Would You Buy Season 3 if Clementine WASN'T the player character?
I personally would still buy it for the sake of the creative legacy of Season 1 and Season 2, although I know I would be greatly disappointed if Clementine wasn't the playable character for Season 3; as I doubt any new character could live up to substituting her.
With the vast different endings of Season 2, I think its safe to say that Season 3 will be starting on a fresh canvas. All the characters that could have been determinately killed (Kenny, Jane, etc) would not return even if they survived the Season 2 finale, which could only mean a significant time skip. If Clem is still (hopefully) the main character, then she';s either alone with AJ or with a new group.
Assuming if Clementine will return I'm pretty sure there will be a significant timeskip, maybe set 3 years after S2 with an older adolescent Clementine and maybe a toddler AJ (just my own personal speculation). Of course if Clementine does return as the main character that's five years worth of Christmas presents to me. But if she doesn't and we get a new character, I know I would be far less enthusiastic about the game but I know that at least storywise Telltale will most definitely deliver. Still, Clementine is personally my favourite character in the entire Walking Dead franchise (TV, comics, etc) but I've been worried over how exactly they would continue her story after the way they left off in Season 2.
Timeskip seems the likely option to basically start over a new canvas from all the endings of the S2 finale.
But during this Playing Dead interview I heard Telltale stated they wanted to do a 'new angle' with Season 3, could a new angle mean a new character viewpoint, with no Clementine? If so, how would you look forward to Season 3?
yes i would because it is the walking dead, not the walking clementine i liked twd before clem even existed and i will still like it without her
No, too much time invested in this character to just let go.
Nope. No Clem-No Buy. The Walking Clementine or nothing.
EDIT: Also, since this game is in the comic universe, a time skip isn't gonna happen. And personally I think the the "new angle" will be about something other than survival. Maybe forging strong bonds that'll actually last.
I would be okay if she wasn't the playable character but I would still want her to have a major part in the story.
depends on the new story. I think TT's TWD is Clementine's story so I think they should stick with her tho
If she's simply not the playable character, then yes
If she was out of the game entirely: still yes. I wouldn't like it, but I'd still get it.
Yes, but I would be disappointed if she wasn't, just would make the last 2 seasons feel like a waste if they threw her away.
Yes, there are more stories than hers.
What if TellTale made a Season 3 that didnt follow Clem but they announced that Season 4 would, so while they make season 3 they can work on season 4 they could have endings have an extremely drastic impact? ;o
I wouldn´t buy it.
Yes. But I would be extremely disappointed if they didn't include her.
Honestly thought that season 2's multiple endings was Clem's finale.
I wouldn't mind playing as an adult again, season 2 was a bunch of bullshit when it came to some of the things Clem had to do.
Like shutting down a wind turbine, doing everything in Carver's camp.
Having to babysit everyone during Amid the Ruins...
I tell ya.
People be like "Oh but she's eleven". She still has the education of an 8 year old though...
Yes. I think clementines character has pretty much run its course. A new playable character would keep the series fresh
As long as the game is still good, yes.
While I love Clementine, she's my favorite character in the game, and would be disappointed if she's not the PC or not in it at all, I would definitely still buy it. It's still The Walking Dead, and it's still Telltale, no doubt they can make a great game no matter who the PC is. I used to be one of those "No Clem, no buy," people, but after playing Telltale's other games, I realized that it doesn't matter who the PC is, Telltale makes great games that are worth the money, so playing or not playing a game because of one character now seems foolish to me.
The walking dead isnt about clementine, its about life in the apocalypse
Anyways id actually want it more if clem wasnt in it
Despite her being 11, I found it very intriguing to have a Child Protagonist in a zombie apocalypse setting, as it doesn't really happen that often.
Clem's second group was okay, though it was pretty annoying that Clem was very much the only competent person in the team (apart from Jane I suppose...), had she been older she may have even become its official leader.
A part of me still wants to see Telltale's take on the franchise to be Clementine's story, after two seasons I've become quite attached and emotionally invested in the character, yet I can't deny the sad truth that one day her story will end because I still wish to keep playing her.
I would still buy Season 3 even if Telltale retired Clementine as the PC, but I doubt I would come to care for the PC to the same extent I came to care for Clementine.
Besides, I still think its possible for Clem's story to continue, in Season 1 she was a naive and innocent 8 year old girl whom Lee trained to become stronger and able to defend herself (R.I.P Lee, I liked you better than Rick Grimes), then in Season 2 we see her still a child but older, stronger and smarter, a lot more self-reliant and definitely quite formidable.
In Season 3 maybe we could see the next stage in her character transformation, where she's no longer a child instead in her prime. Perhaps there could even be an allusion to Season 1 in Season 3, where Clem essentially becomes similar to Lee from S1 and AJ would be like the original Clementine in S1.
Basically I still do think Telltale's can continue with Clem's story and I personally hope they do. However I get the feeling that then Season 3 would truly be the last of Clem's story. With three seasons devoted to her Telltale would carve out a Clementine Trilogy. Once a character becomes too old they might just be replaced with a younger one, and if Clem does (hopefully) return in Season 3, she would have to be a few years older and S3 might just truly be the Clementine finale.
Of course I would love it if she returned as the PC in Season 3 and even in Season 4 (if Telltale makes one) since she's my favourite character, though after two seasons I can't help but wonder what plan Telltale has for the character in mind.
I would probably still get it, but I'm sure I would be thinking the entire way through the game "Where's Clementine?". TWD has become so synonymous with her character that leaving her out even for one episode would feel awkward (to me!). Hell, in 400 days I was looking for any cameo appearance or easter egg relating to Clem.
I actually wish Telltale would make a 16 Months DLC set during the timeskip after the beginning of Season 2, maybe resolving the mystery of what happened to Christa's baby.
Yesss, thought the same thing.
NoClem No buy.
Yes because there are more interesting stories out there that can be told.
Sometimes I also do seriously consider No Clem, No Buy, it was sort of the reason I've never played the 400 Days DLC (besides its not like any of the decisions would carry on into Season 2).
I know Telltale would still do a good job without Clem, though I don't think Season 3 could be improved in any way without Clem, at least for me she's what makes the Walking Dead most interesting. I am quite resistant to the idea of some new character trying to take Clem's place as if they're a worthy successor to her, at this point all I want to do is continue with Clem's story.
Personally I wish Telltale would devote at least two more seasons to her, with Clem being 14 in Season 3 and somewhere near 18 in Season 5 to end her story on an epic and satisfying note. I consider the Walking Dead to be Telltale's greatest work and Clementine to be the greatest character in the entire Walking Dead franchise (I seriously can't think of anyone better than Clem).
Yes. I'd buy it regardless
But if you had a choice, which option would you prefer, to replace Clementine with a new character or to continue with Clem's story?
Of course. I'd prefer that.
Actually, I don't even know if I'd buy season 3 at all. Season 2 kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.
Yes..no matter what happens.
After Bordelands and GoT why you all think there will be just one PC?
Maybe 3th season will have new PC and in 4th, when Clem is older, there will be something like Rhys and Fiona gameplay...
Yeah. I might be more inclined to, actually, because I don't like what became of Clementine in Season 2... or rather, what didn't. Personality of cardboard and all that.
It was weird the direction they went with her.
Even when you choose options that you think are "nice", she says them like a bitch.
One that comes to mind, saying "Don't worry about it" to Nick.
I thought she'd be like, "Oh no probs mate! I've gotcha back".
But nope...
I know people will bitch and twitch if they don't get all they want so I would say yes
From a sentimental view, I would prefer to continue Clem's story as I am attached to her. But i'm not sure how they'll do it with the multitude of endings from season 2, if sticking with Clem stagnates the plot and creativity of the writers i'd rather have a chance at playing a whole new story.
They can do it no problem, but that might involve more work than usual. Seeing how succesful their recent games are, it's safe to assume they will step things up a notch. Their game engine is getting better by the day too, if you look at the graphics.
I'm moreso edging towards not buying it if Clem IS the PC again. I hate playing as a little girl, it's pretty unrealistic for her to do everything. I'll still buy it anyway - i'd just prefer Clem to be the focus of the story without playing as her.
We can continue Clem's story without playing as her.
Clem should definitley NOT be the protagonist again, it didn't work well in S2 imo
She could return as a deuteragonist.
Also, I may be mistaken, but I thought last time I checked the game wasn't called 'The Walking Clem'.
No Clem, no buy
Seriously? I'd rather have her story end with Season 2 than another Season where the ideas of too many writers compete and rip her character apart. I loved her in Season 1, after Season 2 I asked myself: 'Who is that girl? Because it's not Clem anymore.'