I came up with the idea on a whim; Originally, it was just going to be me making some sort of grand speech and condolences from Harmony or something. And thank you
I tried my best XD I accidently took a pic mid-blink on the second pic of Gabriel, but he's still pretty rockin' if you ask me He's my favorite, I think. Glad you remembered their little personality types! (Or, if you happen to find the page in which I listed them prior to posting, that's all good too XD)
The conversation between you and Harmony is just brilliant. XD (Mr. Weasel appreciates his mention ). You're a great writer and produced tal… morees that are a terrific read; as with everyone else, you and your characters on this thread have made it the wonderful place it is. And even though there are others who are entirely up-to-date with the comics, you're still our resident Fables expert. XD
You've got the personalities of the kids across really well with their expressions and clothes - really brings them to life! Jessamine being spoiled, Jason hyper, Adeline selfless, and Gabriel the outcast!
All the best with finishing school and college, and enjoy being out and about in the world.
Harmony sends her blushing thanks to that She's trying out some new hobbies, is all XDD
I knew I was forgetting to add SOMETHING in! Tez and Rose are very much appreciated, I must say so myself.
"The kids love their Aunt and Uncle, if that makes up for forgetting to mention them >.<"
It's okay, Harmony. You'll just have to bake extra cupcakes for them!
"Sounds good to me, Em!"
I accidently took a pic of Gabriel blinking, and I think Jason was really just trying to be cool XD Oh well! My favorite is Gabriel, (But don't tell him I said that, or else he might rub it in a little)
"I love all my babies equally! Although, Ash tends to be the most helpful.... BUT that's besides the point! I love them all!"
This goes to show that Harmony may just be the most powerful witch on the whole planet! Considering she can talk to you in our real life uni… moreverse from the Fables universe.
Besides myself, you forgot to mention Tezoth and Rose Red! Oh well, Aunt Rose is going to give you one hell of a spiel now, Harmony. XP
I found it funny how Gabriel and Jason barely have their eyes open in the bottom pictures - trying to look all cool I bet. :P
Well....I love my Lyla but she has no chance in hell. XD Harmony is pretty powerful; Robert's a huge ass swamp monster and, according to JJ,… more he's pretty strong but.....nothing compared to the two Dragons on here. Hmmmm....but Death trapped in the heart and another member OF death? Guess one or the other.
Lyla: 'No chance in hell, huh? F you, Pie. C'mon, Georgie-I wanna go shopping.'
-looks over- Damnnit....XD
EDIT: In the end, they all have their own unique abilities.
The grand speech would have been fine, but this is much more lively. Somehow, whims quite often seem to have the best creative ideas.
In a jacket like that it'd be hard for him not to look rockin' Plus, he looks like he's got Bigby's hair, which is a good look. (Wish I could honestly say I'd remembered, but in truth I've been researching characters of late and it was still in my mind from that. XD)
I came up with the idea on a whim; Originally, it was just going to be me making some sort of grand speech and condolences from Harmony or s… moreomething. And thank you
I tried my best XD I accidently took a pic mid-blink on the second pic of Gabriel, but he's still pretty rockin' if you ask me He's my favorite, I think. Glad you remembered their little personality types! (Or, if you happen to find the page in which I listed them prior to posting, that's all good too XD)
Thanks, again
In 'reality' I don't think Nick would try and hurt Harmony. For starters he would already know how powerful she is, and Nick doesn't tend to pick fights with women (Aleesha is an exception and Lyla attacked him first)
Nick can create weapons and objects with his own Black Magic (more on that later on) but he doesn't like using Magic as it makes things 'too easy' for him :P
Hmm, I reckon Harmony. I'd say being able to create things is powerful and there are probably spells she'd do to bring stuff to life or repair things or something. :P
I think Nick and Harmony should appear in the same story at some point... It would be interesting to see how 2 very powerful, but also very different, characters consider each other as people
Lyla: Glaring angrily at me 'See....HARMONY thinks I'm strong, pie....' XD Watch. Weasel is the one to really kick all our asses and we just don't know it yet! XD XD
But yeah, Harmony to me is the strongest. I mean, sending all these virtual cupcakes and all....damn! XD XD
Lyla: Glaring angrily at me 'See....HARMONY thinks I'm strong, pie....' XD Watch. Weasel is the one to really kick all our asses and we just… more don't know it yet! XD XD
But yeah, Harmony to me is the strongest. I mean, sending all these virtual cupcakes and all....damn! XD XD
"My mother's on her very last nerves with that boy," Noah mutters gruesomely under his breath to Carter. The cousins are out at the gym, working out frivolously to relieve the current day's stress from their bodies.
"Sucks," Carter says with sincerity, flexing his muscles as he pushes the bar with the weights up. "I heard he's a bit of a terror."
"Absolutely demonic. No pun intended." Noah spit out an unkind chuckle, lowering a dumbbell to the ground. He lets out a heaving breath, reaching to the floor for his bottle of cold Gatorade.
"Some one oughta knock the sense into the kid," Carter suggests. "Hang him upside-down out a window for a while, maybe."
"It's useless, the kid lives for those sorts of thrills. Tried to climb to the roof the other day."
"Shit.." Carter lowers the bar on the little hooks, and carefully sits up from under it. He runs his fingers through his messy blond hair, and takes a swig from the bottle Noah had previously.
"My Aunt or whatever, Belinda. She better take the devil home with her as soon as she's released. Although, from what my other family members are saying, she's a little messed up in the head herself."
"Right," Carter said in agreeance. "Heard she thought she was the head of London's Fabletown."
"Yeah, she did. Freakin' weirdo."
"You don't sound like you enjoy her company all that much."
"Haven't even met her yet. I don't think I want to."
"And why is that?" Carter rubbed the sweat from his forehead, standing up to grab a towel off the wall. Noah followed him, as they made their way to the locker room.
"I dunno. She's strikes an odd chord in me. Plus, after what happened with my mother and father-"
"That couldn't have been Belinda's fault," Carter suggested plainly. "She seemed like she didn't know, or something."
"Or, she was pretending to be oblivious to the fact that there was a raving maniac in the very home she was going to house my mom and dad. It could have killed them, you know."
"Unless she made a deal with it." Carter began getting changed, facing away from Noah out of courtesy. Noah opened the lock on one of the lockers, pulling his old blue jeans from it and his grey t-shirt off the hook inside. He shrugged his work out shorts off, and threw the sleeveless tank top he had on before, and quickly got dressed into normal clothes.
"I don't see where that makes any sense," Noah said. "She's so....strange. I don't know."
Carter just shrugged his shoulders, now changed into a pair of black sweatpants that had the logo to NYU on it. Apparently, he was attending college with the mundies next year. High school was one thing, but Noah didn't think Fables really needed a college education. Still, he was glad his cousin and best friend was moving on in his life swimmingly. Other than that, Carter wore a white t-shirt with 'Got Milk?' written across the front.
"Let's talk about something else," He suggested as soon as their bodies passed through the front doors, into the freezing cold. It felt amazing after sweating the past couple hours, and the boys headed toward Bullfinch, which was several blocks north from there.
"How about who you're interested in," Noah suggested. "Anybody? I don't judge."
"No, no one." Carter said curtly. He kept his eyes straight, his face expressionless.
"Liar," Noah said. He cracked a smile, and poked Carter hard in the bicep with his pointer finger. "You're lying."
"Am not," Carter said, rather defensively. "What about you, huh? And Sara?"
Noah went silent for a moment. Another sour part in his life. Sara and him...they were growing apart. Seeing each other less frequently. Enjoying each other less. It bothered him greatly. "She's fine. I want to talk about you, though, not me. I've had enough of me."
Carter sighed, as they stopped on the corner. He sifted his fingers into his gym bag, and pulled out an old baseball hat. It helped to shield the sunlight above their heads, that was bright enough to make their eyes water. "There's nobody, really."
"Is nobody a name? I mean, I don't know these things sometimes."
Carter realized that Noah wouldn't put the subject down. After a moment of thought provoking interest, Carter decided that Noah could keep his mouth shut about who it could be. They stopped at a greasy hot dog stand, bought a few dogs and some sodas, and took a spot on an empty bench.
"She's mundane, Noah," He told his younger cousin.
"Shit." Noah replied. "Shit, does anyone even know?"
"Not one soul. Except you, now."
"What?" Carter bit down on his hot dog, and then swallowed. "What, no encouraging words?"
"You know I'm a pessimist by nature, Carter," Noah replied. "Is she pretty?"
"She's absolutely stunning."
"Gotta pic?"
"Uh...sort of. On my phone." Carter struggled to single handedly retrieve his phone from the front zippered pocket of his gym back. He nearly dropped it and cracked it, but he was swift enough to catch it before any devastating disaster could occur. He scrolled into his photos, which was organized by dates taken, and found the day that he'd met the girl only a few months back. He tapped her photo, and hesitantly showed it to Noah, who was still happily munching on his lunch.
"Oh." He responded, after swallowing a bite. "She's....okay. She's not stunning, though. Average."
"She's pretty gorgeous to me," Carter muttered. It was true. The girl had light blue eyes, fair skin, and light brown hair. It went down her back in waves, though she seemed not to care about doing it up nicely like most other girls at their school. She was new there.
"Her name is Ember," He told Noah. "She just started going to school with us a little while ago."
"Hmm. I think I heard of her. But I don't tend to get tangled up with the mundy gossip there. Does she always wear those glasses?"
"Yes, she does. I think they make her prettier."
"They make her look like a dork."
"You're a narcissistic asshole."
"No, I'm just overly observant." Noah tossed the crinkled ball of paper that once contained his hot dog in the nearby trashcan. It almost missed, but the wind picked up (He may have had a hand in doing so.) and knocked it over the edge. He smiled smugly, and took a long gulp of his coca-cola.
Carter sighed, standing up. They started to walk again, back to Fabletown. He was going over Noah's house to help install the baby gate on the stairs, as well as a few other minor tasks. Tim wasn't nearly as handy, and according to Noah, Harmony had her hands very much full as of late.
"Wanna play GTA when we're done?" Noah asked, as they approached the gates to the community.
Carter smiled, knowing that video games produced an equal amount of stress relief as working out did. He could probably go home through the mirror, if he stayed too late. "Sounds good to me."
Ew, it feels both amazing and sad that my baby Carter is finally, FINALLY getting along in life T3T Poor guy though, he's fallen in love with a mundane girl :O I wonder how that's going to go down with everyone else, and if she feels the same for him? More later, I'll probably write about Ash and Frank, maybe some Elora and Anubis, and might as well also throw in some Jackson and Scarlett time! I'll even include a family fun day with baby Charlotte Also, I have to touch more on what's going on with Harmony and Tim, and how they're dealing with Matthew and such. They're a lot more stressed than the kids, at this point. Poor Harmony She's tries to be a miracle worker, but even miracle workers can't do everything.
... Can I have a virtual cupcake too please?
In 'reality' I don't think Nick would try and hurt Harmony. For starters he would already k… morenow how powerful she is, and Nick doesn't tend to pick fights with women (Aleesha is an exception and Lyla attacked him first)
Lyla: Glaring angrily at me 'See....HARMONY thinks I'm strong, pie....' XD Watch. Weasel is the one to really kick all our asses and we just… more don't know it yet! XD XD
But yeah, Harmony to me is the strongest. I mean, sending all these virtual cupcakes and all....damn! XD XD
Nick: I am very displeased with you, Chad
Chad: Hey... You're Nick, right?
Nick: Yeah...
Chad: Nothing it's just, I figured you wou… moreld be more accepting of the vote is all
Nick: That Witch has nothing on me!
Chad: Well dude, she can stop time...
Nick: sighs I suppose...
Chad:.. You ok, dude?
Nick:sniffle Yeah...
Chad offers a bro hug... Nick accepts
This. THIS is the results of pie and his fiancee discussing Grendel mating season in March....XD
Lyla held onto Viviana and bounced the little blonde baby in her arms. Viviana giggled and tried reaching for her nana's face; Lyla, leaning down, is met with her pouty lips and a very wet kiss. Beaming, Viviana kicks her chubby legs and tries to babble. Nodding her head, Lyla holds the baby against her chest and walks around the kitchen. Not too far, Emily tries to breast feed Liam and Chloe; Chloe immediatly latches on but Liam, struggling to sit still, growls and pulls away.
Lyla looks over. "Do you need help, sweetie? There is a little trick to breast feeding more than one baby. See, when you kids were little-"
"I got this mom." Emily tries to pull Liam up. "He's just...angry this mornin' and he fookin' won't sit-"
"Emily." Lyla lowers her voice and glares at her daughter. "You really need to work on that language. I don't need the children finally understanding and one day, blurting it out. I DON'T want another inccident like Katherine."
"Wait, KATIE'S first word was a bad one?"
"Yes." Lyla kisses the top of Viviana's head. "Your father ALWAYS cursed. F this, B word that-It drove me insane but he swore up and down you kids would never understand or pick it up. Sure enough, as I'm feeding your sister, the 'F' bomb is dropped. OOOOHHHH, your father NEVER said those words around you kids ever again."
Emily chuckles. She could picture her mother, running in a dress and heels, chasing their father around with a frying pan. WHY that, she'd never understand. Just something Emily could picture. Continuing to hold the kids, Liam throws his fists into Emily's chest and growls.
"Mum!" Emily places Liam in his chair. "Fook, ow! He bloody hit me just now! He's gettin' strong. Look!"
Lyla walks over to Liam. She'd seen this before. Gently taking her finger, Lyla traces it over Liam's back and neck. The little boy comes to a halt; his eyes wide open, staring out, as his breathing became a steady pace.
"His spikes." Lyla lifts her fingers. Puss and goo. "They're coming in. I'm surprised Gren-"
"Wait, wait, wait-WOOT!? Spikes...."
"Have you not been reading the books, Emily?"
Emily twirls a strand of hair. "Some of them....not all...."
Lyla rolls her eyes. "Why do I....you NEVER did your homework on time, so, why bother reading about your Grendel baby."
"I skipped over the boring parts, mum! When I know a fookin' cocoon will GROW in me bloody vagina, I WANT to read THAT before anything else!"
Lyla pats Emily on the shoulder. "Well baby, yes, that IS a huge part but not all there is to Grendels. RJ went through this and thank God the ladies at the Farm knew of how to handle this."
"So, woot's wrong with Liam?"
"Gren must not have noticed this yet....Liam is getting his spikes. See? Down his spine and around his elbows. All males get them. Some bigger than others. Used for weapons in combat, tools for fishing or to show off to their potential mates."
"I've neva' see Gren's spikes before."
"Not even during sex?"
"Mum!" Emily covers her mouth. "The fook! Between Bloody Mary, Holly...you...I can't tell WHO'S worse at these questions!"
"I'm not going to sugar coat life, Emily. YOU should know this. You're not a child and you need to learn these things. Liam is going through changes. GREN went through them. Your brother RJ did, too. Now, again-not even during sex, have you ever seen OR felt the spikes? Has he even changed for-"
Emily waves her hands. "Oh God! I KNOW but-fook, mum! Hearin' ya' talk like this!"
"Oh Emily." Lyla places Viviana on the counter and tears open a Banana. "You kids did not fall from the trees now. Your father and I had sex, made you kids and here we are. That's how RJ got here-"
"UGH! Mum, seriously!"
Lyla peels away the tough skin of the Banana, tears off the top and mushes the fruit into Viviana's mouth. The baby gums on the soft fruit, swallows and begs for more. Lyla continues to tear tiny pieces off and feed the little girl. Seraphina, noticing the yellow fruit, coos and screams at Lyla. Indicating she desired the treat, Lyla picks Seraphina up and places her beside Viviana and proceeds to feed them both. Emily, still shocked by her mother's conversation of sex, sits at the table.
"Fa fook's sake."
"Amelia Caitlynn Porgie. Language."
"He has but....I've neva' SEEN them. I mean. I'm not lookin'....well....not lookin' THERE, mum...."
Lyla giggles. "Yes, I know, dear. Next time, REALLY watch him in his true form. When they're angry, horny, hunting, fighting-anything like that-the spikes come out. Ask Gren when he comes home. Now, Liam-he's going to be in a lot of pain until they push through."
"PUSH through?"
"They are growing out from his bones and out through his skin. It's going to hurt him. See-grab that towel and comes with me."
Lyla grabs the girls; heading over to Liam, the little boy looks over with a painful expression at Emily. Heart breaking, she picks up her son and holds him close. Emily notices a yellow substance dripping from an open wound near his neck. Taking the towel in Lyla's hand, she wipes the spot.
"The fook, mum?"
"Puss. The are not infected but it hurts him. Like mundies do with teething...you kids did the same thing and your father or papa always went out and found chew toys. But for Grendels, there is nothing you can do. They will pop out when they're fully developed."
"So, once they are-"
"It goes back in and when he's angry or any form of emotion that triggers them, they'll all pop out."
"But, Seraphina." Emily grabs the little girl. "She doesn't have anything."
"She won't. Only the males go through it."
Emily craddles Liam to her face. "Oh me little man. I'm so sorry, love."
Lyla nods. "Just watch him, give him lots of love and eventually, they'll come through."
Relentless, Emily bounces both babies in her arms; Lyla picks Chloe up and soon, Viviana and Chloe babble and wave their arms around, communicating in their own little language. Seraphina joins; Liam remains hushed, face buried in Emily's face. Both mothers enter the living room. There is a frigid sensation in the air. Lyla looks around.
"Is she here?"
"Who mom?"
"Your guardian. Miss Vivian. She here?"
Emily often had mixed feelings revealing Vivian to her mother, simply for the fact she was an enormous part in her father's past. Vivian, too, had these feelings; for some odd reason, she mentioned Lyla's anger and hate towards the once Fable that played Hostess and crutch for Georgie Porgie.
"I can feel her." Lyla stands near the window. "I sense her, too. Wolves have this sixth sense about them that can detect certain things in the air. Your papa used to tell me, sit perfectly still, listen and you'll feel it."
Emily had to ask; Vivian, standing near the doorway, had her eyes set on Lyla. "Mum, do ya' hate Vivian?"
Mystified, Lyla turns to face Emily. "HATE Vivian? Why on earth would I hate Vivian, Emily?"
"Well, dad fa' one. Me....little Viviana ova' there..."
Lyla immediatly answers. "No. I know she san hear me, too-Vivian, I don't hate you. what you and Georgie did shall forever be a huge part in his life. I have you to thank, honestly, for keeping his stubborn ass in line at times."
Emily could hear Vivian sigh and laugh all at once. Lyla continues. "I'm sorry you went through all that. No one deserves to die like that....alone."
Vivian agrees. "She's right....."
Lyla continues. "To be alone for years, not sure of anything. But she was good to my Emily. She loved you enough to stand by and help make sure you didn't walk down that very path your father left behind. All the footprints....you fit them so perfectly, Emily. We...we were so busy looking at your brother, not seeing it was you...."
"Vivian came into your life, watched over you and protected. She did a pretty damn good job at it. Directing you into Gren's life. Saving his as well. changing you both for the best. And as far as my grandchildren go, I love them. Viviana, Seraphina, Liam and Chloe. All of them. For because of her, they are here, Emily. So, no...I don't hate you, Vivian. I'm glad to know you're a part of my daughter's life."
Emily never said a word; Vivian, floating towards Lyla, stands before her. Vivian adored Lyla and was pleased to know Georgie got his second chance. Vivian used to be angry, wishing she'd been given the same rights. But she did and it was in the form of Georgie's daughter and her little babies. Holding out her hand, Vivian touches Lyla's face. Closing her eyes, Lyla could feel the cool air compress her cheek.
Lyla clears her throat as Emily wipes away a tear. "Oh, look at your mother...shit, my makeup."
"Language, mum." Teasing, Emily tosses a pillow. "The babies, mum!"
Lyla chortles, as she sits on the couch. Vivian moves towards the back. Holding Liam in her arms, Emily joins; the three girls roll on the ground, playing with their toys and pulling on the other sister's clothes. Changing into a Wolf, Chloe tries to snap at her sisters. Emily stomps her foot.
"Chloe, woot 'ave I told ya', little lady?"
"Reminds me of your sister." Lyla smiles. "Oh but you were JUST as bad, Emily, if not worse."
"Blame dad." Emily strokes Liam's hair. "Woot I do half the time with me own babies. I'll blame Gren if I don't like it."
Before Lyla could answer, there was a knock on the front door. Puddles, right on time, turns the corner and barks at the door; Chloe joins in, yipps and howls, too. Emily, holding Liam close, notices the shadow. Lyla stands.
"Who is it, baby?"
Emily snarls, heading for the door. "Thomas....Thomas Grendel, mum...."
Georgie, Gren and Robert reach the Business Office before the noon traffic. Although New York was a bumbling city with a non-stop motion, noon and five in the afternoon were the worse. Stepping out of the car, Georgie keeps the hidden gun in his pocket. Fumbling with the keys, Gren locks the truck and the three men head into the lounge, call the elevator and head into the office.
All remain silent, walking down the halls. Gren could hear Peter's music from the office; opening the door, all are not surprised to see Peter, sitting at his desk and singing. Penkle, trying to keep a straight face, turns and greets the Fables.
"Peter dancing. Busy moment."
"Oh yeah." Georgie chuckles. "Me boy sure is fookin' busy."
Peter hears his father's accent, looks over and leaps over his desk. Scooping Georgie into his arms and spinning in a circle, he holds onto the British man for dear life.
"Aye, Peter! Peter! Ya' gunna break me bones, son!"
"Gren, Robert. What are you two-OH, that's right! The Wood Elf thing!"
Gren nods. "Yeah, that. Have you, umm...have you FOUND anything. Records, books, documents?"
"I've had Michelle working all morning, looking for it. We have SOME but not what you're looking for." Peter heads to his desk and pulls out a red book. "I have this but its mostly codes and artifacts. Nothing about dreams or what Wood Elves DO. To be honest, we have not seen anything that pertains to Wood Elves."
"Course not." Robert pulls out a cigarette. "Our mother's kind LOVED to be secret and shit."
"Robert, stop." Gren rubs his forehead. "We came here to see if what they did find can-"
Robert waves his hands around. "Well, while YOU do that, do you know where Ethan is at, Peter? Wondering if Isaiah-"
"Isaiah?" Peter rubs his chin. "Your brother Isaiah?"
Gren and Robert answer. "Yes. You know about him?"
"Well yes. He was...he was here last week and-"
"Are you KIDDING me!?" Robert slams Peter into the desk. "WHEN!? PETER!"
Gren pulls Robert back. "Fuckin' ease up, Robert! Leave the kid alone!"
Peter pants, while Georgie rubs his back. "I'm sorry! No one told me you two were looking for him. He needed some papers signed for Santa. Guess they are expanding the North Pole or some shit. I don't know."
Robert tries to relax, as Gren speaks. "Does he still live there, then?"
"Far as I know he does. Works for the big fat man in the red suit. Needed...papers filled...."
"Well, that's one thing down." Gren walks around in a circle. "So, nothing for the fuckin' Wood Elves?"
Michelle, running from the back, holds up a very old and torn book. The lettering on the front his missing; the buckle holding the book closed is tattered with water damage and the leather cover with scratches and what appeared to be burnt sections.
"WAIT! GRENDEL! Robert! I found one! I found one!"
Everyone, astounded by Michelle, reach for the book. Gren snatches it from the blonde assistant's hands; since his arrival to the mundane world, there was never a single thread of physical evidence in regards to his mother. Now, here it was.
"Mom..." Gren unlocks the buckle. "Everything I can ever know....is right here."
Robert, leaning against the desk, rolls his eyes. "Why the FUCK do you want to know-"
Gren stares at Robert with disgust. I forgot, he thought. You don't care..."I need to know somethings about mom, Robert. We ARE half of her, too."
"Elves were weak." Robert spits into a trashcan. "Dad said all mom did was sing to trees, talk to plants-"
"He LOVED mom...."
"Okay, I know but.....Gren! She, I mean-come on, Grendel!"
Gren sighs. "You don't need to know...but I do."
Gren opens the book. Clouds of dust surround his head. A moth flies from one of the pages. Peter and Georgie get close and look over Gren's shoulders. Although claiming to not be interested, Robert's eyes scan the first few pages. Michelle tries to catch her breath.
"Is that it? Did....did I....I do good?"
"Yes Michelle." Gren beams. "This is it. Thank you, ya' fuckin' did good, kid."
Gren points to the second page. "This. Right here. Dad mentioned this part. They were once powerful creatures that created their very own communities. Very peaceful tribes that were interupted by Grendels and the war they created, lasting for many months, killing off thousands and injuring many others."
"They claim Grendels started it but-"
"Dad said they did." Gren turns the page. "Guess some Elves poked a sleeping one, he went ballistic and tried killing them."
"Her fault." Robert adjusts. "She had no business BEING near a creature like us!"
Gren ignores Robert and continues. "During the war, many fled from their homes and saught out shelter in the woods not too far from their original grounds. Hundreds still stayed behind to fight for their lands. Conflict between the two carried on until they arrranged to end the war and create seperate walls between them. Since that day, Elves and Grendels remain enemies."
"See. The end. Now, can we-"
"Robert, fuck dude!" Gren slams his hand onto Peter's desk. "Just....stop. If THIS bothers you, go wait outside."
Robert did not leave. Folding his arms, he continues to lean against the desk.
"Thank you. Now....there has to be something dad didn't mention. OH, look! Right here-Darsinia. This was the enchanted forest inhabited by the Elves after the war. The Grendels reside in swamps while the Elves-"
"SEE!? And you wonder WHY we are enemies. THEY get the happy forest with all the cute, cuddly animals and we get the swamp that smells like shit."
"You loved the swamp! you love being in the mud. So do I. It's WHAT we do, Robert. Don't fuckin' start with me."
While the brothers fought, Georgie takes the book and examines the contents inside. He too often wondered about Wood Elves; he knew of them from the Homelands but never had an idea of what they were truly capable of doing. He once had a dancer named Nina who was an Elf but she was whole different species. All were different in their own unique ways. As he turned the pages to the weapons, a picture of a bow caught his eye. Even Peter, finishing his cigarette, noticed it, too.
"Hey..." Peter points. "Dad, ain't that what Emily got all those years ago? Remember?"
"I do...." Georgie touches the picture. "Gren gave this ta' ya' sister. I was so mad. She hid it fa' years until-"
Gren noticed the image. "No. She....she still has it..."
Georgie nods. "Emily neva' got rid of it. She has it."
Robert, fixing his jacket, looks over. "Has what?"
"Artemis' Bow." Gren grabs the book. "I gave it to her YEARS ago. I didn't think she still kept it. It was....was supposed to protect her."
Michelle snaps her fingers. "Wasn't Artemis a goddess of hunt, wild animals, childbirth and virginity?"
"Yes. The....Wood Elves looked up to her. Rumor has it, Artemis left the bow with a powerful Echantress of the Wood Elves. A powerful witch, as you want to fuckin' call her. Mom...."
Gren closes the book; grabbing Georgie, he runs towards the front. Robert, trying to catch up, thanks Peter and Michelle. Running towards the front, Georgie nearly trips and falls.
"GREN! Fa' fook's sake, where is-"
"I need to get fuckin' back home, tell Emily and we NEED to find Isaiah!"
Robert slides across the hood like Bo Duke, climbs in the truck and buckles in. "What I've been TRYING to tell you, bro but you you're too interested in Elves and-"
Tires screeching, Gren pulls a Speed Racer and peels down the street.
"Fook, Gren! Slow down and-"
"THIS is all tied in to those dreams! Dad dying, Elves....magic! It all makes sense!"
"It does?"
"Yes." Gren pulls into the open road and drives towards his home. "Call RJ, Robert. We have a long journey ahead of us...."
This. THIS is the results of pie and his fiancee discussing Grendel mating season in March....XD
Lyla held onto Viviana and bounced the l… moreittle blonde baby in her arms. Viviana giggled and tried reaching for her nana's face; Lyla, leaning down, is met with her pouty lips and a very wet kiss. Beaming, Viviana kicks her chubby legs and tries to babble. Nodding her head, Lyla holds the baby against her chest and walks around the kitchen. Not too far, Emily tries to breast feed Liam and Chloe; Chloe immediatly latches on but Liam, struggling to sit still, growls and pulls away.
Lyla looks over. "Do you need help, sweetie? There is a little trick to breast feeding more than one baby. See, when you kids were little-"
"I got this mom." Emily tries to pull Liam up. "He's just...angry this mornin' and he fookin' won't sit-"
"Emily." Lyla lowers her voice and glares at her daughter. "You really need to work on that language. I don't need the… [view original content]
I love Carter. Always have. Always will. To ME, he's my favorite of your OC's. He's such a jack and Mary all at once, yet he's the sweetest little thing on this planet. Him and his GTA, too. XD I don't blame you, dude. He has a cute little crush om Ember. All grown up, little Carter. I still picture him as a toddler, playing with his legos in the apartmenr.....-sigh- Memories....Hopefully you'll cover more....I know she can't be mundy but, who knows these days. XD XD
"My mother's on her very last nerves with that boy," Noah mutters gruesomely under his breath to Carter. The cousins are out at the gym, wor… moreking out frivolously to relieve the current day's stress from their bodies.
"Sucks," Carter says with sincerity, flexing his muscles as he pushes the bar with the weights up. "I heard he's a bit of a terror."
"Absolutely demonic. No pun intended." Noah spit out an unkind chuckle, lowering a dumbbell to the ground. He lets out a heaving breath, reaching to the floor for his bottle of cold Gatorade.
"Some one oughta knock the sense into the kid," Carter suggests. "Hang him upside-down out a window for a while, maybe."
"It's useless, the kid lives for those sorts of thrills. Tried to climb to the roof the other day."
"Shit.." Carter lowers the bar on the little hooks, and carefully sits up from under it. He runs his fingers through his messy blond hair, and takes a swig from the bottle Noah ha… [view original content]
She could picture her mother, running in a dress and heels, chasing their father around with a frying pan.
I like Lyla more and more :P
Interesting thing with the spikes on male Grendel's, I will have to incorporate that somewhere...
LOL Lyla is the sweetest thing but you piss her off and you'll have hell to pay. XD Georgie learned REAL quick not to make her too mad.
Oh awesome, man! I'll have to draw Gren or Robert with theirs, just for visual purposes.
Nick doesn't take shit from anyone, and unfortunately that will include Lyla in the next fic...
Also, the Grendels vs Nick.... just prepare yourself man.
It won't be a case of outstaying her welcome, it'll be a case of trying to stop Nick from doing something that he feels he NEEDS to do... He won't hit her obviously, but he won't be gentle.
Hah! JJ already knows what will happen, same as you (I had to ask his permission to use Robert anyways) :P
Well, hopefully my Lyla knows when she's stayed her welcome....
Also, the Grendels vs Nick.... just prepare yourself man.
@JJWolf Hey man...embrace yourself, dude! XD
Cupcakes for you, too
I came up with the idea on a whim; Originally, it was just going to be me making some sort of grand speech and condolences from Harmony or something. And thank you
I tried my best XD I accidently took a pic mid-blink on the second pic of Gabriel, but he's still pretty rockin' if you ask me
He's my favorite, I think. Glad you remembered their little personality types! (Or, if you happen to find the page in which I listed them prior to posting, that's all good too XD)
Thanks, again
Thanks, man! I do my best to make them pleasing to the eye XD
Harmony sends her blushing thanks to that
She's trying out some new hobbies, is all XDD
I knew I was forgetting to add SOMETHING in! Tez and Rose are very much appreciated, I must say so myself.
"The kids love their Aunt and Uncle, if that makes up for forgetting to mention them >.<"
It's okay, Harmony. You'll just have to bake extra cupcakes for them!
"Sounds good to me, Em!"
I accidently took a pic of Gabriel blinking, and I think Jason was really just trying to be cool XD Oh well! My favorite is Gabriel, (But don't tell him I said that, or else he might rub it in a little)
"I love all my babies equally! Although, Ash tends to be the most helpful.... BUT that's besides the point! I love them all!"
That has to be one of the most angriest pics of Lyla there's been. And honestly, she has a mean look in those eyes. :P
The grand speech would have been fine, but this is much more lively.
Somehow, whims quite often seem to have the best creative ideas.
In a jacket like that it'd be hard for him not to look rockin'
Plus, he looks like he's got Bigby's hair, which is a good look. (Wish I could honestly say I'd remembered, but in truth I've been researching characters of late and it was still in my mind from that. XD)
It might just be for kicks, but that is a vote that will be remembered. XD
I don't think I've EVER drawn her mad but, damn....she can throw a punch! XD XD
I love you, Lyla! You know that!
... Can I have a virtual cupcake too please?
In 'reality' I don't think Nick would try and hurt Harmony. For starters he would already know how powerful she is, and Nick doesn't tend to pick fights with women (Aleesha is an exception and Lyla attacked him first)
Nick can create weapons and objects with his own Black Magic (more on that later on) but he doesn't like using Magic as it makes things 'too easy' for him :P
Oh Weasel could lull Nick into a trance of awe with his fine British accent XP
I think Nick and Harmony should appear in the same story at some point... It would be interesting to see how 2 very powerful, but also very different, characters consider each other as people
Lyla: Glaring angrily at me 'See....HARMONY thinks I'm strong, pie....' XD Watch. Weasel is the one to really kick all our asses and we just don't know it yet! XD XD
But yeah, Harmony to me is the strongest.
I mean, sending all these virtual cupcakes and all....damn! XD XD
Nick: I am very displeased with you, Chad
Chad: Hey... You're Nick, right?
Nick: Yeah...
Chad: Nothing it's just, I figured you would be more accepting of the vote is all
Nick: That Witch has nothing on me!
Chad: Well dude, she can stop time...
Nick: sighs I suppose...
Chad:.. You ok, dude?
Nick:sniffle Yeah...
Chad offers a bro hug... Nick accepts
Oddly enough I've never had cupcakes before XD unless muffins count
"My mother's on her very last nerves with that boy," Noah mutters gruesomely under his breath to Carter. The cousins are out at the gym, working out frivolously to relieve the current day's stress from their bodies.
"Sucks," Carter says with sincerity, flexing his muscles as he pushes the bar with the weights up. "I heard he's a bit of a terror."
"Absolutely demonic. No pun intended." Noah spit out an unkind chuckle, lowering a dumbbell to the ground. He lets out a heaving breath, reaching to the floor for his bottle of cold Gatorade.
"Some one oughta knock the sense into the kid," Carter suggests. "Hang him upside-down out a window for a while, maybe."
"It's useless, the kid lives for those sorts of thrills. Tried to climb to the roof the other day."
"Shit.." Carter lowers the bar on the little hooks, and carefully sits up from under it. He runs his fingers through his messy blond hair, and takes a swig from the bottle Noah had previously.
"My Aunt or whatever, Belinda. She better take the devil home with her as soon as she's released. Although, from what my other family members are saying, she's a little messed up in the head herself."
"Right," Carter said in agreeance. "Heard she thought she was the head of London's Fabletown."
"Yeah, she did. Freakin' weirdo."
"You don't sound like you enjoy her company all that much."
"Haven't even met her yet. I don't think I want to."
"And why is that?" Carter rubbed the sweat from his forehead, standing up to grab a towel off the wall. Noah followed him, as they made their way to the locker room.
"I dunno. She's strikes an odd chord in me. Plus, after what happened with my mother and father-"
"That couldn't have been Belinda's fault," Carter suggested plainly. "She seemed like she didn't know, or something."
"Or, she was pretending to be oblivious to the fact that there was a raving maniac in the very home she was going to house my mom and dad. It could have killed them, you know."
"Unless she made a deal with it." Carter began getting changed, facing away from Noah out of courtesy. Noah opened the lock on one of the lockers, pulling his old blue jeans from it and his grey t-shirt off the hook inside. He shrugged his work out shorts off, and threw the sleeveless tank top he had on before, and quickly got dressed into normal clothes.
"I don't see where that makes any sense," Noah said. "She's so....strange. I don't know."
Carter just shrugged his shoulders, now changed into a pair of black sweatpants that had the logo to NYU on it. Apparently, he was attending college with the mundies next year. High school was one thing, but Noah didn't think Fables really needed a college education. Still, he was glad his cousin and best friend was moving on in his life swimmingly. Other than that, Carter wore a white t-shirt with 'Got Milk?' written across the front.
"Let's talk about something else," He suggested as soon as their bodies passed through the front doors, into the freezing cold. It felt amazing after sweating the past couple hours, and the boys headed toward Bullfinch, which was several blocks north from there.
"How about who you're interested in," Noah suggested. "Anybody? I don't judge."
"No, no one." Carter said curtly. He kept his eyes straight, his face expressionless.
"Liar," Noah said. He cracked a smile, and poked Carter hard in the bicep with his pointer finger. "You're lying."
"Am not," Carter said, rather defensively. "What about you, huh? And Sara?"
Noah went silent for a moment. Another sour part in his life. Sara and him...they were growing apart. Seeing each other less frequently. Enjoying each other less. It bothered him greatly. "She's fine. I want to talk about you, though, not me. I've had enough of me."
Carter sighed, as they stopped on the corner. He sifted his fingers into his gym bag, and pulled out an old baseball hat. It helped to shield the sunlight above their heads, that was bright enough to make their eyes water. "There's nobody, really."
"Is nobody a name? I mean, I don't know these things sometimes."
Carter realized that Noah wouldn't put the subject down. After a moment of thought provoking interest, Carter decided that Noah could keep his mouth shut about who it could be. They stopped at a greasy hot dog stand, bought a few dogs and some sodas, and took a spot on an empty bench.
"She's mundane, Noah," He told his younger cousin.
"Shit." Noah replied. "Shit, does anyone even know?"
"Not one soul. Except you, now."
"What?" Carter bit down on his hot dog, and then swallowed. "What, no encouraging words?"
"You know I'm a pessimist by nature, Carter," Noah replied. "Is she pretty?"
"She's absolutely stunning."
"Gotta pic?"
"Uh...sort of. On my phone." Carter struggled to single handedly retrieve his phone from the front zippered pocket of his gym back. He nearly dropped it and cracked it, but he was swift enough to catch it before any devastating disaster could occur. He scrolled into his photos, which was organized by dates taken, and found the day that he'd met the girl only a few months back. He tapped her photo, and hesitantly showed it to Noah, who was still happily munching on his lunch.
"Oh." He responded, after swallowing a bite. "She's....okay. She's not stunning, though. Average."
"She's pretty gorgeous to me," Carter muttered. It was true. The girl had light blue eyes, fair skin, and light brown hair. It went down her back in waves, though she seemed not to care about doing it up nicely like most other girls at their school. She was new there.
"Her name is Ember," He told Noah. "She just started going to school with us a little while ago."
"Hmm. I think I heard of her. But I don't tend to get tangled up with the mundy gossip there. Does she always wear those glasses?"
"Yes, she does. I think they make her prettier."
"They make her look like a dork."
"You're a narcissistic asshole."
"No, I'm just overly observant." Noah tossed the crinkled ball of paper that once contained his hot dog in the nearby trashcan. It almost missed, but the wind picked up (He may have had a hand in doing so.) and knocked it over the edge. He smiled smugly, and took a long gulp of his coca-cola.
Carter sighed, standing up. They started to walk again, back to Fabletown. He was going over Noah's house to help install the baby gate on the stairs, as well as a few other minor tasks. Tim wasn't nearly as handy, and according to Noah, Harmony had her hands very much full as of late.
"Wanna play GTA when we're done?" Noah asked, as they approached the gates to the community.
Carter smiled, knowing that video games produced an equal amount of stress relief as working out did. He could probably go home through the mirror, if he stayed too late. "Sounds good to me."
Ew, it feels both amazing and sad that my baby Carter is finally, FINALLY getting along in life T3T Poor guy though, he's fallen in love with a mundane girl :O I wonder how that's going to go down with everyone else, and if she feels the same for him? More later, I'll probably write about Ash and Frank, maybe some Elora and Anubis, and might as well also throw in some Jackson and Scarlett time! I'll even include a family fun day with baby Charlotte
Also, I have to touch more on what's going on with Harmony and Tim, and how they're dealing with Matthew and such. They're a lot more stressed than the kids, at this point. Poor Harmony
She's tries to be a miracle worker, but even miracle workers can't do everything.
Of course! I bet Nick is equally as powerful as Harmony can be, in different ways of course.
You're missing out, man!
Aw, thanks! And give Lyla a cupcake, too!
You get double cupcakes, as per Harmony's request:
Nick and Harmony would be the duo that could make the Horsemen themselves say "Shit!" XD
A smartie filled cupcake :O Oh wow that is amazing!!!
Nick stares at the cupcakes served up to him by Harmony
Nick: Why would you give me these?
Harmony: Because I don't want you to feel bad
Nick: I lost, Harm. You beat me... why do I deserve your sympathy?
Harmony: Because you are too hard on yourself Nicky! You need to look at what you can do compared to me as well.
Nick smiles then
Nick: Thank you...
As soon as I saw it, I was like, "I have to make cupcakes in REAL life now!" lol XD
Of all the things I have baked, I have never attempted cupcakes by myself :P
This. THIS is the results of pie and his fiancee discussing Grendel mating season in March....XD
Lyla held onto Viviana and bounced the little blonde baby in her arms. Viviana giggled and tried reaching for her nana's face; Lyla, leaning down, is met with her pouty lips and a very wet kiss. Beaming, Viviana kicks her chubby legs and tries to babble. Nodding her head, Lyla holds the baby against her chest and walks around the kitchen. Not too far, Emily tries to breast feed Liam and Chloe; Chloe immediatly latches on but Liam, struggling to sit still, growls and pulls away.
Lyla looks over. "Do you need help, sweetie? There is a little trick to breast feeding more than one baby. See, when you kids were little-"
"I got this mom." Emily tries to pull Liam up. "He's just...angry this mornin' and he fookin' won't sit-"
"Emily." Lyla lowers her voice and glares at her daughter. "You really need to work on that language. I don't need the children finally understanding and one day, blurting it out. I DON'T want another inccident like Katherine."
"Wait, KATIE'S first word was a bad one?"
"Yes." Lyla kisses the top of Viviana's head. "Your father ALWAYS cursed. F this, B word that-It drove me insane but he swore up and down you kids would never understand or pick it up. Sure enough, as I'm feeding your sister, the 'F' bomb is dropped. OOOOHHHH, your father NEVER said those words around you kids ever again."
Emily chuckles. She could picture her mother, running in a dress and heels, chasing their father around with a frying pan. WHY that, she'd never understand. Just something Emily could picture. Continuing to hold the kids, Liam throws his fists into Emily's chest and growls.
"Mum!" Emily places Liam in his chair. "Fook, ow! He bloody hit me just now! He's gettin' strong. Look!"
Lyla walks over to Liam. She'd seen this before. Gently taking her finger, Lyla traces it over Liam's back and neck. The little boy comes to a halt; his eyes wide open, staring out, as his breathing became a steady pace.
"His spikes." Lyla lifts her fingers. Puss and goo. "They're coming in. I'm surprised Gren-"
"Wait, wait, wait-WOOT!? Spikes...."
"Have you not been reading the books, Emily?"
Emily twirls a strand of hair. "Some of them....not all...."
Lyla rolls her eyes. "Why do I....you NEVER did your homework on time, so, why bother reading about your Grendel baby."
"I skipped over the boring parts, mum! When I know a fookin' cocoon will GROW in me bloody vagina, I WANT to read THAT before anything else!"
Lyla pats Emily on the shoulder. "Well baby, yes, that IS a huge part but not all there is to Grendels. RJ went through this and thank God the ladies at the Farm knew of how to handle this."
"So, woot's wrong with Liam?"
"Gren must not have noticed this yet....Liam is getting his spikes. See? Down his spine and around his elbows. All males get them. Some bigger than others. Used for weapons in combat, tools for fishing or to show off to their potential mates."
"I've neva' see Gren's spikes before."
"Not even during sex?"
"Mum!" Emily covers her mouth. "The fook! Between Bloody Mary, Holly...you...I can't tell WHO'S worse at these questions!"
"I'm not going to sugar coat life, Emily. YOU should know this. You're not a child and you need to learn these things. Liam is going through changes. GREN went through them. Your brother RJ did, too. Now, again-not even during sex, have you ever seen OR felt the spikes? Has he even changed for-"
Emily waves her hands. "Oh God! I KNOW but-fook, mum! Hearin' ya' talk like this!"
"Oh Emily." Lyla places Viviana on the counter and tears open a Banana. "You kids did not fall from the trees now. Your father and I had sex, made you kids and here we are. That's how RJ got here-"
"UGH! Mum, seriously!"
Lyla peels away the tough skin of the Banana, tears off the top and mushes the fruit into Viviana's mouth. The baby gums on the soft fruit, swallows and begs for more. Lyla continues to tear tiny pieces off and feed the little girl. Seraphina, noticing the yellow fruit, coos and screams at Lyla. Indicating she desired the treat, Lyla picks Seraphina up and places her beside Viviana and proceeds to feed them both. Emily, still shocked by her mother's conversation of sex, sits at the table.
"Fa fook's sake."
"Amelia Caitlynn Porgie. Language."
"He has but....I've neva' SEEN them. I mean. I'm not lookin'....well....not lookin' THERE, mum...."
Lyla giggles. "Yes, I know, dear. Next time, REALLY watch him in his true form. When they're angry, horny, hunting, fighting-anything like that-the spikes come out. Ask Gren when he comes home. Now, Liam-he's going to be in a lot of pain until they push through."
"PUSH through?"
"They are growing out from his bones and out through his skin. It's going to hurt him. See-grab that towel and comes with me."
Lyla grabs the girls; heading over to Liam, the little boy looks over with a painful expression at Emily. Heart breaking, she picks up her son and holds him close. Emily notices a yellow substance dripping from an open wound near his neck. Taking the towel in Lyla's hand, she wipes the spot.
"The fook, mum?"
"Puss. The are not infected but it hurts him. Like mundies do with teething...you kids did the same thing and your father or papa always went out and found chew toys. But for Grendels, there is nothing you can do. They will pop out when they're fully developed."
"So, once they are-"
"It goes back in and when he's angry or any form of emotion that triggers them, they'll all pop out."
"But, Seraphina." Emily grabs the little girl. "She doesn't have anything."
"She won't. Only the males go through it."
Emily craddles Liam to her face. "Oh me little man. I'm so sorry, love."
Lyla nods. "Just watch him, give him lots of love and eventually, they'll come through."
Relentless, Emily bounces both babies in her arms; Lyla picks Chloe up and soon, Viviana and Chloe babble and wave their arms around, communicating in their own little language. Seraphina joins; Liam remains hushed, face buried in Emily's face. Both mothers enter the living room. There is a frigid sensation in the air. Lyla looks around.
"Is she here?"
"Who mom?"
"Your guardian. Miss Vivian. She here?"
Emily often had mixed feelings revealing Vivian to her mother, simply for the fact she was an enormous part in her father's past. Vivian, too, had these feelings; for some odd reason, she mentioned Lyla's anger and hate towards the once Fable that played Hostess and crutch for Georgie Porgie.
"I can feel her." Lyla stands near the window. "I sense her, too. Wolves have this sixth sense about them that can detect certain things in the air. Your papa used to tell me, sit perfectly still, listen and you'll feel it."
Emily had to ask; Vivian, standing near the doorway, had her eyes set on Lyla. "Mum, do ya' hate Vivian?"
Mystified, Lyla turns to face Emily. "HATE Vivian? Why on earth would I hate Vivian, Emily?"
"Well, dad fa' one. Me....little Viviana ova' there..."
Lyla immediatly answers. "No. I know she san hear me, too-Vivian, I don't hate you. what you and Georgie did shall forever be a huge part in his life. I have you to thank, honestly, for keeping his stubborn ass in line at times."
Emily could hear Vivian sigh and laugh all at once. Lyla continues. "I'm sorry you went through all that. No one deserves to die like that....alone."
Vivian agrees. "She's right....."
Lyla continues. "To be alone for years, not sure of anything. But she was good to my Emily. She loved you enough to stand by and help make sure you didn't walk down that very path your father left behind. All the footprints....you fit them so perfectly, Emily. We...we were so busy looking at your brother, not seeing it was you...."
"Vivian came into your life, watched over you and protected. She did a pretty damn good job at it. Directing you into Gren's life. Saving his as well. changing you both for the best. And as far as my grandchildren go, I love them. Viviana, Seraphina, Liam and Chloe. All of them. For because of her, they are here, Emily. So, no...I don't hate you, Vivian. I'm glad to know you're a part of my daughter's life."
Emily never said a word; Vivian, floating towards Lyla, stands before her. Vivian adored Lyla and was pleased to know Georgie got his second chance. Vivian used to be angry, wishing she'd been given the same rights. But she did and it was in the form of Georgie's daughter and her little babies. Holding out her hand, Vivian touches Lyla's face. Closing her eyes, Lyla could feel the cool air compress her cheek.
Lyla clears her throat as Emily wipes away a tear. "Oh, look at your mother...shit, my makeup."
"Language, mum." Teasing, Emily tosses a pillow. "The babies, mum!"
Lyla chortles, as she sits on the couch. Vivian moves towards the back. Holding Liam in her arms, Emily joins; the three girls roll on the ground, playing with their toys and pulling on the other sister's clothes. Changing into a Wolf, Chloe tries to snap at her sisters. Emily stomps her foot.
"Chloe, woot 'ave I told ya', little lady?"
"Reminds me of your sister." Lyla smiles. "Oh but you were JUST as bad, Emily, if not worse."
"Blame dad." Emily strokes Liam's hair. "Woot I do half the time with me own babies. I'll blame Gren if I don't like it."
Before Lyla could answer, there was a knock on the front door. Puddles, right on time, turns the corner and barks at the door; Chloe joins in, yipps and howls, too. Emily, holding Liam close, notices the shadow. Lyla stands.
"Who is it, baby?"
Emily snarls, heading for the door. "Thomas....Thomas Grendel, mum...."
Georgie, Gren and Robert reach the Business Office before the noon traffic. Although New York was a bumbling city with a non-stop motion, noon and five in the afternoon were the worse. Stepping out of the car, Georgie keeps the hidden gun in his pocket. Fumbling with the keys, Gren locks the truck and the three men head into the lounge, call the elevator and head into the office.
All remain silent, walking down the halls. Gren could hear Peter's music from the office; opening the door, all are not surprised to see Peter, sitting at his desk and singing. Penkle, trying to keep a straight face, turns and greets the Fables.
"Peter dancing. Busy moment."
"Oh yeah." Georgie chuckles. "Me boy sure is fookin' busy."
Peter hears his father's accent, looks over and leaps over his desk. Scooping Georgie into his arms and spinning in a circle, he holds onto the British man for dear life.
"Aye, Peter! Peter! Ya' gunna break me bones, son!"
"Gren, Robert. What are you two-OH, that's right! The Wood Elf thing!"
Gren nods. "Yeah, that. Have you, umm...have you FOUND anything. Records, books, documents?"
"I've had Michelle working all morning, looking for it. We have SOME but not what you're looking for." Peter heads to his desk and pulls out a red book. "I have this but its mostly codes and artifacts. Nothing about dreams or what Wood Elves DO. To be honest, we have not seen anything that pertains to Wood Elves."
"Course not." Robert pulls out a cigarette. "Our mother's kind LOVED to be secret and shit."
"Robert, stop." Gren rubs his forehead. "We came here to see if what they did find can-"
Robert waves his hands around. "Well, while YOU do that, do you know where Ethan is at, Peter? Wondering if Isaiah-"
"Isaiah?" Peter rubs his chin. "Your brother Isaiah?"
Gren and Robert answer. "Yes. You know about him?"
"Well yes. He was...he was here last week and-"
"Are you KIDDING me!?" Robert slams Peter into the desk. "WHEN!? PETER!"
Gren pulls Robert back. "Fuckin' ease up, Robert! Leave the kid alone!"
Peter pants, while Georgie rubs his back. "I'm sorry! No one told me you two were looking for him. He needed some papers signed for Santa. Guess they are expanding the North Pole or some shit. I don't know."
Robert tries to relax, as Gren speaks. "Does he still live there, then?"
"Far as I know he does. Works for the big fat man in the red suit. Needed...papers filled...."
"Well, that's one thing down." Gren walks around in a circle. "So, nothing for the fuckin' Wood Elves?"
Michelle, running from the back, holds up a very old and torn book. The lettering on the front his missing; the buckle holding the book closed is tattered with water damage and the leather cover with scratches and what appeared to be burnt sections.
"WAIT! GRENDEL! Robert! I found one! I found one!"
Everyone, astounded by Michelle, reach for the book. Gren snatches it from the blonde assistant's hands; since his arrival to the mundane world, there was never a single thread of physical evidence in regards to his mother. Now, here it was.
"Mom..." Gren unlocks the buckle. "Everything I can ever know....is right here."
Robert, leaning against the desk, rolls his eyes. "Why the FUCK do you want to know-"
Gren stares at Robert with disgust. I forgot, he thought. You don't care..."I need to know somethings about mom, Robert. We ARE half of her, too."
"Elves were weak." Robert spits into a trashcan. "Dad said all mom did was sing to trees, talk to plants-"
"He LOVED mom...."
"Okay, I know but.....Gren! She, I mean-come on, Grendel!"
Gren sighs. "You don't need to know...but I do."
Gren opens the book. Clouds of dust surround his head. A moth flies from one of the pages. Peter and Georgie get close and look over Gren's shoulders. Although claiming to not be interested, Robert's eyes scan the first few pages. Michelle tries to catch her breath.
"Is that it? Did....did I....I do good?"
"Yes Michelle." Gren beams. "This is it. Thank you, ya' fuckin' did good, kid."
Gren points to the second page. "This. Right here. Dad mentioned this part. They were once powerful creatures that created their very own communities. Very peaceful tribes that were interupted by Grendels and the war they created, lasting for many months, killing off thousands and injuring many others."
"They claim Grendels started it but-"
"Dad said they did." Gren turns the page. "Guess some Elves poked a sleeping one, he went ballistic and tried killing them."
"Her fault." Robert adjusts. "She had no business BEING near a creature like us!"
Gren ignores Robert and continues. "During the war, many fled from their homes and saught out shelter in the woods not too far from their original grounds. Hundreds still stayed behind to fight for their lands. Conflict between the two carried on until they arrranged to end the war and create seperate walls between them. Since that day, Elves and Grendels remain enemies."
"See. The end. Now, can we-"
"Robert, fuck dude!" Gren slams his hand onto Peter's desk. "Just....stop. If THIS bothers you, go wait outside."
Robert did not leave. Folding his arms, he continues to lean against the desk.
"Thank you. Now....there has to be something dad didn't mention. OH, look! Right here-Darsinia. This was the enchanted forest inhabited by the Elves after the war. The Grendels reside in swamps while the Elves-"
"SEE!? And you wonder WHY we are enemies. THEY get the happy forest with all the cute, cuddly animals and we get the swamp that smells like shit."
"You loved the swamp! you love being in the mud. So do I. It's WHAT we do, Robert. Don't fuckin' start with me."
While the brothers fought, Georgie takes the book and examines the contents inside. He too often wondered about Wood Elves; he knew of them from the Homelands but never had an idea of what they were truly capable of doing. He once had a dancer named Nina who was an Elf but she was whole different species. All were different in their own unique ways. As he turned the pages to the weapons, a picture of a bow caught his eye. Even Peter, finishing his cigarette, noticed it, too.
"Hey..." Peter points. "Dad, ain't that what Emily got all those years ago? Remember?"
"I do...." Georgie touches the picture. "Gren gave this ta' ya' sister. I was so mad. She hid it fa' years until-"
Gren noticed the image. "No. She....she still has it..."
Georgie nods. "Emily neva' got rid of it. She has it."
Robert, fixing his jacket, looks over. "Has what?"
"Artemis' Bow." Gren grabs the book. "I gave it to her YEARS ago. I didn't think she still kept it. It was....was supposed to protect her."
Michelle snaps her fingers. "Wasn't Artemis a goddess of hunt, wild animals, childbirth and virginity?"
"Yes. The....Wood Elves looked up to her. Rumor has it, Artemis left the bow with a powerful Echantress of the Wood Elves. A powerful witch, as you want to fuckin' call her. Mom...."
Gren closes the book; grabbing Georgie, he runs towards the front. Robert, trying to catch up, thanks Peter and Michelle. Running towards the front, Georgie nearly trips and falls.
"GREN! Fa' fook's sake, where is-"
"I need to get fuckin' back home, tell Emily and we NEED to find Isaiah!"
Robert slides across the hood like Bo Duke, climbs in the truck and buckles in. "What I've been TRYING to tell you, bro but you you're too interested in Elves and-"
Tires screeching, Gren pulls a Speed Racer and peels down the street.
"Fook, Gren! Slow down and-"
"THIS is all tied in to those dreams! Dad dying, Elves....magic! It all makes sense!"
"It does?"
"Yes." Gren pulls into the open road and drives towards his home. "Call RJ, Robert. We have a long journey ahead of us...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
But I love ya', bro. Stay awesome.
OMG I'm SOOOO hungry now! Between the Macaroni and now these cupacakes. -heavy breathing-
SAME! Dinner is cooking and I can smell it and my belly is rumbling and I'm just like 'Please, stop, we only have a couple more hours stomach." Lol
I like Lyla more and more :P
Interesting thing with the spikes on male Grendel's, I will have to incorporate that somewhere...
I love Carter. Always have. Always will. To ME, he's my favorite of your OC's.
He's such a jack and Mary all at once, yet he's the sweetest little thing on this planet.
Him and his GTA, too. XD I don't blame you, dude. He has a cute little crush om Ember.
All grown up, little Carter. I still picture him as a toddler, playing with his legos in the apartmenr.....-sigh- Memories....Hopefully you'll cover more....I know she can't be mundy but, who knows these days. XD XD
LMAO I was like 'Dinner' and looked at my phone. I ALWAYS forget...not EVERYONE lives in Cali! XD XD Oh, Pie. I know.
That looks like fun. I would take one of these over birthday cake. Lol
LOL Lyla is the sweetest thing but you piss her off and you'll have hell to pay. XD Georgie learned REAL quick not to make her too mad.
Oh awesome, man!
I'll have to draw Gren or Robert with theirs, just for visual purposes. 
Hehe, Charmed.
Oh crap. Forget I ever said anything, Snow and Bigby!
Nick doesn't take shit from anyone, and unfortunately that will include Lyla in the next fic...
Also, the Grendels vs Nick.... just prepare yourself man.
Do rainbow cupcakes taste good? Or is the color mostly just for appearance?
Dude... do you live on the planet Earth??? XP
Well, hopefully my Lyla knows when she's stayed her welcome....
@JJWolf Hey man...embrace yourself, dude! XD
You never gave me and your Aunt Rose those extra cupcakes yet! Is this how you treat your family, Harmony? ;(
It won't be a case of outstaying her welcome, it'll be a case of trying to stop Nick from doing something that he feels he NEEDS to do... He won't hit her obviously, but he won't be gentle.
Hah! JJ already knows what will happen, same as you (I had to ask his permission to use Robert anyways) :P
Diabetes Oh man-I come on here and all I see are cupcakes! Picking one up after class now!!!