The Last Protagonist Predictions

Do you guys think all the protagonists are going to die and in the end there will be only one left? What if Asher goes back to Ironrath, who would we play as? I do think that Gared for example will maybe die at the battle of castle black? I don't what do you guys think would be the last person we will play as? Any Predictions?



  • Well, Gared's not dying anytime soon because he first has to find the North Grove.

  • What if he dies right after finding it? :o

    seanstin posted: »

    Well, Gared's not dying anytime soon because he first has to find the North Grove.

  • I guess that's fine too. Atleast he found it :)

    But what do you think will kill him there?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    What if he dies right after finding it?

  • The Ice Dragon

    seanstin posted: »

    I guess that's fine too. Atleast he found it But what do you think will kill him there?

  • I honestly can see Rodrik being killed off in a Ned Stark/Lee Everett type way toward the end of the season. As for the rest of the protagonists, I'm not sure. Maybe Gared, there's a possibility.

  • edited March 2015

    I have a feeling that Garred will make it to episode 6, but he will probably die.

    Maybe even a choose between Asher and Rodrick, and then you would play as whoever didnt die.

  • The Forresters are spying for Lord Stannis in the fifth book, so I doubt such a big part of the family will die.

    I think only one or two more characters, at most.

  • edited March 2015

    Gared and Rodrik seem likely deaths. Probably Ryon, too. If Asher dies in Essos, that'll make his whole storyline seem futile, so I don't think he will, but something tells me his army of sellswords plan isn't going to work at all. It just feels like pointless dead-end filler. Firstly, what's he going to pay them with? Promises of Ironwood? And why on earth would they follow him, a minor noble's second son, all the way to Ironrath on the other side of the world, when they would earn more just fighting for Daenerys where they already are? How's Asher going to pay for ships to carry them? Not to mention, Roose Bolton is hardly going to stand for a private army marching through the North. We know they can't kill Ramsay, because he's protected by canon, so what's Asher going to do? Kill the Whitehills, Roose's bannermen, and then stand there looking surprised when the Boltons come to kill the Forresters and take what's left of Ironrath? And if the army isn't there to kill the Whitehills, but just to bolster the Forresters' troops and protect the Ironwood, then that's an ongoing cost they definitely can't afford. Malcolm's a bit of a moron if he thinks having their own army is actually going to do them any good, especially one built on gold, rather than loyalty. It'll just escalate the aggression and cost them a fortune. What they need is the support of someone higher up, like Stannis. Or at least enough allies alongside them to be a practical threat, so the Whitehills think twice about attacking. So I reckon Asher will come back to Ironrath at the very end, but without the army, possibly after Rodrik is already dead.

  • Rodrik won't die. He's already 'died' once. I'm guessing he's going to deal with the Glenmores and then turn his attention towards the Glovers and Stannis.

    Mira's arc can still go places if she escapes King's Landing and tries to make her way back to Ironrath with no direction and little knowledge of how things work outside of high society.

    I don't think Asher's going to go back to Ironrath. He's going to take matters into his own hands and attack Highpoint with his sellswords without Rodrik's consent.

    Gared's probably going to find the North Grove but in doing so has to desert the Night's Watch - the punishment for which is execution. But he manages to get word back to Rodrik of the Grove's location.

  • edited March 2015

    I don't understand why people keep bringing up Stannis when it comes to the future of the Forresters. There are two separate versions of the Forresters. Also, the Forresters were a clan in the books, not really a House.

    The Forresters are spying for Lord Stannis in the fifth book, so I doubt such a big part of the family will die. I think only one or two more characters, at most.

  • Maybe at the Battle of Castle Black Gared will go to the North Grove.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Rodrik won't die. He's already 'died' once. I'm guessing he's going to deal with the Glenmores and then turn his attention towards the Glove

  • Making Asher's storyline pointless would really fit the ASoIaF/GoT theme. Daenerys is a plot black hole that nothing escapes from.

    Gared and Rodrik seem likely deaths. Probably Ryon, too. If Asher dies in Essos, that'll make his whole storyline seem futile, so I don't th

  • Even though these version of the Forresters aren't the same in the books, it makes immense sense for the story in the game to grow where we side with Stannis.

    I don't understand why people keep bringing up Stannis when it comes to the future of the Forresters. There are two separate versions of the Forresters. Also, the Forresters were a clan in the books, not really a House.

  • We had Ethan for that

    I honestly can see Rodrik being killed off in a Ned Stark/Lee Everett type way toward the end of the season. As for the rest of the protagonists, I'm not sure. Maybe Gared, there's a possibility.

  • I can see that as well. Similar to Ned Stark's death, Ethan being killed kickstarted this whole story in a sense. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they still kill Rodrik in a similar fashion,

    Clemenem posted: »

    We had Ethan for that

  • Because that's the only source material regarding the Forresters. TTG probably wouldn't retcon the only information they have to go off of.

    I don't understand why people keep bringing up Stannis when it comes to the future of the Forresters. There are two separate versions of the Forresters. Also, the Forresters were a clan in the books, not really a House.

  • Just as a reminder, when has it been hinted?

  • edited March 2015

    "Sooner or later the Night's Watch will be your death. When it comes, try to make it quick."

    I'm certain there's more but I don't really remember exact quotes. Something Jon said references Gared getting frostbite... those bandages you have the opportunity of taking from the maester will probably come in handy at some point.

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Just as a reminder, when has it been hinted?

  • edited March 2015

    About the clan part, the chapter was written from Asha Greyjoy's POV. She might view the smaller Northern Houses as Clans, even though they are small noble houses in reality.

    It makes sense that the Forrester's story is almost the same in the books. I don't really see why it shouldn't be possible, all that has to happen in the game is that Gared can secure an alliance with Stannis at the Wall. It's not far-fetched in my opinion.

    I don't understand why people keep bringing up Stannis when it comes to the future of the Forresters. There are two separate versions of the Forresters. Also, the Forresters were a clan in the books, not really a House.

  • The storyline probably isn't going to be the same, considering the Forresters aren't even important. The books and the show are not the same, there are plenty of differences, some that will become prominent when the new season airs.

    About the clan part, the chapter was written from Asha Greyjoy's POV. She might view the smaller Northern Houses as Clans, even though they

  • edited March 2015

    That's the thing though. In the big scheme of things, the Forresters don't really mean anything in the main story. So they can easily replicate their story in the books or do something completely different. But it wouldn't make sense for Telltale to disregard the Stannis story line considering their is a lot of story to implant.

    I agree with @EpicMustacheGuy I think Gared is gonna get Stannis to accept the Forresters and their Ironwood/scouts which will lead to a S2 with us with him on his march on reclaim the North.

    The storyline probably isn't going to be the same, considering the Forresters aren't even important. The books and the show are not the same, there are plenty of differences, some that will become prominent when the new season airs.

  • edited March 2015

    But we already know the characters from the show that are going to appear in the game. Stannis isn't one of them. As far as we know, Stephen Dillane has no plans to voice act Stannis in the video game.

    That's the thing though. In the big scheme of things, the Forresters don't really mean anything in the main story. So they can easily replic

  • Just because they haven't appeared in the title screens doesn't mean they might not. Also, it could very well be that we actually get involved in Stannis' storyline until the very beginning of S2, with the last episode this season being a lead on into that.

    But we already know the characters from the show that are going to appear in the game. Stannis isn't one of them. As far as we know, Stephen Dillane has no plans to voice act Stannis in the video game.

  • With regards to Asher and his army of sellswords, i had a thought.

    Since we know the Second Sons are sworn to Daenerys right now, and we know House Branfield (Malcom and Lady Forrester's OG House) were loyal to the Targaeryans during Robert's Rebellion. There could possibly be a situation wherein Asher could go to the Queen and formally request that she release the Second Sons from her duty, and then they could return to Westeros and help a Loyal Northern House regain some of it's security and vengeance for their dead.

    In return for her aid Daenerys would receive the support of the Forresters whenever she gets off her ass and finds her way back to Westeros. But it might appeal to her to have an insider in the North. At the very least she would have to consider an alliance, they have ties to her family.

    And if she really does consider herself Queen of the 7 Kingdoms etcetera, this would be one of her subjects, seeking her out for her help. How can she deny them without denying her claim? Truthfully she needs all of the Westerosi allies that she can get.

    Gared and Rodrik seem likely deaths. Probably Ryon, too. If Asher dies in Essos, that'll make his whole storyline seem futile, so I don't th

  • edited March 2015

    Gared's probably going to find the North Grove but in doing so has to desert the Night's Watch - the punishment for which is execution. But he manages to get word back to Rodrik of the Grove's location.

    This is why having Gared join the Night's Watch made no sense to me at all.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Rodrik won't die. He's already 'died' once. I'm guessing he's going to deal with the Glenmores and then turn his attention towards the Glove

  • edited March 2015

    Easiest way to get beyond the Wall, I suppose. Unless Duncan really hates his nephew.

    Belan posted: »

    Gared's probably going to find the North Grove but in doing so has to desert the Night's Watch - the punishment for which is execution. But

  • edited March 2015

    Easiest way to get beyond the Wall, I suppose.

    Just a tad binding though, lol.

    Unless Duncan really hates his nephew.

    He was a little quick to offer up the wall as a solution, now that I think of it. This explains everything.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Easiest way to get beyond the Wall, I suppose. Unless Duncan really hates his nephew.

  • Turns out the North Grove is just Ramsay Snow. Then Gared gets a knife in the neck.

    seanstin posted: »

    Well, Gared's not dying anytime soon because he first has to find the North Grove.

  • Sending Gared to the wall had nothing to do with the North grove Duncan didn't even know that he knew about it at the time. Gared was sent for killing that soldier and staying would put everyone at risk when Duncan found out he knew that presented an opportunity for Gared to help while at the wall.

    Belan posted: »

    Easiest way to get beyond the Wall, I suppose. Just a tad binding though, lol. Unless Duncan really hates his nephew. He was a little quick to offer up the wall as a solution, now that I think of it. This explains everything.

  • edited March 2015

    I understand that. I'm just saying joining the Night's Watch seems like a silly option considering how binding it is. Once you're at the Wall, you're supposed to leave all other loyalties and duties behind and only serve the Night's Watch. Gared is now really limited in what he can do to help at this point. It was definitely good to get him out of Ironrath, but making him join the Watch was totally unnecessary and potentially counter productive in my opinion.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Sending Gared to the wall had nothing to do with the North grove Duncan didn't even know that he knew about it at the time. Gared was sent f

  • Rodrik must die. There can be only one lord and I bet it'll be Asher. Brothers/protagonists won't meet, they can't. Asher has to come back, marry Gwyn and end the war. Rodrik does not fit. Whitehill's daughter showed the good way, lady kill them all Forrester wants the bad one. It's GoT, 3rd ep. - bad things will happen.
    Also Malcolm will die. His role was to find Asher. He did it. What else he can do?

  • Also Malcolm will die. His role was to find Asher. He did it. What else he can do?

    Hopefully get developed more before he dies.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Rodrik must die. There can be only one lord and I bet it'll be Asher. Brothers/protagonists won't meet, they can't. Asher has to come back,

  • Malcolm was also sworn to the Targaryens as a member of House Branfield. I'm thinking maybe that plays into matters when Asher & Co meet Danaerys.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Rodrik must die. There can be only one lord and I bet it'll be Asher. Brothers/protagonists won't meet, they can't. Asher has to come back,

  • If the North Grove is beyond the Wall, then the easiest way of getting there is to join the Night's Watch. Duncan probably had that mind when he sent Gared to the Wall and asked him to take the black. When the day comes that Gared will need to help Ironrath with the North Grove, it will be a lot easier for him to go over the Wall and search for it.

    But I do agree, if they don't take his story somewhere interesting with it then having him join the Watch could be counter productive.

    Belan posted: »

    I understand that. I'm just saying joining the Night's Watch seems like a silly option considering how binding it is. Once you're at the Wal

  • Ooooo nice. Not a bad theory at all

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Malcolm was also sworn to the Targaryens as a member of House Branfield. I'm thinking maybe that plays into matters when Asher & Co meet Danaerys.

  • Eh that wouldn't be a bad idea if executed properly. If Rodrik dies, Asher and Gwyn can end the war with a marriage. Problem is Ludd and his eldest sons probably would never let that happen, so chances are they will have to die as well.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Rodrik must die. There can be only one lord and I bet it'll be Asher. Brothers/protagonists won't meet, they can't. Asher has to come back,

  • I have a theory about this situation upthread if you're interested JakeSt123.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Malcolm was also sworn to the Targaryens as a member of House Branfield. I'm thinking maybe that plays into matters when Asher & Co meet Danaerys.

  • edited March 2015

    I don't think we really know enough about the North Grove to say either way at this point. If it really is so important to the Forresters, I would imagine that they would have some way to make use of it without sacrificing some poor guy to a life on the Wall. And if Gared were to go on his own little excursion to blindly search for the Grove beyond the Wall, that would kind of go against his duties of being part of the Night's Watch, unless permission was granted to him to go search for it (which could end up happening I suppose).

    As a side note, is it not possible to go beyond the Wall without being a member of the Night's Watch? Would they not let any given person pass through given proper reasoning?

    If the North Grove is beyond the Wall, then the easiest way of getting there is to join the Night's Watch. Duncan probably had that mind whe

  • I really cannot see why they would keep anyone from crossing out of the 7 kingdoms. They may have dire warnings and whatnot, or if they were a known criminal the Brothers might seize him. But in general, i don't know if that is part of their mission.

    All i can see them doing, is saying 'well if you want to get killed by wildlings/others, be it on your own head. Don't say we didn't try to warn you.'

    Belan posted: »

    I don't think we really know enough about the North Grove to say either way at this point. If it really is so important to the Forresters, I

  • It all depends I guess. Maybe we will get the choice to go against our Oaths and go search for the North Grove, and if we don't we might end up getting permission (storylines come together). Too early to say really, but I'm sure Gared being sent to the Wall is a important part of the North Grove storyline.

    And you can sneak across, like Bran Stark did. But I'm sure if you came across any of the Night's Watch they wouldn't allow you to go across

    Belan posted: »

    I don't think we really know enough about the North Grove to say either way at this point. If it really is so important to the Forresters, I

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