James drove us about six miles before the van stopped. James checked the fuel gauge and and silently cursed. The five of us loo… moreked to one another, wondering what to do. Before we knew it, James opened his door and started examining our surroundings. Usui got out and did the same, as did I.
“Just say here, you’ll be safe in the van.” I tell Santiago and Daniel, who nod and wait patiently.
“Ok then,” James spoke while turning to us. “The van is out of fuel it seems.”
“And I don’t suppose we can just walk the rest of the way, can we?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “Not unless you prefer to be lost or eaten along the way rather than getting there safely.”
Usui stretched. “Fuel can’t be too hard to come by in this city, I’m sure. Not with three people to look for it.”
“Let’s see what we have to deal with first before we start rushing off.” James told us.
The van was stopped in the middle of the road and there wasn’t … [view original content]
James drove us about six miles before the van stopped. James checked the fuel gauge and and silently cursed. The five of us loo… moreked to one another, wondering what to do. Before we knew it, James opened his door and started examining our surroundings. Usui got out and did the same, as did I.
“Just say here, you’ll be safe in the van.” I tell Santiago and Daniel, who nod and wait patiently.
“Ok then,” James spoke while turning to us. “The van is out of fuel it seems.”
“And I don’t suppose we can just walk the rest of the way, can we?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “Not unless you prefer to be lost or eaten along the way rather than getting there safely.”
Usui stretched. “Fuel can’t be too hard to come by in this city, I’m sure. Not with three people to look for it.”
“Let’s see what we have to deal with first before we start rushing off.” James told us.
The van was stopped in the middle of the road and there wasn’t … [view original content]
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in pain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and throws it off of me. The man reaches his hand down at me.
“Need some help?” He asks. I take his hand and he pulls me up. Now that I was up, I could examine him more closely. He wore a white shirt and had a light green hoodie on with blue jeans.
“Well, while we’re here I might as well introduce myself. My name’s Miles.” We exchange a friendly handshake and I tell him my name.
“Jerry. Thanks for the assist.” Scratching my head, I find that my cap was missing. I tried looking around for it but turned to see Miles holding it.
“Looking for this?” He asked before handing it over. I take it and place it back upon my head.
“That could’ve gone better. Why the hell didn’t you warn me about him?!” I tell Quirk, who runs to the scene.
“How should I know?!” He responds while turning the body over. He gets a grip on the knife and pulls it out, handing it to Miles. Miles takes it and looks at the body.
“Looks like he..’turned’ or something. Certainly wasn’t a walker when we all focused on him earlier.” He looks to Quirk. “What exactly did you do to him?”
“What exactly did you do to him?” I ask Quirk, who turns to me.
“I didn’t do anything. Jonathan only cut off his fingers, nothing that would’ve..’turned’ him into a ‘walker’! What is a walker anyway?”
“That’s just what I call them. And didn’t he lose a lot of blood from that?”
Jonathan crosses his arms. “So what if he did? What are you trying to say?”
I stare at the body and my knife. “You all do know that when you get bit you turn into one, right? You all saw that at Macon, right?” The three nod.
“What if...what if you don’t need to get bit to turn? I know this sounds crazy, but..” Jerry’s eyes open widely as he reacts.
“But how would that work?! I don’t quite see-”
“You die from the bite, that’s for sure. But you don’t die right away if you escape their grasp. I haven’t seen it firsthand, but what if it’s like some kind of viral infection? What if you get sicker and sicker and just die? You’d turn. What happens when you bleed out? You'd die. You. Turn. If this is correct then that means that no matter what happens, no matter which direction we take from now on, we can get miles and miles away from walkers and still fear death.”
They all turn to me and I notice that while I delivered my speech the others walked up. Did everyone hear that? That’s good. They need to know.
“ are telling us that there is no hope then? That all of the work put into making evac points and my team’s involvement was for NOTHING?!” Quirk walks up to me and is clearly not in a good mood from my hypothesis. He places his finger on my chest, which was probably meant to intimidate me.
“Then you weren't alone.”
I lower his arm. “You said before that you’d prefer not to tell me why you were alone. Now I know. I, ‘filled in the blanks’.”
Quirk glared at me with the most malice I’ve ever seen in my life, even at the office.
“I want you out.” He points at me and Shino. “I want you both out. Now.”
I look at the camp’s inhabitants. Most were concerned faces, others were of pure hatred and resentment. Shino pierced Quirk with an icy stare before he spoke again.
“Elvira or Thomas should have a map, use that to figure out where you’re going, because you’re not staying here.”
“Quirk, cmon man, don’t react so harshl-” The man who Quirk referred to as ‘Thomas’ tried to reason with him.
“Don’t try to change my mind, it’s already made. They. Will. LEAVE.” They both walk away and Elvira approaches me with a map. She tries to talk, but is too distraught. She merely hands the map to me and leaves.
Shino pushes her wheelchair over to me and pats me on the back.
“Don’t feel bad about it, that Quirk guy always rubbed me the wrong way…”
(?) Shino will remember your bravery.
I open the map and stare at it for awhile. It had three locations circled in red.
Other evac points? Or possible evac points…
1)Logging camp (Medium distance from Quirk’s Camp, fairly big)
2)River camp (Near Quirk’s Camp, pretty small)
3)Supercenter (Far from Quirk’s Camp, freakin huge)
And the results of some of your actions come into play. The choices for this part are also important, as you might've guessed. Voting ends at 3:30 PM. Happy voting
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in p… moreain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and… [view original content]
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in p… moreain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and… [view original content]
3)Supercenter (Far from Quirk’s Camp, freakin huge)
In fan fictions I was killed in a river camp, and knocked unconscious in the middle of a gunfight at a logging camp. So um... Supercenter you're my last hope.
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in p… moreain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and… [view original content]
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in p… moreain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and… [view original content]
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in p… moreain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and… [view original content]
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in p… moreain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and… [view original content]
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli-” One of the bodies suddenly lunges upwards and grabs my arm. It struggles for a bit before James shoots it. We both look in bewilderment at the event before realizing that some of the other bodies started getting up as well. James aimed at the head of the closest one and pulled the trigger.
I pull the trigger but nothing happens. Damnit, I must’ve used my last bullet saving Sebastian… The walkers continue their march, closing in on us. I kick a few of them down and try climbing on top of some nearby cars, Sebastian sees me doing this and does the same, but not before finishing off two walkers. We hop from car to car, however we are soon met with a dead end. The walkers get closer and closer and when they reach the truck we are standing on, start clawing and pushing on it. Sebastian nearly falls off but I grab his hand and pull him back up, almost falling off myself.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any way out of this?” I look around and see our only chance of survival. I holster my gun and prepared myself.
“Huh? James, what’re you-”
Sebastian didn’t even finish his sentence before I jumped.
Logging Camp it is!
I point to the red circle that seemed to be relatively far away from Quirk’s camp. Shino peers over my shoulder to see where I chose for us to go.
“There. That’s where we’ll go.” I say with confidence. “The map says it’s called..’Sloan Lumber Camp’. Cool name, I guess.”
Shino smiles. “We’ll all come up with a better name for it later.” I fold up the map and look downwards.
“Speaking of ‘we’ will the others know where we are now?” I raise my head up to see Quirk arguing with Thomas a few yards away from us, and that ‘Josephine’ woman walks up to them. “I have no doubt in my mind that if James asks about us that Quirk will lie about us being here.
Atleast, after his outburst I think so.”
She holds her chin with one hand and starts to think. “That is a predicament, isn’t it…”
Before either of us noticed, Thomas walked up to us. He took the backpack he had on and dropped it in front of us.
“You’re real lucky, you know that?” He told us.
“I’ve never seen Quirk that angry before, but somehow Josephine and I still managed to get him to lend you some supplies and a great deal too.”
Shino and I both looked at eachother. “What deal?” I asked.
“He said that you’re free to wait for your friends here, but there’s a catch.” He paused. “You have to wait at the far end of the camp alone for them, and if they don’t arrive by sunset that you’d have to leave anyway.”
“Sunset?! He’s so angry that he’d willingly cast out two survivors at the most dangerous time, when visibility is low?”
He sighed. “I’m sorry, that’s the best we got. I don’t think any more begging will do anyone any good.”
“Well, I still have hope. James won’t let us down after what he did back at the station. Thanks Thomas, for everything. Tell the others the same.”
Thomas nods and starts walking away. He gets about a foot away before I speak again.
“Thomas, wait.”
“Hm?” He turns and stares at the two of us.
1)”Be careful.”
2)”What’s your opinion of Quirk?”
3)”...It’s nothing. Nevermind.”
Voting will end in two and a half hours. Happy voting
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet… more?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli… [view original content]
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any way out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the back of the group looked at me and stopped following James.
“Listen, you rotten freaks! Follow me!” They turned back and continued to walk in his direction. “Sebastian, I’m not gonna tell you again. Get to the van!” Each time a walker got close James kicked it away.
1)”Hell no man, I’m not leaving you!”
2)”Ok, I will, but you better come back!”
3)Try to distract the walkers from James
Sebastian then left us and went after James. We sat in the van for about ten minutes before Daniel started getting bored.
“Santiago, wanna play I spy?” He said while looking around the van.
“No Dan. We need to be careful, I told you that earlier.”
“But that was before we met Seb and the others!” He told me. “They’ll protect us now.”
“But they’re not here right now, so I’m protecting you for now.” I folded my arms and started thinking about how safe the evac point could be. We could live there and be alive, but still be afraid of what’s outside it. Living safely doesn’t mean living without fear.
Daniel looked at me and sighed, sitting back down. Precisely five seconds later he started again.
“I spy!”
2)”Your shirt.”
3)”I spy something...annoying.”
4)Ignore him
“..Be careful.” I told Thomas, whose cheerful face turned into an emotionless stare. He turned back around and spoke two words to us before he walked away.
“I know.”
The two of us went back to James’ truck and sat there, alone. From time to time people would either stare at us and then pass by, or ignore us altogether. After awhile I looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was far from the place it was at when I saved Jerry. Only a few hours left to wait. Hopefully they’ll make it in time..
“So, what do you think is taking them so long, Shino?” I ask her, cleaning my knife of walker blood. There was no response. “Shino?” I turn and see that she has fallen asleep. She didn’t even seem tired earlier..perhaps it was all the stress? I lean the driver side chair down and lay on it.
Guess I’d better get some shut eye too. We’re gonna need it.
I close my eyes in preparation for whats to come.
Whatever it is.
Voting will end in two and a half hours, happy voting
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any wa… morey out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the … [view original content]
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any wa… morey out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the … [view original content]
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any wa… morey out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the … [view original content]
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any wa… morey out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the … [view original content]
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any wa… morey out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the … [view original content]
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any wa… morey out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the … [view original content]
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
“That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why are you going alone? Isn’t it dangerous if there’s no one with you too?” I stare at him, then sigh.
“Please take me, Santiago! I’ll be good, you’ll see!”
1)”No, stay here Dan.”
2)”Fine, come with me.”
“Hell no man, I’m not leaving you!” I yell back after shooting another walker from below me. James tries to push another walker away but it grabs him. They struggle for awhile before I shoot it, then James pushes the body from him. As James continues to back up, I check my ammo. Only three left. Better use em wisely.
“Fine, here’s the plan if you refuse to leave! We’ll cut through the store and make a run for our van! First you gotta drop down, and if we see Usui along the way we’ll grab him too!” James leads the walkers on for awhile, and I shoot another one.
“Alright, here we go…” I leap off of the vehicle and stick the landing. I run to James and we break one of the store’s windows by hitting it with our guns. When we clear it of broken glass, we both climb in.
“No time to grab anything, we gotta go.” James tells me.
“What about fuel?” I ask.
“All we can do is hope Usui found some.” He responds. The walkers behind us fill up the back of the store and we continue running. While we were running I felt a firm grip around my ankle and I fall.
1)Kick hand
2)Hit hand with gun
3)Grab hold of something
“Do you think they’ll be ok out there when they leave?” I ask Thomas, who walks towards me and sits down with a frown on his face.
Thomas scratched his head. “I don’t know, I sure hope so though. The supplies Quirk handed out were pretty light. Only a few boxes of snacks, some water, and two bullets.”
“Two bullets?” I repeated. “Why give them any at all if only two?”
“Probably some hidden meaning to it. Two bullets, two people.” He held his head with his hands, and cursed silently. “It’s such a shitty situation…”
I pat his back, then remove his hands from his head. “It’s alright now. We made it. Getting anywhere away from that city is an accomplishment.” He lifts his head and I smile.
“Elvira, can I talk to you for a second?” Quirk suddenly shouts from across the camp. Thomas looks up and his eyes shift from Quirk to me.
1)Go to Quirk
2)Stay with Thomas
Voting ends tomorrow at 3 PM, and it'll definitely be longer than these. Happy voting
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
… more “That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why… [view original content]
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
… more “That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why… [view original content]
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
… more “That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why… [view original content]
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
… more “That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why… [view original content]
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
… more “That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why… [view original content]
Turning my body around, I attempt to kick the hand with all my might. After about three kicks, the hand releases its grip and I pick myself up. I continue to run after James to see him breaking through another glass window. He clears it of broken glass and we both hop out.
“Watch your left!” He yells to me, pointing at a scuttering walker who seems pretty interested in my flesh. I dart out of his grasp and dash forward to James.
“Do you see Usui yet?” I ask, looking around.
“No! Do you think he already made it back to the van?” James suggested.
“He sure better be, I don’t think we have the luxury to wait on him. Let’s go!” The walkers behind us get closer with each sentence.
Talk to Quirk
“Well,” I muttered. “I better go see what he wants. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
Thomas looks up to me again and grumbled. “Yeah, guess so. I’ll be guarding my usual spot.” He then got up, grabbed his hatchet, and walked away. Before I could try to comfort him, Quirk’s bellowing voice hit my eardrums.
“Elvira, I could use your help right now!” I stand up and rush over to him.
“What’s up?” I ask him, who turns around to reveal Jonathan in his usual grumpy mood in his company.
“I’ve been asking around the camp if anyone had any sort of medical experience. Jonathan here messed his knuckles up pretty bad with that guy back there.” He raises Jonathan’s arm to expose a series of bloody cuts and gashes all over his hands, both of which were discolored.
“My god, that looks horrible!” I exclaim. “You know, I did want to be a vet when I was little, so I had to take some classes and had some hands on experience. I might be able to work something out.”
Quirk smiled and released Jonathan’s arm. “Thanks a bunch. What exactly do you need?”
Jonathan holds up his knuckles again, and I rub my chin. “Alright..first off we’ll need something cold to put on it. Ice would be best, but I don’t suppose we have that, so we?” I look up and Quirk shakes his head.
“We do have some medical supplies that would help, but no ice sadly.”
“Ok then. I guess we can just put some of the colder water bottles on it as a substitute.” I try to move one of his fingers and it feels squishy. “Next thing we need are some kind of finger splints to put on, then something to disinfect these cuts.”
“I do believe we have those supplies.” Quirk confirms. “What’s after that?”
“That’s it, other than keeping it elevated to stop blood loss and resting.” I explain. Quirk nods and then leaves to retrieve the items.
Jonathan scoffs. “Can’t rest nowadays. Elevation will have to do.”
I sigh. “Oh well, your knuckles, your decision.”
Quirk returns shortly after and hands me the goods. We find a nearby rock to sit on and I begin treating his wounds. After pouring the disinfectant on his cuts, I attempt to converse with him.
“You know, you’re lucky we had all this stuff. Your injuries could’ve been a lot worse in a few days time, especially if it got infected.”
“It was worth it.” He replied.
“Are you sure about that? I mean, you dealt with that guy sure, but was it really worth it?” I quired. “All you managed to do was take the life of an evil man and hurt yourself in the process.
Jonathan stops staring at his hands and looks at me. “Tell me this, Elvira. If something were to ever happen to Thomas, what would you do to the culprit if given the chance?”
1)”Nothing as harsh as what you did.”
2)”Good point.”
3)Pour more disinfectant
"No, stay here Dan." I whisper to him as I shut the door. When I round the corner he rolls his window down.
“Santiago, I really wanna go though!” He begs.
“I just told you no! Now please just stay put.” I growled. He frowns once more and sits down.
Taking a glance around me, I don’t see a walker in sight. I scramble to the car and try to open the passenger side door. It makes a light clicking noise. Locked! I try the other doors. They’re all locked too?! There must be some way I can get to those cans… I look inside of the house for anything I could use, when suddenly I heard gunshots from behind me. I turned around and realized what that meant.
“Cmon, there’s gotta be something here…” I rush over to the next room.
1)Check cabinet
2)Open drawer
3)Examine glass shards
Gah, I had it all loaded and ready then I hit backspace < Anyway, voting ends on the usual time. Happy voting
Take that, hand!
Turning my body around, I attempt to kick the hand with all my might. After about three kicks, the hand rel… moreeases its grip and I pick myself up. I continue to run after James to see him breaking through another glass window. He clears it of broken glass and we both hop out.
“Watch your left!” He yells to me, pointing at a scuttering walker who seems pretty interested in my flesh. I dart out of his grasp and dash forward to James.
“Do you see Usui yet?” I ask, looking around.
“No! Do you think he already made it back to the van?” James suggested.
“He sure better be, I don’t think we have the luxury to wait on him. Let’s go!” The walkers behind us get closer with each sentence.
Talk to Quirk
“Well,” I muttered. “I better go see what he wants. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
Thomas looks up to me again and grumbled. “Yeah, guess so. I’ll be guarding my usual spot.” He then go… [view original content]
Take that, hand!
Turning my body around, I attempt to kick the hand with all my might. After about three kicks, the hand rel… moreeases its grip and I pick myself up. I continue to run after James to see him breaking through another glass window. He clears it of broken glass and we both hop out.
“Watch your left!” He yells to me, pointing at a scuttering walker who seems pretty interested in my flesh. I dart out of his grasp and dash forward to James.
“Do you see Usui yet?” I ask, looking around.
“No! Do you think he already made it back to the van?” James suggested.
“He sure better be, I don’t think we have the luxury to wait on him. Let’s go!” The walkers behind us get closer with each sentence.
Talk to Quirk
“Well,” I muttered. “I better go see what he wants. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
Thomas looks up to me again and grumbled. “Yeah, guess so. I’ll be guarding my usual spot.” He then go… [view original content]
Take that, hand!
Turning my body around, I attempt to kick the hand with all my might. After about three kicks, the hand rel… moreeases its grip and I pick myself up. I continue to run after James to see him breaking through another glass window. He clears it of broken glass and we both hop out.
“Watch your left!” He yells to me, pointing at a scuttering walker who seems pretty interested in my flesh. I dart out of his grasp and dash forward to James.
“Do you see Usui yet?” I ask, looking around.
“No! Do you think he already made it back to the van?” James suggested.
“He sure better be, I don’t think we have the luxury to wait on him. Let’s go!” The walkers behind us get closer with each sentence.
Talk to Quirk
“Well,” I muttered. “I better go see what he wants. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
Thomas looks up to me again and grumbled. “Yeah, guess so. I’ll be guarding my usual spot.” He then go… [view original content]
1)Go with James
2)Kick him
Sebastian will go with James.
Jerry will kick the man.
Kick the man
I stare down at the man as he grunts in pain. Raising my leg, I kick him with all of my might. He doubles over in pain but uses his arm to push himself up. Suddenly, he turned and jumped on top of me, and I could barely hold him back. He growls and groans as he tries to get to my face. At this distance, I could see that this man was no longer a man. He was just another monster. I try to push him off of me with my left arm but the monster’s overwhelming strength proves too much. It grabs my left arm with its arm and tries to pull it to its mouth. Shit, if I try to free my arm he’ll land on me, but if I don’t… As I try to call out for help, the monster gets an inch away from my arm.
“H-Hey! I could use some h-” Blood splatters all over my chest. The monster stops struggling and a blade pierces its forehead. The man who saved me tries to pull out his knife but cannot before Jonathan grabs the corpse of my attacker and throws it off of me. The man reaches his hand down at me.
“Need some help?” He asks. I take his hand and he pulls me up. Now that I was up, I could examine him more closely. He wore a white shirt and had a light green hoodie on with blue jeans.
“Well, while we’re here I might as well introduce myself. My name’s Miles.” We exchange a friendly handshake and I tell him my name.
“Jerry. Thanks for the assist.” Scratching my head, I find that my cap was missing. I tried looking around for it but turned to see Miles holding it.
“Looking for this?” He asked before handing it over. I take it and place it back upon my head.
“That could’ve gone better. Why the hell didn’t you warn me about him?!” I tell Quirk, who runs to the scene.
“How should I know?!” He responds while turning the body over. He gets a grip on the knife and pulls it out, handing it to Miles. Miles takes it and looks at the body.
“Looks like he..’turned’ or something. Certainly wasn’t a walker when we all focused on him earlier.” He looks to Quirk. “What exactly did you do to him?”
“What exactly did you do to him?” I ask Quirk, who turns to me.
“I didn’t do anything. Jonathan only cut off his fingers, nothing that would’ve..’turned’ him into a ‘walker’! What is a walker anyway?”
“That’s just what I call them. And didn’t he lose a lot of blood from that?”
Jonathan crosses his arms. “So what if he did? What are you trying to say?”
I stare at the body and my knife. “You all do know that when you get bit you turn into one, right? You all saw that at Macon, right?” The three nod.
“What if...what if you don’t need to get bit to turn? I know this sounds crazy, but..” Jerry’s eyes open widely as he reacts.
“But how would that work?! I don’t quite see-”
“You die from the bite, that’s for sure. But you don’t die right away if you escape their grasp. I haven’t seen it firsthand, but what if it’s like some kind of viral infection? What if you get sicker and sicker and just die? You’d turn. What happens when you bleed out? You'd die. You. Turn. If this is correct then that means that no matter what happens, no matter which direction we take from now on, we can get miles and miles away from walkers and still fear death.”
They all turn to me and I notice that while I delivered my speech the others walked up. Did everyone hear that? That’s good. They need to know.
“ are telling us that there is no hope then? That all of the work put into making evac points and my team’s involvement was for NOTHING?!” Quirk walks up to me and is clearly not in a good mood from my hypothesis. He places his finger on my chest, which was probably meant to intimidate me.
“Then you weren't alone.”
I lower his arm. “You said before that you’d prefer not to tell me why you were alone. Now I know. I, ‘filled in the blanks’.”
Quirk glared at me with the most malice I’ve ever seen in my life, even at the office.
“I want you out.” He points at me and Shino. “I want you both out. Now.”
I look at the camp’s inhabitants. Most were concerned faces, others were of pure hatred and resentment. Shino pierced Quirk with an icy stare before he spoke again.
“Elvira or Thomas should have a map, use that to figure out where you’re going, because you’re not staying here.”
“Quirk, cmon man, don’t react so harshl-” The man who Quirk referred to as ‘Thomas’ tried to reason with him.
“Don’t try to change my mind, it’s already made. They. Will. LEAVE.” They both walk away and Elvira approaches me with a map. She tries to talk, but is too distraught. She merely hands the map to me and leaves.
Shino pushes her wheelchair over to me and pats me on the back.
“Don’t feel bad about it, that Quirk guy always rubbed me the wrong way…”
(?) Shino will remember your bravery.
I open the map and stare at it for awhile. It had three locations circled in red.
Other evac points? Or possible evac points…
1)Logging camp (Medium distance from Quirk’s Camp, fairly big)
2)River camp (Near Quirk’s Camp, pretty small)
3)Supercenter (Far from Quirk’s Camp, freakin huge)
And the results of some of your actions come into play. The choices for this part are also important, as you might've guessed. Voting ends at 3:30 PM. Happy voting
Logging camp
Sounds like a good idea. Until it goes wrong.
Great chapter!
3)Supercenter (Far from Quirk’s Camp, freakin huge)
Sounds cool.
3)Supercenter (Far from Quirk’s Camp, freakin huge)
In fan fictions I was killed in a river camp, and knocked unconscious in the middle of a gunfight at a logging camp. So um... Supercenter you're my last hope.
1)Logging camp (Medium distance from Quirk’s Camp, fairly big)
Looks like we have ourselves a tie.
Someone'll need to come and break it or someone here will have to swallow their pride.
Miles will choose the logging camp as their destination!
1)Logging camp (Medium distance from Quirk’s Camp, fairly big)
Go with James
As we watched Usui disappear into the garage, sword in hand, James turned to me.
“So, made up your mind yet?” He asked.
“Yeah. I’ll help you with the store.” I respond.
“Alright then. Tell those kids what’s up before you go, I’ll wait for you there.” I nod and we part ways. I knock on the window of the van to get their attention, and Santiago rolls it down.
“What’s up, Sebastian?”
“We’re gonna go look for gas for the van, you two stay here and don’t leave the vehicle. You understand?” They both nod in agreement.
“We’ll be good Seb.” Daniel says while smiling. “Promise!”
I leave them and start heading for the store. When I arrive I’m greeted with the bodies of many people sprawled about. They looked like they had been shot to death, although some had gashes in their limbs.
“Glad this wasn’t us.” I say out loud to James, who is also examining the chaos. “It would’ve been if we got here earli-” One of the bodies suddenly lunges upwards and grabs my arm. It struggles for a bit before James shoots it. We both look in bewilderment at the event before realizing that some of the other bodies started getting up as well. James aimed at the head of the closest one and pulled the trigger.
I pull the trigger but nothing happens. Damnit, I must’ve used my last bullet saving Sebastian… The walkers continue their march, closing in on us. I kick a few of them down and try climbing on top of some nearby cars, Sebastian sees me doing this and does the same, but not before finishing off two walkers. We hop from car to car, however we are soon met with a dead end. The walkers get closer and closer and when they reach the truck we are standing on, start clawing and pushing on it. Sebastian nearly falls off but I grab his hand and pull him back up, almost falling off myself.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any way out of this?” I look around and see our only chance of survival. I holster my gun and prepared myself.
“Huh? James, what’re you-”
Sebastian didn’t even finish his sentence before I jumped.
Logging Camp it is!
I point to the red circle that seemed to be relatively far away from Quirk’s camp. Shino peers over my shoulder to see where I chose for us to go.
“There. That’s where we’ll go.” I say with confidence. “The map says it’s called..’Sloan Lumber Camp’. Cool name, I guess.”
Shino smiles. “We’ll all come up with a better name for it later.” I fold up the map and look downwards.
“Speaking of ‘we’ will the others know where we are now?” I raise my head up to see Quirk arguing with Thomas a few yards away from us, and that ‘Josephine’ woman walks up to them. “I have no doubt in my mind that if James asks about us that Quirk will lie about us being here.
Atleast, after his outburst I think so.”
She holds her chin with one hand and starts to think. “That is a predicament, isn’t it…”
Before either of us noticed, Thomas walked up to us. He took the backpack he had on and dropped it in front of us.
“You’re real lucky, you know that?” He told us.
“I’ve never seen Quirk that angry before, but somehow Josephine and I still managed to get him to lend you some supplies and a great deal too.”
Shino and I both looked at eachother. “What deal?” I asked.
“He said that you’re free to wait for your friends here, but there’s a catch.” He paused. “You have to wait at the far end of the camp alone for them, and if they don’t arrive by sunset that you’d have to leave anyway.”
“Sunset?! He’s so angry that he’d willingly cast out two survivors at the most dangerous time, when visibility is low?”
He sighed. “I’m sorry, that’s the best we got. I don’t think any more begging will do anyone any good.”
“Well, I still have hope. James won’t let us down after what he did back at the station. Thanks Thomas, for everything. Tell the others the same.”
Thomas nods and starts walking away. He gets about a foot away before I speak again.
“Thomas, wait.”
“Hm?” He turns and stares at the two of us.
1)”Be careful.”
2)”What’s your opinion of Quirk?”
3)”...It’s nothing. Nevermind.”
Voting will end in two and a half hours. Happy voting
1)”Be careful.” hes dead !!! or will be...
"Be careful"
2)”What’s your opinion of Quirk?”
I will extend the voting time to 3 PM tomorrow, due to there being too few hours to write tonight.
"Be careful"
2)”What’s your opinion of Quirk?”
Miles will tell Thomas to be careful.
I felt James' hand grab mine just as I slip and he pulls my body from falling.
“Phew..thanks again James. You see uh, any way out of this?” I turn around to see about 20 walkers pushing against the truck. *We aren't gonna last much longer… *
“Huh? James, what’re you-” I try to talk to James again, but my words are cut short. James jumped from the truck and hit the ground with a thud. He picked himself up, grabbing his shoulder in pain, and tried to get the walker’s attention.
“Hey! Uglies! Get me, I’m over here! That guy doesn’t have much meat on his bones!” They took notice and most of them started stumbling after James.
“James! What are you thinking?! Climb on another car!” He started backing up from the horde.
“Don’t think so, pal. Go back to the van, even without fuel it’s a better place to be that where you are right now.”
“And leave you alone without ammo?! I don’t think so!” I yelled back. A few from the back of the group looked at me and stopped following James.
“Listen, you rotten freaks! Follow me!” They turned back and continued to walk in his direction. “Sebastian, I’m not gonna tell you again. Get to the van!” Each time a walker got close James kicked it away.
1)”Hell no man, I’m not leaving you!”
2)”Ok, I will, but you better come back!”
3)Try to distract the walkers from James
Sebastian then left us and went after James. We sat in the van for about ten minutes before Daniel started getting bored.
“Santiago, wanna play I spy?” He said while looking around the van.
“No Dan. We need to be careful, I told you that earlier.”
“But that was before we met Seb and the others!” He told me. “They’ll protect us now.”
“But they’re not here right now, so I’m protecting you for now.” I folded my arms and started thinking about how safe the evac point could be. We could live there and be alive, but still be afraid of what’s outside it. Living safely doesn’t mean living without fear.
Daniel looked at me and sighed, sitting back down. Precisely five seconds later he started again.
“I spy!”
2)”Your shirt.”
3)”I spy something...annoying.”
4)Ignore him
“..Be careful.” I told Thomas, whose cheerful face turned into an emotionless stare. He turned back around and spoke two words to us before he walked away.
“I know.”
The two of us went back to James’ truck and sat there, alone. From time to time people would either stare at us and then pass by, or ignore us altogether. After awhile I looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was far from the place it was at when I saved Jerry. Only a few hours left to wait. Hopefully they’ll make it in time..
“So, what do you think is taking them so long, Shino?” I ask her, cleaning my knife of walker blood. There was no response. “Shino?” I turn and see that she has fallen asleep. She didn’t even seem tired earlier..perhaps it was all the stress? I lean the driver side chair down and lay on it.
Guess I’d better get some shut eye too. We’re gonna need it.
I close my eyes in preparation for whats to come.
Whatever it is.
Voting will end in two and a half hours, happy voting
2)”Ok, I will, but you better come back!”
3)”I spy something...annoying.”
1)”Hell no man, I’m not leaving you!”
1)”Blood.” is this an easter egg?
2)”Ok, I will, but you better come back!”
3)”I spy something...annoying.”
A bloody egg you say?
god please remove that picture, never mind I ask !!!
1)”Hell no man, I’m not leaving you!”
3)”I spy something...annoying.”
"hell no man, I'm not leaving you"
"your shirt"
Sebastian will not leave James!
Santiago will reply with..less kindness.
I'll be working on the next part shortly, just had a minor case of writer's block.
“And I spy something annoying.” I tell Daniel while laying back against the seat. He looks back at me with an oblivious face.
“That’s not a color! And it’s not your turn. It’s red, that’s all I’m telling you.”
“Daniel, I’m not in the mood. Please.” He makes a face like he’s about to cry and then stops.
“Fine, I didn’t wanna tell you it was a container anyway…”
“Wait, a container? What kind?” I ask. He points to a nearby car that’s been run into a house. In the back of the car I could see two red containers through the back window. “Daniel, do you realize what you just did?” I ask him.
“What? Am I in trouble?” He responds.
“No, the opposite, actually. Those carry fuel! Gas for the van!” I tell him while unbuckling myself from the seat.
“Wait, where are you going?” He starts to unbuckle himself too. “I wanna go!”
“It’s far too dangerous Daniel, what if you got hurt?” I open my door and climb out.
“Then why are you going alone? Isn’t it dangerous if there’s no one with you too?” I stare at him, then sigh.
“Please take me, Santiago! I’ll be good, you’ll see!”
1)”No, stay here Dan.”
2)”Fine, come with me.”
“Hell no man, I’m not leaving you!” I yell back after shooting another walker from below me. James tries to push another walker away but it grabs him. They struggle for awhile before I shoot it, then James pushes the body from him. As James continues to back up, I check my ammo. Only three left. Better use em wisely.
“Fine, here’s the plan if you refuse to leave! We’ll cut through the store and make a run for our van! First you gotta drop down, and if we see Usui along the way we’ll grab him too!” James leads the walkers on for awhile, and I shoot another one.
“Alright, here we go…” I leap off of the vehicle and stick the landing. I run to James and we break one of the store’s windows by hitting it with our guns. When we clear it of broken glass, we both climb in.
“No time to grab anything, we gotta go.” James tells me.
“What about fuel?” I ask.
“All we can do is hope Usui found some.” He responds. The walkers behind us fill up the back of the store and we continue running. While we were running I felt a firm grip around my ankle and I fall.
1)Kick hand
2)Hit hand with gun
3)Grab hold of something
“Do you think they’ll be ok out there when they leave?” I ask Thomas, who walks towards me and sits down with a frown on his face.
Thomas scratched his head. “I don’t know, I sure hope so though. The supplies Quirk handed out were pretty light. Only a few boxes of snacks, some water, and two bullets.”
“Two bullets?” I repeated. “Why give them any at all if only two?”
“Probably some hidden meaning to it. Two bullets, two people.” He held his head with his hands, and cursed silently. “It’s such a shitty situation…”
I pat his back, then remove his hands from his head. “It’s alright now. We made it. Getting anywhere away from that city is an accomplishment.” He lifts his head and I smile.
“Elvira, can I talk to you for a second?” Quirk suddenly shouts from across the camp. Thomas looks up and his eyes shift from Quirk to me.
1)Go to Quirk
2)Stay with Thomas
Voting ends tomorrow at 3 PM, and it'll definitely be longer than these. Happy voting
["No, stay here Dan."]
[Kick hand]
[Go to Quirk]
Great chapter!
1)”No, stay here Dan.”
Yeaaaahhh... No.
1)Kick hand
Must be fastest I'm hoping.
1)Go to Quirk
Gustav ain't getting no drugs.
["No, stay here Dan."]
[Kick hand]
[Go to Quirk]
1)”No, stay here Dan.”
3)Grab hold of something
1)Go to Quirk
Santiago will tell Daniel to stay.
Sebastian will kick the hand.
Elvira will go to Quirk.
Take that, hand!
Turning my body around, I attempt to kick the hand with all my might. After about three kicks, the hand releases its grip and I pick myself up. I continue to run after James to see him breaking through another glass window. He clears it of broken glass and we both hop out.
“Watch your left!” He yells to me, pointing at a scuttering walker who seems pretty interested in my flesh. I dart out of his grasp and dash forward to James.
“Do you see Usui yet?” I ask, looking around.
“No! Do you think he already made it back to the van?” James suggested.
“He sure better be, I don’t think we have the luxury to wait on him. Let’s go!” The walkers behind us get closer with each sentence.
Talk to Quirk
“Well,” I muttered. “I better go see what he wants. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a second.”
Thomas looks up to me again and grumbled. “Yeah, guess so. I’ll be guarding my usual spot.” He then got up, grabbed his hatchet, and walked away. Before I could try to comfort him, Quirk’s bellowing voice hit my eardrums.
“Elvira, I could use your help right now!” I stand up and rush over to him.
“What’s up?” I ask him, who turns around to reveal Jonathan in his usual grumpy mood in his company.
“I’ve been asking around the camp if anyone had any sort of medical experience. Jonathan here messed his knuckles up pretty bad with that guy back there.” He raises Jonathan’s arm to expose a series of bloody cuts and gashes all over his hands, both of which were discolored.
“My god, that looks horrible!” I exclaim. “You know, I did want to be a vet when I was little, so I had to take some classes and had some hands on experience. I might be able to work something out.”
Quirk smiled and released Jonathan’s arm. “Thanks a bunch. What exactly do you need?”
Jonathan holds up his knuckles again, and I rub my chin. “Alright..first off we’ll need something cold to put on it. Ice would be best, but I don’t suppose we have that, so we?” I look up and Quirk shakes his head.
“We do have some medical supplies that would help, but no ice sadly.”
“Ok then. I guess we can just put some of the colder water bottles on it as a substitute.” I try to move one of his fingers and it feels squishy. “Next thing we need are some kind of finger splints to put on, then something to disinfect these cuts.”
“I do believe we have those supplies.” Quirk confirms. “What’s after that?”
“That’s it, other than keeping it elevated to stop blood loss and resting.” I explain. Quirk nods and then leaves to retrieve the items.
Jonathan scoffs. “Can’t rest nowadays. Elevation will have to do.”
I sigh. “Oh well, your knuckles, your decision.”
Quirk returns shortly after and hands me the goods. We find a nearby rock to sit on and I begin treating his wounds. After pouring the disinfectant on his cuts, I attempt to converse with him.
“You know, you’re lucky we had all this stuff. Your injuries could’ve been a lot worse in a few days time, especially if it got infected.”
“It was worth it.” He replied.
“Are you sure about that? I mean, you dealt with that guy sure, but was it really worth it?” I quired. “All you managed to do was take the life of an evil man and hurt yourself in the process.
Jonathan stops staring at his hands and looks at me. “Tell me this, Elvira. If something were to ever happen to Thomas, what would you do to the culprit if given the chance?”
1)”Nothing as harsh as what you did.”
2)”Good point.”
3)Pour more disinfectant
"No, stay here Dan." I whisper to him as I shut the door. When I round the corner he rolls his window down.
“Santiago, I really wanna go though!” He begs.
“I just told you no! Now please just stay put.” I growled. He frowns once more and sits down.
Taking a glance around me, I don’t see a walker in sight. I scramble to the car and try to open the passenger side door. It makes a light clicking noise. Locked! I try the other doors. They’re all locked too?! There must be some way I can get to those cans… I look inside of the house for anything I could use, when suddenly I heard gunshots from behind me. I turned around and realized what that meant.
“Cmon, there’s gotta be something here…” I rush over to the next room.
1)Check cabinet
2)Open drawer
3)Examine glass shards
Gah, I had it all loaded and ready then I hit backspace
< Anyway, voting ends on the usual time. Happy voting 
1)”Nothing as harsh as what you did.” Elvira is gonna be good ....for now
3)Examine glass shards Glass = weapon?
3)Pour more disinfectant
2)Open drawer
3(Pour more disinfectant
2)Open drawer
Yup, that's me. Viva la Rebellion!