How would you deal with Whitehills?

If in the end Telltale gives us many options of what to do with Whitehills which one would you chose?
Do nothing?
Take their land?
Humiliate them?
Kill some of them?
Exterminate the entire family?
Something else?



  • Dying first chance I get, Gwyn seems nice enough so she's cool.

  • If possible, ally with them.

  • take their land and put ludd whitehill and gryff head into a spike.

  • Go all Rains of Castamere on them.

  • Kill Ludd. Kill the dudes who were reenacting Ethan's death for the lulz. Maybe kill Gryff, still 50/50 on that one. Take a bit of their land. Otherwise leave them alone and not do what they've done to us.

  • Well...Make peace...and in the middle of the night slice all their throats open in their sleep.

  • Any reasonable members (Gwyn, if any of the brothers are okay, the smallfolk) all get to live. Ludd and Gryff are on the kill list.

  • Personally I hope we get to do a Genghis Khan maneuver. Let the Whitehills thing they have is on the run, and about ready to come in for the kill.... then we spring the trap and finish them off.

  • I want to spare Gwyn if I can but the rest are getting the Godfather treatment.

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  • edited March 2015

    House Whitehill:

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  • Kill em' all

  • jesus f* christ

    Scaeva posted: »

    House Whitehill: Highpoint:

  • Spare Gwyn (and anyone else that might be decent next episode), kill the others.

  • Its Game of Thrones, its not that simple unfortunately.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Kill Ludd. Kill the dudes who were reenacting Ethan's death for the lulz. Maybe kill Gryff, still 50/50 on that one. Take a bit of their land. Otherwise leave them alone and not do what they've done to us.

  • If possible I want peace I'd even consider taking a member of the family as a ward.

  • Yeah. If Gryff is the fourth born, that means there are at least two others. I'm betting on one of them being decent.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Spare Gwyn (and anyone else that might be decent next episode), kill the others.

  • How I would deal with Ludd and Gryff

  • Rodrik: "Let Ashers mercs pillage their lands as pay and then execute them all"

    Gwyn: "You promised"

    Rodrik ".... Starting with her"

  • That's a bit much. (thats assuming you're serious and not telling a joke I can never tell XD)

    Rodrik: "Let Ashers mercs pillage their lands as pay and then execute them all" Gwyn: "You promised" Rodrik ".... Starting with her"

  • Kill all the dudes, force Gwyn to marry Asher so he'll be lord of Highpoint.

  • I promised mother Forrester that i would kill them all and i intend to keep that promise. I'm gonna salt the f###ing earth.

  • Oooh I like that option...

    Well...Make peace...and in the middle of the night slice all their throats open in their sleep.

  • Probably the second or third born...I don't see the first born being all that nice.

    Yeah. If Gryff is the fourth born, that means there are at least two others. I'm betting on one of them being decent.

  • Yeah most likely as he would be the one who would get all the attention from Ludd. And one of the second or third born is Gwyn.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Probably the second or third born...I don't see the first born being all that nice.

  • Daddy´s favourite, for sure.

    They say Gryff is the fourth born son, though. That´s only counting the males. Gwyn would be the x born daughter.

    Yeah most likely as he would be the one who would get all the attention from Ludd. And one of the second or third born is Gwyn.

  • Oh. I don't remember them saying fourth born son.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Daddy´s favourite, for sure. They say Gryff is the fourth born son, though. That´s only counting the males. Gwyn would be the x born daughter.

  • Alt text

    Oh. I don't remember them saying fourth born son.

  • Let´s hope the other two are decent...

    Ah. Yeah that's right.

  • Hopefully. We need more than just Gwyn.

    I'm gonna bet on one of them.

  • I'm gonna bet on one of them.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Let´s hope the other two are decent...

  • I don't think it's realistic to think both of them though.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hopefully. We need more than just Gwyn.

  • No, that´d be too good for a universe like GoT. You just can´t have nice things there.

    I don't think it's realistic to think both of them though.

  • I think that's called, "Going Tywin."

    jesus f* christ


    yyyggg posted: »

    Kill all the dudes, force Gwyn to marry Asher so he'll be lord of Highpoint.

  • After raiding Highpoint and taking the Whitehills captive, I'd send them to the Wall where they may be of service to the Nights watch. I'd procede to burn Highpoint to the ground while offering the displaced smallfolk a chance to help Ironrath and it's associated villages expand.

  • edited March 2015

    If this option were possible, I would take Gwyn hostage to try and even the playing field just a little. She could be taken to a remote area and need 1-2 people guarding her.

    bloop posted: »

    Dying first chance I get, Gwyn seems nice enough so she's cool.

  • Spare any willing to make peace (so basically Ludd, Gryff, and the other sons/brothers will have to die) with the Forresters and then marry Gwyn and Asher to ensure the peace.

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