Telltale vs TV

I personally like the Telltale Walking Dead series way better than both the TV show and comic books, mainly because Telltale actually delivers what I want: emotionally compelling characters you come to care for over time and a stronger storyline, both of which have me invested. While the TV series isn't bad and I still watch it every now and then (though not as frequently as I used to) I don't think it can match the same level set by Telltale.

I even like some of Telltale's characters better than their loose TV counterparts:

Rick Grimes vs Lee Everett: While I do like both characters, I do like Lee better, despite the superior screentime given to Rick.

Carl vs Clementine: Telltale has done such a good job that this isn't even a competition in my opinion, I wouldn't lose any sleep if something bad happened to Carl or if he were killed off, he is no where near the awesomeness spectrum where Clementine is. Come to think of it, I find his character pretty annoying and unlikable. I still haven't come across anyone yet whose actually played Telltale TWD and somehow still actually likes Carl better than Clementine.

I still have other TV characters I am quite fond of, like Daryl Dixon whom I wish would have made a cameo in Telltale.

The TV series is set in its own continuity apart from the original comics, while Telltale is bound to the comic continuity, this is the one single factor that really bugs me, as I wish that Telltale could have its own continuity just like the TV series gets to, I mean then maybe we could have kept Glen for longer in Season 1. Still, Telltale does more than an impressive job with their take on TWD despite being restricted to the comics continuity, I can't help but feel their work could have been creatively enhanced had Telltale's TWD had gotten to be set in its own canon just like the TV show.

So basically, in my opinion Telltale presents a superior vision on TWD compared to its TV counterpart, what do you all think, which is generally better, Telltale TWD or TV TWD?



  • I personally don't watch the television show, and i don't like the direction Season 2 has gone, but if i had to choose i guess TTG Season 2 because it was good enough to be ok, but it was far from great.

  • TT's TWD is my preferred medium for The Walking Dead experience. I enjoy the show and watch it every week, but it still doesn't have very good writing overall.

    The time Carl and Rick spent after the prison, I can say that I wanted Carl to die...he was acting like such a brat until he realized that he still needed Rick...he still kinda gets on my nerves now...he just comes across as arrogant to me, but I no longer wish his character gone. But I do enjoy Clementine's character more than Carl's.

  • I would say Telltale has got me so enraptured by their version of TWD both S1 and S2 more so than the comics or T.V. show. I guess it would be because I'm actually involved in the story and tailoring it to the way I want the story to play out. The comics are a great second best for me. It just keeps getting better and better after every issue. Then thirdly the T.V. show. At first I loved it, but up until recently I'm finding it a bit lame with it's artsy direction and constant emo philosophical bull-crap in every other scene. Here's hoping it gets better (its just got to!).

  • I lot of people were disappointed with how Telltale Season 2 went out, and while I admit it lacked the essence of its predecessor I still think the storyline was stronger compared to most of the TV show's story arcs.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I personally don't watch the television show, and i don't like the direction Season 2 has gone, but if i had to choose i guess TTG Season 2 because it was good enough to be ok, but it was far from great.

  • I used to have a death wish against Carl, though I can tolerate him better now, I wouldn't really mind if he dies.

    Alternatively I would be more than devastated if Clementine died.

    What about the Governor vs Carver? I have difficulty choosing which villain I like better, though I'm inclined to give the Governor a slight edge in this case, mainly because the TV show actually did a decent job with explaining his character as opposed to Carver who had a very limited backstory which made his characterization less complex.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    TT's TWD is my preferred medium for The Walking Dead experience. I enjoy the show and watch it every week, but it still doesn't have very go

  • yeah, I always looked at the game as an interactive comic/tv show

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I would say Telltale has got me so enraptured by their version of TWD both S1 and S2 more so than the comics or T.V. show. I guess it would

  • I agree, part of the reason why I like Telltale's TWD better than the TV show is because of how immersive it is, though I guess that's mainly due to it being a game, yet I discount off how much better Telltale does TWD compared to the TV show.

    Originally I was completely hooked to the TV show after Season 1 but then over the course of the next few seasons both the characters and story just didn't click with me as well as they did in Telltale's take.

    Even though Lee only had 5 episodes and 1 season as the main character while Rick so far has 5 seasons and countless episodes, I think the TV show has done something really wrong when I still like Lee more than Rick.

    The TV show tries to be all reflective about the nature of humanity and how the apocalypse has changed them or brought out their inner demons, but it just never executes it as well as Telltale.

    In fact I kind of wish now that Telltale was in charge of the TWD TV show instead of whoever's writing them presently.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I would say Telltale has got me so enraptured by their version of TWD both S1 and S2 more so than the comics or T.V. show. I guess it would

  • The TV show tries to be all reflective about the nature of humanity and how the apocalypse has changed them or brought out their inner demons, but it just never executes it as well as Telltale.

    IMO Probably because the T.V. show tends to beat you over the head with it by constantly saying "Look!, Look how bad things have gotten! Let's talk about it over and over again." While in Telltale's TWD they seem to move with more of a seamless style of, doing things and then talking about it. Although that could be because Telltale only writes 5 episodes so they have to get the ball rolling instead of having characters sit around and talk about their feelings very frequently.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I agree, part of the reason why I like Telltale's TWD better than the TV show is because of how immersive it is, though I guess that's mainl

  • I'm a huge fan of the show, but the show will never be able to reach the level of the game in terms of quality, writing, characters, and basically everything. The comics are also great, but the game is my all time favorite.

  • Again your asking in a pretty biased place

  • I never read the comic, I rarely watch the TV show (I stopped until Season 1), but the game is what get me hooked up on The Walking Dead. Personally, I saw the game have a greater potential than both tv series and the comic; mainly because of the branching storyline. Lets say Season 2, we all know it had major flaws, but it still maintain its standard in creating an interesting story.

  • Season 1 of the game was a worthy rival for me but since I personally wasn't as invested in Season 2 I like the TV a lot more. The comics are the best IMO as of right now.

  • The show is way better imo. Just because of the relationships. I didn't cry, or get upset when anyone from the game died. But with the group from the show, (excluding Gabriel and Noah) I will cry my eyes out when it's their time to go. The only character I'm attached to from the game, is Clem.

  • The tv show peeked during the first 2 episodes then fell flat.

    I personally stopped watching after season 3, it became too painful to have to watch a whole season and only a small minority of episodes be good.

  • Nick's story arc was great.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I lot of people were disappointed with how Telltale Season 2 went out, and while I admit it lacked the essence of its predecessor I still think the storyline was stronger compared to most of the TV show's story arcs.

  • Season 1 of the game is pretty much the best piece of media in the Walking Dead franchise. When it came out, the TV show was still in the days of seasons 2 and 3, the worst seasons of the show, so it was pretty easy for everyone, including me back then, to say back then that it was undoubtedly better than the show.

    Nowadays, it's not that easy for me. Seasons 4 and 5 certainly aren't ingenious television, but the stories are way better told than before, and I believe the characters are utilized way better than pretty much any of the characters in Season 2 of the game. People sometimes complain that some characters in the show are silent and don't do much, but they forget that they've had their big moments already and a lot of screentime. See, Telltale? You don't have to kill off your characters just because they've finished one arc of theirs... although it's hard for me to think of anyone in Season 2 except Kenny and Rebecca getting an actual arc before they died. Maybe Nick, but you have to really stretch what we got from him in his last moments to get that.

    Let's compare the deaths of current Telltale and current TV show for a second. Beth, a girl who many considered useless in the ZA world, died a pointless shock death... after numerous episodes (that she didn't really deserve, but whatever) of development and being a useful contributing character during an arc that centered on her, and for the purposes of rendering the characters' struggles for her seemingly pointless. Sarah, a girl who many considered useless in the ZA world, died a pointless shock death... because the writers got bored of her and wanted her out of the way. Any attempt at making the characters feel like their struggle for her was pointless falls flat because they either don't care about her or summarize her "importance" in a five minute scene.

    Tyreese, a big strong guy with a peaceful personality, died a shock death that felt pointless, but got a whole episode of character affirmation and coming to terms with his inner demons and standing defiantly for who he was as a peaceful man in a crazy world. Alvin, a big strong guy with a peaceful personality, died shock death that felt pointless... because the writers didn't care about his role in the story, only determinately giving him one cool scene after being absent for most of an entire episode.

    Bob, a guy who came full-circle from being a problem for the group with his own demons to face up to, to an optimistic man who only wanted what was best for the group, is killed off, but dies smiling as he is surrounded by his friends and refuses to let go of his peaceful point of view on the world. Nick, a guy who came full-circle from being a problem for the group with his own demons to face up to, to an optimistic man (well, he's Luke's fanboy, but it could kind of be interpreted as him having a lot of hope) who only wanted what was best for the group, dies a pointless shock death or dies off-screen because he's basically considered to be dead weight to the story now. Now see, this one is different in the sense that you can see an actual change to Nick's character, but like I said, you basically have to cling on to those little bits of dialogue we got from him in episode 3 for dear life to justify calling Nick a rounded character. He was a fascinating character, to be sure, but he needed and deserved more than what he got. So did Bob, for that matter, but at least his was a peaceful ON-SCREEN death.

    Then there's just the story arcs and how they play out in general. Season 4 of the show is still my top season because of how consistently they planned everything out. Even the first five episodes on the flu storyline set up everything you need to know about the characters in the second half of season 4, while the Governor episodes provide the impetus for that to happen. To be more specific, the flu arc establishes Bob's demons, Sasha's distrust and logical actions to conflict with Bob's more optimistic point of view, Michonne's growing departure from the group leading to her return and change into a woman who values companionship, Hershel using his peaceful nature to bring hope and comfort to dying patients, Carol's crime against the group and her subsequent banishment, Lizzie's warped view of the world, Rick watching absolutely everything he tried to accomplish after his failed leadership of season 3 (become a farmer, step down as leader, keep Carl away from the danger) fall apart completely, Tyreese becoming lost in suicidal rage as a result of Carol's actions, setting up their tense companionship later, and his walk towards the peaceful path after the horrifying events of the "The Grove", and a few other things but this is getting too long now.

    Season 2 of the game, meanwhile, seems to plan things out, then decides it doesn't like those ideas, and makes for new storylines when it would be better advised to just stick to the formula they were going for. For instance, Carver feels like this imposing force in episodes 1 and 2 as he is clearly set up as the big villain of the season... so he dies in episode 3, leaving two episodes to deal with after the climax of the story that had been built up from the start. Okay, fair enough. So now we have this clear focus on Luke and Kenny being at odds with each other, having started way back in episode 2 (stupidly and out of nowhere, mind you, but still)... so Luke dies a shock death in episode 5 so we can make Jane Kenny's opposite despite the complete lack of development on that front. Annoying... but I can deal. Or at least I could have, were it not for all the other pointless character deaths, the nonsensical betrayals, the attempts at moral ambiguity which fall completely flat because there is no attempt to truly blur the lines, and even less of an illusion of choice than the first season.

    So all in all, the show was on a low point before, but reached greater heights. The game was riding high before, but has sunk low for me. Now it's just a matter of seeing what both mediums do in the future.

  • I love them both, but I'd have to say the comics are the best.

  • you'll cry even when Tara dies? i wish she was gone already

    GiantKiller posted: »

    The show is way better imo. Just because of the relationships. I didn't cry, or get upset when anyone from the game died. But with the group

  • edited March 2015

    Especially Tara. Liked her character ever since her introduction. Trust me I'm not the type who cries all that often, but this show just brings it out of me. I cried when Lori, Beth, and Tyreese died. Even though I foreseen Tyreese's death, it still shook me up.

    EDIT: Forgot about Hershel. Didn't cry on the spot, because of all the commotion. But I think I was watching Talking Dead, and the tears started to flow.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    you'll cry even when Tara dies? i wish she was gone already

  • edited March 2015

    For me, I say that even at its worst, Telltale's TWD games still have better pacing than where the show's at. :'D

  • Telltale, AINEC.

  • i love the game better. it would go game > Comics > and show. the comics are interesting to me and shit's about to get real again. the tv show is very inconsistent. the gmae, it had its issues even on S1, but i just love everything about it. the characters i love them all. well the main. im not saying the show is bad its just not top notch. i already prefer better call saul.

    (BTW shit is about to get REAL on BCS!!)

  • You mean the 500 words of dialogue,


    Nick's story arc was great.

  • I do like both..but I'll say TTG TWD is better (didnt read the comics)

  • You should, they're great.

    I do like both..but I'll say TTG TWD is better (didnt read the comics)

  • thanks, btw Metallica does rule! top 5 favorite band on my list :)

    You should, they're great.

  • They're such a fantastic band, I've enjoyed everything they've put out (except Lulu, but that's not really a Metallica album, it's more Lou Reed).

    thanks, btw Metallica does rule! top 5 favorite band on my list

  • TV show is dumb. I only watch perfect series not any shitt that people say:Oh it,amazing! It,s brilliant! Telltale done a great work.Every one thought Telltale want make a game based on: shitty story of "Rick and friends!"

  • Also I think comics are great but I haven't enough time.And think they have a extremely violence.

  • Comics>game>show.

  • Right, I'm sure in the TV show forums.. the game version is barely even mentioned. But I believe the TV show is the most popular of the three in comparison to the game and comics.

    Again your asking in a pretty biased place

  • edited March 2015

    The game's FIRST SEASON to me was better than the television series as a whole. But when the second game season was released I think the game sort of fell of the wagon and the trophy currently is held by the television series. Especially with the more recent seasons 4 and 5. The TV show kind of got boring when Glen Mazzara began to take over as showrunner from like 2nd half of season 2 until the finale of season 3 (at-least to me it did). Soon as he took over from Frank Darabont I noticed a dip in quality and then when he left and Scott. M. Gimple took over.. the show began to really come with it again. And far as the game is concerned I noticed their dip in quality when Sean Vannaman and Gary Whitta departed from the game department. I feel it is undeniable that the game lacks the strength and heartfelt emotional magic it had with it's first season compared to the second season.

  • edited March 2015

    Its not a shitty story at all. Its had a lot of touching and emotional moments that rival the ones in the game IMO

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    TV show is dumb. I only watch perfect series not any shitt that people say:Oh it,amazing! It,s brilliant! Telltale done a great work.Every one thought Telltale want make a game based on: shitty story of "Rick and friends!"

  • Believe me,this kinda series are for disgusting teenagers.

    Its not a shitty story at all. Its had a lot of touching and emotional moments that rival the ones in the game IMO

  • No they aren't. Lots of adults are invested in the television series too. Just because they have violence in them doesn't mean they are for "disgusting teenagers". The story and characters are what people look for in Walking Dead, and the violence adds to the universe.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Believe me,this kinda series are for disgusting teenagers.

  • Gary Whitta never worked for Telltale though, he was just called in to write Episode 4, like J.T. Petty was called in to write Episode 4 of Season 2.

    Ladariel posted: »

    The game's FIRST SEASON to me was better than the television series as a whole. But when the second game season was released I think the gam

  • Ok. I so personally didn't like it! But I,m talking totally,in last years I knew they are a lot of series that only teenagers share them.Like Vampire series,Romantically series and LOVE between teenages and etc.

    No they aren't. Lots of adults are invested in the television series too. Just because they have violence in them doesn't mean they are for

  • Well excuse me for enjoying it.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Believe me,this kinda series are for disgusting teenagers.

  • Come on! It is my idea.Every one should tell their ideas.

    Well excuse me for enjoying it.

  • You insulted me, and plenty of other people. Do I have a right to disagree? Yes.

    If you just said 'teenagers' I wouldn't give a care, but you had to add 'disgusting' to your opinion.

    And no, not all ideas should be shared, particularly if they are insulting. I respect opinions. I do not respect insults.

    Sherlock221 posted: »

    Come on! It is my idea.Every one should tell their ideas.

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