The walking dead issue #138... I dont like where Kirkman is going with this anymore...


I tell you what Kirkman really knows how to build up a plot but then out of know where like pulling a brick out a Jenga tower too fast it all comes down in shambles.

I loved how everything left off in issue 137. So many directions the story could of went with Maggie being drugged, a coup building up, Carl Making friends with the future enemy, The skin walkers closing in on community to get Lydia back and a whole bunch of other things. It really felt like shit was about to hit the fan.

It would of been interesting to see what would of happened if Maggie was out of commission.

With the skin wearers at the gates asking for Lydia what if Gregory refused them and they attacked. During the attack Carl decides to run off with Lydia back to the other community to prevent her from being raped and abused by the other group. Or something like that.

Instead almost half the plot becomes resolved out of no where. Why even drug Maggie if she's just going to be fine like nothing happened the next moment. Seems like a waste of time spent on comic panels.

This almost feels like the time Kirman killed Glenn and took a year to even have the group start plotting against Negan. Hopefully Kirkman doesn't drag out the plot again.

So what did you think of the new issue?


  • Making friends

    he did more than that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited March 2015

    Make em' say "Uhhhhh! Uhhhh! nanana naahnaa"


    ComingSoon posted: »

    Making friends he did more than that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I thought the issue was fine, it just felt a little short. I don't really like Comic Carl, never have, so his storyline just annoys me, but overall the current arc seems promising.

  • I honestly am going off the idea that for me the comic ended after Negan gets put in jail and they agree to live happily. I get the point of the walking dead is that it never ends but it seems the most logical place to me

  • Honestly,after all out war I dont know what will happen.A group will attack alexandria again blah blah blah?If alexandria falls then there's no reason for rick to keep going..

  • Idk, I feel like the Gregory situation isn't over. Kirkman knows what he's doing (I think), I doubt that that storyline is going to be thrown out the window. Who knows what the hell is going to happen with Carl and The Whisperers though.

    I do think that the issue felt anti-climactic though, it was a lot weaker than the latest ones.

  • Same as others, I'm not sure where the comics are heading after All Out War. If they decide to end them soon, I would be upset for a bit but not too much. Better for it to end when it should rather than the story being stretched out too much.

  • The comics are going to span 300 issues.

    Same as others, I'm not sure where the comics are heading after All Out War. If they decide to end them soon, I would be upset for a bit but not too much. Better for it to end when it should rather than the story being stretched out too much.

  • Seriously? Wow...

    The comics are going to span 300 issues.

  • wait till issue 139. its suppose to be a game changer.

    i thought the issue was very good, good developments and it was really cool finally seeing the leader alpha, no doubt she'll be the antagonist in the future, she says there wont be any conflict but im sure that wont last.

  • kirkman also said that if he keeps enjoying writing the walking dead he'll make more than 300

    The comics are going to span 300 issues.

  • i think maggie is gonna kill gregory cuz in issue 140 shes in a cell and she looks like she killed someone, hint hint gregory

    Idk, I feel like the Gregory situation isn't over. Kirkman knows what he's doing (I think), I doubt that that storyline is going to be throw

  • She seems like she legitimately does not want any conflict, but she'll probably be forced into it eventually by her people. That should be interesting.

    Alexandria posted: »

    wait till issue 139. its suppose to be a game changer. i thought the issue was very good, good developments and it was really cool finall

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