Soooo...who stayed down?



  • edited March 2015

    I kept getting up, until he stepped on my arm to keep me down, and the maester said if he continued that I might lose it. If Talia dies, oh well, but I'm already a cripple, can't risk becoming an amputee as well.

  • I agree, I didn't want to look like a Lord who was indecisive. It's either bend the knee all the way or defy all the way, anything else makes you look weak.

    JPAssini posted: »

    It's inconsistent to stay down after refusing to kiss Ludd's ring. That's why I saw myself forced to get up every time, don't regret it though.

  • edited March 2015

    This sister was encouraging me to get up, and this as a girl who saw her twin brother die for (in my game) refusing to kneel, as a girl who is smart enough to understand exactly what kind of total bully Gryff is (even if she somehow had missed his public threats to her even before the whispering to Rodrik) and couldn't ignore for one second that this ain't a game but a matter of life, death and honour. And still she wanted me to get up. She was aware of the risks and was ready to take them for the sake of the Forrester's honour.

    I play my characters with the idea in mind that some humiliations are unacceptable and refusing them is worth extreme risks. And that maintaining the honour of House Forrester is just as vital as its survival. I'm glad that Talia shares the same mind.

    Besides you don't need to be an expert in bullies' psychology to know that when you give in to their sadistic demands, they will always push it further. They don't have a limit from which they think "okay, he's taken enough", they just don't work like that.

    When in next episode Gryff demands that you drink a bottle of his piss while wearing jester's clothes, as your mother is stripped naked by his men and forced to wear a leash, and you all have to say thank you under threat of Talia's death, perhaps you'll finally get my point.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Would you rather your sister die as you stand than live on your knees?

  • I stayed down and I must say I really made a fine doormat.

  • edited March 2015

    i got up, fuck gryff i was done putting my bride aside i didn't care if talia or anyone else died I've had enough of him and his soldiers (i was so mad when they made the play on Ethan's death i choose to hit that solider bastard so hard XD)

  • Staying down seemed like the right thing to do. Best to set aside pride to protect the family and see if Gwyn's advice worked.

  • The lord who runs from one angle to another and can't balance his actions is much more likely to be killed.

    MarNy- posted: »

    I agree, I didn't want to look like a Lord who was indecisive. It's either bend the knee all the way or defy all the way, anything else makes you look weak.

  • In my opinion Rodrick would never stay down, not matter how much of a beating he got. It's something I believe in his character but I respect the choice to stay down for those who chose it

  • edited March 2015

    I stood up to Gryff. If I wouldn't let Ramsay take Talia or kiss Ludd's ring, then I sure as hell will NOT submit to that asshole. I want Rodrik to be remember as "Rodrik the unbroken". Sorry Gwyn, but if I go down, I'll do it without ever kneeling to a Whitehill. Never letting them break his iron spirit, even when down in the mud.

  • I got up every time. If Gryff was really gonna do something, I'm sure he would have done it already. It worked out for me too, it gains the trust of the peasants and even some of Gryff's men look impressed in a sense.

  • Amen!

    I stood up to Gryff. If I wouldn't let Ramsay take Talia or kiss Ludd's ring, then I sure as hell will NOT submit to that asshole. I want Ro

  • That's what I thought, Rodrik would have continued to stand until he couldn't. Lucky for him (and us!) Gryff pussied out before it got to that

    In my opinion Rodrick would never stay down, not matter how much of a beating he got. It's something I believe in his character but I respect the choice to stay down for those who chose it

  • As Talia says "the strength you showed us..." I think it gave everyone a little hope, and a serious morale boost. This house may be down right now, but it's certainly not defeated.

    I got up every time. If Gryff was really gonna do something, I'm sure he would have done it already. It worked out for me too, it gains the trust of the peasants and even some of Gryff's men look impressed in a sense.

  • f- Griff i got up... after punching his face. My fist was thirsty... for his face...

  • Anyone who stayed down is a pathetic coward. Point Blank.

  • Punched him in the face and kept getting up. I tried being pragmatic for about two and a half episodes and so far it has gotten me nowhere. So fuck that.

  • edited March 2015

    ... and if the game would be as consequent as the books all of your heads would now decorate the fortification walls.

  • Talia says that initially she was mad at you for staying down, that she thought you had let Gryff win, but now she understood why you did it, that now Gryff wasn't being so assholery all the time and had left his guard down, that now he believed he was actually the alpha dog in town (I'm paraphrasing, of course), and that she agreed with you now, that you should strike when they think they've won.

    did that change anything? I mean do you get anything from it?

  • I felt I had to because I struck the guard who insulted Ethan's death. I realized Gwyn was right and I had to protect Talia and the others for my recklessness. I don't regret it though because now Gryff thinks he's won the battle, but I intend to win the war!

  • It's not inconsistent in my opinion... it actually makes a lot of sense. I refused to kiss Ludd's ring as Rodrik, because what was in question in that scene was honor only. Yeah, they have Ryon but I don't paint Ludd as a cold-blooded killer, he's just a knucklehead. With Gryff, it actually seems he is willing to damage/kill Rodrik or Talia and that's why Rodrik should figure out for himself that honor and pride should be put aside the second time around.

    JPAssini posted: »

    It's inconsistent to stay down after refusing to kiss Ludd's ring. That's why I saw myself forced to get up every time, don't regret it though.

  • edited March 2015

    If we got some backstory on Rodrik, we could know if it was in-character for him to stay down or keep getting up. In my optic, I started out Rodrik as a confident, although "ruined" lord who is doing his best to return the Forrester house back up. Rodrik didn't kiss Ludd's ring because he still wasn't hundred percent aware of the situation (Whitehills on top, Forresters funked up). After the talk with Gwyn and especially when Gryff Whitehill said something along the lines of: "You were cocky when you were above us and now it's even worse because you don't see how far you've fallen." we had to submit, it was time.

    Having a lot of pride can be a bad thing for the Forresters in my opinion, because I'm pretty sure that they will come out on top by the time EP6 arrives, but I feel there will be an unnecessary death in the family if our characters play too recklessly.

  • Let me know if I'm mistakein but if you stay down Tuttal actually gets called a dog and his dog to be exact he must be the trator unless I mess understand what was said

  • People like Gryff are just all ego and no brain, and therefore very easy to manipulate, but also very dangerous. I plan to kiss his ass and tell him whatever he wants to hear for now. It'll just make it much easier when we do end up expelling him from the house and/or killing him.

  • Plus his voice at the end shows him losing control over everything in general, maybe his men will see it as well

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    I'm sure it's one of Gryffs men that mutters. A "My Lord...." As Gryff knees him in the face, in a..." We don't like this , you've gonen too far" kind of way.

  • Yeah...I gave major kudos to his VA in another thread. He did a great job!

    Talimancer posted: »

    Plus his voice at the end shows him losing control over everything in general, maybe his men will see it as well

  • edited March 2015

    This choice was lame if you ask me. If this was the book and more realistic there would be no mercy for getting back up. Most likely Rodrick's sister would of been raped or pulled apart by horses while everyone watched powerlessly. There's nothing really stopping the Gryff from doing so. His goal is to set an example and take over the house.

    I'm not saying I would want to see that but one of the things game of thrones does is follow suit with the brutality of the medieval era. There is no danger in the choices you make in this game so it takes away a lot from it. I really see why reviewers like ign give this game around a 7 because its not really in game of thrones style. The story is good but would be better with a sense of danger from your choices.

    Maybe its to early for me to be saying this and there is the possibility repercussions in the next episode but if the only outcome from a choice is different dialogue that just seems pretty lackluster and lazy.

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