Random comparison.

Ben gets a child killed (and a mother, kind of) and then hides the truth.

Random car driver hits and kills a child and then flees the scene.


  • What are we comparing? Which is worse?

    Well, morality would dictate that the hit & run is worse b/c the person had more of a direct impact on the victim...both scenarios lead to the same outcome, but when people are indirectly responsible for something, it's easier to not place them at fault

  • Even though they both still lie about it to protect themselves? Neither case would have expected the outcome (or they would have avoided it), but both are directly set into motion by the person in question. Is it really worse to hit someone and run than to turn the wheel while a person is driving and have them hit someone and still run?

    Aerie88 posted: »

    What are we comparing? Which is worse? Well, morality would dictate that the hit & run is worse b/c the person had more of a direct i

  • It's hard to say. Morality is not black and white. I can tell you what I personally think is worse, but that's not the end all be all

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Even though they both still lie about it to protect themselves? Neither case would have expected the outcome (or they would have avoided it)

  • I understand. What I don't understand is how some (not you specifically, just some I have seen in other threads(recently actually)) can judge one as the act of a immature teen and then applaud his "fuck you Kenny" speech with little/no thought as to what he had caused while many of them would scream to the heavens to thoroughly punish a person who commits (very closely) the same atrocity.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    It's hard to say. Morality is not black and white. I can tell you what I personally think is worse, but that's not the end all be all

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