The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Cool bro we will wait :)

    I think I need to take a break for several days. I really need to focus on my comic if I want to release it. I hope I can resist the urge to go on in the break. Anyway... I'll be back. B3

  • You know i just love how people want genocide to be legal. I mean why have any tolerance or common sense when you can just kill people.

    Markd4547 posted: » I'm speechless I'm disappointed and angered to a level I cannot express in words this just speaks for itself

  • resist the urge

    dont fite it (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

    jk Have fun with your comic ^^

    I think I need to take a break for several days. I really need to focus on my comic if I want to release it. I hope I can resist the urge to go on in the break. Anyway... I'll be back. B3

  • Dman :\

    I know how that feels, and not just for math.

    I bombed my math test...Oh well.

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    I'm sad to hear your going but happy your working on the comic see your bro enjoy the break :)

    I think I need to take a break for several days. I really need to focus on my comic if I want to release it. I hope I can resist the urge to go on in the break. Anyway... I'll be back. B3

  • Whatever, it's just one test.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Dman I know how that feels, and not just for math.

  • WHAT



    Markd4547 posted: » I'm speechless I'm disappointed and angered to a level I cannot express in words this just speaks for itself

  • Did it count for much?

    Whatever, it's just one test.

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    Me in every game I play ^

  • ...Hopefully not.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Did it count for much?

  • Such a perfect gif.

    Clancy Wiggum.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Me in every game I play ^

  • edited March 2015

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    That moment you were the person who told Tobi you can only draw stick figures yet still struggle XD

    I like it. The style sorta remnds me of Courage the Cowardly Dog for some reason. But anyway stressingto become better could put in a timefr

  • fuk u danyul

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    am sorry mine's gone corrupt or some shit

  • You look kind of like Theon to me.

    Yeah i am a douchebag lol ill admit to that but it's a way of living and i think i already apologized in the past but i meant more how chu think im lookin

  • I don't think that Victoria and her minions were pointlessly rude, that's just their characters. Pointlessly rude would be like a background character yelling "Move it dork!" at Max or something.

    Finally, someone who agrees about Chloe. Well, somewhat. I actually don't hate Chloe but I don't think she's that great either. I don't like how she encourages Max to get in trouble so much and I think that she overreacts and gets mad when she shouldn't. I felt no regret hiding in the closet (on my first playthrough, I missed the closet option but I didn't take the blame for the weed, it's her own fault and it's a bitchy move to blame it on a guest in her house). I also think her getting annoyed at me answering Kate's call was dumb. Chloe goes on and on about how tight she is with Rachel but if I want to check in with a girl who is not doing well emotionally, I'm at fault and should just "hang out with her then.". Strangely, I feel more chemistry between Max and Kate as friends than Chloe.

    Well I did include them, and I also included random adults. And that episode gave me an entire laundry list of reasons to hate Chloe.

  • I feel bad, some girls I know are real upset over it. I never had much interest but I do have to admit "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" is catchy as hell.

    I think they should keep in mind that at least he's alive and taking his own personal happiness over fame. Who knows, he could go solo and his career and life could be even better.

    My bestfriends are crying after I saw a tweet regarding One Direction. Zayn Malik, has decided to leave One Direction after talking with

  • Princess to Rocker....

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    (The first is an edit by me from forever ago)

    Let us not forget the most important fact about Clementine, she is also a huge fan of Metallica.


    Princess to Rocker.... (The first is an edit by me from forever ago)


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    That part had me in stitches. I don't even follow either bands, but it's true!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

  • White Knuckle Ride - Jamiroquai

    I just recently discovered this song recently after searching around on YouTube. I've heard other songs by the same artist before, but not this one. It's extremely catchy.

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    Princess to Rocker.... (The first is an edit by me from forever ago)

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    I remember a couple of months ago I tried to get my sister into gaming she only occasionally played Cod in a friends house and as a young kid she played lots of games

    Most people in Ireland just play COD alone I know no one who plays telltale games but me

    So I wanted to show her a different sort of games which are truly awesome

    I showed her and she played Heavy Rain, TWD s1, Beyond two souls, TLOU, TWD S2 she loved them all and completed every game in a day or two XD.

    The ending of twd s1 she cried her eyes out no other game did that happen for

    I asked her yesterday what is the greatest game you ever played? and she said TWD S1

    It's like you find an absolute treasure of a game and an experience that you love but is unknown you share it, and they see the exact same thing as you did a masterpiece of story-telling which they most unlikely will never play until you showed them that feels awesome. She was used to COD kill them all but plays a game which is all about protecting a little girl in such an evil and dangerous world designed purely on beautiful story and morals

    I even noticed after 1 episode she stopped calling Clem clementine, But clem, clemmy, little clem etc when referring to her I find little details like that awesome she really did connect with the characters

    AND YES she wanted to restart the game when she hurt clems feeling to XD

    I just found it cool I got to share the experience of that game and her saying that game was the greatest game she ever played I was mindblown as she never played a game anything like that before that game is her best game of all time and I showed her that experience of such an awesome game :D

    I think season 1 is a timeless experience that should be played by everyone

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  • I've seen the first one, but it never gets old. XD



  • Tales from the Borderlands season pass giveaway:

  • I thnk it was "What Makes You Beautiful"


    I feel bad, some girls I know are real upset over it. I never had much interest but I do have to admit "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" is

  • To be honest, the fandom for One Direction is one of the most "united" fandom I've seen.

    plus this, (which probably dates back to 2011- 2012)

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  • Yeah, I just wanna ditch Chloe and all the bullshit that could get Max killed and just start hanging out with Kate.

    I don't think that Victoria and her minions were pointlessly rude, that's just their characters. Pointlessly rude would be like a background

  • So some kids from the special education program at my school are graduating this year and I signed up to help prepare for their party, which includes making the food. Most (actually, all) of them are finger foods because they aren't capable of eating really fancy or complicated meals. We each had to come up with an idea. I chose to make mini cherry cheesecakes, buuuut I gave the other group the idea to make rainbow (kind of?) rice krispie squares and I think they did a really good job. The kids came today to try a sample of what was to be expected at the party.

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    The rice krispies were probably their favourites because they were so colourful. There were also mini red velvet cupcakes (with cream cheese frosting), cherry cheesecakes (what I made), celery w/ a homemade french onion dip and apples w/ a dip made with cinnamon. And two different kinds of punch. Obviously there'll be other fruits and vegetables at the party to serve with the dip, not just celery and apples.

    I thought it was pretty cute :3 And they were really excited to try it out, which made me happy.

  • Send some pls

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    So some kids from the special education program at my school are graduating this year and I signed up to help prepare for their party, which

  • You're so nice <3

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    So some kids from the special education program at my school are graduating this year and I signed up to help prepare for their party, which

  • Guys, I got the invisibilty merit badge. You are never safe now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • That's very thoughtful of you, I wish there were more people who had the initiative to contribute.

    So some kids from the special education program at my school are graduating this year and I signed up to help prepare for their party, which

  • i just watched 2 girls 1 cup.

    my god,,, wtf.

  • edited March 2015

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    AAHHH That's my trigger OH NO that video I seen it years ago NO I must unsee that :'(

    i just watched 2 girls 1 cup. my god,,, wtf.

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