Cotter or Finn? Duncan or Royland? Sera or Coalboy? Beshka or Malcolm?

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

If you could save just one from these 'couples' :D
Who would you chose? And why?



  • Cotter the Potato fucker.

    Duncan, my sentinel.

    Coalboy, my savior.

    Malcolm, because...Reasons.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited March 2015
    1. Cotter the Potato Fucker.

    2. Ser Royland Degore, hero and true Sentinel.

    3. Sera. Fuck the Coalboy. I and 7% ran away.

    4. Malcolm. No witty remarks about him.

  • We both said the exact same thing about Cotter at the same time. :P

    * Cotter the Potato Fucker. * Ser Royland Degore, hero and true Sentinel. * Sera. Fuck the Coalboy. I and 7% ran away. * Malcolm. No witty remarks about him.

    1. Cotter
    2. Royland
    3. Coalboy
    4. Sorry Malcolm but I chose Beshka :D
  • Cotter the potato fucker


    Coalboy, I like Sera, but he did save my life.

    Malcolm, he's family.

  • Cotter or Finn? Cotter, I guess. Cotter's good for stealing stuff and Finn is good for knocking heads together, but Cotter has the valuable trait of not being a dickhead.

    Duncan or Royland? Duncan. Royland's my Sentinel, but I need Duncan for the North Grove.

    Sera or Coalboy? Tom AKA Coalboy. Saved Mira's life.

    Beshka or Malcolm? This is the hardest one. Beskha seems like she knows what she's doing while Malcolm is Asher's #1 fan, so I guess Beskha.

    1. Cotter
    2. I guess Duncan. I love Royland but Duncan may be a bigger help in the end because of the North Grove
    3. Coalboy. He's actually helped Mira
    4. Tough choice, but I would say Beksha. She's had Asher's back for years and is probably his closest friend.
  • [removed]

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  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    • Cotter, I believe stealing is a much more valuable skill than strength as well I just like him.
    • Royland, I like him he's pretty cool.
    • Coalboy, I like Sera and all but Coalboy's my favorite character.
    • Tough one, I don't know enough about either of them to make a judgment at this point.
  • edited March 2015

    Cotter or Finn (I believe his story about stealing for his sister......I know I'm gullible)

    Duncan or Royland (Lord Forrester trusted that's good enough for me)

    Sera or Coalboy (IMO Sera will backstab us.....again I'm being gullible..)

    Beshka or Malcolm (cant really trust a sellsword, Malcolm is family...............)


  • Cotter the Potato Fucker.

    Royland, the tough guy.

    Sera, because you can always trust a bastard!

    Malcolm, because what in all the gods of fire and fuck!

  • Cotter, Finn is a dick.

    Duncan, he is the only one who knows about the North Grove (in my playthrough at least).

    Coalboy, because he saved Mira from Damien, and even if he is a spy, still better than a (probably) backstabbing bastard.

    Malcolm, I think. Beshka is cool and all, but I don't really trust her. Malcolm I trust more, but still not with Asher's life.

    1. Finn although he's not very likeable I think it would be more interesting to keep him around.
    2. Royland I love his character although I chose Duncan as Sentinel and kind of regret it.
    3. Sera although I owe Coalboy big time I really like Sera.
    4. Malcolm although I love Beskha so much more Malcolm is the last of the Branfield line and I don't want to see any noble house die out.
  • edited March 2015

    Cotter: I don't entirely trust him, but I'd rather be on good terms with him than Finn because Cotter is more likely to screw you over big-time, as opposed to just trying to punch your lights out (Finn).

    Royland: Duncan is too soft in his decisions. Sure, Royland is a bit too hot-headed in his, but... if it's a choice between too much or too little, I choose the former.

    Coalboy: He obviously has his own motives, but those clearly coincide with Mira's. Sera's, however, I fear conflict. Thus, my choice there.

    Malcolm: I actually trust Beskha, but over Malcolm? No.

  • edited March 2015

    Cotter - I dont really like him because he is a thief and he was dumb enough to shoot his own damn foot but rather him than that fuckhead Finn.

    Ducan - I like him, i like his beard, he is smart, he is Gareds uncle, he knows a big top secret important information that i already gave away which is probably gonna bite me in the ass.

    I dunno... i dont really care... i guess the coalboy because he saved me, and to be honest Sera is kinda dumb.

    I like them both... i guess Malcolm because he is family and all, and he is a good looking man, just sayin.

  • edited March 2015
    • Finn - For some unknown reason I like him, also I really don't trust/like Cotter.
    • Royland - I think he is a great character also my preferred Sentinel.
    • Neither - I do not trust either of them at all, I left coalboy to die without a second thought, and I am very suspicious of Sera.
    • Malcom - He has done more or less nothing and yet still manages to be one of my favourite characters so far, Beshka seems pretty cool but need to see a bit more of her to decide whether I actually like her or not.
  • I left coalboy to die without a second thought,

    Alt text

    MisterGusty posted: »

    * Finn - For some unknown reason I like him, also I really don't trust/like Cotter. * Royland - I think he is a great character also my pre

  • I left the coalboy too but it was a bit harder for me I feel bad and still regret it to this day.

    MisterGusty posted: »

    * Finn - For some unknown reason I like him, also I really don't trust/like Cotter. * Royland - I think he is a great character also my pre

  • edited March 2015

    How is leaving an innocent child (who tried to save you, might I add) to die something worth applauding...?

    I left coalboy to die without a second thought,

    1. Cotter The Potato Fucker
    2. Duncan
    3. Coal Boy
    4. Malcolm
  • Cause he and me had the same decision and we are a super small minority so I applaud that he had the will to choose that.

    How is leaving an innocent child (who tried to save you, might I add) to die something worth applauding...?

  • As of right now, I'd choose Cotter, but I'll probably end up liking Finn later on

    Duncan because I agree with his tactics more than Royland's, even though I like Royland as well

    I don't really trust either Sera or Coal Boy, but I suppose I'd choose Coal Boy as of right now

    Malcolm because he's family and seems pretty likable

  • But why do it? Why leave him? The only thing he's ever done is try to help you

    Cause he and me had the same decision and we are a super small minority so I applaud that he had the will to choose that.

  • Cause ultimately I think he's a spy.

    But why do it? Why leave him? The only thing he's ever done is try to help you

  • I didn't want too leave him but I saw kiliing the Lannister guard as a mistake everybody has different opinions and different reasons for picking decisions.

    But why do it? Why leave him? The only thing he's ever done is try to help you

  • edited March 2015

    Cotter. He's The Potato Fucker. What other reason do I need to save him? And Finn...well, Finn is a dick.:/

    Duncan. He's my sentinel, and Royland is a bit too prickly of a person. Besides, wit is more valuable than brawn in GOT in my opinion.

    Coal Boy. I got mad respect for him at this point, he saved Mira's life. Also, Sera pisses me off for some reason.

    Malcolm. Not that I don't like Beshka, but she's still a wild card in my book.

  • Finn. I don't trust cotter.

    Duncan. Because of the north grove.

    Coalboy. I don't trust Sera.

    Beshka. Because she's my BFF.

  • Do you trust Finn?

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Finn. I don't trust cotter. Duncan. Because of the north grove. Coalboy. I don't trust Sera. Beshka. Because she's my BFF.

  • Cotter (fucks potatoes and a sly

    Duncan (my sentinel and Gared's uncle)

    Coal boy (my savior)

    Malcolm (he's family)

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited March 2015

    Cotter. However he won't be fucking anymore potatoes on my watch

    Duncan. I would prefer to save Royland, but Duncan is the only one who knows about the North Grove.

    Coalboy. It seems like he has some strong connections. Plus, he saved my life.

    Malcom. He's the only family Asher has with him at this point.

    • Finn, he's a di*k but I don't trust Cotter.
    • Duncan, though I like and respect them both.
    • Coalboy absolutely, he saved my ass and also I don't trust Sera.
    • Malcolm, he's my uncle, and I have the feeling that Beskha will betray us.
  • edited March 2015

    Finn: Okay he's really a asshole but i think he's more handy in a nasty situation than Cotter...

    Duncan: He know about The North Grove and he better in diplomacy than Ser Royland

    Coalboy: He saved Mira and is trying to help her, Sera got her own plans i think and probably would turn in Mira to Cersei if she knows about the murder

    Malcom: Malcom seems to be a smart and loyal men, Beska is just a sellsword with her own plan.

  • Cotter

  • edited March 2015

    Finn is a bully but you can never trust a theif or a coward and Cotter is both so i would save Finn.

    The second one is harder but i would save Royland because Rodrik needs a man of war a man that is ready to kill and die if he is told to.

    I dont trust the coalboy but he saved me and a debt must be repaid so i would save the coal boy.

    This one is easy i would save Malcolm because he is family and you never betray family.


  • No,but he's all brawn no brains, and I feel Gared's training could beat him in a fight. Cotter has some sneakiness and is very deft.
    also if Finn betrays Gared I'm betting he'll be fairly obvious about it. Cotter's a coward which in this case makes him much more dangerous because any betrayal will likely be subtle and careful.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Do you trust Finn?

    • Cotter: Kinda obvious why. Finn's a jerk.
    • Royland: I chose Duncan before and he's done very little to help since. This is a war we're fighting, not a debate.
    • Coalboy: Hands down. Sera's a no-good troublemaker.
    • Malcolm: He's a crucial part of getting the Forrester's family back together and Beshka has already stated that she's not going to stick around the whole time... so what's the point in that?)
  • Cotter




  • Cotter: because I don't like Finn

    Duncan: because the family trust him with North Grove and I prefer him to Royland, but I actually think that Royland is more practical

    Coal boy: because Sera is Cersei's/Margaery's spy

    Malcom: because I want to go home

  • edited March 2015
    • Finn - the cold will break his ill manners sooner or later, and his brawn could be useful. Cotter is sleazy and involved me in his stupid quarrel.
    • Duncan - knows about the North Grove, seems to have been a closer ally of the former Lord, less likely to throw an inopportune tantrum.
    • Malcolm - because I know his agenda and I don't want to lose another family member.
    • Coal Boy or Sera? I would risk my neck for neither of those backstabbers. It's friggin King's Landing we're talking about.
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