River that's Run Red [Interactive TWD Story,Chatacter Submission Open, Chapter 2]
I've always loved reading wonderful fanfictions from @LeeTheProfessional and @Raging_Blades and that's gotten me inspired...so I'm starting a TWD Fanfic which will be from the viewpoints of none other than characters made by you, the readers! This story will branch out at every decision which will be made by you and your fellow voters. If you would like to join the story, then just post your character in this format:
Name, Age, Gender, Short Bio
Appearance: Eye color? Hair color? What are they wearing?
Anything more about your character: Weapon of choice, backstory, anything else you’d like to add, ect.
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story?
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor?
I will try my hardest to come out with new parts every other day but if I hit a wall or writer's block comes into play, you might have to wait a little
Also, this is my first fanfic, so constructive criticism is welcome and acknowledged!
Chapter 1: The Wheel of Fate https://docs.google.com/document/d/1luk0v2zIe7MAqKNBO2TicP4Bvls2WGlbbrBS-mrijCw/edit#
Chapter 2: Ac, Timentes Tenebras (Fearing the Darkness)
Chapter 3: The Weight of Living
Chapter 4: Cut off at the Knees
Chapter 5: The Shattered Remains
Alive: Miles Shearman, James Miller, Sebastian Pines, Elvira Gallo, Jonathan Norris, Jerry Stewart, Sasha Levine, Greg Colass, Usui Ousawa, Shino Ousawa, Santiago Martinez, Eddie Redfield, Sofia Bakers, Dana Rivers, Danny De Carlo, Alec Devic
Deceased: Daniel Matrinez
Unknown: Daria Tuma
Waiting to be introduced:
I'll make one this morning. After I sleep. Expect Jerry Stewart.
Quick question, can we do multiple people?
I will allow 1-3 people to be made each, only if that person so desires.
Also, if it starts getting too crowded later on I may have to revoke that rule.
But for now, create to your heart's content
Name: Sebastian Pines.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Short Bio: Grew up in [wherever this is set] and lived there his whole life, not ever moving and rarely travailing. He went to school and, despite being very quiet, found himself with many friends. Life at his home was alright, he had nice and kind parents, but his siblings were somewhat mean, considering his older brother to be a bully. He found his mind to be his own place and often thought. He talked to himself in his head and realized this, but after awhile he didn't care anymore and just went along with his thoughts. He reflects on things silently and will often think things though before acting. But now moves on with his own life in his own house. (And just to be clear he doesn't talk to himself out loud.)
Personality: Very quiet and shy, kind and warmhearted, but has trouble expressing any feelings or opinions. Not prone to making jokes, but will often smile or even laugh along if a joke is made. He’s quite defensive of anyone he considers a friend and will protect them without hesitation. He doesn't take serious matters lightly and will jump to defend people he believes innocent.
Appearance: Light blonde hair cut like a Mohawk only the back portion of his head is also shaven. Wears a white dress shirt and jeans with a black tie. Left eye is blue and right eye is green. Dark stubble.
(Similar to this)
Anything more about your character: During his upbringing he became quite familiar with guns of most types, shotguns, pistols, rifles, crossbows, etc. While he is a good shoot and has learned to use any gun quite well, he himself doesn't own a gun, but if he ever got his hands on one he'll sure as hell know how to use it.
Right now his only weapon is a 2 foot long piece of rebar that he uses to bash in the brains of the living dead!
Backstory: For him it all began with a rude awakening while living in his newly moved into apartment, there he quickly learned of the worlds harsh fate and quickly became accustom to fighting the walking corpses as he fought for his survival. He found himself without any options when cornered in alleyway, but was saved when he found a metal trashcan to hide in. After waiting awhile and being pushed and tossed around by the dead as he fearfully held the lid tight, the walkers began to lose interest when someone happened by the alleyway, soon allowing Sebastian to walk away from the situation unscratched.
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story? Knock yourself out, or him for the matter.
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor? Yes, sir!
Name Santiago Martinez
Short Bio: He was on a trip with his family when the ZA started. He is form Argentina. He was bullied because he is a bit too akward with people. he tried to kill himself 3 times with a knife. He always wanted to a writer. He also likes animals. He doesn´t sing well. One time , he drunk all a bottle of whisky and destroyed his bedrooma and their´s family TV.
Personality Quite , Pensative , Kind , Helpful , Nervous , Agressive , Blunt , Depressive , Sad , Apatic , Pessimistic. After he does something bad he goes on "I am sorry i...i didn´t mean it" and his mind balme himself for everything bad that happened. He likes comics , reading , writing and tech stuff
Appearance: black short heddle hair , brown eyes , caucasian , 5,6 feet tall. Wears a blakc t.shirt with a rhino in it , black pants , a black jacket , white shoes and green socks.
Anything more about your character: Favourites
Weather: rain
Color Green
Sport: Basket
Weapon of choice: Knife
Backstory: He left most of his family behind to get eaten alive so he could save himself. He regrets of that a lot
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story? Yes
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor? Yes
Name Daniel Martinez.
Age 7
Gender Male
Short Bio He is the brother of Santiago. His favourite show is DBZ. He wasn´t good at school. He also got in some kinda trouble
Personality Crabby , Sneering , Hysterical , Reluctant , Smart , Kind , Aggressive.
Appearance: black short heddle hair , brown eyes , caucasian , 3,7 feet tall. Wears red t.shirt , blue pants , white slippers and grey socks.
Anything more about your character: Favourites:
Color: Red
Sport: Soccer
Weather: Not so sunny or very cold
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story? Yes
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor? Yes
Name Elvira Gallo
Age 19
Gender Female
Short Bio She was raised by her parents , Armando and Olivia Gallo. She went to a catolic school where she met Thomas. She always liked to learn new things. She was an only child and liked it. Her parents were a bit structured , but were nic to her. When she was 14 ,
her father Armando and her (she didn´t want to though) went to a hunt trip. She didn´t want to kill animals and when they found a baby deer. Her father tried to make him shot it , but in the struggle she ended up shotting him. He died form blood loss.
Personality Dumb , Funny , Honest , Trustful , Kind , Helpful , Emotional , Childish.
Appearance: black short curly hair , 5,8 feet tall , very thin , light-brown skin , brown eyes. Red t.shirt , light blue pants , white slippers , green socks
Anything more about your character: She wanted to a vet before the ZA started. She had a dog called BonBon which she cared about , but it died from Myiasis. Favourites:
Color: Purple
Sport: Hokey
Weather: Sunny and Hot
Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrow
Backstory: She was with her boyfriend Thomas when the ZA started. They went to Lucia´s mother house , but she was already dead. They joined a group. The leader was an crazy man called Quirk which was on a relationship with a woman called Josephine. But some time later they got attacked by bandits. Most of the group got killed , incluiding Thomas. She only escaped with what she had in her backpack and with a little boy called Jose who´s mother was Josephine , who died in the gunfire. She cared about him and raised him for a while , but she didn´t teach him how to shoot or that stuff cause she thought that was right until he got bit. Lucia couldn´t do it , she couldn´t put him out of his misery. She just left him to die , to turn into one of them. She acts all happy and funny cause she think that´s was her family will want and cause she also tried to remains what she was before.
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story? Yes
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor? Yes
Name: James Miller
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Bio: During James' his childhood, his father gave him a necklace and a watch for his birthday. This meant a lot to him because his family was very poor and lived in a bad place of the town small town he lived in. But his father was killed on his way to work. The worst part is that James encouraged his father to go because he didn't feel too well. Ever since that day, James has never been able to forgive himself. But when the ZA started he was at hanging out at a bar. So when he heard, he drove home as fast as he possibly can. But when he got home, his was too late. His mother, two sisters, his pets and his niece where all either found dead or never seen again. So, James tries as hard as he possibly can to keep the people he cares about safe. At any cost.
Appearance: messy dark brown hair and some stubble slowly turning into a beard. His height is 6'3 so he's a very tall guy an has dark brown eyes. And his clothes are a black and red flannel shirt with a black t-shirt underneath and has dark blue jeans with dark brown work boots
Personality: James is most of the time very sarcastic and sort of a negative person, he always tries to take up the leadership role and is very hotheaded and stubborn. But this only comes from his very protective nature of those he cares about.
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story? Yes
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor? Yes
Name: Jerry Stewart
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Short Bio: Jerry Stewart. A normal man who lives a normal life. He's a former high school chemistry teacher (5 years) and now a stevedore. But he secretly makes meth and transports it through the cargo. He's got trust issues, and in his line of 'work' it's understandable, but it goes above and beyond. He even is untrusting of his girlfriend, Sasha, who as far as he knows doesn't even know he was a teacher. Nonetheless, he is quite friendly as treats Sasha with respect. They've been dating for a year and a half. He often confides in her his personal thoughts, despite his trust issues.
Appearance: Caucasian. Extremely handsome. Brown eyes, brown hair, 6'3. He wears a black bubble vest with khakis and a cap.
Weapon of Choice: A mashotgun or rifle.
Music of Choice: '80s Rock.
Name: Sasha Levine
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Short Bio: Sasha Levine. A journalist for a newspaper. She studied Journalism throughout high school and college, landing a job as an investigative journalist for a major newspaper. She is quite manipulative to get information, and often uses this for her advantage. When she met Jerry, she became infatuated with him, and quite obsessive. She would sometimes stalk Jerry if he said no to going out as she feared she was being cheated on. She cares extremely for him, and being athletic she promises herself that no one will take him away.
Appearance: Basically Sasha for TFTB, but I'll describe it anyway so she has brown dreadlocks with one of those hair things which name escapes me. with medium tanned Caucasian skin. She wears an orange hoodie with her left arm side being green, a white top under the hoodie, a skirt with jeans.
Weapon of Choice: SMG.
Dance of Choice: Tango.
And I understand if my character can die or be minor.
I don't have time now, just remind me alter and I'll get to it!
Due to the amount of characters we have at the moment, I will be making my own character.
This will be here so you all know what's the deal with him
Name, Age, Gender, Short Bio
Miles Shearman. Male. Age 24.
Miles lives in Macon Georgia, and is part of a small company there. He doesn't like it, but it pays the bills. When he is faced with a task that is too much for him to bear, he visits a local bar to wind down. Little does he know, his entire life will change from that decision.
Miles is a kind and caring person, who is sometimes sarcastic. He takes the feelings and thoughts of others in account when making decisions and can be thoughtful. While he can think of plans on the spot, he lacks the physical strength to get the job done.
Appearance: Eye color? Hair color? What are they wearing?
Miles has hazel eyes with light brown hair. He wears a business suit and black shoes when he visits the bar, but will soon need to change his attire to fit this unknown, new world.
Anything more about your character: Weapon of choice, backstory, anything else you’d like to add, ect.
Miles knows how to use a knife, but prefers to keep at a distance from walkers. His worst fear is being powerless to do anything.
I am also working on the first part as we speak! It should be done by today, and I plan on posting another to celebrate the start of the series!

PS: People new to the series can still make characters in the middle of an episode, but if they're too many I will have to use them in another episode. Don't fear, all characters posted will be used
YAY. Awesome!!
Miles Shearman
It was a dark and quiet night, the moon and the stars were shining bright while life was going about its daily business. I was walking on the busy streets of Macon, Georgia on my way home from work when I spied the local bar out of the corner of my eye. “Well, one or two won’t hurt... “ I mumbled to myself. As I walked in the door I saw a few people talking in a booth about work, when one started to clutch his chest. They all looked at him and the woman in the group mentioned something about heart meds. She took him to the restroom and the rest resumed the conversation normally. I also noticed a man sitting off by himself enjoying what appeared to be his third drink. He was wearing a black and red flannel shirt, and upon closer inspection he had a black t-shirt underneath it. He was also clad in dark blue jeans with brown work boots on. I walked over and sat next to the lone figure, who turned around and noticed me. His eyes were a dark brown and his messy hair was of the same color.
“Oh, what do you want?” He spoke, not sounding overly pleased to have company. “Nothing, really. Just sitting down for a late night drink.” I answered. The man merely shook his head and continued to finish his drink.
“Never thought a businessman could have enough troubles to drown himself in.” He suddenly uttered, looking at my suit.
“Everyone has problems.” I rebuttled. The man sighed and looked down. “Some more than others.”
I had a feeling that this man was troubled by something, so I decided to figure out what.
“So, what’s gotten you so down in the du-”
Before I could even finish that sentence, the most shocking and unexpected event took place.
A high-pitched scream pierced the room as the woman’s body from earlier fell out of the restroom and hit the floor, with blood spraying out of her neck. The man that was with her crawled over to her and, instead of helping, took a chunk right out of her arm.
“What the fuck?!” The bartender exclaimed, backing away from the scene.
“Hey! Get off her, John!" One of the friends said, who ran to the man and grabbed him. “What the fuck do you think you’re-” The man lunged forward and ripped out the poor guy’s throat. The last girl tried to get run but was grabbed by the hand of the dead woman, who was somehow alive. She tore right into her ankle as the other one chowed down.
What the hell is going on?! People are eating each other! I thought. I also heard screams from outside. Is this happening out there, too?
Ok, keep calm, Miles. It looks like these things can only attack if they grab you. Just find a weapon…
1) Grab bar stool
2) Grab keg
3) Run for it
Voting will end at 8:30 PM, aka in an hour and a half. Happy voting!
3) Run for it Run Miles Run!!
Awesome Chapter!!!
Name: Jonathon Norris
Age: Mid 30s to 40s
Gender: Male
Short Bio: At the beginning of the ZA he was with his Wife and two Daughters but a gang of thugs came by and Raped then killed his Family. From there Abraham tracked them down, Then tortured and killed them, From there he lost it and killed people including kids but is now trying to make up for his acts.
Personality: Untrusting of others, Harsh at first, Protective of ones he does know.
Appearance: Green eyes, about 6'5, Muscular, Brown Hair and Beard,
Anything more: Likes a shotgun, Also likes punching things and uses a knife from time to time.
Do you understand your character can die at any time in the story?: Yeah.
Do you understand that your character can be major or minor?: Yep.
Welcome to the party, Salt
Good to see ya
3) Run for it
Fly you fool!
2) Grab keg
3.) run for it
great chapter!!
3) Run for it
So, with 10 minutes left, how do you all feel about your votes?
Grab bar stool
4) Glass them
Miles: Pours a drink and hands it to the walker
Walker: ?
Miles: ...Not what I had in mind.
Walker attacks
I meant the Bigby kind of glass them, you know, smashing glasses against their heads...BUT that works too.
Oh, oops, I'm dumb. :P
Miles will try to make a break for it!
The next part, as promised, will be made before the end of the night!
Awesome sauce!
Name: Sofia Baker
age: 24
Bio: Sofia's mother died when she was eleven. Her alcoholic father blamed her for the death. For years she was tormented and abused by her drunken father. One day she left the home and never came back, she went and lived with a friend and her father did nothing about it. Over time Sofia's contact with her father diminished until she never talked to him. Some time later he was found dead in a roadside ditch, killed by alcohol poisoning. Sofia and her now girlfriend have managed to survive thus far.
appearance: Tall, long curly brown hair, green eyes, wears jeans and a grey jacket
personality: Can be stubborn, calm, level headed, loveable, affable, social
Do you understand your character can die at any time? Yup.
Do you understand your character can be major or minor? Yup.
Name: Dana Rivers
age: 24
bio: Dana came from a good family, they weren't rich but they always had more than enough. When she saw her friend was in trouble she felt like she needed to help. Dana didn't mean to, but she fell in love with her friend. Together they where able to survive.
appearance: Short blonde hair, hazel eyes, tall, wears jeans and a flannel shirt
personality: Dana prefers to rely on smarts rather than strength, she is very beautiful and knows it, using her beauty to get her out of situations. She is very charming.
do you understand? Yes.
Do you understand? Yes.
like I promised, here are my characters.
Now, I'm going to make characters soon...Probably tomorrow honestly but what exactly happens if someone says no to either of these?
Run for it
Those are just there for people to know that their character isn't immortal and doesn't always have to be the center of attention. :P
Miles Shearman
Run for it!
As I look around for a weapon, I find that the front door is wide open and unoccupied. I sprint to it, hearing the bartender yell behind me. “Hey! Where are you going?! Gah!” I don’t bother to look back, I already know that the other one got him.
(?) The man in the flannel shirt will remember that.
I run outside and the scene is like something from a horror flick. People are running in blind panic trying to get away, sometimes pushing others into the maws of the dead ones. I could make out two figures that looked like children running towards my apartment block. I turn to see a big group of them tear a man apart before my very eyes. Some of them apparently didn't get their fill, because they stared at my direction and started shuffling to my position. To my right was another group of the same size. “Shit!” I yell, running back into the safety of the bar.
Just as I enter, the man from earlier that killed the woman leaped at me, and everything went in slow motion. Suddenly, I see the kegs that are stacked up against the wall start to move, and they fall onto the man. They completely crush his head, and the body stops moving as a pool of dark blood starts to flow. The man in the flannel shirt walks up from behind the stand, and glares at me.
“You’re welcome.” He finally says in his gruff voice. “Yeah...thanks..” I manage to utter. “Cmon, we got to get the hell outta here.” He says as he walks to the door. I cut between him and point to the back of the bar. “This way’s screwed, too many. If we don’t hurry we’ll end up like those poor people.” I say, pointing to the bodies of the victims.
“Fine, lead the way. And be careful, even though that last one is preoccupied, it might choose to STOP being preoccupied.” The flannel man says, who crouches down. The woman looks up at us, but continues to feast on the bartender, as if it can’t be bothered to get up.
With that, we slowly crawl to the back door and open it, revealing that it leads to a fenced in yard. “Thanks for the help, again. I would've been a goner if you hadn't done that.” I proclaim. “By the way, the name’s Miles. Miles Shearman. You?” “James Miller. And don’t sweat it. I just couldn't leave you to die.” He says with a smirk on his face.
This is still all hard to take in, but I’m glad I found someone I could trust in this situation. The only question now is, where to go from here…?
Sebastian Pines
“Phew...last box!” I exclaim, placing my vase upon the table. It had been a hard month of moving and unpacking, but it was finally over. Sebastian had finally gotten everything the way it should be; perfect. Nothing was this perfect before, not even when he was a kid. His siblings were always mean to him, particularly his older brother, who always picked on him every waking moment of the day. He recalled once when his brother took his new goldfish he got and, as a prank, accidentally flushed it down the toilet. But that time of his life was over, with adulthood Sebastian was finally free.
“Now that that’s out of the way and done, I wonder see what’s on TV…” I pondered, flicking through channel after channel. “Ads, more ads, cooking shows, politics...hey, what’s this?” I say, after coming across a news report.
“This is Tiffany Reid of WABE reporting on the scene of chaos! People all across the Macon area are showing signs of mass hysteria and there have been reports of violence, robbery, and most shocking, cannibalism! Hold on…” The reporter checked her earpiece and continued. “We have an update. Savannah and Atlanta are also experiencing the same phenomenons, however due to their large populations, they are considered even more dangerous. The police have advised us to avoid contact with any person that looks or acts different than normal, and has started to evacuate the residents. If you live on the outskirts of Macon, you will be the first to evacuate. We here at WABE will continue to share the story with you until the very end! For now, this is Tiffany Reid, signing off.”
Just as she finished her report, someone snuck up on her and bit right into her neck. Horrified, I shut the TV off and sat on the couch, speechless. I looked out my window and saw the carnage. Dead bodies were everywhere, and people were walking around and devouring each other. Just then, the door to my apartment was being pounded on by a group of those people.
“Shit, I just had to have the ground floor, didn't I?” I mumbled, stepping back. As the door burst open, I saw about 20 bodies hit the ground and start crawling towards me, one by one. I kicked the first one I saw in the face as it approached, but it didn't even faze him. It’s like he was glutton for punishment. I kept backing up until I hit a wall and then looked around my apartment. I needed to think of a way to get out of this and fast.
1) Call for help
2) Open the window
3) Throw the vase
Voting will stop tomorrow at around 4 to 4:30 pm. Happy voting
It happens to the best of us lol
3) Throw the vase
2) Open the window - Calling for help will most likely not work, and throw the vase will do jack shit, his only hope is to climb out the window.
It's awesome to see Sebastian so early!
But there's NoHopeLeft! :P
I'll try to introduce all the characters atleast once before shit goes any further south.
Angrily mumbles
Puns... Hehe... You know how many times I've heard that pun? A lot, okay, a lot of times... >:c
That's good know.
By the way, I wonder if anyone noticed...
Wonder who that could be
Something that I might have over looked...