Oh God, when Lee told Clementine she could take care of herself now and her little voice just breaks as she says "I can't", I bawled my fucking eyes out.
On the 5th day of Maaarch, Telltale gave to us:
Soonie soon soon soons
Vaughn's VA glomped
Random panel stuff
And no news on Borderlaaaands!
It's good to have news and such, but I'm honestly not sure it'll be coming out next week as the Steam DB hasn't updated with the press stuff yet. Maybe a week on Tuesday?
And sorry to be a party pooper. Though I guess they could give out press copies without much notice.
It's good to have news and such, but I'm honestly not sure it'll be coming out next week as the Steam DB hasn't updated with the press stuff… more yet. Maybe a week on Tuesday?
And sorry to be a party pooper. Though I guess they could give out press copies without much notice.
It's good to have news and such, but I'm honestly not sure it'll be coming out next week as the Steam DB hasn't updated with the press stuff… more yet. Maybe a week on Tuesday?
And sorry to be a party pooper. Though I guess they could give out press copies without much notice.
It's good to have news and such, but I'm honestly not sure it'll be coming out next week as the Steam DB hasn't updated with the press stuff… more yet. Maybe a week on Tuesday?
And sorry to be a party pooper. Though I guess they could give out press copies without much notice.
It's a Japanese term, to hug someone in a real 'OMG I LOVE YOU' kind of way.
Oh God, when Lee told Clementine she could take care of herself now and her little voice just breaks as she says "I can't", I bawled my fucking eyes out.
March Eighth. Panel. Supposed video Telltale has to show.
On the 5th day of Maaarch, Telltale gave to us:
Soonie soon soon soons
Vaughn's VA glomped
Random panel stuff
And no news on Borderlaaaands!
We still have the panel on the 8th, which "might" have a video attached to it.
M10 Believe it!
Are you sure?
Because it feels longer than that T_T
Except you forgot its not christmas...
Hence the March :P
You wonna fight m8?
Please lord
Why did I read the title of the video ''Richard Axton Aroo's''?
I think I'm addicted to Borderlands.
Alright, there's gonna be something on it, alright? It will be important as hell.
After they went down I assumed they were going to kill Lilith at the end as well. That would have been too much for me to bear
Aw, that's so cute! ^_^
I wish axton yelled AROOOOOO
Telltale tweeted that episode 2 will be at the PAX Panel.
It isn't really 'news' but Telltale are talking a bit about TFTB ep 2
Oh and also this:
Oops I just saw your comment o_o I just posted the same picture. well this is embarassing
Eh felicity kinda irked me a lot
Don't feel embarrased, i think we both posted it at the same time :P
I just checked it and you're right xD This is crazy. We posted the same picture at the same time.
It's good to have news and such, but I'm honestly not sure it'll be coming out next week as the Steam DB hasn't updated with the press stuff yet. Maybe a week on Tuesday?
And sorry to be a party pooper. Though I guess they could give out press copies without much notice.
guess I'm gonna start my 5th playthrough of dragon age inquisition
Yeah personally I think it will be out M17, and the trailer next week. That makes more sense I think.
sigh....Looks like I have to play episode 2 while eating Chinese food....
i gonna cut you so bad for saying that holmes
Finally people.