How the hell did ___ not die in the river
Ok I am kinda mad. HOW THE HELL DID BONNIE NOT DIE IN THE RIVER WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO SHOOT THE WALKERS. She is under the ice longer that Luke but Luke drownds and Bonnie escapes fine? WTF
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Because we can't have nice things.
Because realism.
But in all honestly, you see that Luke wasn't holding his breath when he was banging on the ice, that's what caused him to die so quickly. Bonnie was holding her breath I guess.
Personally I am glad she escaped and ran off with the other 2. Why you ask?
Lets just say we got some unfinished business.
Luke must've panicked.
Above all, Luke was panicking and had a busted leg. Secondly, people don't hold their breath for a uniform time, and some people are better at holding their breath than others. Given that Luke has shown a tendency to run out of breath fairly quickly, it's not too far out of the realm of possibility that he just wasn't in as good of shape as Bonnie.
Funnily enough, despite a lot of people arguing about this scene, I've found this to be one that actually makes a decent amount of sense.
I'm thinking the bullet in his leg affected his swimming. The real question is: Why the hell didn't she just listen to him? There's a pic floating around with Clem aiming her gun at Bonnie as she walks over to Luke. I would've pulled that trigger.
Because she's a hacker
Telltale logic.
Luke dies quickly because its extremely cold which does a whole lot of things to your body if you are submerged in it, Luke dies due to a natural reflex in our body where if you are very low on oxygen and in cold water you will breath in water if you gasp causing you to drown. If you choose to try and rescue Luke you will see him get grabbed by a walker and sunken down in the abyss causing him to gasp and ultimately causing him to drown. If you cover Luke you see him drown due to the lack of oxygen probably due to the inhalation of water as well. Luke was also weak because he got shot in the leg and was recovering from Carver breaking his ribs.
Exactly this. And he'd have been incredibly, incredibly lucky to get anywhere close to a good breath of air in from the start because of the ribs. It blows.
Oh well, he tried. :'I
Because... plot?
No joke, if someone were to question Telltale on this, they'd probably use Luke's shot up leg as an excuse.
That man had sex with broken ribs... Pretty sure he can wiggle his leg a little, and besides you don't need two legs to swim.
I was in a wave pool at a water park and it was pretty deep. I got a cramp in my calf muscle and I made it perfectly back to land with no assistance, just used my arms and one leg.
Bonnie was smoking...
Last time I checked, that didn't equal good lung capacity.
Luke was probably a huge stoner though.
"Woaaaaaah. Art histooooory, maaaaan".
You what my theory is?
It's only a videogame.
I have been asking myself the same question for 6 months.
It's possible that Bonnie is really good at holding her breath, maybe she had swimming lessons while Luke didn't. But Bonnie did smoke and do drugs so her lungs wouldn't be in the best shape meaning she should have drowned. In addition to that she came out of the same hole Clementine did which means she had to swim past Luke to get out. She must have been like, "Oh hey Luke, oh you drowned? How sad, I'm gonna get out and blame it all on Clementine when I could have helped you out." Nice going Bonnie.
There is also the fact that Luke was panicking like no tomorrow. He let go of his breath when Clementine was smashing the ice and if you leave it long enough you can see him float down to the bottom, showing that he died. But here's the part that makes me really annoyed. Luke died at 36 seconds on the cover option, Bonnie gets out at 56 seconds! There is no way on hell that she lasted another 20 more seconds than Luke, there is just no way. She was a drug addict, she would never have lasted that long compared to Luke who was unfit but healthy.
If I had the opportunity to do this to Bonnie it would solve the whole realism situation.
Bad writers...
bonnie is obvs mlg noscope 420
True dat.
I actually kinda laughed when he died.... just a little.
Just because it was really lame.
Hmmm... Luke's form.
I think it needs more seal.
Have you seen those little buggers pull their fat asses out of ice holes.
They don't have legs 0_0
Then how did Bonnie live, she should have died too.
And so should've Clem...
I'd point out that with broken ribs he'd definitely have a very hard time moving his arm on that side, because that's what realistically would have happened, but then he swam pretty damn good all things considered.
Willpower/adrenaline or careless writing? Iiii'm definitely leaning towards the latter. (Although there's something to be said about someone's endurance after having sex with broken ribs as you said (and presumably not blacking out in the middle of it, fff) and limping around with a bullet in his goddamn leg. :'D)
Same circumstances surrounding Lee.
Invincible until plot decides not.
I just wanted the option to yell out questions at him to make up for the lost opportunities for character development
Definitely a season of missed potential.
You got that right
Well, Luke kinda sacrifices himself to save Clementine. He's fighting off walkers underwater which is going to cause any one to drown quickly. We don't see Bonnie fighting off walkers so she's able to hold her breath longer. It's not that unexplainable
What's bad writing isn't that Luke died the way he's that Clementine doesn't even warn Luke that the ice is cracking when she clearly saw it was cracking underneath her
Firstly It's a lake, and secondly:
Bonnie is a drug user, she can't be killed off so easily.
There wont be any satisfaction on my behalf in S3 if im not able to slowly ram a knife through bonnie's eye
Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice.
Ahh.. you beat me to it
Everyone that fell in that froozen lake/ river whatever would have seized up they wouldn't have been able to do anything there bodies would have gone into shock and they would have died, even if they were dragged out immediately they would have still gone into shock
It's The Walking Dead Realism
so much beautiful
Its impossible to hold your breath when your plunged in freezing water because of the cold water shock gasp reflex. It Iis possible to condition you body to not be too badly affected but that is a potentially dangerous process that can only be done at specialist facility and the conditioning only lasts about 6 months.
Seriously search "cold water shock" it will make that scene piss you off
In my experience in life ive found that drug users can die very easily
That's why it's weird that Luke was the only one who died.
I'm not too bothered by it, I just wanted Bonnie to stay down there as well...
Whats wrong with Stoners, weed is awesome
Just that it will give you bad lungs. So you probably won't be able to hold your breath.
Weed doesn't give you bad lungs
Personally, if they really wanted to make Bonnie determinant instead of that weird scene where you do nothing and she dies, she should have died there with Luke if you chose to shoot the walkers, even though I do like her.
Where? I haven't seen it.
@Kateis posted it in this thread. You don't get the option to. It's just the crosshairs are focused on her.