How will you play your character/Clementine in Season 3?
I'm usually cautious, but if there is any sassy or brutal choices, I'll pick them first.
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I'm usually cautious, but if there is any sassy or brutal choices, I'll pick them first.
I always try to be the good guy and make nice decisions that benefit as many as possible, so ill continue with that tradition and keep playing with my own morals like i always
Yeah, me too
Confident and compassionate. Been doing that for the past 2 seasons and no regrets. I aim to keep everyone alive and liking me as much as possible (that part not working out so well :P).
Well it depends who we are, but I always try to be nice
As Lee I was mostly considering the effects for Clem, making sure she wouldn't get hurt or scared. As Clem I mostly thought about myself. I do have to say that for some strange reason I really wanted Kenny to be ok. So depends on who we get to play really.
You mean "how will you play as Clementine in season 3?" but that's just being precise and all. and I would just play how I feel like.
I just play it naturally. Choose the choices I would make in that situation, etc. For me, that means being a super moral-centric dude that refuses to leave people for dead, actively shows mercy and forgiveness, and tries to help out whoever they can as much as they can. I'm pretty much the embodiment of Dale and Walter and every "good guy" in TWD universe thus far
However, if there's a sassy or jerk-ass option that is just too good to pass up, I'll definitely take it (like half of the sassy Clem options, they're just too good)
same here...but once in awhile when I'm having a bad day, I will replay making evil decisions.....
I tend to pick my choices based on how the NPCs rub me, but I did play Clementine as a tough, yet compassionate in I imagine I'll do the same again....pragmatic when the situation calls for it, but compassionate when the situation calls for it...but both of those will depend on how well I get along with NPCs
Same as I did for her in S2. Same as I did for Lee, in S1. Do/say what I'd do/say.
I'm usually cautious, but I like to choose sassy at times
I feel bad being mean most of the time, but once in a while it calls for it.