(Comic Spoilers) Gabriel
Didn't he snitch in the comics as well? So that scene is adapted on the TV show. Only difference is that Maggie heard it. Here is some evidence:
Sorry if it's in Spanish because I can't find one that's in English.
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Yes, he did.
I'll show English one after school, my comic books are my house.
Gabriel is terrible whatever the version
You live in a house made out of comic books? That's pretty sad man.
But what if his house is made out of ultra rare hard to find comics?
That´s portuguese, not spanish and he´s definitely snitching them.
Oh, well, another character to the pile of "I don´t care if you die".
so what the hell is he saying if it's it Portuguese?
He says that he's very thankful for being allowed to live there and that the people there are very nice and accepting but as happy as he is that he was let in he feels like it was a mistake on the leader's part to let in Rick's group because they have done horrible things and don't deserve to be there.
tl;dr Gabriel is a little shit.
majority of the stuff that has happened so far at alexandria is stuff straight from the comics with the exception of a few things
What a douche, i was so pissed when i saw that scene! He would be dead if it wasn't for the group.
Bad form preacher man, bad form.