Morgan + Shane = Kenny

edited March 2015 in The Walking Dead


  • Mogan lost his Wife and son Kenny lost his his wife and son

  • Morgan gone crazy and Kenny gone crazy

  • Morgan is emotionally unstable Kenny is Emotionally unstable

  • Morgan is caring and selfless (demonstrated when saving rick in the first episode for saving Rick) Much like Kenny

  • Shane

  • Shane gets easily angered Kenny gets Easily angered

  • Shane in the beginning is a friend but somewhat becomes an antagonist as the story goes on, much like Kenny

  • Shane Praises the ones who back him up and is unforgiving for those that don't, much like Kenny

  • No one in Shane's group supports him that much and everyone thinks he is loosing it, much like Kenny

  • Shane wanted to kill Randell but his group did not want to, much like Kenny wanting to kill Arvo but the group did not want him to

  • Rick (the protagonist) was reunited with Shane, Much like Clementine (The Protagonist) was reunited with Kenny

  • At the finale Rick (the protagonist) was forced to kill Shane cause Shane was going to kill Rick, much like Clementine (the protagonist) was forced to Kill Kenny (Determinate) Cause Kenny was going to kill Jane


  • Abraham Ford also reminds me a lot of Kenny. His obsession with getting to Washington before Eugene revealed that he didn't have a cure reminded me of Kenny's insistence on the boat plan, it felt like they were both looking for a purpose in their lives after they lost their families and for Kenny it was the boat and then Wellington, and for Abraham it was DC. .3.

  • But what if we add to this equation

    Morgan + Shane + Kenny / BeardX2 = ?

  • Abraham is my favorite character on the show right now :)

    Abraham Ford also reminds me a lot of Kenny. His obsession with getting to Washington before Eugene revealed that he didn't have a cure remi

  • Lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    But what if we add to this equation Morgan + Shane + Kenny / BeardX2 = ?

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