The Walking Dead Show!

Ok, So i want to know what people think of Alexandria? Do you guys think it's kinda weird? And also what about Rick and Jessie many people want them to hook up! But i don't! I want Rick and Michonne to hook up, if they don't I might just die! Lol

Comment your thoughts about Alexandria and what you think of rick and Jessie or if you like Rick and michonne better?


  • And also what about Rick and Jessie many people want them to hook up! But i don't!

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  • edited March 2015

    Well the show is based off the Comics and I don't read the comics but people have told me what generally happens so I have an idea of what's going to happen and it's not pretty....... And I don't think I've seen you around before so Hello :)

    And I think Rick and Michonne will be close and maybe "do it" like one time but I think they'll just be close friends, however I don't cre about Michonne that much.

  • Ughh I know that's what I'm afraid about!! Damn that Jessie!!! But also there's no andrea so maybe michonne will take Andreas place?!?!?!!?!

  • edited March 2015

    Alexandria is a crucial part of the storyline and will start setting up for the next few seasons. Except many character deaths, many new characters, and (hopefully) less filler episodes as there is a lot of story to be told.

    And I never understood Rick and Michonne, I don't think its a good pair TBH. Rick and Jessie happen in the comics though and even though the show isn't canon to the comics its likely Rick and Jessie are gonna happen by the end of the season /

  • You really should read the comics, they're great. You and Larry might like them.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well the show is based off the Comics and I don't read the comics but people have told me what generally happens so I have an idea of what's

  • Rick and Jessie will happen. She's a cool person as well, I don't get why so many people hate her.

    And if anything its likely Sasha will take Andrea's part in the comics.

    RB---TWDG posted: »

    Ughh I know that's what I'm afraid about!! Damn that Jessie!!! But also there's no andrea so maybe michonne will take Andreas place?!?!?!!?!

  • I don't hate her...but Sasha to take over Andrea? Rick and her hardly ever talk!

    Rick and Jessie will happen. She's a cool person as well, I don't get why so many people hate her. And if anything its likely Sasha will take Andrea's part in the comics.

  • edited March 2015

    I don't know how I'd feel about that. On one hand they've been having some good moments in the last few episodes, especially in "The Distance." However, I just never saw the Michonne in the shown interested in having a physical relationship with someone and still seems to keep to herself a lot.

    RB---TWDG posted: »

    Ughh I know that's what I'm afraid about!! Damn that Jessie!!! But also there's no andrea so maybe michonne will take Andreas place?!?!?!!?!

  • edited March 2015

    Would it be worth it in my case? I basically know the general turn of events, I just don't know specific details and stuff and- Wait a sec....Am I seeing that right?


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    You really should read the comics, they're great. You and Larry might like them.

  • The problem with Rick and Sasha though is that they haven't been giving any indication to that, the writers haven't even had them interact with each other lately. Seriously, the last time Rick even seemed to talk to Sasha was when he told her to shoot that walker at the beginning of last week's episode. Other than that, they haven't really talked at all or had any sort of interaction with each other that would lead one to think that there's a connection between the two.

    Rick and Jessie will happen. She's a cool person as well, I don't get why so many people hate her. And if anything its likely Sasha will take Andrea's part in the comics.

  • Yes it is worth it. Trust me on this.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Would it be worth it in my case? I basically know the general turn of events, I just don't know specific details and stuff and- Wait a sec....Am I seeing that right? Larry

  • Yeah thats true. Thats not to say that they won't eventually, because Sasha has a lot of similarities to comic Andrea - ex. both have lost a lover to cannibals and are expert snipers

    The problem with Rick and Sasha though is that they haven't been giving any indication to that, the writers haven't even had them interact w

  • I can understand why people do think that, Sasha is basically taking Andrea's story arc from the comics. As you said, they lost people to cannibals (Andrea lost Dale, Sasha lost Bob) they're both great shots and are basically the group's snipers, they have something that reminds them of their dead loved ones (Andrea has Dale's hat, Sasha with Bob's jacket). And maybe the writers will start focusing on that in future episodes and seasons, but as of right now, I don't see it happening.

    Yeah thats true. Thats not to say that they won't eventually, because Sasha has a lot of similarities to comic Andrea - ex. both have lost a lover to cannibals and are expert snipers

  • Yeah that dose make sense, but they might not go how the comics went.

    I don't know how I'd feel about that. On one hand they've been having some good moments in the last few episodes, especially in "The Distanc

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