T.V. show: What do you think of Carol now?


Carol has become one of my favorite characters in the show, her heroics in the first episode this season and her overall development over the course of the show's 5 seasons has been tremendous. After last night's episode, she had what was, in my opinion, one of her best moments.

As she's blackmailing this kid into keeping his mouth shut, I couldn't help but be overcome with an overwhelming love and fear of her at the same time (credit to Melissa McBride there for her performance). The feeling I had when she was talking to that kid was similar to how I feel about Negan, a sense of fear but also love for him. I thought the whole scene was pulled off brilliantly, the writing, the acting, the overall tone was on point and outstanding. What do you guys think about Carol's behavior last night.

By the way, here's the scene:
Carol is awesome



  • Could be the beginning of Crazy Carol dun dun dumnnn.

    I'm glad the writers of the show are doing this. She puts on a face so people can drop their guard. Carol is the prime example of someone just adapting to their environment. More than likely we will eventually see her showing off being a badass to the rest of Alexandria community and their faces be all like :O

  • I think she did what she had to do in the moment. Her stealing guns would get her and maybe not just her, but everyone in Rick's group kicked out. Of course this is going to come back to haunt them, but she had to make sure the kid wouldn't say anything to anyone. ever. She couldn't kill the kid (at least not yet)....but I think that was her only option, aside from killing him

  • Why not, she's done it before. She would just tell him to look at the cookies.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    I think she did what she had to do in the moment. Her stealing guns would get her and maybe not just her, but everyone in Rick's group kicke

  • They just arrived there...it wouldn't look good that one of the children go missing as soon as they bring in a group of stray dogs....that's why I said at least not yet....I'm aware Carol has no qualms about killing anyone who is a threat to her, regardless of age,gender,etc... but i think they should be there a few weeks to a few months before they decide to take over

    Why not, she's done it before. She would just tell him to look at the cookies.

  • Atleast the kid didn't cough

  • Alt text

    zeke10 posted: »

    Atleast the kid didn't cough

  • Alt text

    (Someone pls replace vader's head with Carol's to make it better)

  • She needs an emmy (or whatever the correct award is) Easily the best actress on the show she barely featured in season 2 and 3 yet she still shined and once they gave her more material she just became epic

  • edited March 2015

    I love her. She's my number one favorite TV show character and one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise.

  • You were right with the Emmy, and she definitely deserve one.

    She needs an emmy (or whatever the correct award is) Easily the best actress on the show she barely featured in season 2 and 3 yet she still shined and once they gave her more material she just became epic

  • "I tell my mom everything."


    Why does that anger me so

  • Don't fuck with Carol.

    Plain and simple.

  • Because that's what typical little kids do, they tattle and it's one of the most annoying things in the world.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    "I tell my mom everything." grrr Why does that anger me so

  • Of course xD

    Because that's what typical little kids do, they tattle and it's one of the most annoying things in the world.

  • Definitely one of my favorite characters.

  • edited March 2015

    I love Carol. I felt bad for that poor little baby but at the same time the fear on his face was hilarious. I have conflicting feelings about it but still, it was great.

    Melissa is such a good actress too, I think.

  • My only problem with Carol, is that half of the "badass" things she does don't even make sense, and even prove detrimental. Killing Karen and David to stop the flu from spreading. Ok..... they just got out of a council meeting where they concluded that everyone who was in the same cell block as Patrick (including the core group) was exposed to the virus, and thus likely to get sick. Killing Karen and David (who were already put in quarantine), was never going to stop the spread at all. Really all it did was create tension and ultimately break Tyreese.

    As for this scene, I'll just post my thoughts from another thread.

    My whole thing is that Rick and Carol are in the wrong to begin with. Its their own paranoia and arrogance that has them in this imaginary conflict with the Alexandrians. We've been following these characters for 5 seasons, so I completely understand why they're acting the way that they are, but damned if I agree with it.

    Once again, Carol is adding breath taking amounts of unnecessary complications to an already stressful situation. Don't get me wrong, as a viewer this is all compelling shit, but who so ever kills Carol if and when it happens, won't have anything to feel bad about. The woman is OUT there, even by Walking Dead standards.

  • Badass and awesome. Nothing really to say except I think she's a cool character and am excited to see where her story goes. I have a feeling they will replace Maggie with her an have her lead Hilltop when it comes in the show.

  • That's a great idea, now I hope they do that.

    Badass and awesome. Nothing really to say except I think she's a cool character and am excited to see where her story goes. I have a feeling they will replace Maggie with her an have her lead Hilltop when it comes in the show.

  • I want some cookies lol, she scared me but she did it for the safety of her group so I support her, I just hope Sam keeps the secret, plus he will get Carol's cookies yay.

  • Just look at the cookies Sam, just look at the cookies.

    darky07 posted: »

    I want some cookies lol, she scared me but she did it for the safety of her group so I support her, I just hope Sam keeps the secret, plus he will get Carol's cookies yay.

  • Hey, if I were the kid I'd have said I'll keep her secret once she mentioned cookies...

  • edited March 2015

    She's awesome, I always liked Carol. She seems to have the most level head out of her, Rick, and Daryl, right now.

    EDIT: The most balls as well. Not sure how Rick or Daryl would've handled that. They for sure wouldn't describe in such detail of what they'd do. She really painted a vivid picture for that kid.

  • edited March 2015

    I don't know what to make of Carol now. I still like her, but, threatening a kid?

  • Count the bullets,Sam.

  • I still think shes's one of the most smartly thought out character. Besides, that kid is a prick anyway...

  • How so?

    I still think shes's one of the most smartly thought out character. Besides, that kid is a prick anyway...

  • Spoiler

    I don't think Carol is threatening this kid. If you look at her facial features throughout that scene, she seems hesitant. It's almost as if she doesn't want to say these things, but she has too. I think's it a warning and may be a foreshadowing of his death.

    Sam is not a character in the comics. Sure, he may have replaced Ron's character, but I think that's only partially true. I don't think Sam will die in the herd like his mother (comic) or (comic) brother does. But, he will definitely die.

    I don't think Carol would drag him out of bed and tie him up to a tree outside the walls. She seems to have a soft spot for children (Judith, Mika, Carl, Sophia, and Lizzie). One could argue about Lizzie, but it's clear as day Carol didn't want to do it. She had no choice. Lizzie would've killed Judith another time and was about to when Tyreese and Carol confronted her. That is a true danger to the group (unlike Sarah and Nick but that's another tangent for another day). I also don't see her standing there and letting a child get swarmed by walkers, especially after Sophia's death. (Which I'll mention later...)

    We know Alexandria is going to fall in the next three episodes. There's no getting past that, but while Carol, Rick, and Daryl are thinking of overtaking the place, they're also trying to protect it. How Alexandra hasn't fallen already is a miracle, to be honest. Nobody can carry weapons inside the walls (they're screwed in an invasion both walker or human), they have very little guards, and few seem to be aware of what is going on outside. *The group coming in was the best thing to happen to them. *

    By smuggling weapons, when the fall happens, Rick and the others will be armed. If all these weapons are stored in Deanna's house, do you know how long it would take to get to them? Every second counts in a situation like that. Look, the group knows Alexandria is screwed, but they could save it. If an invasion by bandits or walkers were to happen (will inevitably), Rick and the group can control it by splitting up at certain sections of the town and taking it down. So, while they are planning to take Alexandria over eventually, they want to protect it as well. If this kid snitches the group could be kicked out and Carol could be killed. Who could protect them then? No one.

    Carol's warning him of what could (and will) happen when the walls will inevitably fall and none of the group is there to protect him or the rest of the Alexandrians. She knows this place is going to eventually go to shit and that the Alexandrians will need them. **She's also giving him an altered version of Sophia's death. **

    She sounds like she's ready to cry as well as being hesitant. She's thinking of Sophia the entire time. Notice the sudden pitch change and shakiness when she says:

    You'll scream and scream because you'll be so afraid.

    She's imagining Sophia's final moments before she was devoured. How she probably screamed out of fear because she was alone.

    The monsters will come.

    The walkers that attacked and killed Sophia.

    However, the big hint is her face when she says:

    And no one will know what happened to you.

    Nobody knew what happened to Sophia until they went to Herschel's. If Carl never got shot nobody would still probably know, and it would probably drive Carol to insanity. She doesn't want to kill Sam and leave him unknown because she knows how much that would eat Jessie alive. How desperate she would be to know.

    She couldn't save Sophia, Lizzie, or Mika, and Sam reminds her of Sophia. He's naive, innocent, loving, and very close to his mother while his father is abusive. Carol could probably sense Pete was an asshole before Rick could. *She doesn't want to see a mother lose her child like she did. She doesn't want to see another child die. *

    But I think Sam will die anyway. Sam seems to have a tendency to be a snitch, and while he doesn't mean it, could anger someone (Negan). I think it would be fitting for Negan to leave Sam for the walkers (they would need to censor alot of things with him). Negan leaving a little boy tied up to be devoured would be one of the most despicable things anyone has done on the show. Sam could accidentally spy on Negan, see his cultish ways, and tell Rick. Then, he'll simply disappear.

    If they find him later as a walker, Carol should take him out. Maybe let Jessie survive so she can see her son's demise. It would be a hauntingly beautiful yet tragic scene to see everything come around full circle. For Carol to take down someone else's child as their mother sees it. Let her have flashbacks of Sophia's death as she stares down at Sam's corpse after she shoots him. Let it parallel the Barn Scene in camera shots. Make Carol be the only one to step forward to do this. Let Rick hold Jessie as she screams for her son and attempts to run to him.

    Just like in the comics, Jessie dies because she can't let go of her son, but this time emotionally. Have her commit suicide by walking through a herd with no protection or camouflage. Take the Comic Carol's way out. She dies being devoured so her son doesn't feel alone. Let Ron parallel Carl so he loses a mother and his younger sibling (comic only).

    It should hit Carol hard when she thinks about it. Knowing that could have been her demise if she hadn't gotten over Sophia's death. Something that she probably thought about many times after Sophia's death was suicide. Carol's one of the lucky ones and it would be poignant for her to see that as a bystander to a similar situation gone wrong.

    So for people saying Carol's crazy, you're all wrong. She would never hurt a child like Sam and only killed Lizzie because she had to. Carol could never let another mother live through what she had to go through. Even Melissa Mcbride said she was warning Sam.

    ((Also, it seems arrogant for Jessie actress to say she would punch Carol in the face for that. I would think she would know that was a warning as well... Something about her rubs me off the wrong way after Talking Dead. I'm trying to like Jessie and her actress, but I just can't.))

  • We know Alexandria is going to fall in the next three episodes.

    Get attacked? Yes. Fall? Absolutely not.

  • Maybe I should have worded that better, but I consider it being the fall of Deanna's Alexandria and the rise of the Rick's Alexandria. Should have worded it better though.

    We know Alexandria is going to fall in the next three episodes. Get attacked? Yes. Fall? Absolutely not.

  • Just, She can be insane when she wants to be, and she's complex and hard to figure out, you know?

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    How so?

  • I knew she could be ruthless but I had to admit I was kind of shocked at her threatening a little kid. I don't think its going to work either. That kid is going to slip and tell his parents about the crazy cookie lady who threatened to tie him to a tree and let the walkers eat him.

  • What did the kid do wrong?

    I still think shes's one of the most smartly thought out character. Besides, that kid is a prick anyway...

  • I was kind of shocked at her threatening a little kid.

    I know, Carol is usually great with kids, remember Sophia and Lizzie.

    KCohere posted: »

    I knew she could be ruthless but I had to admit I was kind of shocked at her threatening a little kid. I don't think its going to work eithe

  • She was great with them. What happened to them wasn't her fault.

    I was kind of shocked at her threatening a little kid. I know, Carol is usually great with kids, remember Sophia and Lizzie.

  • I know, I'm just joking. Let's face it, she's a great mother, but has a terrible track record when it comes to kids she's supposed to protect. Of course it's not her fault, but they all end up dead.

    KCohere posted: »

    She was great with them. What happened to them wasn't her fault.

  • Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, from the looks of it.

    KCohere posted: »

    What did the kid do wrong?

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited March 2015

    Seems hilarious her turning into her husband. What a bitch. If someone talked to my kid that way...

    I have no problems "Nickersizing." someone.

  • I don't get how that kid is a prick to you

    Just, She can be insane when she wants to be, and she's complex and hard to figure out, you know?

  • Sorry, I meant your opinion on Sam. I don't understand what he did to be labeled a prick. To me, people like the Governor and Carver (and Carol?) are pricks.

    Just, She can be insane when she wants to be, and she's complex and hard to figure out, you know?

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