A Murder Mystery Fanfiction
Hi, welcome to my fan fiction story! This is my first time writing a story professionally with effort but I intend on making this one as good as possible. And for that to happen, I need your help! So, let me tell you about the story
The story is based on a murder mystery, where an unanimous serial killer is on the loose murdering the town folk on a regular basis , the story will be based on the 1990's timeline. The setting of the story is at a small village, where a small number of people live, approximately 30,0000 citizens. You can choose any role for your character as follows:
Ordinary citizen: Nothing special there, only thing is that you have more free time than anybody else. You can choose to be related to the victim in any way.
Police Officer: Your job is to keep patrol around the village for any strange activities, this can be an important role due how random the serial killer can be.
Private Detective: Your specialty is extreme level interrogation, you have access to every crime scene and the body of the victim.
Doctor: You can analyze every detail of the victim in detail with care. Only downside to this though, you take approximately 2 days to fully analyze the body while performing full autopsies.
Thief: You take advantage of the town's disarray, and plan heists to steal from various parts of the town. HOWEVER, YOU CAN STILL CHOOSE TO AID THE TOWN WITH THE INVESTIAGTION.
That's really it in terms of the roles available, if you have any extra suggestions about the roles, let me know! I need to know about your character though so what is his/her:
Favorite Weapon:
Physical Features:
And that's all! I hope you like it, let me know if you have any more detail you want to include about your character. Lets solve us a case!
Citizens: Dana Lawrence, Sora, Father Hadrax Ishmael Ignacio Jacobim IV, Sin, Oliver Cortez, Seamus Nicholas Hill, Cecil Gahmi, Jake Robert, Emily Kent, Finn Balor, Jennifer Louise, Justin Paul
Officers: Sebastian Philips, Anton Kirby, Bob "Bobby" Parkers, Captain Felix
Detectives: Max Phantom, Samuel Kutcher, Jean De La Fontaine
Thieves: Cooper Phantom, Lee "The Rat" Shun, Martin "The Hawk" Sandiago, Robert "The Pig" Williams, Henry Connor, Samuel Gahmi
Doctors: Sofia Oxford, Donald "Ducky" Romenstain
This isn't the section of the forums to post this in.
Can I make 2 characters?
Yes absolutely!
thenn where may I ask..?
Considering that this doesn't seem to be related to any of TellTale's games, I'd say TellTale Talk is the best place. I don't get involved with fanfics, though.
This is where interactive stories/fanfics are usually posted.
I did not that fact, oh well seems I will have to rely on the word to other people.
I'm going to see if I can remove this discussion and post it somewhere else. You're free with your opinions about fan fictions
The mods will move it to forum games sooner or later, that's the only way for it to be moved. So just wait and it'll be moved eventually.
If the mod is reading this, just close the discussion or delete it, I posted the story at the forums section now. Thanks
Okay, let's try.
Name: Anton Kirby
Race: European
Age: Mid to late 20s
Role: Police Officer
Personality: A quiet guy, somewhat shy, but not anti-social. Can act boldly and decisively if pushed, but most of the time tries not to act rashly and instead calculate his moves beforehand. Values his family and friends, because he doesn't have a lot of either.
Favourite weapon: His pistol (I'll leave it up to you what pistol it will be exactly).
Habits: Has a weird habit of talking to himself, if there's no one else around to talk to. Helps him vocalize his thoughts.
Likes: Likes to drink from time to time. Also, likes honest people, making and hearing jokes and also likes smart people and people with similar interests to his own.
Dislikes: People who can't focus on the task at hand, hypocrites and smartasses (especially the ones who like to correct everyone as if they have a right to do so), obviously criminals. Also, dislikes smoking (I'll let you come up with the reason for this one).
Clothing: Mostly plain black clothing, when not on duty, exceptions include jeans and t-shirts/shirts. Those can be of different colors, but not bright/warm ones.
Backstory: Born to a police officer and a school teacher, Anton was a quiet kid, who wasn't in any way special or extraordinary. His mother was killed by a gang of mobsters, who were investigated by his father at the time. His father became an alcoholic and stopped paying attention to almost anything. Eventually he got fired from the police. When Anton went on to pursue a career in law enforcement, he left his father in their family house and never heard from him again. Anton was a good student while in the academy, with most of his results being minimally above average. After graduating he went on to work in the police department and is currently on his 3rd year.
Physical features: Anton is 5'11, black-haired, with brown eyes. He's not outright muscular, but fit. He's of average stature for a man his age.
Alright. I'm in, just remind me later and I'll make a few characters!
Thank you! He will fit great in the story!
Thanks, Ill send you a message tomorrow!
Name: Cooper Phantom
Race: Caucasian
Age: 22
Role: Thief
Personality: Sarcastic, charming, gentlemanly
Favorite Weapon: Pocket knife
Habits: Pickpocketing
Likes: Fluffy animals, fried chicken, video games
Dislikes: Sexism
Clothing: Black hoodie, raccoon mask, black jeans, black boots
Backstory: Ever since he was a small child he has been causing crimes, much to the dismay of his older brother Max. He now lives his life as a masked thief known as "The Phantom Thief".
Physical Features: Blue eyes, jet black hair kept under hood, fine stubble, 6 feet tall.
Name: Max Phantom
Race: Caucasian
Age: 29
Role: Private detective
Personality: Bad tempered, bipolar.
Favorite Weapon: His fists.
Habits: Drugs, beating people up.
Likes: Sleeping
Dislikes: Everyone
Clothing: Black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black trousers, black shoes
Backstory: His little brother Cooper was always favoured over him and he was neglected by his parents. He now lives with his brother. He will do ANYTHING to get his job done and that will involve beating the truth out of people.
Physical Features: Black hair, fine stubble, scar over his lip, 6 feet and 7 inches tall, green eyes.
I'll try to submit a character in a bit
Thanks! Those are two good characters
alright! Thanks!
Decided to put the characters on this thread since the other one changed.
Name: Cooper Phantom
Race: Caucasian
Age: 22
Role: Thief
Personality: Sarcastic, charming, gentlemanly
Favorite Weapon: Pocket knife
Habits: Pickpocketing
Likes: Fluffy animals, fried chicken, video games
Dislikes: Sexism
Clothing: Black hoodie, raccoon mask, black jeans, black boots
Backstory: Ever since he was a small child he has been causing crimes, much to the dismay of his older brother Max. He now lives his life as a masked thief known as "The Phantom Thief".
Physical Features: Blue eyes, jet black hair kept under hood, fine stubble, 6 feet tall.
Name: Max Phantom
Race: Caucasian
Age: 29
Role: Private detective
Personality: Bad tempered, bipolar.
Favorite Weapon: His fists.
Habits: Drugs, beating people up.
Likes: Sleeping
Dislikes: Everyone
Clothing: Black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black trousers, black shoes
Backstory: His little brother Cooper was always favoured over him and he was neglected by his parents. He now lives with his brother. He will do ANYTHING to get his job done and that will involve beating the truth out of people.
Physical Features: Black hair, fine stubble, scar over his lip, 6 feet and 7 inches tall, green eyes.
For future reference, each of the notable forums has an "announced" discussion with handy links showing you the forum guidelines as well as where to post off topic discussions - which happens to include fan fictions.
If you ever need to check up on where to post something, feel free to consult that thread - it can be found in each of the main forums.
Alright thank you very much!
Alright, found some time.
Name: Sofia Oxford
Race: Caucasian
Age: 29
Role: doctor
Personality: friendly, open, very blunt, optimistic
Favorite weapon: .45 revolver and a pocket knife
Habits: commonly talks to dead bodies, gets wrapped up in work and forgets about everything else.
Likes : work, reading, music, friends, motorcycles, aquariums
Dislikes: laziness, unkind people, storms
Clothing: usually wears bright colors or tye dye
Back story: she left her family to become a doctor, leaving behind everything she knew. She doesn't have many friends, but it doesn't bother her. She dosent need friends, only work.
Physical features: 5'7'', long brown hair, amber eyes. Skinny.
Name: Sebastian Philips.
Race: Caucasian.
Age: 19.
Role: Police Officer:
Personality: A brutal young man with high hopes for the city, making it his life ambition to clean up the city. While he takes his job very seriously, he often will lighten the mood with lighthearted jokes, but when the situation is serious he too is serious. Though brutal to those who deserve it, he's got a soft spot for kids and would never hurt a child on purpose. He can be quite kind and playful, but when the time comes he will act and react carefully, some may see his method as violent and wrong, he sees it as necessary.
Favorite Weapon: While he's an amazing shot with rifles and pistols and keeps his trusty stranded issued pistol on him at all times, he fights quite well hand to hand and unarmed. Using such fighting styles as you would see in a kung fu, and other martial arts. Whether he needs to deliver a uppercut or backhand someone, he's always ready.
Habits: He was a habit of tapping his hand on whatever table or bar he's sitting at, mainly if he's having to sit still.
Likes: He likes it when he can annoy someone into fighting him, making it so he doesn't have to deliver the first blow.
Dislikes: Double ganging, whether it's himself and another teaming up on someone or several people teaming up on him. He has a extreme disliking for people who abuse their children or wifes anyone in between, racists, sexists, and people who are homophobic. But will go out of his way to either teach abusive people a lesson. He gets even madder if he sees someone hurting animals.
Clothing: When going about in a police car he's wearing his uniform, due to the fact he takes his job very seriously. When not on protrol he's most likely wearing a old dress suit and jeans.
Backstory: Sebastian grew up in a abusive household and found himself too fearful to fight back or call the police on his awful family, though his past haunts him and still seems to sneak up on him in recent years, he made it his goal to end crime in his home town. once he reached the age to join the force he did so as quickly as he could. Though still considered a recruit and somewhat new to the force, he excels at almost everything and has become a valuable asset for the police. He now works tirelessly to stop any abuse he finds, be it against a human or a animal.
Physical Features: Sebastian is a handsome young man with short blonde hair, cut thin on the sides. He posses a blue left eye and a green right eye. He has a inch long scar below his left eye, a grime reminder of his past and the abuse he went through. Thick and short stubble. He's slender and about 5'9", often being made fun of for his height. Though he's short and not too muscle, he still packs a mean punch.
Name: Dana Lawrence
Race: African-American
Age: 8
Role: Ordinary citizen
Personality: Kind , Talkative , Dumb , Helpful , Abstent-Minded , Crazy
Favorite Weapon: None
Habits: Talks to herself
Likes: Toys , Cute animals and babies
Dislikes: Mean or scary People
Clothing: uniform of the private school she goes
Backstory: Her father died by a heart attack when she was just being born. Her mother was rich the major of the town. She was called Margareth Rachel Lawrence. Her grandpareants were killed by a thief in front of her. Even if she is talkative , she doesn´t have many friends. Her mother was the first victim of the serial killer
Physical Features: black short curly hair , brown eyes , thin , 3,9 feet tall.
Thank you!
This will definitely play a good role in the story! Thanks!
Name: Sora
Race: Half.Asian.Half-latin american.
Age: 66
Role: Ordinary citizen
Personality: Kind , Quite , Helpful , Caring , Protective , Distrustful.
Favorite Weapon: Her stick
Habits: Kicks people with her stick , eats like a cannibal (But she doesn´t eat human meat)
Likes: Food , Being happy , Talking.
Dislikes: Remembering her daughter , Getting robbed
Clothing: grey bluse , old black dirty pants , red slippers.
Backstory: Her past isn´t talked cause she hates when people does it , but is nows thatshe lost her daughter Nozomi by a murderer who kiled her victims like the new one. She has an old picture of her. She is a homeless
Physical Features: grey short heddle hair , green eyes , very thin , 5,4 feet tall.
UPDATE: I'm about to start the prologue and I'm going to post it today. However, I still need more characters to work with in order to expand my plans. I would greatly appreciate it if you can encourage others to take part in the story
Due to some issues with my retarded computer, the prologue hasn't been saved and I'm forced to write through it all over again. I apologize for that dearly. Expect the new part by tomorrow.
Name: Samuel Kutcher
Race: Caucasian
Age: 32
Role: Private Detective
Personality: Sarcastic, funny, doesn't take shit from anyone, intelligent, good with women
Favorite Weapon: His fists, revolver
Habits: Smokes cigarettes, hangs out with his dog, beats anyone who tries to fuck with him.
Likes: Dogs, cigarettes, beer, guns, women
Dislikes: Rich people, anyone who does bad things to women or children
Clothing: Same as Bigby in TWAU. He's used to cold so he doesn't really use a jacket.
Backstory: He doesn't like to talk about past. His childhood was pure hell and his life hasn't been easy.
Physical Features: Black short hair, rugged beard, muscular, strong.
Maria Lawrence, 21st September, 10:34 PM
She's late. Dana has been out for hours since the beginning of the day and she hasn't heard from her since then. I know I shouldn't get as frightened as I am now, it's because the town of the Woodlands is the safest place on the planet. Many generations before me owned the land I live at today, and I'm living the life of my dreams. The only thing that I regret, is the departure of my late husband. Oh how I missed you Derrick..
I had to call up the neighbors, check on Dana and make sure everything is okay. Before I pick up the phone, it starts ringing, I quickly pick up the phone.
"Hello, Lawrence residence, who is speaking?" I said
"Hello" I hear a cold voice, "Do you know who I am?" He says
"No? Who is this?" I replied
"I am your demise, the one that will take your life" He hissed, I quickly take the phone away from my ear, what on earth does this man want?
"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to?" I reply, irritated at this fool's joke.
"Maria Lawrence, a woman with no respect to her town folk, a woman that tortures people out of their money, you're a whore with no redeeming qualities. Now, be a dearie, and open the door." The cold voice whispers. Who is this man?! Not only did I not recognize it, but he also knew my name and my phone number! I quickly run to the door and lock it tightly in a short panic.
"You better get the fuck away from here before I call the cops!" I scream
The stranger was laughing," Nice try, but now you see, you just saved me a whole lot of trouble from chasing you down" As he finishes that sentence, I hear plates smashing on the floor from the kitchen. I quickly run behind the TV in the living room and hide. The man is inside the house! How did he? I never heard anyone come into the house. My heart was beating fast, this man was dangerous, I had to call the cops, but if I hang up the phone, not only will he hear me, I will lose any chance from knowing where he is. I had to stay calm at all costs, and run through the backyard when I get the chance.
"Hiding behind the TV won't save you, I see every detail in this house, and if you hang up, not only I'm going to gut you like a fish, I'm going to burn your daughter to crisp!" He hissed. Dana! No! He can't! I never made any enemies! I can't die like this!
"What do you want? just leave me alone please" I start crying. Rivers were pouring down my eyes and I couldn't control it. I was scared from this man.
"To see you fucking die!" He exclaims, as a chair gets thrown into the glass door and into the curtains, producing a loud and horrifying sound! I scream loudly as I make a run to the door, but to find the keys missing from the lock! What the hell! They key was inside the lock when I locked it! Where did it go?
"Looking for this?" I hear a voice behind me, as I turn around, I see a mummified looking man in black ropes with a knife in his hand. The keys were in his left hand as he had them up in the air, as if showing me there was no escape.
"No, please, don't! Just, who are you?" I scream with tears still flowing down my cheeks.
"Time to face judgment, Maria." The man says, before plunging his knife through my throat, as I gurgle to the ground, with no air to breath, I was dying, I looked up and saw the man again, but only this time, the man swung his knife into my eye. My final thought was all about Dana, I wish she can remain safe. I hope that God forgives me for the sins I committed in this world, Im coming to see you Derrick, Soon.
Conclusion of Prologue
Awesome Part!!!
Scream style murder mystery is probably one of my favorite types
This was a well written prologue, I'm looking forward to the start of the first chapter!
Great start!!!
Thank you! And yes, scream style murder is my favorite too and it inspired me to write this.
as for the next chapter, I will post daily updated about the progress.
I might join later