Where in Westeros do you want to live?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

As the title says. Where do you want to live in the continent? The North, The Riverlands, The Reach, The Vale, The Westerlands, The Iron Islands, The Crownlands,The Stormlands, Dorne and Beyond the Wall.

Personally, if I want a relatively peaceful (Or at least stable and secured) life, I would chose the Reach. Considering it is the most populated region and a fertile land, it sounds like a nice place to live.



  • Probably the North. People are much more sincere and honorable there.

    Winter would blow, though.

    Dorne has its appeal too, on that front...

  • The North. I really enjoy cold weather.

  • I also enjoy snowy landscape, but I don't think I can live there for the rest of my life.

    fallandir posted: »

    The North. I really enjoy cold weather.

  • The boring answer would be The Vale of Arryn. It's isolated from the other kingdoms and for that reason quite peaceful.

    Reach would be one option. Warm and fertile, there's not much more that needs to be said. And Dorne is very liberal comparing to the other six kingdoms but it would maybe be a little too hot there for me :D

    As a Finn the North would probably feel the most like home.

  • The North appeals to me, because life there seems simpler and honour seems to be very important there; however I'm not sure I'd be able to cope in such a cold climate.

    Dorne also appeals to me, because of there more liberal and modern view on things such as succession. I'm not sure about the hot climate though.

    I think the Reach would be a nice as the lands are fertile and the climate might be more to my liking.

  • Valyria hands down. I mean, who doesn't like getting turned into ash after swimming the famous Smoking Sea?

  • The North. Although that's because I'd want to see the house forester guys :)

  • Casterly Rock, mainly because my lord is the most competent of all the lords of Westeros, and I would have the most to gain by serving the Lannisters.

  • Nowhere :P

    The worst place to live. It's either full of dangerously ambitious people, reigned by a madman or freaking cold/hot.

    The villages aren't safe and constantly are robbed.

    I would move to Essos, or more likely get killed before I am able to :/

  • Somewhere in the Reach.

  • Gee way to look on the bright side =p. I think if I went to Essos, then I'd pick Braavos, because it's the only place (iirc) that slavery is illegal, because it was founded by people who used to be slaves themselves.

    Nowhere :P The worst place to live. It's either full of dangerously ambitious people, reigned by a madman or freaking cold/hot. The vi

  • Well, beside the possibility of getting enslaved, Essos sounds like a good place to live. :P

    Should I update the thread, so Essos is included?

    Nowhere :P The worst place to live. It's either full of dangerously ambitious people, reigned by a madman or freaking cold/hot. The vi

  • Highgarden. The Tyrells are looking in good shape, and well, I don't see them losing any ground any time soon. And it's far away from the North, far away from any crazy, skin flaying Bolton. I wouldn't mind Bravos either. My second choice is Dorn.

  • It depends where in the timeline of the story but I guess in general I would live in either the North or Dorne. Complete opposites I know but they are the ones who appeal to me :P

  • No need for that probably :P

    Well, beside the possibility of getting enslaved, Essos sounds like a good place to live. :P Should I update the thread, so Essos is included?

  • Sounds awesome. Dorne also sounds like a good place. It is a hot place, but they have an exotic culture and very exotic women. ;)

    It depends where in the timeline of the story but I guess in general I would live in either the North or Dorne. Complete opposites I know but they are the ones who appeal to me :P

  • King's Landing snobs comfort me

  • I'd choose Dorne since it's far more liberal than the rest of Westeros.

  • Dorne. Definitely Dorne.

  • Dorne most definitely. Especially somewhere by the Sea.

  • Yes, you'd get a nice breeze from the ocean =)

    Churned posted: »

    Dorne most definitely. Especially somewhere by the Sea.

  • I imagine that Dorne often have beach parties. :)

    Yes, you'd get a nice breeze from the ocean

  • I think that this mostly depends on who am I. If I’m a peasant, it would be better to be as far from the way as possible. In this case, some areas of the Reach, of the Westerlands or of the Stormlands, the Dorne or Braavos (for the possibility of social growth) would be nice choices.

    But if I’m a lord, I would probably choose the Westerlands. It has good lands and I would have no problem to serve under Tywin’s rule.

  • Hmmm, you make an interesting point here. If I was a bastard I'd definitely head for Dorne they don't seem to be frowned upon there.

    As for being a Lord under Tywin's rule, just make sure you have a good exit strategy if he ever plays "The Rains of Castamere" for you =p

    TMLC posted: »

    I think that this mostly depends on who am I. If I’m a peasant, it would be better to be as far from the way as possible. In this case, some

  • edited March 2015

    Oh, the best strategy is to not mess with the lion. Be a loyal vassal and you will have one of the fairest lieges of the Seven Kingdoms, but if you poke the lion... no exit strategy will save you.

    Hmmm, you make an interesting point here. If I was a bastard I'd definitely head for Dorne they don't seem to be frowned upon there. As

  • HAHAHA poke the lion.....sorry but this immediately reminded me of when Viserys used to say to Daenerys "you don't want to wake the dragon now do you?" Then I got this image of Tywin being poked in the ass with a poker =p, but yes I do get your point (pardon the bad pun it wasn't intended) all in all Tywin is a capable leader.

    TMLC posted: »

    Oh, the best strategy is to not mess with the lion. Be a loyal vassal and you will have one of the fairest lieges of the Seven Kingdoms, but if you poke the lion... no exit strategy will save you.

  • lol

    HAHAHA poke the lion.....sorry but this immediately reminded me of when Viserys used to say to Daenerys "you don't want to wake the dragon n

  • Definitely House Reyne.

  • Id live in the Stormlands.

  • I have heard it is a stormy place. :)

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    Id live in the Stormlands.

  • As far away from King's Landing as humanly possible.

  • Dorne, to meet Arianne and the Sand Snakes. Why? euh...Research purposes.

  • Braavos, Valar morghulis.

  • Dorne or The Reach

  • Probably the Reach. Get to see Highgarden and Oldtown.

  • edited March 2015

    He only played that song for his enemy Rob Stark. He was more than tolerant against his idiot cousins and stupid unruly kids.

    Hmmm, you make an interesting point here. If I was a bastard I'd definitely head for Dorne they don't seem to be frowned upon there. As

  • edited March 2015

    You have a point there. If I am a peasant, I would still farm for House Lannister, since I am under their protection. But any peasant worth his salt should know that war is the only way to improve his station in life, especially if he is a landless, womanless peasant.

    The moment the civil war breaks out, I would be the first man in my village to sign up for service. If I do well, I can at least get some power or land out of it, and then use it to attract a woman. And if worse comes to worse, at least I will get some raping and pillaging before I go, Lol.

    TMLC posted: »

    I think that this mostly depends on who am I. If I’m a peasant, it would be better to be as far from the way as possible. In this case, some

  • That's not Westeros, though.

    JMOREL posted: »

    Braavos, Valar morghulis.

  • edited March 2015

    Fuck I forgot, The Wall then.

    That's not Westeros, though.

  • Nice one. :)

    JMOREL posted: »

    Fuck I forgot, The Wall then.

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