S2 Episode length

edited March 2015 in The Walking Dead

So I've just finished S2E2 and so far the episodes seem just so much shorter than in S1. Does that carry through to the end or do we get a bit more meat in the last 3 episodes?


  • edited March 2015

    The last is...possibly the longest, but I'd say its about the same length as episode 2. So doesn't get better unfortunately.

  • they're all 90 minutes except for ep. 5 which is 120 min

  • Unfortunately, Telltale decided that they would make the episodes shorter back when Season 2 started, reducing them from like 2 and a half hours to about 90 minutes. I'm hoping that changes with Season 3, and since the first two episode of GOT and TFTBL were, for me at least, either over 2 hours or roughly 2 hours, I do believe they will make Season 3's episodes longer.

  • With all the waiting and paying money, you'd think they'd give you at least 100-120 minutes.
    That was one of the major things i disliked about no time left. TOO short, and seemed like it was rushed. I feel had it not had the dramatic ending, it might well of been the worst episode in both seasons.

    Unfortunately, Telltale decided that they would make the episodes shorter back when Season 2 started, reducing them from like 2 and a half h

  • edited March 2015

    Episodes don't have to be long to be effective. In my opinion, No Time Left worked perfectly fine as an hour and a half, that's all the writer needed to get the job done. That's what Telltale needs to do, allow the writers the freedom to make episodes as long as they need. Long Road Ahead, to me, feels overly long and it could have been shorter and still got the job done. On the other hand, In Harms Way can come off as rushed since it's force to be 90 minutes, if it was longer, it could have been more effective. Cry Wolf is my favorite episode from TWAU and that was barely over an hour, but it was effective and memorable.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    With all the waiting and paying money, you'd think they'd give you at least 100-120 minutes. That was one of the major things i disliked ab

  • I dunno, i just felt the episode was rushed. Like, getting from the roof to the house straight away, then walkers coming out of no where. Then after the attic scene (which was good) we lost 2 characters then all of a sudden we're at the marsh house. Seems like it's far away but really it's not that far at all.
    The only things that seemed out of place in long road ahead was going back and forth on the train, then the long process before the walkers catch the train at the end, besides that i liked it. I remember Around every corner got a lot of crap because it was "too long" and a filler, yet people aren't grateful because it could've been like S2 where you have cop out scenes ie Nicks cheap death in the fence.

    Episodes don't have to be long to be effective. In my opinion, No Time Left worked perfectly fine as an hour and a half, that's all the writ

  • Yeah, because we didn't have a cop out death in Around Every Corner (cough Chuck cough).

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    I dunno, i just felt the episode was rushed. Like, getting from the roof to the house straight away, then walkers coming out of no where. Th

  • Chuck was in the game from half through Episode 3, to the start or episode 4. He barely got any screen time which was a shame because he had potential.
    Nick can be in the game for 3 episodes. I think Nick's death is way more bullshit then Chucks. At least Chucks was realistic. Fighting of a horde of walkers, getting bit, trapped in the sewers, shoots himself. Nick, shot in the mouth, found tied up in a fence.

    Yeah, because we didn't have a cop out death in Around Every Corner (cough Chuck cough).

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    shot in the mouth

    It was his shoulder.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Chuck was in the game from half through Episode 3, to the start or episode 4. He barely got any screen time which was a shame because he had

  • Nick was shot in the shoulder, just wanted to clear that up. Nick's death doesn't really bother me that much. Yes it was a bad death, but it's not something I completely concern myself over. At least Nick had great development for the episodes he was in, his story was done, sure his death could have been better, but not everyone is going to get a great death. And at least that's a determinant scene, the way Chuck goes out happens no matter what, his only purpose in the game was to get Lee to teach Clementine how to shoot a gun, that was his sole purpose and I wish he was more than a simple plot device. And at least Nick is brought up a couple of times, Luke and Rebecca ask about him, and Luke talks about him in the next episode, Chuck is simply forgotten. Clementine, Ben, Christa, Kenny, no one even asks about him, and Lee doesn't even bother telling anyone, it's completely disrespectful to such a great guy, way more disrespectful than Nick. At least Nick had his time in the sun, Chuck never did.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Chuck was in the game from half through Episode 3, to the start or episode 4. He barely got any screen time which was a shame because he had

  • Still died from it....

    dojo32161 posted: »

    shot in the mouth It was his shoulder.

  • I'm not saying that he had to have a death like Lees or Kenny's but as a determinant character. You'd think they'd give him something better. Ben was the same yet he got a pretty good death even though he was clumsy.

    That's the problem with Chuck. He comes in to serve a purpose then his thrown away. Doesn't make sense. Seeing how they were concerned about Chuck, then they just get over it that quickly.

    IMO, both were cop outs but like I said, Nicks was worse. Yes, Chuck is pretty much forgotten but Nick for a determinant character got a lot of screen time compared to others who were determinant. yet they just throw him away. Chuck didn't even get a full episode where as Nick got almost 4.

    Nick was shot in the shoulder, just wanted to clear that up. Nick's death doesn't really bother me that much. Yes it was a bad death, but it

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Actually, he died from a walker bite.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Still died from it....

  • No Episode 5 is 90 minutes too

    Aerie88 posted: »

    they're all 90 minutes except for ep. 5 which is 120 min

  • The length of the episode depends on what you do.

    But it's basically 90 - 105 minutes.

  • Just shows how wrong Telltale were...gamers want value for money long episodes they can emerse themselves in, not... stream lined games you can pick up and play anywhere(or whatever the TT quote was LOL)

    At least there learning from some mistakes

  • You think bleeding out from the shoulder wouldn't of effected him?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually, he died from a walker bite.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Probably did, but it was the bite that killed him. Don't know why they needed to add the shoulder wound since in episode 2 he can die being bitten in the exact same spot with no wounds of any kind.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    You think bleeding out from the shoulder wouldn't of effected him?

  • Lol, it would've made more sense if he got attacked by walkers when Sarah, Jane, Luke and Clementine were escaping rather then him just strung out on a fence but what can you do.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Probably did, but it was the bite that killed him. Don't know why they needed to add the shoulder wound since in episode 2 he can die being bitten in the exact same spot with no wounds of any kind.

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