Who are your top 10 favorite and most hated characters?
I'm bored, so why not? Also, try to add pictures if you can.
But anyways:
And here's most hated:
4-The Stranger
6- Bonnie
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1. Clementine: People distinguish her between Season 1 Clem and Season 2 Clem, me, I love both versions of her character. We've seen her as an innocent young child starting in the apocalypse, and now we've seen her as a hardened survivor who has matured and become mentally tougher as a result, and I feel a strong attachment to her character because of how much she's grown in such a short period of time.
2. Lee Everett: The man who's journey started and ended in handcuffs, we see in Season 1 his progression from a criminal to a paternal figure in the eyes of Clementine. We really feel in control of forming Lee's character in Season 1 and a desire to protect Clementine and make sure that she has what it takes to survive in this world, and in his final moments, he did whatever it took to get her back.
3. Kenny: Probably the most polarizing character in this game, you either love him or you hate him. Me, I love him. Now he has some problems, he lets his emotions cloud his judgment, he acts without thinking, and is stubborn as a damn mule. But what this guy cares about more than anything, even himself, family. He will do anything to protect his own family and the people he considers family. He puts the people he cares about first every day and always has the group's safety as a priority, he just doesn't make a good argument and becomes rash when others don't see eye to eye with him.
4. Omid: Probably the funniest guy in the game, Omid always knew how to lighten the fucking tone, even when the group needed the solutions and not stupid jokes. Omid was a great guy and I would have preferred it have been Christa shot in the girl's room instead of him, even if she was pregnant (yeah, call me a monster, I don't care, I never liked Christa). And let's face it, who hasn't had a good laugh when you see that infamous picture.
5. Pete: Good old uncle Pete, the first death of the cabin group has to be the best character. Clementine's first defender when everyone thought she was bit, he always tried to do the right thing. He talks about how he tried to be a father towards Nick when he was younger and, despite their tense relationship, Pete shows how much he cares for Nick in both All That Remains and A House Divided. Pete was, simply put, a great guy.
6. Chuck: The greatest hobo that ever lived, Chuck (or Charles if you're fancy) is practically the reason Clem is alive today. Had he not convinced Lee to teach her how to defend herself and cut her hair, God knows what would have happened to her. Him and his candy are legendary, too bad he died a simple plot device and, imo, has the worst death in the game (offscreen regardless of what you do, at least Nick's was determinant).
7. Luke: A cautious but also smart leader (most of the time), Luke did his best to put the group's priorities first. While I lost a lot of respect for him after he slept with Jane, he was still a great character and also helped balance out Kenny's anger. We see in the final episode how important that was, considering how quickly the group fell apart after his death. And speaking of his death, I don't really mind it all that much, in my version, he went out a hero by protecting Clementine from the walker, and I'm completely fine with it.
8. Carley: This is a great example of a determinant character, one who is simply not pushed to the side and actually contributes and has a big role in the group. While I was worried about her knowing about Lee's past, she really earned my trust and I grew to care about her, which made her death that much worse. She stood up to Lilly when she wouldn't stop pointing the finger, too bad it cost her own life in the process.
9. Alvin: I know some people didn't care about him, but I loved this guy. While not all that developed, he shows great concern for his wife Rebecca throughout the first two episodes, putting her and the baby's needs first. He can also help you out with your arm by giving you the bandages and the powerful juicebox and can sacrifice himself to protect Rebecca and the group in In Harms Way. He went out a true hero.
10. William Carver: While a villain, one of my favorite villains in all of TWD (up there with Negan). Brilliantly performed by Michael Madsen, Carver epitomizes what this world can turn people into. He became obsessed with power and felt he could get away with whatever he wanted. His speech to Clementine in his office is one of my favorite scenes in Season 2, about how killing one in order to save others really shows a lot about his character and what he was willing to do to ensure the safety of the people within his walls, even if it means killing his own.
1. Bonnie: Looking back, I don't know why I was so forgiving to this bitch back in Episode 3, but she is the sole reason why I can no longer forgive someone in this game. Anyone who does anything that threatens my life or others is dead, and I owe it all to her and her backstabbing ways. She's basically betrayed every group she's ever been in and it's a miracle she's made it this far. I guess that whole, "I promise that will never happen again," was bullshit you lying bitch.
2. Arvo: I don't take too kindly to people who hurt Clementine in anyway, and this guy takes the cake (even if he's not No. 1) for causing the most harm to Clementine. He shoots Clementine with the intent to kill, manipulates Mike and Bonnie to leave us, and causes the death of everyone in his group. This guy is a scumbag and I will not hesitate to kill him if we cross paths (sorry dojo).
3. Jane: She was one of my favorite character before her little stunt at the end of Episode 5. Her development in Amid the Ruins was one of the bright spots of that episode, and her departure did upset me. The choice between her and Kenny was the hardest choice I ever had to make in this game, and I came close to killing Kenny. Luckily I didn't, and after I heard the baby crying, man did my love for her go down the shitter. She's a manipulator who put an innocent child's life on the line to prove a point, that's crazier than anything Kenny ever did.
4. The Stranger: Some sympathize with him because he lost his family and was driven mad because of it, but for me, it's his own damn fault. He lost his own son while hunting, and he has the audacity to say he'd be a better caretaker for Clementine than Lee, I don't think so. He's the reason Lee got bit, and I was more than happy to kill him.
5. Larry: An asshole, simple as that. You can side with him in the drugstore, give him a candy bar, and get him his meds and he still leaves you to die and threatens you with telling everyone Lee's secret. According to him, everything is Lee's fault. I come running downstairs to tell them about Mark, he says I dragged my feet and that I was the one who brought them here. I was more than happy to help Kenny out when the time came.
6. St. John's: Cannibalism is not all that new in TWD, but it's shocking to see how quickly they turned to it as an answer (truth be told, they were most likely cannibals before this all started anyway). I knew something was off about them, but I didn't think cannibalism until I saw the room. The creepiest one by far was Danny, the way he acted towards his gun and how he shows no problem over eating people makes me wonder if he was in a mental institution before the world went to hell.
7. Duck: Ugh, this kid was just annoying and stupid. Even Lee shows his annoyance to Duck in Episode 3, and I didn't even need to control him for that part. He had a high enthusiasm, but it just got tiresome as the game went on to the point where I was kind of happy he died, even if he was Kenny's son. And what kid in their right mind likes being called Duck?
8. Becca: I don't understand why some people like her, she came off as a brat in the 400 Days DLC. I compare her a lot to Carl in the T.V. series of TWD, a kid who acts all tough and talks a big game but is all bark and no bite. She chickens out if you tell her to kill Stephanie and sneaks away constantly, even though it could get her killed. And she's in Season 2 for 10 seconds and my hatred for her doubled as a result when she started talking about Sarah.
9. Mike: I loved this guy, but he was as gullible and naive as Bonnie. He showed more concern to that damn Russian then the own people in his group. Frankly, I wish they kept the option to shoot this motherfucker in the game, but all I can hope for is that, since it's likely he will be in Season 3, I'll get to do it then.
10. Troy: An abusive redneck who deserved exactly what he got. He was a creep (asking if everything came out alright), smiles if Carver hits Clem, and has no problem hitting her himself. Why couldn't I shoot him in the dick, why did Jane have to be the one to do it.
Besides Lee and Clem.
Most loved:
1. Nick
2. Nate
3. Sarah
4. Shel
5. Doug
6. Molly
7. Katjaa
8. Kenny
9. Pete
10. Omid
Most Hated:
1. Becca
2. Travis
3. Vernon
4. The stranger
5. St. Johns
6. Larry
7. Luke in Amid the Ruins (his character takes a 180 degree turn into a whiny bitch)
8. Carver
9. Carlos
10. Just walkers in general
Besides Lee and Clementine.
Most Loved:
Alvin (Bonus)
Most Hated:
The Stranger
Bandit Leader
Tavia (Bonus)
Take a like for your understanding
St. johns
The Stranger
The Bandits
Dr. Logan
Oh boy, this is going to be tough since I don't like most of the people in TWD.
1. Kenny - Best TWD character of all times. Loyal, friendly, funny, strong and caring. Can lose it at times, but it's all justified in my and Clem's eyes.
2.Lee - Not that I ''like him'' since in my opinion he is the playable character and you choose what he does and says. But let's just get it out of the way, he's an amazing guy overall when you don't control him. Nothing more needs to be said.
3. Clemmy
- She's cute in Season 1 and badass in Season 2. Again, she's a playable character, but I love her.
4. Luke - Amazing guy. He did fuck up at times, but he was awesome. He was one of the best characters in the entire game. He had leadership skills and he was strong as well. The only thing that would make him better, if not perfect is Lee standing next to him. But.. That's too good to have.
5.Walter - He was a really cool guy. All he wanted to do is help people. Even though he was there just a day, I really liked him.
6. Carley - I chose her over Doug because of x reasons. She's an amazing shooter, has great personality cough and I honestly thought I'll have the option to have sex with her. Fuck you, Lilly. You ruined my only chance to have sex post-apocalypse before dying.
7. Omid - He had sense of humor and knew how to set the mood at times. I can't actually find a flaw. He was a great guy, but too bad he had to go so soon.
8. Pete - He helped when I was in life threatening danger, he trusted me when no one else did except for Luke and he's smart.
9. Molly - Even though she was around much and was a loner, she surely had a big role in the Crawford attack and saving Lee's life.
10. Rebecca - Probably not a choice for many, but she was cool. Yes, she was an asshole in the beginning, but she became good over time. In episode 4 she and Clem bonded a lot, making her a person Clem could trust.
1. The Stranger - Fuck you. You are the fucking reason Kenny almost died (Lee actually thought he's dead) and you are the reason Lee died. Fuck. You.
2. Jane - Another loner just like Molly. The only difference is Jane's a bitch. She didn't care about anyone and put a baby in danger just to prove a dumb point. She planned out the most fucked up plan to prove a point to an 11 yo where her best friend/guardian/parent figure will launch at her hoping Clementine will kill him if he's on the edge of killing her. News for you, bitch. You're dead.
3. Arvo - I have said it in another discussion already. I hope I meet him in Season 3 so I can chop off his dick and make him eat it.
4. Sarah - She caused more deaths than Ben and Duck combined. She is literally useless in the apocalypse and the only thing she's good at is fucking things up. I'm surprised how it actually took 4 episodes for her to die.
5. St Johns - They ate Mark
Fuck you.
6. Bonnie - She tricked the group back at the lodge and got several people killed. Even when she helped them get out, she was still a bitch and eventually ended up robbing Clem and Kenny (determinant). She is also the reason Luke is dead. If she didn't try to help him, he would probably get out.
7. Mike - I thought he was good in Episode 3 but it was obvious since the beginning of Episode 5 that he's gonna do something stupid. He's a cunt.
8. Edith - Many people probably don't know her, but she's the gate keeper in Wellington. She says they don't have space then with a little bit of persuading she can take in Clem and AJ, but not Kenny? What the fuck is that? I know that it was not her decision, but if she ''could make the case'' for Clem and AJ, it was only Kenny. She could've made it for one more person instead. Jesus.
9. Troy - Hitting Clementine several times (determinant) and an asshole in general. Glad his dick was shot off before being torn apart by walkers.
10. Larry - Whatever you did, it was never up to his standards. Take his side, defend him, feed him, do whatever you want. He will still be an asshole. Glad his head was bashed in by a salt lick. Not too glad that he was passed out, meaning he can't beg for his life. That would be gold.
A lot of people probably won't agree with me, but that's my list.
Don't really have a top 10 for least favorite. Although I did enjoy seeing the St. Johns, Stranger, Carver and Troy die.
Ten of each is a bit too many but I'll give it a go:
Then the ten most hated/disliked (with one being the most hated of all the characters)
Season 2 Clementine
Season 1 Clementine
Favorites : (In no particular order)
1. Kenny.
2. Lee Everett
3. Clementine
4. Luke
5. Carley
6. Doug
7. William Carver
8. Ben
9. Nick
10. Lilly
Least Favorite: (Jane, Bonnie and Arvo are my most hated)
1. Jane
2. Bonnie
3. Arvo
4. Danny St. John
5. Vernon
6. Larry
7. Troy
8. Michelle
9. Tavia or Brie, either one, they both suck.
10. Christa or Carlos, I never liked Christas attitude and Carlos was an inept moron.