I thought we just assumed Jane's sister was dead, but we don't actually know that. She left her for dead, but she could have survived, is how they made it sound. Also, Molly, or if her sister is alive, would be cool to see back as well.
Anna Correa is not Mollys sister. It's a very common misconception that she is, if you look at the picture Molly shows you of her sister, they look nothing alike.
Could go either way. Clementine's awesome. Her story is just beginning. Or a new protagonist, from the beginning, from a diff perspective? Cloverfield style? We've already met Glenn and Herschel in S1, why couldn't Clem and Kenny cross paths with Rick, Darryl, Merle or Carol? Or maybe the Governor, or Terminus? They don't HAVE to stick with anything. So many ways to keep that series alive for a long time. They couldn't make an episode of the game or show that I wouldn't play or watch. Loves me some WD.
The game can and SHOULD move ahead of the comic book continuity. If Clem's story never overlaps with Rick's, and the zombie apocalypse hasn't improved that much by the time Clem's a teenager, what's the problem?
Its a problem because Kirkman may one day decide to change the scope of TWD world entirely (how I don't know, but he has hinted at making big changes at some point later down the line), and if the game decides to jump ahead, and doesn't show these changes in its own story, it creates continuity issues. And yes, Telltale does collaborate with, and ultimately submits to Kirkman when it comes to storyline issues.
An example of this is the character of Lilly, whose story was supposed to continue in the comics/novels after episode 3, but because Kirkman gave the comic Lilly a different backstory from the Telltale Lilly, it created a continuity problem, and they ended up making them 2 separate characters. An easy problem to fix, but if Telltale goes messing with the timeline itself....than not so easy fix.
The game can and SHOULD move ahead of the comic book continuity. If Clem's story never overlaps with Rick's, and the zombie apocalypse hasn't improved that much by the time Clem's a teenager, what's the problem?
It's a long shot, but could you imagine if they find a cure? A cure that turns walkers back into Humans, (granted they haven't been shot in the head obviously). And then dependant on whether the player shoots Lee at the end of Season 1, Lee could potentially be brought back to life.
Clementine and if possible the one you saved at the end of Season 2.
Finding Christa and Lilly (If Jane is a part of your group; a quartet of strong independent women, now THAT's interesting)
A redemption arc for Lilly.
Characters who will last into future seasons.
Clementine always having a part to play
Finally finding a good location to be a stable settlement.
And anything creative that the writers and artists bring to the table, that will up the ante.
How about Glenn? He is a very friendly and helpful character. Remember him? Did he went to his city, or something like that? He should be so… moremething like 25 by the start of season 3.
It great to see him alive in the season 3. I hope that the writers will bring him back. Do you think it's possible?
It actually is possible for TT to make Lee the playable character again, not for long (at the most one episode probably) but a lot of people forget that there was a three month period between episodes one and two, besides Mark needs a back story doesn't he? I think they could really turn that into an interesting episode plus Telltale likes to murder us emotionally and what better way to do that then by bringing Lee back into the game. I also think that they will bring back either Molly or Lilly. I also believe that either Kenny/Jane will die in the very beginning or they will kill them off at the end as their cry ending. It would work well if they did that too because we obviously care about the character we chose (at least over the other) I also predict that if you went alone they will bring back Christa
Maybe Christa or Molly but cant be Mike. Mike is actually a decision based character. If you choose to threaten him you can shoot him, and if you do that later in the truck after the dream sequence you can ask Kenny about him and Kenny will confirm he's dead
I don't hope for a new protagonist but I think we'll play as someone is currently unknown (Christa or Molly) or maybe Mike?
Clementine's story is over, too many endings.
Converging them all would be so disappointing.
Well I'm late to this chat, but here's my prediction: There were really 4 possible endings at the end of season 2. Clementine alone, Clementine with Jane, Clementine with Kenny and Clementine with Kenny up to Wellington where he leaves her (so alone again but with a new group).
Unless TT has the capacity to write and maintain 4 completely different tangents, they have to converge somewhere. My prediction is that the convergence will happen with Clementine ending up alone, and I suspect it'll happen in the first episode of the new season. So Jane/Kenny will die or otherwise depart Clementine and the story will move from there (which suggests that as far as TT is concerned the "Correct" choice at the end of season 2 was to kill both Kenny and Jane). The wildcard I don't know what to do with is Wellington. If you elect to go there. I can't see how she'll end up alone in that scenario unless that community also gets overrun, or it's like Carver's outfit and she just chooses to leave.
I have a hard time believing TT would abandon Clementine just yet, but one way to avoid the multiple tangents is to have a new protagonist that simply crosses Clementine's path (depending on choices made) and we'd just see her by her herself, or with Jane or with Kenny or in Wellington. That would be the easiest path for TT, but I'd find that very disappointing.
I don't hope a new protagonist, i want to see sweet pea really growed up. By the way, it's really Kenny finally out of the series? We will see again him in 3rd season? I just done all the endings but have this doubt already.. and sorry for my english.
I predict Season 3 will be like a season-length version of 400 days; each episode you will play as a different character from Season 1 and 2, at various points in TWD time line.
So, Episode 1 you might play as Kenny, and it will start with the scene with Ben in the alley, and actually show just how Kenny gets out of that situation. The rest of the Episode would depict how Kenny ends up where we find him in Season 2, at the ski lodge with Sarita.
Episode 2 you might play as Jane, and would be set before when we find her in Season 2. It could actually start in Washington and depict all the events between her and her sister - possibly starting with the same kind of Lee/Clementine dynamic between Jane and her sister - and you would play through the events of getting her sister killed.
Another episode, you could play as Lilly, and show what happens to her after making off with the van in Season 1.
Or one episode could be about Christa, and see just what did happen to her after Clementine lost her.
You could even - god willing - play as Molly for a whole episode!
And then maybe for the final episode you actually play as Clementine, following on from Season 2. Or, what could be quite cool is playing as Clementine but set inbetween Season 1 and 2, in the time she was with Omid and Christa.
While I really do want to see what happens after Season 2, I wouldn't be opposed to this concept. I could happily wait for Season 4 to find out those answers, provided this was done right.
I agree with that it is almost exactly what I wanted. However I would prefer that a DLC like 400 days. I think that a good idea would be to play as Kenny or Jane during season 3 because both are extremely different and not totally good.
I've been thinking, and I'd like to say Clementine had her run for now. There are other people I really want to follow up on, even as protagonists. Maybe we'll get to meet Clem, but I'd rather play her again when she's grown a little more. The people I really want to get back to are Christa, anyone from the 400 Days group(specifically Wyatt), and Nate. Maybe at some point we'll come across Clem in a timeskip when she's at least as old as Carl(you know us adults and our ageist views) and in a leadership/charismatic-survivor role, maybe even switch protagonists and play as her for the rest of the game. But I'm interested in seeing where the other survivors have gone and how they're doing, specifically Wyatt and possibly Eddie. Wyatt's my boy.
I miss Lee, too!!! And I have the same hopes, that's why I didn't kill Lee. Herschel survived his amputated bite. I don't care for the people who chose to shoot Lee. He doesn't need to come back to them, but I need him to come back to MY game, lol So, they really don't show Clem shooting Lee, huh? I didn't try that version. That's interesting. Most interesting. Till now my hopes were only based on the arm amputation. I said right away yes do it, and I've seen other gameplay walkthroughs were there was some hesitation, so I figured that the amputation will happen no matter what. But now reading that Clem doesn't look when she shoots him... That's fantastic news to me!! Lee's gonna be back!!! )))
I was actually surprised when I saw the stats for my ending. I didn't think I would be that much in the minority lol. I really hope Kenny will be back and that he wasn't shot completely dead in the games where Clem shot Kenny, so that there's a way for Telltale to bring him back. But look at the statistics, I think most people don't even want him back
My choices Ep 5 regarding the end:
"You and 94% of players didn't ask to leave with Mike." - 6% left Kenny right away! 0.0
"You and 30% of players didn't shoot Kenny." - 70% out of the 94 shot Kenny, OMG!
"You and 13.5% of players are with Kenny." 86.5% stayed at Wellington. Sheesh...
Now, if that 13.5% isn't even of all players but rather 13.5 % of the 30% who didn't shoot Kenny, then it makes the number of players who stuck with Kenny to the bitter end even smaller - about 1% - yikes. It's shocking. O.O Damn, I want Kenny back in Ep 3
Walking dead season 3!Coming in fall.I honestly have no idea what happens,But I think we will still play as Clementine and go into 4 years,So AJ will be 4.Thats all I think!What I think!Feel free to tell me what you think!
It's a long shot, but could you imagine if they find a cure? A cure that turns walkers back into Humans, (granted they haven't been shot in … morethe head obviously). And then dependant on whether the player shoots Lee at the end of Season 1, Lee could potentially be brought back to life.
Im a huge lee fan, But I would rather them stick to flashbacks/Hallucinations for now :P
If they brought back lee, I think it would be too unrealistic....
Another thought, Imagine if Clementine goes back to Savahanna (However you spell that) and sees zombie lee!
Im a huge lee fan, But I would rather them stick to flashbacks/Hallucinations for now :P
If they brought back lee, I think it would be too … moreunrealistic....
Another thought, Imagine if Clementine goes back to Savahanna (However you spell that) and sees zombie lee!
What will happen...
(4 years later) Kenny&Clem/Together:You and kenny in in the woods,then you find someone ???.Pass by,You go to them.But your notice they have a group. Kenny&Clem/Leave:Your enjoying your new life,You have enough food,Sleep all night.But then someone turns,then you have to find a way out. Jane&Clem/No Family:Its a good day,AJ playing around,But then,Someone you saw...Come with many,many people...Its the family. Jane&Clem/With Family:You fix up carver,And its a great place,Everyone is healthy,You starting inviting people in,Bad idea. Clem&AJ:You go town-to-town all the time,You bump into a family,they seem friendly!
I would love that they really take our choices in account, so we have at least 2 totally different games for S3, one in Wellington and one in Howes, but this is impossible. I think everybody will end up in Wellington, it's the most interesting situation for them to develop, with the most possibilities. So they will probably kill Jane or Kenny and make Clem go to Wellington after. The best we can hope is to have at least the whole first episode depending on our S2 final choice, but then will they make all the endings together.
Maybe they could just separate Clem from them at the beginning and make them reappear at the end, so they can develop a story with new characters and make our final S2 choices still count.
Or maybe they are planning to do both Howes and Wellington situations, for example if we are in Wellington we play half the game here (maybe Kenny can come too if the game happens a few months later), but there is a zombie invasion one day, we have to leave and we go to Howes. And if we are at Howes initially, we play half the game but one day Howes is attacked by bandits, we run away and we find Wellington, etc. I don't want them to do that however.
I just really hope Clem is the main character !
Concerning returning characters, it would be unrealistic (especially after Kenny's miraculous return in S2), but I think there will be at least one character from previous seasons, probably Lily, Christa or Arvo. Lily in Wellington (maybe as a leader) could be very interesting, I don't particularly like her but there is a lot of to do with this character. If we are outside with Kenny it would be interesting too (but very highly unrealistic). I think Christa is dead but if she survived we know she was going to Wellington so it's still possible. And Arvo is alive and not far from both Wellington and Howes, he could find the place we are. Anyway I hope we will know what happened to Lily and Christa (and Kenny if we went to Wellington without him). They are probably dead but who knows.
Oh and if they bring back a character, it would be awesome that they make this character say "I got lucky, real lucky !" just for the fun of it, before making him/her telling his story more in details. With the character wearing a beard it would be even better.
I'd like to see more of Clem's story but I think they'll either have a totally new protagonist (and have them come across previous characters from S1+2) or have someone from 400 days like Vince.
Glenn is dead in the comics - so for all the comic-lovers: no
And for all people who only know the tv-series (and Game): he pretty much alive, but it would be complicated to write him in the Game.
To all People who only played the game - and don't know Comics/series (your loss ;-)): his status will remain unknown
How about Glenn? He is a very friendly and helpful character. Remember him? Did he went to his city, or something like that? He should be so… moremething like 25 by the start of season 3.
It great to see him alive in the season 3. I hope that the writers will bring him back. Do you think it's possible?
I predict Season 3 will be like a season-length version of 400 days; each episode you will play as a different character from Season 1 and 2… more, at various points in TWD time line.
So, Episode 1 you might play as Kenny, and it will start with the scene with Ben in the alley, and actually show just how Kenny gets out of that situation. The rest of the Episode would depict how Kenny ends up where we find him in Season 2, at the ski lodge with Sarita.
Episode 2 you might play as Jane, and would be set before when we find her in Season 2. It could actually start in Washington and depict all the events between her and her sister - possibly starting with the same kind of Lee/Clementine dynamic between Jane and her sister - and you would play through the events of getting her sister killed.
Another episode, you could play as Lilly, and show what happens to her after making off with the van in Season 1.
Or one episode could be about Christa,… [view original content]
I think for s3 no matter what ending you chose you'll still end up at Wellington. Like if you chose stay at howes w Jane the place will get overrun again by herds again or the group you let stay are "bad" so Jane and clementine decide to check out Wellington as last resort and while arriving Edith explains how there isn't enough room for anymore and right then the leader of Wellington comes out to see what's going on and BAM out comes Lilly as the leader. She immediately recognizes clem and let's her stay! (Or maybe christas there under a different name and she notices clementine trying to get in) OR if u choose the "lone wolf" ending clementine eventually makes her way to well. and same scenario happens. THATS my season 3 prediction. wyt???
I wish that Season 3 is going to be longer than Season 2. I will wait year, two or more.. for the ONE biggest Season ever. Without time skipping, because we all know about choices in Season 2 where Kenny/Jane may die. Really don't want to see a picture which says: "One year later" or something like that. I want Telltale to make something BIG! Certainly, I wait for the Season 3 as much as everyone's here. But, it's probably disappointment that there is no Season 3 in 2015, but think about it more clearly. If Telltale decided to make the another season within 2 years, well, it could be meant something.
1, Victor (Christa´s captor) is dead... you see him when you are going hunting with Peta and Nick, you can give him water before he dies
2. Glenn died in comic, I think he will dead in game, too.
3. Bonnie is determinant, same as Kenny or Jane, so if the developers wants to play as them, they must connect their fates.
4. The game should be wiewed from different angle, but I think that doesn´t matter if there will be anyone who knows Clementine.
I think best will be Christa, Lily, or the family going to Carver´s base after the attack.
Or Molly's sisters baby, lol
Anna Correa is not Mollys sister. It's a very common misconception that she is, if you look at the picture Molly shows you of her sister, they look nothing alike.
Could go either way. Clementine's awesome. Her story is just beginning. Or a new protagonist, from the beginning, from a diff perspective? Cloverfield style? We've already met Glenn and Herschel in S1, why couldn't Clem and Kenny cross paths with Rick, Darryl, Merle or Carol? Or maybe the Governor, or Terminus? They don't HAVE to stick with anything. So many ways to keep that series alive for a long time. They couldn't make an episode of the game or show that I wouldn't play or watch. Loves me some WD.
The game can and SHOULD move ahead of the comic book continuity. If Clem's story never overlaps with Rick's, and the zombie apocalypse hasn't improved that much by the time Clem's a teenager, what's the problem?
Its a problem because Kirkman may one day decide to change the scope of TWD world entirely (how I don't know, but he has hinted at making big changes at some point later down the line), and if the game decides to jump ahead, and doesn't show these changes in its own story, it creates continuity issues. And yes, Telltale does collaborate with, and ultimately submits to Kirkman when it comes to storyline issues.
An example of this is the character of Lilly, whose story was supposed to continue in the comics/novels after episode 3, but because Kirkman gave the comic Lilly a different backstory from the Telltale Lilly, it created a continuity problem, and they ended up making them 2 separate characters. An easy problem to fix, but if Telltale goes messing with the timeline itself....than not so easy fix.
It's a long shot, but could you imagine if they find a cure? A cure that turns walkers back into Humans, (granted they haven't been shot in the head obviously). And then dependant on whether the player shoots Lee at the end of Season 1, Lee could potentially be brought back to life.
Clementine and if possible the one you saved at the end of Season 2.
Finding Christa and Lilly (If Jane is a part of your group; a quartet of strong independent women, now THAT's interesting)
A redemption arc for Lilly.
Characters who will last into future seasons.
Clementine always having a part to play
Finally finding a good location to be a stable settlement.
And anything creative that the writers and artists bring to the table, that will up the ante.
Chet ded.
It actually is possible for TT to make Lee the playable character again, not for long (at the most one episode probably) but a lot of people forget that there was a three month period between episodes one and two, besides Mark needs a back story doesn't he? I think they could really turn that into an interesting episode plus Telltale likes to murder us emotionally and what better way to do that then by bringing Lee back into the game. I also think that they will bring back either Molly or Lilly. I also believe that either Kenny/Jane will die in the very beginning or they will kill them off at the end as their cry ending. It would work well if they did that too because we obviously care about the character we chose (at least over the other) I also predict that if you went alone they will bring back Christa
Maybe Christa or Molly but cant be Mike. Mike is actually a decision based character. If you choose to threaten him you can shoot him, and if you do that later in the truck after the dream sequence you can ask Kenny about him and Kenny will confirm he's dead
I hope there is something to do with Lee in season 3
But i also hope that our endings in season 2 will make a huge impact in season 3 as well
Cant wait!
Well I'm late to this chat, but here's my prediction: There were really 4 possible endings at the end of season 2. Clementine alone, Clementine with Jane, Clementine with Kenny and Clementine with Kenny up to Wellington where he leaves her (so alone again but with a new group).
Unless TT has the capacity to write and maintain 4 completely different tangents, they have to converge somewhere. My prediction is that the convergence will happen with Clementine ending up alone, and I suspect it'll happen in the first episode of the new season. So Jane/Kenny will die or otherwise depart Clementine and the story will move from there (which suggests that as far as TT is concerned the "Correct" choice at the end of season 2 was to kill both Kenny and Jane). The wildcard I don't know what to do with is Wellington. If you elect to go there. I can't see how she'll end up alone in that scenario unless that community also gets overrun, or it's like Carver's outfit and she just chooses to leave.
I have a hard time believing TT would abandon Clementine just yet, but one way to avoid the multiple tangents is to have a new protagonist that simply crosses Clementine's path (depending on choices made) and we'd just see her by her herself, or with Jane or with Kenny or in Wellington. That would be the easiest path for TT, but I'd find that very disappointing.
As someone said, Hershel and Glenn already died so i think we will see again Christa, or maybe Lily..
I don't hope a new protagonist, i want to see sweet pea really growed up. By the way, it's really Kenny finally out of the series? We will see again him in 3rd season? I just done all the endings but have this doubt already.. and sorry for my english.
I predict Season 3 will be like a season-length version of 400 days; each episode you will play as a different character from Season 1 and 2, at various points in TWD time line.
So, Episode 1 you might play as Kenny, and it will start with the scene with Ben in the alley, and actually show just how Kenny gets out of that situation. The rest of the Episode would depict how Kenny ends up where we find him in Season 2, at the ski lodge with Sarita.
Episode 2 you might play as Jane, and would be set before when we find her in Season 2. It could actually start in Washington and depict all the events between her and her sister - possibly starting with the same kind of Lee/Clementine dynamic between Jane and her sister - and you would play through the events of getting her sister killed.
Another episode, you could play as Lilly, and show what happens to her after making off with the van in Season 1.
Or one episode could be about Christa, and see just what did happen to her after Clementine lost her.
You could even - god willing - play as Molly for a whole episode!
And then maybe for the final episode you actually play as Clementine, following on from Season 2. Or, what could be quite cool is playing as Clementine but set inbetween Season 1 and 2, in the time she was with Omid and Christa.
While I really do want to see what happens after Season 2, I wouldn't be opposed to this concept. I could happily wait for Season 4 to find out those answers, provided this was done right.
I agree with that it is almost exactly what I wanted. However I would prefer that a DLC like 400 days. I think that a good idea would be to play as Kenny or Jane during season 3 because both are extremely different and not totally good.
I've been thinking, and I'd like to say Clementine had her run for now. There are other people I really want to follow up on, even as protagonists. Maybe we'll get to meet Clem, but I'd rather play her again when she's grown a little more. The people I really want to get back to are Christa, anyone from the 400 Days group(specifically Wyatt), and Nate. Maybe at some point we'll come across Clem in a timeskip when she's at least as old as Carl(you know us adults and our ageist views) and in a leadership/charismatic-survivor role, maybe even switch protagonists and play as her for the rest of the game. But I'm interested in seeing where the other survivors have gone and how they're doing, specifically Wyatt and possibly Eddie. Wyatt's my boy.
Wasn't Nate a zombie in the end? Hanging in the fence?
I miss Lee, too!!! And I have the same hopes, that's why I didn't kill Lee. Herschel survived his amputated bite. I don't care for the people who chose to shoot Lee. He doesn't need to come back to them, but I need him to come back to MY game, lol
So, they really don't show Clem shooting Lee, huh? I didn't try that version. That's interesting. Most interesting. Till now my hopes were only based on the arm amputation. I said right away yes do it, and I've seen other gameplay walkthroughs were there was some hesitation, so I figured that the amputation will happen no matter what. But now reading that Clem doesn't look when she shoots him... That's fantastic news to me!! Lee's gonna be back!!!
I was actually surprised when I saw the stats for my ending. I didn't think I would be that much in the minority lol. I really hope Kenny will be back and that he wasn't shot completely dead in the games where Clem shot Kenny, so that there's a way for Telltale to bring him back. But look at the statistics, I think most people don't even want him back
My choices Ep 5 regarding the end:
"You and 94% of players didn't ask to leave with Mike." - 6% left Kenny right away! 0.0
"You and 30% of players didn't shoot Kenny." - 70% out of the 94 shot Kenny, OMG!
"You and 13.5% of players are with Kenny." 86.5% stayed at Wellington. Sheesh...
Now, if that 13.5% isn't even of all players but rather 13.5 % of the 30% who didn't shoot Kenny, then it makes the number of players who stuck with Kenny to the bitter end even smaller - about 1% - yikes. It's shocking. O.O Damn, I want Kenny back in Ep 3
Walking dead season 3!Coming in fall.I honestly have no idea what happens,But I think we will still play as Clementine and go into 4 years,So AJ will be 4.Thats all I think!What I think!Feel free to tell me what you think!
if they found the cure the game would no longer be...Fun.
He is dead in the COMIC.But in the game?No one knows.
Yeah they might,But what if you killed both?(Or just kenny but left Jane)
Im a huge lee fan, But I would rather them stick to flashbacks/Hallucinations for now :P
If they brought back lee, I think it would be too unrealistic....
Another thought, Imagine if Clementine goes back to Savahanna (However you spell that) and sees zombie lee!
1)Yeah it would be just like,got no more ideas?
2)If she does,No matter HOW old,She will break down.
What will happen...
(4 years later)
Kenny&Clem/Together:You and kenny in in the woods,then you find someone ???.Pass by,You go to them.But your notice they have a group.
Kenny&Clem/Leave:Your enjoying your new life,You have enough food,Sleep all night.But then someone turns,then you have to find a way out.
Jane&Clem/No Family:Its a good day,AJ playing around,But then,Someone you saw...Come with many,many people...Its the family.
Jane&Clem/With Family:You fix up carver,And its a great place,Everyone is healthy,You starting inviting people in,Bad idea.
Clem&AJ:You go town-to-town all the time,You bump into a family,they seem friendly!
Telltale cut off mike's death because he takes care of Arvo and he dosent want him to be alone
There will be walkers. Many people will die. Blood will be involved.
Also, guns. And probably knives. Maybe toasters.
People will be shot. People will be eaten.
Toasters would be new, finally Telltale thinking outside the box for once.
Clementine as bandit.
Kenny as dead.
Jane as trash.
and Alvin Junior as Morgan Freeman.
I would love that they really take our choices in account, so we have at least 2 totally different games for S3, one in Wellington and one in Howes, but this is impossible. I think everybody will end up in Wellington, it's the most interesting situation for them to develop, with the most possibilities. So they will probably kill Jane or Kenny and make Clem go to Wellington after. The best we can hope is to have at least the whole first episode depending on our S2 final choice, but then will they make all the endings together.
Maybe they could just separate Clem from them at the beginning and make them reappear at the end, so they can develop a story with new characters and make our final S2 choices still count.
Or maybe they are planning to do both Howes and Wellington situations, for example if we are in Wellington we play half the game here (maybe Kenny can come too if the game happens a few months later), but there is a zombie invasion one day, we have to leave and we go to Howes. And if we are at Howes initially, we play half the game but one day Howes is attacked by bandits, we run away and we find Wellington, etc. I don't want them to do that however.
I just really hope Clem is the main character !
Concerning returning characters, it would be unrealistic (especially after Kenny's miraculous return in S2), but I think there will be at least one character from previous seasons, probably Lily, Christa or Arvo. Lily in Wellington (maybe as a leader) could be very interesting, I don't particularly like her but there is a lot of to do with this character. If we are outside with Kenny it would be interesting too (but very highly unrealistic). I think Christa is dead but if she survived we know she was going to Wellington so it's still possible. And Arvo is alive and not far from both Wellington and Howes, he could find the place we are. Anyway I hope we will know what happened to Lily and Christa (and Kenny if we went to Wellington without him). They are probably dead but who knows.
Oh and if they bring back a character, it would be awesome that they make this character say "I got lucky, real lucky !" just for the fun of it, before making him/her telling his story more in details. With the character wearing a beard it would be even better.
I'd like to see more of Clem's story but I think they'll either have a totally new protagonist (and have them come across previous characters from S1+2) or have someone from 400 days like Vince.
Glenn is dead in the comics - so for all the comic-lovers: no
And for all people who only know the tv-series (and Game): he pretty much alive, but it would be complicated to write him in the Game.
To all People who only played the game - and don't know Comics/series (your loss ;-)): his status will remain unknown
i would call that The Walking Dead Season 2.5 or DLC for season 2.
but they are not gonna justify their plot. they don't have to.
I think for s3 no matter what ending you chose you'll still end up at Wellington. Like if you chose stay at howes w Jane the place will get overrun again by herds again or the group you let stay are "bad" so Jane and clementine decide to check out Wellington as last resort and while arriving Edith explains how there isn't enough room for anymore and right then the leader of Wellington comes out to see what's going on and BAM out comes Lilly as the leader. She immediately recognizes clem and let's her stay! (Or maybe christas there under a different name and she notices clementine trying to get in) OR if u choose the "lone wolf" ending clementine eventually makes her way to well. and same scenario happens. THATS my season 3 prediction.
I wish that Season 3 is going to be longer than Season 2. I will wait year, two or more.. for the ONE biggest Season ever. Without time skipping, because we all know about choices in Season 2 where Kenny/Jane may die. Really don't want to see a picture which says: "One year later" or something like that. I want Telltale to make something BIG! Certainly, I wait for the Season 3 as much as everyone's here. But, it's probably disappointment that there is no Season 3 in 2015, but think about it more clearly. If Telltale decided to make the another season within 2 years, well, it could be meant something.
1, Victor (Christa´s captor) is dead... you see him when you are going hunting with Peta and Nick, you can give him water before he dies
2. Glenn died in comic, I think he will dead in game, too.
3. Bonnie is determinant, same as Kenny or Jane, so if the developers wants to play as them, they must connect their fates.
4. The game should be wiewed from different angle, but I think that doesn´t matter if there will be anyone who knows Clementine.
I think best will be Christa, Lily, or the family going to Carver´s base after the attack.
And Arvo? He is also alive