I have a feeling they won't kill off ***** when the show reaches the something to fear arc.
I have a feeling the TV show won't kill off Glenn this time around in the group's first encounter with Negan. The Foreshadowing of Glenn with a bat and Kirkman spoiling the plot on a game show show seem to obvious to for the twd TV show to just follow the original comic Plot. Hopefully it will be someone else to make the experience fresh again and give fuel to vengeance for the all out war arc.
It doesn't feel right that the only Asian(/Korean) in the story gets his head bashed in.
Some people may not agree with my choice but it needs to be a character just as popular as Glenn to release the feels; I say Daryl should take his place. Daryl is the only sacrifice equivalent to Glenn to show just how F#%@!ed up and ruthless Negan is.
Do you think the TV show should follow suit with the Comic or who do you think should die in place of Glenn?
Glenn should not die by Negan. He is a good character that lots of people love but not nearly as much as the amount of fans comic version of him had. Robert Kirkman killed off Glenn by Negan in the comics for that reason.
Daryl would be perfect but AMC probably doesn't have the balls to do it. They are likely going to develop Abraham to be killed by Negan or maybe even Michonne.
I hope Daryl replaces Glenn as well, you'd get a bunch of people against Negan very early on if he kills someone like Daryl, so I say yes to this.
daryl should take glenn's spot considering glenn does not have as much fan love in the show when compared to the comics, daryl (unfortunately) has that fan love and would make negan's entrance have a impact plus i am dying to see the fangirls lose it
I don't think they should follow the comic book and kill Glenn, but not Daryl either. I'm thinking Michonne or Carol or Abraham
Abraham's my Favorite Character...
I think that the show is going for the Glenn death. Its too iconic and i notice that Gleen is getting good development and hes likable so it makes sense. Many seriously complain if it dosent happen and the forshadowing is purpaseless if he dosent die with it. So i do think he will die by Negans hand .....well lucille's. Its the characters destiny .
He needs more screentime to show how badass his character actually is.
Damn Right, He's getting cut out so much now, At least he got a few lines this episode but that doesn't come anywhere close to satisfying me yet....
I feel like they'll kill Glenn OR Maggie but now both.
He needs more action scenes, like the scene outside the wall with the construction crew.
No that cant happen since part of the drama is that Glenn was foing to be a father. It could work with Negan killing maggie since Glenn then loses a wife AND a child making it more tragic but not both.
Daryl can die by Negan and I'll be chill with it.
But not my Glenn. Not him. weeps
I could imagining them killing either but as I said, I highly doubt they'll kill both. And I'm not sure, I could imagining them killing Glenn (Adding to Maggie's Depression and pissing off fans) or Maggie (Turning Glenn into a darker character). I guess we'll see where they go with it
But glenn gets baby hershel.
Also i bet you liked the scene in wich glenn punched aiden
Well either way Negan is still getting jailed for it theire 100% not going to change that.
hi lord eaa
Am I the only one who thinks it's gonna be Carol?
It explains the build up from the beginning of season 5.
I really doubt Daryl is gonna be Lucille's victim, I'm not saying it because he is one of my fav character, but he just got his new job (I guess, I saw this ep in english but my listening is not that good when I listen to people talk in tv), I think Daryl still has a lot to do, I feel like Noah is going to take Glens place, I can imagine Negan saying something like: oh your fuing leg is fuing fued, I'm gonna do you a fuing favor and fuing kill you. That sounds like Negan, more or less. i think Daryl and Glenn are safe for now.
there is no way they would give that iconic death to a shitty character like noah it will be someone the fans love
Here's what I think might happen:
Maggie is the one killed by Negan.... They could pull off a twisty
Tara is killed in Abraham's place.... Unless they find a better use for her
Darly will become Aaron's boyfriend.... lol the episode just gave me that vibe
Sasha will end up dying at some point and Carol will take the rest of Andrea's roles in the comics.... I feel like Sasha may meet her end on her own terms.
Well, you are right but I gotta admit it, I don't want it to be someone we love, same happened with Bob, I don't think he was a super loved character but he replaced Dale if I remember correctly. I just want the next dead to be epic, they ruined Tyresse's dead I don't eant that again.
(fingers crossed whispering "please be Daryl, please be Daryl.") I can't watch if it's Glenn, with Maggie watching. I'd probably mute it, and cover my eyes.
I strongly believe that AMC will turn Dixion into Dwight. Maybe Dixion will join Negan's group because he falls enlove with one of Negans wifes,causing him to be ironed. This could be similar to when Dixion was in the Claim Gang group. He will be forced to pick a side save the girl that he is enlove with or Rick's Group. Possibly working as a double agent.
I love Glenn and although i really don't want to see him die, i think killing Glenn by Negan like in the comics would make a huge impact and progress the story in a good way. It will make everyone hate Negan, we want a villain like the Governor again. Glenn has been on since Season 1, so i think in terms of feels, it will make everyone cry. It would work well
They should kill him so bad, it makes the comics look TTG.
Gotta be Glenn (or Daryll.) Anyone else and its a waste (unless it's Rich hurr.)
i think they should stick to the comics for that part.