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  • You're great too, man! I love all you guys X3 -raises glass-

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Stands up and raises a glass I would just like to say that, after ignoring this thread for so long, I am happy to know that I am in the c

  • Very nice EMMY!! And thanks for the mention, I am still a bit of a newcomer to the thread but it's nice to feel accepted you know...


    "Right, I get ya. Who else? There's also MasterStone, and his various OC's. Nick was pretty awesome."
    I know. My kids- I mean, your kids were bothering him pretty bad at the Porgie's Superbowl Party. I hope he doesn't hate them.
    "I doubt it, he seemed like a sweet man. Boys will be boys, you know. And nice save Emily!"

    Nick is my OC, not MasterStone's :P

    And I'm pretty sure Nick loved your kids as well, he can be sweet when he wants to be :D

    Extra shout out to our first forum baby

    Keyword there: First. I wonder who'll have the next child on here???

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Hey, Emily!" Huh? Who's talking to me? "You don't recognize your own OC's voice?" .....Harmony?'re a fictional characte

  • TO DRAGON! I agree! This was great, man! So glad I've met you, as well as everyone else on this forum!

    Tetra posted: »

    The Anniversary Tetra woke up in his room and looked at his was the one year anniversary on the thread today. He got in

  • Nick: What're ya drinkin' there, Emily?

    Emily:... It's not alcohol, Nick

    Nick: Right... I'm gonna go

    Sorry EMMY, but I had to :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    You're great too, man! I love all you guys X3 -raises glass-

  • edited March 2015

    I thought MasterStone had an OC named Nick? Whoops, I screwed up mega >.< I will totes fix that ASAP!

    EDIT: It was fixed! Sorry for the mistake >.<

    Glad to have you on board, man! I will definitely start catching up on your chapters soon enough. I've been super busy as of late, getting things in order in my life and such. I probably wouldn't have realized today was one year, had Dragon not said anything yesterday. You're a great writer, so keep at it!

    And who knows what will happen? Maybe Pie and Tammy want another one XDDD Nah, I think we're good for a while, I'm not planning on having children until I'm out of college, or close to.

    Here's to another year! -Cheers-

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Very nice EMMY!! And thanks for the mention, I am still a bit of a newcomer to the thread but it's nice to feel accepted you know... Alth

  • I'm not sure if he does or not :P

    But the Superbowl Nick you are referencing is my Nick XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I thought MasterStone had an OC named Nick? Whoops, I screwed up mega >.< I will totes fix that ASAP! EDIT: It was fixed! Sorry for

  • Sorry, that's where I must have gotten confused >.< Lol, it's all good!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm not sure if he does or not :P But the Superbowl Nick you are referencing is my Nick XD

  • Hehehe...nice one XD

    Thank YOU for being a part of the forum as well! I don't think I'd have gotten this far without the support of you and everyone else. It's a great thing, really! Glad that we all know each other better than you know your neighbors XD That's really saying something!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Well, guess I'll say a few words. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me-- Oh, wait. Wrong speech. Yeah, that's the sort of thing Wea

  • Holy crap, I'm gonna have to read this later, BUT THOSE PICS THO! Emily looks so happy, especially with her babies <3 And Gren, too! A perfect pair! And very linear to Georgie and Lyla! I love it, Pie! Plus the ending picture too, melts my heart <3 Still have yet to capture some snaps of my Sim-Emily in a blue dress. Gonna do that now, lol XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Gren was not too sure, as his brother walked in from the back, took a cup and poured himself some coffee. He and Robert had their difference

  • I know. My kids- I mean, your kids were bothering him pretty bad at the Porgie's Superbowl Party. I hope he doesn't hate them.

    Lyla: Nah, we don't hate ya, Harms. :3 You know how Fable kids are. XDI had rowdy ones myself.....XD

    BTW freakin' Gabriel is too precious! Also, much love for the shoutout; my Emily will know FABLES and all the stories her daddy made. :3 Well, the ones she CANread. Certain ones, well...we'll wait until she's older. XD Congrats on the job, Ems and hope your schooling is going great! Stay awesome! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Hey, Emily!" Huh? Who's talking to me? "You don't recognize your own OC's voice?" .....Harmony?'re a fictional characte

  • Think that quote was aimed at Nick the closeted psychopath :P

    Still.... Lyla must LOVE her kids XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I know. My kids- I mean, your kids were bothering him pretty bad at the Porgie's Superbowl Party. I hope he doesn't hate them. Lyla:

  • Thanks Ems. She loves her babies; when her fate was revealed to be like her father's everyone assumed the bad. But, there was some good at the end of that road....:) Also glad she has changed her life around. I'm happy I took that chance and paired Gren up with Emily. :3 They are indeed my 2nd fav, next to Lyla and Georgie. Looking forward when you do, Ems.

    BTW, good luck on your classes and congrats on the job once again. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Holy crap, I'm gonna have to read this later, BUT THOSE PICS THO! Emily looks so happy, especially with her babies And Gren, too! A perfect

  • Dude this was so awesome! :D

    MasterStone posted: »

    "In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might Know there is no sky a Drag

  • Thanks! And same to you and everyone else EMMY!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    TO DRAGON! I agree! This was great, man! So glad I've met you, as well as everyone else on this forum!

  • More Sims pictures! :3 They're always so cool! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Hey, Emily!" Huh? Who's talking to me? "You don't recognize your own OC's voice?" .....Harmony?'re a fictional characte

  • Gabriel is literally my favorite from that litter so far <3 He's the cool kid, yet still friendly and a little bit shy at times. He was the runt of the litter, but seems to be coming along just fine. I also like Jessamine, she's supposed to be the slightly spoiled princess-esque type. And Jason's supposed to be the 'I can do it better than you' or the 'I double dog dare you to do that' kind of kid. Little Adeline is the quiet one, who's a little like a mouse and a bit of a tomboy.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I know. My kids- I mean, your kids were bothering him pretty bad at the Porgie's Superbowl Party. I hope he doesn't hate them. Lyla:

  • edited March 2015

    WARNING! My longest chapter, EVER. I think.... I over did it lol. Also thanks @pudding_pie for drawing my pride and joys, Draco, Viera, Marcelo!

    Chapter 15, Conclusion.. and Departure.

    Our Heroes may have put an end to Gargoth and his terrible influence that cloaked the globe, but there was still one more thing needed to be dealt with..

    Back at the ruins of the old facility

    “Etan... please calm down. Let me help you.”

    “You can let him gain control of your body, you're stronger than that son!”


    Hati words echoed through his sons head. There was sign of him trying to fight back, but the control of his grandfather, Hati's father, Fenrir was proving to be overwhelming. The great beast is trying to come back to life through him after slowly biding time over the years. But why now? Why did Fenrir choose? Perhaps it was due to Etan's involvement in the battle with Gargoth? Who can know, but as of right now Hati is willing to do anything to prevent another crisis from happening again.

    Before the day Gargoth sent the planet in chaos with the Fables and Mundies, Hati asked a favor of Daren. One of Etan's childhood friends a favor. He knew the Daren was the only one who could stop Etan before things got out of hand, which is why Hati decided to leave the others out of this.

    “Etan, this is your father. I can't imagine that you're going through right now. You are stronger than him and much stronger than me. You can't give into him!”

    Blood begins to ooze from Etan's nose and ears. A eerie shadow in the form of a wolf hovers over his shoulders. It whispers “Break the seal...” into his ears. Then Etan is forced into his wolf form with the urge to spill blood. The beast that brought havoc among the Norse Fables is slowly recovering and ready to break free once again. Hati is willing to throw away his life, to prevent that.

    “Step aside my son..” A grisly voice echoing from where Etan is standing.

    “Father, release my son AT ONCE!”

    “You and your brother Skoll disappoint me Hati. One of you were ordered to herald my return. Instead you both chased after Mundanes and kick the rear end of the Odin and his wretched sons. A very disappointment father I am.”

    “Fenrir, I AM a much better father than you have everything since the dawn of your creation. My son Etan is a better father than either us. I believe I can speak for Skoll on this one when I say this, GO. BACK. TO. HELL!” Hati giving his father the middle finger.

    “My foolish son. If only your brother Skoll was here. I'd be able to take you both out, but even an old Fable such as I can't know such suffices. At least for now.... Etan, KILL YOUR FATHER”

    “Etan struggles, he tries to find back but Fenrir is too powerful. Etan will is slowly diminishing, he breaking apart. At this rate, he will go rabid and there will be no stopping him. He gets closer and closer to his father with this evil blank stare that confused rabid wolves have, ready to tear him apart. Yet Hati still continues to get. through to his son.

    “Farewell Hati, my son. If only you followed your designated orders, then you and your miserable brother Skoll would have had a seat at my thrown. The afterlife, awaits you..”


    A loud roar of a large cat is heard inside of the building. Hati recognizes this roar and looks up too see his only hope of saving his son from his evil father. Daren has arrived, ready to kick ass one can say. He leaps down and on the way he transforms into his full werecat form and protects Hati from Etan's attack.

    Alt text

    “Ah, a werecat. I haven't seen many of your kind during my time. Like the house cat, they are quite exasperating..”

    “Shut up your old saggy mutt. I'm taking my friend back as of now. So you can sit and there and spill me your bullshit. It won't faze me.

    “I will, spill your blood. Young werecat.. Etan, tear his throat.”

    Fenrir forced Etan to aggressively attack Daren. His speed incredibly enhanced while under control of the evil old wolf. There was many times were Etan could easily killed Daren, but he did'nt. It was if he was trying to break free of Fenrir control.. He must of felt a form of nostalgia while combating Daren. That must be it. It was working, he was slowly coming to his senses, until Fenrir decided to attack Daren himself.

    His razor sharp ghostly claws ran through him like butter, missing barely heart by a inch. Daren falls to the ground in overwhelming agony. Etan hears and reverts back to his human form breaking the control Fenrir had over him and rushes over towards his friend side.

    “No... No... NO.. What have I done.. What have I DONE?!!” Etan screaming at the moon.

    Fenrir witness how powerful his grandsons will is and retreats. Hati would of went after him, but he makes the right decision to stand by his son and Daren's side.

    “Hang in there Daren. We're going to get you to Fabletown. The best doctor who ever lived can fix this, and we'll even find witches or warlocks to help. You're not going to die,YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FUCKING DIE! Daren, stay awake! Please! Daren!

    Daren blacks out...

    After carrying his bloody body back to Fabletown. Etan and Hati burst into Town Hall demanding medical assistance for Daren. Everyone stare in horror at Etan and Hati who is covered in Daren's blood. Doc. Swineheart enters the room, and guides them to the operating room. They places Daren's body onto the table and the doc gets to work immediately.

    “Good news, is alive. For how long, that depends on him and how many pints of blood we can transfer to his body. This wound is magic and it did another on him. We do a blood transfusion but it requires the right blood type..”

    “What is his blood type?” Etan demanded

    “Blood type O+ but he requires a large amount if..”

    Etan grabs the blood transfer machine tells Swine heart that he has the same type as Daren. Ignoring the consequences going in the comma, Etan demands Swineheart to do the transfusion, and he did.

    During that transfusion, Etan blacks out and on the next couple of hours he wakes up. Surrounded by everyone. Draco, Viera, Nisa, Irene, Marco, Snow, Bigby, Rose, Tezoth, Mr. Weasel, Georgie, Lyla, Robby, Walter, Meg, Lydia, and his dear father Hati.

    Etan looks over to were Daren is sleeping, then looks at the ceiling.

    “You saved him son” Hati comforting his son.

    Then Etan closes his eyes and passes out...

    My name is Etan, and I'm a Fable. A complicated one, one might say. I lived for nearly 300 years in a place located somewhere in the Homelands beyond mountains. My father is a Norse Fable named Hati, and my uncle, Skoll is one too. My lovely wife Penny and my four wonderful children. My friend Daren, who I grew up with and spent most of my long and complicated life with nearly died today.

    I say his life, after I nearly had him killed due to the act of my wicked grandfather, who I plan to kill someday but not right. Now is the time to celebrate and be thankful of what we have. We live for a long fucking time, so we don't really have a choice.

    I could tell the story of Etan the Wolf of the Norse, but I won't. Instead I will tell you the story of a group I assembled called the Fabled Avengers. They became a part of my life, they became my family and I loved every moment I spent with them.

    Before I take a nap, I just want to say... You're awesome no matter what you are...

    Whether you're a son of a famous Fable archer whose bravery knows no bounds.

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    Whether you're a dapper Weasel with a cunning thirst of the most bountiful tea.

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    Whether you're a princess who can charm the hearts of many, no matter how dark it is.

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    Whether you're a Dragon whose love for a Red Rose burns so bright that it can melt the Himalayas.

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    Whether you're a humble Mundie, who can just kick ass.

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    Whether you're a courageous and amusing dragon who fires go beyond the limits to protect those he love.

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    And whether your an true friend, or better yet, the brother I never had.

    Alt text Alt text

    Thank you Fable Avengers.... I think it is time we take a break for now.... Until next time... Etan out..

  • You're right, it is :P

    Ah :)

    That's what I meant by could use it, it'd be similarly scaled to Cormac's very big warhammer, but not that he'd necessarily use it :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That quote is from Terminator 2 though :P John walked up to Jackson and said "Boss, I've had an accident" Jackson was worried until Davie

  • That's a good point! :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey, whenever you're down in Oxford or I go to Sheffield... I have more chance of meeting you than the others :P

  • The Cormac fight will be like Bigby vs Gren; Nick will be getting his ass handed to him until he gets the vial from Cormac, then hell breaks loose...

    It will be interesting when Nick gets that part of his soul back, as he kinda reverts to the monster he once was with his taunting and sheer brutality...

    LupineNoir posted: »

    You're right, it is :P Ah That's what I meant by could use it, it'd be similarly scaled to Cormac's very big warhammer, but not that he'd necessarily use it :P

  • Here's to all of us! :D And thanks, Pie!

    Now: DANCE! :D

    Yes, sir!

    Alt text

    I find this gift pretty amusing, for some reason. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanks, Noir! I appreciate the love and it's been a honor to share with you guys my journey into fatherhood. You guys have been nothing BUT

  • This sounds weird but, I really enjoyed yesterday!

    It was nice to be able to joke and have banter with the talented minds on this thread you know?

    Here's to more fun moments to come!

  • Hahah that's exactly the right sort of image XD Ah, who knows ? Might be the best thing to happen to the world. :D Thanks! :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I pictured this ittle Weasel with the Bowler hat, frantically searching his papers for the speech. XD XD It's been a pleasure to read your w

  • You did? That makes me happy :P Thanks! And you're right, regardless of everything else we'll have these memories! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    It's always awesome to read your stories Lupine just the other day I searched for the on that had beasts background story again and it's sti

  • Heheh, thanks :P

    And thanks once more, Emmy! The support everyone gives each other here is great, like you say. :) Yep! They probably wouldn't be interested in Fables fanfic anyway, so it's likely not that much of a loss. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Hehehe...nice one XD Thank YOU for being a part of the forum as well! I don't think I'd have gotten this far without the support of you a

  • Not sure if the world is ready for all of us to be in the same room but F it!

    Something amazing would happen...

    Whether it be bad or good, our encounter would not go unnoticed :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I pictured this ittle Weasel with the Bowler hat, frantically searching his papers for the speech. XD XD It's been a pleasure to read your w

  • The conversation between you and Harmony is just brilliant. XD (Mr. Weasel appreciates his mention :D). You're a great writer and produced tales that are a terrific read; as with everyone else, you and your characters on this thread have made it the wonderful place it is. And even though there are others who are entirely up-to-date with the comics, you're still our resident Fables expert. XD

    You've got the personalities of the kids across really well with their expressions and clothes - really brings them to life! Jessamine being spoiled, Jason hyper, Adeline selfless, and Gabriel the outcast!

    All the best with finishing school and college, and enjoy being out and about in the world. :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Hey, Emily!" Huh? Who's talking to me? "You don't recognize your own OC's voice?" .....Harmony?'re a fictional characte

  • Missed your penultimate chapter! After going back, it was an entirely fitting end for Gargorth, and - if I'm honest - I'm honoured you chose Mr. Weasel to be part of the crucial trio that could finally end his reign once more. ^_^ Also, good work on the chant! And the Green Lantern line. :P

    Wow, what an ending! The fight of will against Fenrir and Daren's arrival, and the drama with the blood transfusion! Didn't know what was going to happen! The final speech with Etan, and the references to all those characters (including another great drawing from Pie) is a touching way of ending the tale. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    WARNING! My longest chapter, EVER. I think.... I over did it lol. Also thanks @pudding_pie for drawing my pride and joys, Draco, Viera, Marc

  • Sounds brutal before and after Nick gets the vial back!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The Cormac fight will be like Bigby vs Gren; Nick will be getting his ass handed to him until he gets the vial from Cormac, then hell breaks

  • Nick tries before he gets it back, then he's just plain vicious after he gets it back!!

    You'll see...

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Sounds brutal before and after Nick gets the vial back!

  • edited March 2015

    Thank you glad you enjoyed and thank you for letting me use your OC . I have intrest of doing one more sometime but for now I have to plan for the next generation of Fables, my OC children. Maybe a few short stories now and then telling the daily life experiences of the next gen.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Missed your penultimate chapter! After going back, it was an entirely fitting end for Gargorth, and - if I'm honest - I'm honoured you chose

  • I know you edited your comment already, but macaroni sure does sound good right now. XP

    Alt text

    Tetra posted: »

    Did it really? Hahaha! That's awesome! XD Thanks Pudding I appreciate it! I'm not one for dancing but I can make an exception! Proceeds to do the Macarena with Pudding

  • Can I, the dragon host, join? :S

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Pie accepts this challenge to dance! >:D BTW, I blame JJ for the paint comments but they're too fun. XD

  • That was excellent, I loved it. :')

    Alt text

    MasterStone posted: »

    "In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might Know there is no sky a Drag

  • Yes, yes, to me! :D Man, we've had such an amazing time at the Pudding 'n Pie yesterday. Great job on the toast, Tetra. ;)

    Tetra posted: »

    The Anniversary Tetra woke up in his room and looked at his was the one year anniversary on the thread today. He got in

  • Indeed we did! :D Thanks Dragon :)

    Yes, yes, to me! Man, we've had such an amazing time at the Pudding 'n Pie yesterday. Great job on the toast, Tetra.

  • You're right, we're totally more than neighbors! But if we were actually our own Fables, we'd totally have to get apartments next to each other on the same floor in the Woodlands, that'd be sweet in my opinion. :3

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Well, guess I'll say a few words. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me-- Oh, wait. Wrong speech. Yeah, that's the sort of thing Wea

  • This goes to show that Harmony may just be the most powerful witch on the whole planet! Considering she can talk to you in our real life universe from the Fables universe.

    Besides myself, you forgot to mention Tezoth and Rose Red! Oh well, Aunt Rose is going to give you one hell of a spiel now, Harmony. XP

    I found it funny how Gabriel and Jason barely have their eyes open in the bottom pictures - trying to look all cool I bet. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "Hey, Emily!" Huh? Who's talking to me? "You don't recognize your own OC's voice?" .....Harmony?'re a fictional characte

  • Oh, I don't know if my love for Rose could melt the Himalayas. But thanks for thinking so! XD

    I still love her a lot, though, and she does too. :P

    Great job on another beautiful and peaceful ending!

    MasterStone posted: »

    WARNING! My longest chapter, EVER. I think.... I over did it lol. Also thanks @pudding_pie for drawing my pride and joys, Draco, Viera, Marc

  • Oh my gosh, right.....-looks to fiancee- Honeybuns...XD XD

    I know you edited your comment already, but macaroni sure does sound good right now. XP

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