So i guess Beth's death was for nothing.
She basically, though unintentionally, sacrificed herself for Noah.
But now that Noah is gone, what does her death mean?
Before, it had the symbolism of sacrifice attached to it.
And that of standing up for something or someone.
But now, Beth's death feels like a waste.
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It symbolizes filler
It had it's impact on the group didn't it?
Also you should despoilerify the title, since some people probably haven't seen it yet.
It's like how Sarah's death was for nothing because Jane returned to the group regardless.
Two things.
Change the title, spoiler.
Pointless. Noah should still be alive.
Well, both Beth and Noah's deaths affected the group.
Did you not see Glenn's expressions? That dude just watched one of his newest friends get ripped apart 1 foot away from him. Who knows how that'll impact him in the future.
I think Emily Kinney was moving on and they brought in Noah to help bring closure to her story. Also, how many people have died senselessly? It's the way the world they live in is. I'm more upset about Noah's horrific death due to a coward panicking.
They all grew to like Noah. Glenn watching him die like that and being helpless to do anything is really going to affect him, and Deannas husband who was about to take him on as protege. Also, Rick as sheriff is going to really think about how he handles that Nicholas.
Filler how?
/\ . The whole story arc was designed to get rid of Beth, plain and simple. Noah from that point on was just collateral.
The its not filler because it had a purpose, as well as showing us how another patch of survivors lives, which is endlessly fascinating to me.
Do deaths have to mean something? Everyone dies eventually so do we really die for something? Sorry getting deep there. It affected Glenn and Maggie, because they were close to them. They just died by circumstance, I don't think there should always be a reason, or that all deaths should be for something. All the people who died before that didn't really make a major difference the group just moved on. Sure they'll grieve for a while but then they go back to slaughter zombie mode.
The reason they killed off Noah is because they need to keep viewers attention
Poogers said it was filler, I just said the story was meant to kill off Beth. Beth was a part of the main story, but her scope for development was limited by that point. She had undergone a full transformation from the girl we first met.
One could argue every character death is TWD universe one can never truly put their guard down and there's always the unknown. Everyone and every group has their own agenda and their own people that they're trying to protect and will do anything to protect so there are a lot of meaningless deaths.
I hate how they kill characters who are in the middle of a good story arc, but are afraid to kill characters who have rapped up there story arc and are just dragging it out.
that's what they like to do...they make you start to care about a particular character so when they die there's more of an emotional impact
I'm curious though, who do you think has over stayed their welcome?
Because it had no significance, it looked like it would be to introduce Noah if anything for he was the only new character to join the group from there, but now hes dead. So, it was just filler, most likely them making the set for Alexandria
Beth isn't that great of a character.
If I may answer that question as well... Daryl. A thousand goddamn times Daryl. He was the most interesting character during an era of the show when all the other characters sucked and the writers treated him like he was redneck Jesus. Since Merle's death, Daryl's point as a character has come to a screeching halt.
The thing is, I don't mind characters staying around after they've completed their character arc, as long as they maintain a certain likability, aren't doing the same thing over and over, and retreat to the background for other characters to get some development in such a large cast. Case in point, Tara. Her story wrapped up once Maggie forgave her, but since then, she's become an optimistic person who brings levity to situations and doesn't spend the entire time moping. Tara playing with a yo-yo like a dork was several hundred times more endearing than Daryl becoming an outsider... again, in Alexandria. Currently, I'm only half interested in his friendship with Aaron, because the half of me that's interested recognizes how cool Aaron is.
Well, Noah got to see what happened to his family and whatever camp he was at before he died.
This is The Walking Dead, so people die.
And their death doesn't mean anything. People just die because of their own stupidity or because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Considering that TWD -franchise was launched in 2003, I keep wondering why people still assume that deaths of the characters have some deeper meanings.
I think she was likable enough. I agree that as an independent character she was bit bland, although I thought that some of her character improvements were positive. However she worked well as a supporting character for Maggie and Hershel.
But I hated the hospital storyline, which was less interesting than the cannibals or Alexandria. Because I didn't like the story or characters of the hospital, I also didn't like what happened to Beth and I think that it would have been much more interesting if cannibals had killed her instead.
Life doesn't work like that.
One day you can be alive, the next dead. Not everything has meaning, some things just happen, that is life.
It got rid of one of the most annoying characters on the show, I wouldn't say it was for nothing.
The whole hospital story arc in general was just not very interesting and the characters were cliché. Dawn had her moments, but it was not very well written. Also, I could never stand Beth, so her death didn't affect me, and I still partially blame Noah for Tyreese's death, so I don't really care that he's dead, although it was pretty sad and shocking.