A truly horrifying thought 0.0

In the first episode Sera says something like, if she'd merry Joffrey and be queen, she'd "allow" Mira to be her handmaiden... I thought WTF, no you didn't just say that, biatch! And right away I got a weird feeling of foreboding. After playing episode 3 it's nagging me worse than ever... What if Margaery is gonna marry Sera to Gryff?!?!? Omg... 0.0 And out of spite makes us her handmaiden... I ... can't .... breathe....


  • Only if it means I get to kill get when the white hills inevitably lose

  • If I become Sera's handmaiden she will get a sudden urge to fall on my dagger several times.

  • Idk if I can wait that long lol

    Smoughstein posted: »

    Only if it means I get to kill get when the white hills inevitably lose

  • Lol.. Well, I DID keep Damien's knife...

    If I become Sera's handmaiden she will get a sudden urge to fall on my dagger several times.

  • Promise or no promise, I think I'll rat her out if that happens. Yeah, Gryff, go ahead. Merry Sera FLOWERS!

  • Haha Mira would have complete blackmail over the whitehills. >=D

    VicMasina posted: »

    Promise or no promise, I think I'll rat her out if that happens. Yeah, Gryff, go ahead. Merry Sera FLOWERS!

  • Same. When she said "i'D marry Joffrey :)" and I was like "no,no,no,no you're not marrying into that dickhead." And when she said that she would allow mira to be a her handmaiden I was like "wtf, no that's enough."

  • Since they're of equal status(ish) I don't think either could ever be handmaiden to the other. If the truth of Sera's birth came out she could probably be Mira's handmaiden. Unless Sera marries into royalty or a great house (Lannister, Tyrell, etc.) she'll always be below or "equal" to Mira. With Gryff being a fourthborn son Sera would still be below or equal ro Mira even if she married him (unless his older brother Torrehn dies, then he's Lord Whitehill, in which case they're still just "equals")

  • Well then I have a terrible feeling Mira might "accidentally" let Sera's secrect slip during the wedding. Sera would be ousted as a bastard and the Whitehills would look like fools in front of everybody present at the wedding for trying to marry off their son to a bastard.

    I'd say that would work out in the Forresters favor.

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