Would Daryl have killed that guy?
Shortly after the group arrives in Alexandria, Glen gets into a scuffle with the leader's son.
Daryl, having Glen's back, charges the guys friend, picks him up and throws him on the ground, and stands over him like a growling dog, and Rick ends up having to run over and pull Daryl off.
When watching that, I began thinking, what would've happened if Rick hadn't pulled Daryl back?
Would Daryl have hurt him?
Would he have even gone so far as to kill him?
What would've happened?
Daryl is arguably one of the most dangerous men out of the entire group.
Next to Rick, Daryl is almost like an animal!
I have no doubt that Daryl would be absolutely vicious in a brawl.
But has Daryl become so hardened to the point, where he might kill someone without any hesitation?
Or maybe, he might snap and kill someone without realizing what he did, until it was to late?
Particularly if they were a threat to the group, or a potential threat?
Remember what he snapped and shot Dawn, after she killed Beth.
We all know what Rick would do to anyone who threatened the group.
He's proven time and again, that he is ready to do whatever is necessary to protect them. After all, look what happened to Joe and his thugs!
Now to be fair, Daryl has come along ways from what he was in Season 1.
And he has shown himself to be compassionate, and truly wanting to be a better person.
But has Daryl become so hardened as a warrior, particularly this Season, that he could end being a potential hazard?
I don't think he would've. He's not a bloodthirsty killer. I think he just wanted to put some fear into the boy.
No. I don't think he would've killed him without Rick's say so and what GK said, he just wanted to put some fear into the boy
Kill? No
Beat the shit out of of him? Yeah
Well if it was realistic, they would all be serial killers by now.
Daryl may not like it in Alexandria, but he knows his people do. So I don't think he'll do anything to jeopardize their stay.
No but I can see him beating the living fuck out of him
It is pretty realistic IMO you saw how uncomfortable most of them were in a controlled environment like Alexandria
I hope the TV show will follow the comics. I like how in the comics Michonne gets pregnant with Rick, Carl is gay and Daryl ends up with Sasha.
Was that all before or after Shane comes back to life? I keep forgetting.
Or did that happen before or after Hershel grew his leg back?
Like you I keep forgetting.
seems like Rick is turning into his old self.
I don't think he'd have killed him, but he surely would have taught him a lesson in what happens when you mess with his family. Also, I sort of wish Abraham had been the one to tackle the guy. He barely got any lines last episode. ._.
people please...that was before those vampire zombies summoned their robot alien masters
yeah im not liking that. they need more time... its getting real close to his demise
I don't know what happens to him in the comics, as I've never read any of them.
But for the show, I hope they keep Abraham alive, as he's such a cool character.
Abraham, along with Rick, Daryl, and Carol, are my favorite characters on the show.
In some respects, I think Abraham is in some ways is a lot like Daryl.
Abraham is a headstrong man, who goes his own way.
He's fiercely loyal to his people, even the ones he's had "disagreements" with, AKA: Eugene.
Unlike Daryl though, Abraham is a more outgoing individual.
And his desire to fight seems stronger than Daryl's.
Daryl will fight if he feels he has too.
Abraham, on the other hand, is the type of guy that will look for a fight whenever the possibility of one presents itself.
Both men, though, have a tendency to react angrily and violently when they lose someone they're close with.
Like when Daryl saw Beth shot right in front of him.
Or how he was after they lost the prison, that is before Beth helped him to open up about it.
And remember how Abraham was, after finding out that Eugene had lied to them.
The mission to save humanity was everything to Abraham, and when that got taken away from him, that and how many people died because of Eugene's deception, Abraham exploded and beat Eugene to a pulp.
And Eugene had it coming!
Since I mentioned Eugene, it just occurred to me, and I could be wrong and please correct me if I am, but ever since Eugene got his ass whipped, I don't think he's said more than maybe 10 words since then.
Before, the guy wouldn't shut up!
But since he got his ass beat, he's really become much more reserved.
And given the way Eugene lied to everyone, it's obvious that no-one in the group is anxious to listen to anything he has to say, nor be willing to do so anytime soon.
I know if someone lied to me like that, I wouldn't want to hear a word out of them.
Eugene is gonna be in the dog-house for a long time!
But I hope that during that time, we will see his people skills develop.
And that he will eventually earn redemption.
Though I'm not a big fan of Eugene, not at this point anyway, I don't think he's a bad guy.
He made a big-ass mistake, granted, but I don't think that should be the only thing viewers define his character by.
Damn Right, that's what I was pissed off about,, Abraham is my favorite character in the show right now and he didn't really do anything last episode, Even Glenn got into a fight, But now him? If he's getting killed off soon then he better have more of a major part (!) Saltlick123 will now go Saltlick something....
How do you know he'll get killed off soon?
They could keep him around for a long time.
And I will admit, Abraham is a cool character.
Well if were going by comics
That won't be for a little bit though. Even if they follow the comics for that route, it won't happen until S6B at the earliest IMO.
Still they're barely doing anything with him
with Robo Governor
well considering how the tv show and comics are going, that might not happen to him.
bro... too unrealistic...
That guy's name is Aiden, and well, he kind of has a point. He's just worried about his mother, and he sees how Rick's group is. I think that he KNOWS in the back of his head, that rick's group will get his mother killed.
No way. He didn't like Glenn and Tara showing him up. I get the feeling that he likes/is used to being top dog, and wants to put the new people in their place.
So even if he was killed in the comics, which I presume happened shortly after the group found Alexandria, that doesn't mean their going to do the same thing to him on the show.
For example, from what I've read from other users on here, Carroll died in the comic book series, shortly after the arrival at the prison.
And that she was also kinda weird.
Yet, look how far she has come, and look at the type of person she is on the show!
For the most part, she's very down to earth, as well as a very tenacious individual.
Also, look at Hershel, Dale, and Bob.
Again, from what I've read from other users, Dale was the one lost his leg at the prison, and that cannibals began eating pieces of him, before Dale told them he was bit, in the comics.
Yet on the show, Dale died on Hershel's farm, Hershel was the one who lost his leg at the prison, and Bobwas the one who ended up on the cannibal's dinner menu.
The point is, if the show's writers were able to make such changes to the story, and pull them off successfully, then they can surely do it again.
Who knows, we might have Abraham around for a long time to come.
Perhaps, and I don't know if they did this in the comics, but perhaps Abraham might become the leader of another group, and settle in another area, and the two groups end up working together, but they both have their own settlements.
And instead, Glen and Daryl put those two little pissants in their place.
That's called irony!
Glenn didn't seem too bad.
I think at some point after the group settles into the prison is when Rick finds out that you come back no matter what, so he goes back to the Atlanta camp site and kills Shane before re-burying him.
I kept thinking that it wouldn't be as simple as going to D.C and curing the infection. Although they did mention that there was some remnant of the U.S government in Washington, and I do want to see that lead picked up again.
Andrea and Sophia are also alive in the comics and make it to Alexandria.