Death predictions for Season 5 finale.


In 5 days, Season 5 of The Walking Dead will end in a 90 minute finale, and we've been promised by several people to expect a lot of death. Norman Reedus said bring some tissues, Gale Anne Hurd (an executive producer) said there will be a lot of blood on Talking Dead last week, the list goes on and on. So who do you think is going to die on Sunday? My guess, possibly Carol, Pete, Deanna, her husband, Judith, and quite possibly Daryl, even though I feel his death should be saved for a famous bat wielding villain.



  • Jessie, Jessie's older kid.

  • Yup they reek of death. Rick is not allowed to be happy dammit!

    Jessie, Jessie's older kid.

  • Spoiler

    I doubt they're going to kill her since she and Rick still have yet to get together, but I agree on her son, I forgot he even existed until you mentioned him.

    Jessie, Jessie's older kid.

  • Really though if they have the wolves show up early enough have them shot, jessie and rick fuck, gunshots draw walkers then the end can be there dramatic end.

    I do think the younger kid might survive and its this kid that also make me think carol might survive, they will both die or live in my opinion.

    I hope they dont kill them though, carol's great at this point and no thats not a reason to kill a character

  • I agree on Carol, she is such a fantastic character and my favorite from the show, but it just seems so likely for her to die for some reason, I hope I'm wrong though.

    Really though if they have the wolves show up early enough have them shot, jessie and rick fuck, gunshots draw walkers then the end can be t

  • edited March 2015

    I agree after Beth this show does plenty of stupid deaths for little to zero reason, Carol is such a rich character compared to the rest, They've improved Rick, Michonne and Glenn A LOT lately but everyone else is just kind of dull.

    However nobody died in the finale last year so its poissble this year actually I just realised Deanna and her husband will die too so thats four pretty gruesome deaths and if they keep the carl stuff and ricks speech after they defeat the herd thats a great season end

    I agree on Carol, she is such a fantastic character and my favorite from the show, but it just seems so likely for her to die for some reason, I hope I'm wrong though.

  • However nobody died in the finale last year

    Joe and the Claimers, unless you're talking only about the main group, in which case yeah, no one died.

    I agree after Beth this show does plenty of stupid deaths for little to zero reason, Carol is such a rich character compared to the rest, Th

  • Well I'm thinking they'll skip the romance stuff and just kill her off when their relationship is starting to bloom, but I could be wrong.

  • Yeah thats what I meant, my prediction would still kill plenty of non group members.

    On a sidenote I think Pete might live, there's no other doctor as I can see

    However nobody died in the finale last year Joe and the Claimers, unless you're talking only about the main group, in which case yeah, no one died.

  • edited March 2015

    Carol or Daryl (I strongly feel like one of them is guaranteed, if not both), Deanna, Deanna's husband, Sam, Pete. Maybe Enid.

  • while it's supposed to be a tear-jerker, that doesn't necessarily mean that a major, beloved character will die...but I don't want Carol or Daryl to kick the bucket, especially when they haven't even bucked yet.

  • For some odd reason I have the feeling Daryl's time is coming... but not necessarily in the finale. Maybe in season 6, the earlier episodes. But if they do kill off Daryl, I'll probably set my tv on fire.

  • Just please don't be Carol. She's one of the few characters I genuinely find interesting.

  • I don't think Enid will die, I think she is gonna take Sophia's (comic) rol in the show.

    Carol or Daryl (I strongly feel like one of them is guaranteed, if not both), Deanna, Deanna's husband, Sam, Pete. Maybe Enid.

  • Pete for sure. Reg probably, and Deanna, Jessie, and her eldest son if we get far enough into the plot. Something big is going to happen with each of the originals, but I don't think any of those will die. Ugh, I feel like a big death is going to happen, but I have no idea who it could be.

  • Daryl
    Enid(cause Carl cant be happy

  • Well for main character I think it will either be Carol Daryl or Glenn

  • Spoiler

    Lots of blood would be for a different reason.

    1. Pete

    2. Pete's victim(s)

    3. Wolves

  • Pete, Reg or Deanna (Pete will kill one of them)

  • My gut say's it'll be Carol!

  • Daryl and Carol don't like each other like that. They're just really good friends.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    while it's supposed to be a tear-jerker, that doesn't necessarily mean that a major, beloved character will die...but I don't want Carol or Daryl to kick the bucket, especially when they haven't even bucked yet.

  • Rick, Carol

  • rick will not die this early

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Rick, Carol

  • I don't think anyone too major, Probably some Alexandria people and possibly a minor character or two from Rick's Group.

  • edited March 2015

    Jessie will probably bite the dust, and maybe, just maybe, they'll kill off Carol or Daryl. If it comes between the two of them I'd prefer it to be Daryl though. Norman claims the episode is going to be a tearjerker, and considering that it is extra long I think they have some special deaths planned. .-.

    ...But as long as it isn't Glenn, I'll manage.

  • Norman Reedus said bring some tissues

    This makes me think someone, or maybe even multiple people from the group are going to die.

    I don't want anyone to die, especially Carol, and Tara. I don't really care about any of the Alexandrian's. I'm terrible at predicting stuff, so I have no clue who's blood'll be spilled.

  • Hmmm Sasha?................

  • Glen.
    I think Glen is gonna bite the bullet.

  • They are obviously not going to kill Daryl because of his popularity, It could be Carol but I think not because of the pete storyline she's involved in. I actually don't think we will see many major deaths except for Alexandria folk and maybe a minor character from Ricks group.

  • In this last episode? Pete definitely, probably Reg and Deanna, and maybe some other Alexandrian's like Nicholas. Jessie won't die till atleast the season 6 midseason finale. No main characters will die, but Carl might lose an eye or something, and Sasha could die but I doubt it.

  • i dunno...I think there's a potential romance there

    Daryl and Carol don't like each other like that. They're just really good friends.

  • lol mine was just a guess.

    JonCross posted: »

    rick will not die this early

  • They've had countless opportunities to start a romance. It would make no sense for the writers to build up a romance that took four seasons of building up to start.

    Aerie88 posted: »

    i dunno...I think there's a potential romance there

  • Spoiler
    Jesse C Boyd and Benedict Samaul confirmed to be 2 members of the wolves

  • I think probably Sasha, Deanna, or hell most of the characters that were introduced this season. The only person I want to die is Father Gabriel. Seriously, am I the only one who really fucking hates this character?

  • *Bat

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Glen. I think Glen is gonna bite the bullet.

  • edited March 2015

    Probably Reg, Pete, and maybe Carol. And here's hoping that Morgan makes an appearance. Maybe as Daryl's first recruit?

  • Well if it's suppose to be a tearjerker, i'm gonna predict it being Little Judy's death. Seeing how emotionally distraught the group will be, especially Rick, will be the saddest part. I could see the death scene; as Judy is dying, Rick is crying and yelling, trying whatever he can do to save her but there's no hope and then hes holding her till she turns and finally it comes to point where he has to shoot her and he struggles heavily. That would be a very tragic scene.

  • more than likely jessie and her kid... well thats if they go off the comic. these fuckers set it all up. it wasnt until the ep. before this one that they replaced andrea, comic andrea, with sasha as the sniper.... sneaky fucks.. but yeah if they go by the comics they are fucked.

    anyone else dont want them to die??? i love jessie, the actress is freaking beautiful and who are they going to make ricks lover(?) like in the comics??? sasha??...and although i would love to see that moral fucked up decision rick has to do in order to save carl in the heard. but im not sure if they are even doing any of that. that be awesome like the comics

  • Okay well I was just on instagram, and there was this one post from an official page, and they accidentally revealed something, but then immediately deleted it. I was one of the few unlucky people who saw it, and now I'm crying It kills me.

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