joy from his mother. The two would spend their morning and afternoons, wondering through the forest, collecting berries and flowers. She'd allow Gren the opportunity to appreciate nature and be one with the Earth, creatures and sky above. The other brothers occasionally joined and grew accustomed to their Wood Elf side.
Never Robert. He was too proud and determined to view life only through the eyes of a Grendel. For this, he and their mother grew distant and became strangers within years. During her death, Robert did not shed a single drop but tagged along with Thomas when he cast Grendel to the shadows. For centuries, he blamed Gren for everything. Their seperation, mother's death, Jason and Richard's death and Isaiah cutting off all contact with the remaining family members. Gren used to envy Robert for his strong relationship and began to truly believe he was responsibe for everything.
Watching his brother stir in the sugar and creme was still new and fresh, like an open wound on your body. You knew it was there but it hurt beyond words and comprehension. Robert could sense the intense feelings, too. His eyes, now glued onto Gren, tried to smile and stir up some form of communication. Georgie, never one to leave Gren alone with Robert, remaind in his seat. He'd stay hushed; this was between the brothers and was there for support. Gren, however, had the slight upper hand and Georgie was ready to defend Gren, should he need it.
"Great coffee." Robert holds up his cup. "Emily sure knows how to brew a cup. Just like Lyla. I remember one time-"
"What do you want, Robert?" Gren folds his hands together. "I know you didn't come here for the coffee or make small chit chat. That ain't fuckin' you. So, whatever the fuck it is you WANT to tell me, I suggest you do it."
Robert leans forward, shifting to the side in his chair. "I know you've been having the same dream as I've been for years now. I know. I can see you have not slept well these past few fucking days."
Gren leans back into his chair. "So, its happening? Fuck...."
"Woot's happenin', Gren?" Georgie grew concerned. "The fook is he blabbing 'bout?"
"Our dad." Robert spoke. "He's dying and-our natural instincts are finally kicking in to replace the alpha."
Gren huffs. "This is bullshit. We ain't in the fuckin' Homelands and ain't got not tribe to protect."
"YOU tell genetics that, Gren."
"You being a fuckin' smartass, Robert?"
Robert sighs and sips from his cup. "Always with the sharp tongue, huh Gren? I'm not being a smartass and don't want to waste your time or my own. I'm here because I know dad has been coming to see you. He tells me all the time-"
"Good for you." Gren sarcastically claps. "Good for fuckin' you, Robert. You and daddy speak and before you know it, you'll be smoking a cigar, talking about how wonderful YOU are and forget that there were other kids around..."
Robert could detect the anguish and hurt in Gren's voice. He couldn't blame his brother; when the others were alive back at the Homelands, Robert sort of became his own group and slowly pushed out from his brother's circle. Gren became so hostile, they refused to speak for centuries. To be honest, Robert was annoyed for several months when he found out Gren was alive. He didn't believe it at first until he got a good look at his brother.
"Gren, I'm sorry but I can't take back what was done YEARS ago in the Homelands and-"
"I don't fuckin' want it."
Robert tilts his head. "Wait, want what?"
"I don't WANT to take dad's place and I refuse to fuckin' fight with you. I'll be damnned if Liam gets involved in this bullshit, too. I'm not interested. It's yours, Robert."
Georgie slams the table. "There. Problem solved. Now, go and tell ya' dad that-"
Robert glares at Gren, fingers gripping tight on the handle. "It's not THAT fucking simple, Gren. Remember?"
Leaning forward, the brother's noses barely touch one another. Gren could see the muscles bulging in his brother's arms, the veins popping out of his neck. There was a slight glimmer of determination and for a second, hate.
"And WHY is that, Robert? I don't fuckin' want this shit! Those are the rules-all parties MUST agree they do not wish to posses it, we tell the original alpha and BOOM-you can live in the light dad created for you and I'll heave my sorry ass back into the darkness and call it good."
"There is just one issue with this, Gren. YOU don't want it....but what about Isaiah?"
Suddenly, it dawned on Gren that there was another brother alive. In order for Robert to take their father's place, all the brothers had to agree there was to be no battle and Robert could carry on the tradition of being the leader. Jason and Richard were dead; Jason died during the Exile and Richard was murdered several centuries ago for some unknown reason.
"Isaiah...." Gren rubs his eyes. "Fuckin' idiot."
"What is the big deal? We call him up, tell him we need to talk to him and there you go. I doubt he'd want to be the leader. He was weak and-"
Gren looks up. "Wow you really are thinking like a fuckin' alpha, ain't you? Must be proud...."
"Do you know where he is, Gren or are we going to have to search every fucking corner of this shit hole town?"
"Last I checked he was working for Santa but that was years go when Georgie's kids were little. For all I know, he could be fuckin' dead or moved on to somewhere new."
Robert tosses his spoon onto the table. "Well, looks like we're going on a wild Goose chase then."
"Are you kidding me? Ask dad. I'm sure he'll fuckin' know."
"Obviously he doesen't, Gren. Look, I don't want to do this neither; it would have been so much easier if he was dead, too but he aint. So, we need to find him."
Georgie looks over at Gren. "Call Peter and Ethan. They may 'ave records on him."
"Georgie is right." Robert paces in the kitchen. "We need to call them and see if they know anything inregards to Isaiah and if he's even STILL alive."
Georgie takes out his phone. "I got this." Standing up, he pats Gren on the shoulder. "I'll be outside, takin' the call. Ya' need me-'
"We're fine, Georgie. Thank you."
Georgie smile and as he turns to face the door, glances at Robert one last time. He did not have bad blood against Robert; he was the father to RJ and would always be a huge part in his life. Georgie, however, did not have to like him. He tolerated Robert. That was it. Dialing the number for the Business Office, Georgie steps outside.
"Cute Gren."
"Keeping your guard Dog with you at all times. You afraid I'll do something to you?"
Gren looks around the room. "I'll keep this short, Robert because you're not a fucking stupid man. You could easily kill me right now, look for Isaiah and make some stupid lie that I've been dead for years now. You'd make it as if I fuckin' killed myself or something. He'll hand it over, you win...life goes on. I know about the fuckin' dreams. I've been having them a lot these days since dad came around."
"You really think I'm that determined to replace dad, Gren?"
"Yes. I'm not taking this chance, neither. I have a fiancee and four babies in there that need me. YOU have RJ; althought not a baby he still needs you, too. I rememebr what the males used to do just to get their fucking' place as Alpha-some would go as far as to kill their own family memebers. Remember that tribe dad used to be really good friends with? Nine boys and four girls. Four of the boys died by 'accidents'; fire for one, poison for the other two and an accidental drowning for the last. What motherfuckin' Grendel DIES from drowning, Robert?"
Robert agrees. He recalled that inccident. What could they do? Sick as it was, this is what Grendels did. Only the strong survived, grew up and had a chance at life. Robert, annoyed, glared at Gren. Suddenly, he wished secretly that Gren had demised years ago.
Georgie returns. "Ethan is out but Peter said he can help us. Ya' want me ta' drive or-"
"Nah, we got this Georgie Porgie." Robert grabs Gren. "We'll be heading down there and-"
"I ain't that fookin' stupid, Robert. Ya' aint takin' him alone."
Robert chuckles. "What, you don't trust me-"
"No, we don't." All three men turn to see Emily. "He's going ta' have someone go with him, Robert. Until this thing gets fookin' settled, he ain't going alone with ya'."
Robert nods. "Fair enough..."
Robert watches as Gren grabs Emily, holds her close and kisses her. The entire time she stood there, her sweet aroma filled Robert's mind. He had to control the urge to jump at Gren and tear him to shreds. What the fuck was going on, Robert thought. WHY do I want to fight Gren so bad and rip him away from Emily?
Gren detected the growing tension in the air; he turned, glanced at Robert and growled. Emily smacks him on the head.
"Stop! Ya' want the babies ta' see ya' like this!?"
"OH the babies." Robert claps. "Let ol' uncle Robert get a look and-"
Emily holds Robert back. "Go fix this and then ya' can come back and see the kids. Okay?"
Emily's slender fingers were warm and gentle against Robert's shirt. Her smell grew stronger as she spoke; she looked radiant in her light blue dress, hair dropping down the curves of her torso and pale skin glistening in the sun light. Robert felt a strange sensation the longer he stood there. Immediatly, Gren pushes Robert back; both their eyes changed for a brief moment and the second Robert and Gren were away from Emily, it changed once more.
"Let's go." Gren grabs the keys. "We need to find Isaiah and fast."
Gren kisses the babies and Emily before heading out with Robert; Georgie follows, kisses Lyla, Emily and the quads goodbye and joins the Grendel brothers. Georgie carried a gun in his pocket, as he buckled in the back of Gren's car.
Just in case....
Any questions, you know the drill.
NEVER get tired of drawing these two. Have a few others but....you know...CAN'T show those. XD XD oh pie....lol
Saw the first series but ended up missing the second; might try and catch up somehow though! Is it on series 5 now?
Yes we're into the second half of series 5 :P
I just noticed something....why does it look like they are flirting....0-o lol either way, I love it. Thank you again, man!!
Made an edit to the OP and title above. It's just a little notice to ensure that you guys have the option to celebrate, have fun, talk about the moments we had in here, or whatever else you deem necessary!
Here's to another year of storytelling, my friends.
She's probably doing you a favour in encouraging a broad selection, really. :P Plus it's handy because if there's a conversation about movies going on you'll probably know something in relation to what's been spoken about.
Ah, good choices! Both probably the best out of their respective franchises, too. Sequels in general can be good, but remakes over the past decade or don't always do much justice to the original.
I love quite a few films, Alien and Blade Runner being among them. :P
Hahah, that's excellent! XD
Didn't know about either of those things; did they have to take a break in filming while his foot healed? And when he parries the knife away was that him reacting and not acting? It's not quite as interesting and you probably already know it, but the cast and crew started getting t-shirts saying 'I survived Helm's Deep' after filming, because it was for a few weeks, at night, in real and man-made rain.
Even in text form he's unmissable. :P
Ahh, seems like a good way of doing things! I was just curious.
Stands up and raises a glass
I would just like to say that, after ignoring this thread for so long, I am happy to know that I am in the company of fellow writers whom I can talk to about a wide range of things. I consider the people on this thread:
To be great people, that I would love the pleasure of meeting someday, face to face, and who knows? Life is certainly strange that way :P
Here's looking forward to more from all of us and from TellTale, love you guys :')
-raises glass- I agree with you, Man. You guys have been nothing but wonderful.
Here is to TWAU for bringing us together, the love of FABLES, creativity and having fun. #Season 2
EDIT: Heeeeeeeeeey....where is MasterStone at!? And are you guys SURE you want Pie in real life?? XD
Movies and games... I'm the guy (sometimes for games though, my company of friends over here are really into online gaming on Steam... and I don't have Steam)
Terminator 2 is better than Terminator 1, as an example :P
Alien is a good series. I have only seen Blade Runner once a few years ago, I definitely have to watch it again...
Those T-shirts sound pretty epic :P The Fellowship all got tattoos of their number in the group (like who joined first) the only one who didn't get a tattoo was John-Rhys Davies (Gimli) he got his stunt double to get the tattoo instead as he played Gimli more than John did in the films XD
Viggo parried that knife out of instinct, it was a real knife and wasn't meant to be anywhere near him!
Also, John-Rhys had an accident on a farm in his youth where he lost the tip of one of his fingers, and during filming he covered the digit in blood and went to Peter Jackson about an 'accident' he had had. Cuz Jackson hadn't noticed the finger before!!
For life, yo.
And cool enough to not look at explosions!
Oh Yeah.
Oh, the moments we'll have once season 2 comes out.
Raises a glass
Life definitely is strange. And to everyone here, and to all the newcomers that may come!
Hey, you too man! This thread most definitely would've been down in the dumps if it weren't for you and the others!
(?) Porgie clan and pudding_pie will remember that
Someone call an ambulance!
EDIT: I mean, Doctor Swineheart!