Did Vernon have a point?
Towards the end of Episode 4 of Season 1, Vernon tells Lee that he is unfit to keep care of Clementine and that she will die if she remains under his care. He then offers to take Clementine off Lee's hands, saying that people in his group have looked after kids before. Like (I assume) most players, I reacted in anger to this- after all Lee and Clementine had been through, I wasn't going to give her up to anyone. However, though I still disagree with Vernon and I would never give up Clementine, did Vernon have a point?
Vernon met with the group when they were arguably at their lowest point- Omid was badly injured, Kenny was an emotional mess and Ben was endangering the group with his clumsiness. And plus Vernon witnessed the whole of Ben's confession to Kenny and Kenny's reaction. It must have seemed to him like the group was falling apart and badly organised- and I have to agree that such a group of people must seem unfit to keep care of a little child.
And I can see were Vernon was coming from with his attack on Lee as well: having been cooped up inside that bunker for so long, the whole near death experience in the high school, Vernon might assume that it was Lee's leadership that got Brie killed and put the whole group in jeopardy (though, of course, he probably doesn't know just how bad it is everywhere and that no where is safe anymore).
Was he genuinely concerned about Clementine? Yes, I believe he was, though his main reason for helping the group wasn't out of kindness but in the hope that he might be able to get hold of the boat (which he does- I wonder what happened to him after he got the boat?). And he did have a good point- members of his group had looked after kids before. Clementine probably would have maintained her innocence if she'd gone with Vernon and his people, but she might have turned into a Sarah type character, completely unfit for the post apocalyptic world.
And I don't agree with his attack on Lee either- no one was more capable of looking after and teaching Clementine to survive, and it wasn't Lee's choices that endangered the group- it's an apocalypse, nowhere is safe anymore, and Vernon couldn't possibly appreciate that having been cooped up in a whole for the majority of the time.
As I've already mentioned, thought Clementine saw some terrible things I felt it was best for her that she did- to survive in an apocalyptic situation you need to adapt, learn how to cope, and Clementine learning that from an early age was really what was best for her. If she'd been protected from what was going on, then she probably would've turned out like Sarah- kind and innocent, but also useless at surviving and very fragile. And, from a survival point of view, that's no good at all. To survive in a brutal, cruel world, you have to desensitised.
Actually, another quick question- does Shel appear in S1 with the group?
Shel doesn't appear until 400 Days.
I think Vernon had a point, in fact I even agreed with him.
I don't think Clem woulda been any safer with Vernon's group than with Lee. I don't like when V told Lee that Clem wouldn't be exposed to what she has been while with Lee, but I think it's a good thing she's seen everything. If Clem is going to survive she needs to see the world as it is. I was honest with Clementine every time she asked if I thought the world would go back to how it was. Clementine would be dead if she went with Vernon
Okay then, just wondering. Cheers
Exactly. And plus, Vernon and his people are quite old, so what would Clem do when they passed away?
Really? Interesting. Was it because you wanted Clem to be safe or didn't you think Lee could look after Clem?
well look where vernon's group are now either dead or unknown serves him right for stealing the boat
How would they protect her from bandits or people like carver?
I thought the group was doomed since the start and Lee was incapable of taking care of her forever, and I was right he died the following day.
But what about all the times he managed to keep her alive? Sure, the group was doomed from the start but Lee did a pretty good job with Clementine, keeping her alive and teaching her what she needed to survive.
I wish I knew what happened to them. I'm not sure were they were going with the boat. Maybe they reached somewhere else? Or maybe the boat ran out of fuel/sank/broke down and they slowly starved to death or drowned trying to swim back to land
They were in 400 days, and vernon was confirmed dead by them. But 1 can determinantly die and the rest are left unknown
They probably would've died pretty quickly: remember when Lee first met Vernon and he doesn't shoot, even if your aggressive to him? I can't imagine someone like that being able to defend people in the outside world.
They didn't say that he was dead. I just guess he left on the boat with some other members of the group and maybe some stayed behind.
Vernon never says this. That was the Stranger.
Vernon says this to Lee as well
Yeah, it's implied that he's dead, but I don't think they actually confirm his death
Well yea, but that feeling of his impending doom was coming up and I could just feel it about to happen. I'd rather he safe in a shelter than on a boat with no destination.
No he only said that she would be safer with him than she has been with Lee. The only person that says what your describing was Stranger not Vernon.