Speculate on 'Catch A Ride' Achievements?

Yep, I'm doing this all ready. That ending has me off the hinges.

Here we go:

Don't Make Me Wait - No Idea.

Temptation - I feel like this has to do with either Jack or August. Jack because, well he's Jack, and August cause of Sasha, assuming she is still alive. (Please Dear God)

Point Of No Return - I feel like this has to do with meeting Brick, or getting fully into the Gortys Project.

So Many Bandits, So Little Time - This might have to do with the Jimbo and Tector, or the infamous 'Grease Face' something like that.

Rupture - Rupture in Rhys' cybernetics? Gortys Project thing?

Maneater - Some Panodoran monster thing, I feel like there was something called a Maneater in The World Of Curiosities, maybe not, but definitely monster.

Angry Eyes - This is said by Loader Bot when you first call him in during Zer0 Sum. Perhaps more Loaders take our protagonists, leading to the events of 'Escape Plan Bravo'?

Feel free to speculate!


  • I feel like the first one is a joke towards having an ending that is a cliff-hanger.

  • Rapture?

    The Signs are clear! Bioshock a TellTale game Series confirmed !

  • I'm sure it's double entrendre too. It's probably a reference to the contents of scene.

    I feel like the first one is a joke towards having an ending that is a cliff-hanger.

  • Likely.

    I've noticed that most of the Achievements in this game thus far seem to have a double-meaning.

    Piggs posted: »

    I'm sure it's double entrendre too. It's probably a reference to the contents of scene.

  • I think Temptation has something to do with Rhys's plan to go to back to Helios or Rhys's talking to Sasha about her leaving Pandora with him I mean in Episode 2 she did say to Fiona where Fiona talk to Sasha about where she wants to go to and Fiona saying to Sasha "You Looking At Pandora From Space so yea Rhysha Confirmed in Episode 3 I hope that what happens dear god I hope that happens I'm a Rhysha Fan #RhyshaForever

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited March 2015

    Were all achievements in "Atlas..." accurate? I mean, if not - speculating is pointless.

  • They were pretty close. 'Classic Reflexes' and 'Funeral Crashers' being the most in my opinion.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Were all achievements in "Atlas..." accurate? I mean, if not - speculating is pointless.

  • edited March 2015

    Don't Make Me Wait... Yeah, I have no clue either. Something story related that we have no idea about, I guess?

    Temptation: Personally I think it has something to do with Jack - siding with him for power, or something.

    Point of No Return: I want to say the same thing as the above - something to do with Jack, it's not possible to go back from that point? Or maybe we won't be able to go back to Hyperion. Or maybe at that point there's no chance for Fiona and Sasha to leave Pandora, ever? Although it having something to do with meeting Brick would be fantastic.

    So Many Bandits, So Little Time: Again, dunno. Bandit murder fun time? I guess?

    Rupture: Yet again, no clue! These achievements feel so vague, although I guess it's for good reason.

    Maneater: Like you say, monster, probs. Maybe Vallory eats human males for breakfast. She seems that creepy.

    Angry Eyes: hahaha yet again I have no idea

    I was looking through the achievements yesterday, and like... Before episode two released, it felt pretty easy to speculate based off of the achievements for episode 2, but I honestly have no idea what to guess for the rest of the achievements? They just feel really vague and the way that the story left off at the end of episode 2 felt so cliffhangery and like the story can go absolutely anywhere from here, which makes it that much harder to guess where it will go.

  • Sorry to break it to you but the achievemnt is called rupture

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Rapture? The Signs are clear! Bioshock a TellTale game Series confirmed !

  • edited March 2015

    Whoops, double post - ignore this.

    Don't Make Me Wait... Yeah, I have no clue either. Something story related that we have no idea about, I guess? Temptation: Personally I

  • What if the first achievement means they don't reveal what happens immediately after the cliff hanger straight away? Like, Rhys and Fiona just randomly skip forward and you don't know the fate of Vaughn/Sasha/everyone else. That would drive me absolutely crazy, but I could see it working with the way the story is being presented.

    I also think Maneater will involve a woman - either Vallory or Moxxi.

  • edited March 2015

    Whoops, sorry. Clicked the wrong reply. x.x

    What if the first achievement means they don't reveal what happens immediately after the cliff hanger straight away? Like, Rhys and Fiona ju

  • edited March 2015

    Okay, I put a little thought into and here's some serious speculation from me. As I mentioned earlier, I think most of the achievements in this game are likely references, jokes or have double-sided meanings. TellTale is very crafty and it wouldn't surprise me if I wasn't completely wrong. Well, here goes nothing:

    Don't Make Me Wait: Likely a joke to the cliff-hanger. I'm guessing that the story will either leap in a completely different direction for the beginning of the episode. I'm banking that neither Fiona or Jack's plan are effective, causing both August and Vasquez to become impatient and basically ready to shoot up our buds. Either that or my other guess is that the stranger is getting annoyed with Fiona and Rhys' story and is impatient to hear more, but I don't see that being very likely.

    Temptation: Would it be too obvious to connect this to Handsome Jack? I think so. I don't know why, but I feel like this achievement will be connected to Fiona and Sasha. I think it would be that they have to decide whether to abandon the guys or not. If not, then the obvious answer would be it has to do with good ol' Jack. Likely, Rhys gives into his influence in order to save the gang or what have you.

    Point of No Return: The group escapes Vasquez and August. All bounty hunters are after Fiona and Sasha. Hyperion wants Rhys and Vaughn dead. Possibly a moment of emotional connection for the group when they realize there is no going back -- they have no choice. They must keep pushing forward (possibly with GP?).

    So Many Bandits, So Little Time: Probably another fight scene. Perhaps where we meet Brick or other potential Vault Hunters that aren't in the trailer. Either way, it's definitely a fight scene.

    Rupture: Metaphorical or physical. The group falls apart or someone else does. Likely another traitor is found in the group or possibly malfunctioning having to do with Rhys' wiring or his sanity. I hope it's the second one.

    Maneater: Alas, we meet Vallory. And she probably royally screws over the group and likely kills August and all of his men. Which is a shame, because August is actually one of my favorite characters and I was hoping he'd redeem himself before the end of the story.

    Angry Eyes: The group narrowly escapes Vallory and her goons. She's pissed and has sworn revenge on them for ruining the scheme and possibly reveals a tragic background story?

    Those are my possible ideas for episode three. Hope they aren't as awful as they sound in my head.

  • Oh...


    Sorry to break it to you but the achievemnt is called rupture

  • Is it really worth it?

    The episode 2 achievements had barely anything to do with the episode itself.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Here's the synopsis of the third episode according to the Season Pass:

    A new partner issues a race across Pandora for the next lead on the Gortys Project

  • On the contrary:

    • Deal With A Ghost: Dealing with Handsome Jack

    • Till Death Do Us Part: The separation of the group.

    • A Plan Came Together: I actually don't really remember when I got this achievement, but if I recall it's when we choose to go to either Hollow Point or Old Haven, the plan.

    • Funeral Crashers: The bounty hunters interrupting Sasha and Fiona's little funeral of Felix/remembrance of him.

    • Classic Reflexes: I forget if we get this right after Athena's chase scene or when we get the Gortys Facility up. If it's right after her chase, the reflexes refer to her skills being classic. If it's when the GP building is raised, it's a puzzle that TT used to do a lot more of, which I think that would mean.

    • Miracle of Atlas Engineering: the Gortys core creation and everything with that.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Is it really worth it? The episode 2 achievements had barely anything to do with the episode itself.

  • How is choosing whether to go to Hollow point or old haven 'a plan coming together'? That's making the plan, not fulfilling it.

    That wasn't a funeral.

    The penultimate one is a fudged generic explanation (which you know).

    So about half of them were relevant.

    On the contrary: * Deal With A Ghost: Dealing with Handsome Jack * Till Death Do Us Part: The separation of the group. * A Plan C

    • A Plan Came Together: A plan coming together is making a plan.

    • Funeral Crashers: If you really can't understand the symbolic name of this achievement, then that's your problem. The point is a remembrance of someone, dead or alive, was interrupted by 'crashers' aka the bounty hunters.

    • An explanation being generic does not mean wrong.

    And you said barely. Half isn't barely.

    I don't want to get into an argument, so please don't do a retort. If you feel that you don't want to trust the achievements, fine by me.

    Flog61 posted: »

    How is choosing whether to go to Hollow point or old haven 'a plan coming together'? That's making the plan, not fulfilling it. That wasn

  • Man... If you prediction about the first achievement is true I'm gonna throw a shoe at my laptop.

    Although, honestly, it really wouldn't surprise me if they did that. It'd be irritating to the fans, of course, but if done well, could make the story that much better. I like the sound of Maneater meaning Moxxi - after her small cameo with Zer0, I was super excited to see her again, and it totally fits her character, too.

    What if the first achievement means they don't reveal what happens immediately after the cliff hanger straight away? Like, Rhys and Fiona ju

  • Angry Eyes: Athena's glowing eyes explanation.

    Don't Make Me Wait... Yeah, I have no clue either. Something story related that we have no idea about, I guess? Temptation: Personally I

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited March 2015

    That's actually really smart. Didn't think about that.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Angry Eyes: Athena's glowing eyes explanation.

  • ...You're really smart, goddamn. I hope so, that'd be pretty cool.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Angry Eyes: Athena's glowing eyes explanation.

  • For the don't make me wait achievment, it could do with how the gortys core is the robot from the episode 2 teaser and it might be a guide to the vault. I guess the protagonists have to follow it? Now that I think about it, its probably something different.

  • Yeah...I took her shield.

    She's pissed.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Angry Eyes: Athena's glowing eyes explanation.

  • But uh, the chapter 6 achievement, Bro or Bot, had nothing to do with the chapter... I thought they just misplaced that one.

    * A Plan Came Together: A plan coming together is making a plan. * Funeral Crashers: If you really can't understand the symbolic name of

  • Totally agree with that.

    AChicken posted: »

    But uh, the chapter 6 achievement, Bro or Bot, had nothing to do with the chapter... I thought they just misplaced that one.

  • Bro: Fiona and Sashsa

    Bot: The Gortys robot in the previews.

    AChicken posted: »

    But uh, the chapter 6 achievement, Bro or Bot, had nothing to do with the chapter... I thought they just misplaced that one.

  • I think it's supposed to be Fiona (bro/friend) vs. Jack (bot/AI) - but it's a very tenuous link!

    AChicken posted: »

    But uh, the chapter 6 achievement, Bro or Bot, had nothing to do with the chapter... I thought they just misplaced that one.

  • Temptation and Maneater obviously link to a certain conartist watching Rhys get a wardrobe changes.
    Rhyiona confirmed

  • edited March 2015

    Ok. THAT is probably what it means. Thanks for shedding light on the trophy/achievement. Now I get what it means...

    I think it's supposed to be Fiona (bro/friend) vs. Jack (bot/AI) - but it's a very tenuous link!

  • WOW, never even thought of that, good point!

    For the don't make me wait achievment, it could do with how the gortys core is the robot from the episode 2 teaser and it might be a guide t

  • So what's her reason to be angry for those who didn't take the shield.

    J-Master posted: »

    Yeah...I took her shield. She's pissed.

  • Don't Make Me Wait: For people who skip the credits and hence wont get to see a post credit video.

  • As much as I ship Rhysha I'm doubtful that that would happen at this point in the game. Sasha just barely trusts Rhys depending on player choices so for her to consider leaving Pandora with him (to Helios, the hated Hyperion base that's trying to kill them, no less) seems out of character for an Episode 3 plot point. Maybe something like that later in the game, if they're still alive and don't hate each other like he and Fiona seem to at the present day storyline.

    strwar3 posted: »

    I think Temptation has something to do with Rhys's plan to go to back to Helios or Rhys's talking to Sasha about her leaving Pandora with hi

  • 'Escape Plan Bravo ' shows a Hyperion base, maybe it's an Episode 4 plot point.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    As much as I ship Rhysha I'm doubtful that that would happen at this point in the game. Sasha just barely trusts Rhys depending on player ch

  • Thanks for trolling ppl to watch the credits now xd

    Vold posted: »

    Don't Make Me Wait: For people who skip the credits and hence wont get to see a post credit video.

  • Maneater could be a reference for the woman at the end, forgotten her name, to due with her and Felix.

  • Vallory

    Talimancer posted: »

    Maneater could be a reference for the woman at the end, forgotten her name, to due with her and Felix.

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