How To Get the Best Outcome for House Forrester

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I've noticed a lot of people complaining about how they seem to be choosing the worst choices possible in this game, and how they feel that they are slowly bringing their versions of House Forrester into an inevitable doom. So, I decided to make this thread with a list of "best" choices if you will, on how to make your House Forrester as successful as possible. Please note that this is just for the first three episodes, and I obviously have no idea if any of these will have further repercussions in the later episodes. This will be updated frequently however so it can serve as a sort of guide for those who want it. (=

This will have major and minor choices, and obvious spoilers ahead..

Episode One: Iron From Ice

Stay with Bowen, Gared--While it may not seem like much, if you choose to stay with Bowen he can be seen in the background of various events from Rodrik's POV at Ironrath in episodes 2 and 3.

Do not kill the determinant Bolton soldier, Gared--Even though the Whitehills will still come storming through Ironrath declaring that they need vengeance for the loss of the first soldier, Ramsay does not seem to be as angered with the Forresters for killing one of his own.

Don't tell ANYONE about the North Grove Self explanatory, plus now we know as of Episode Three that there is a traitor.

Swear Loyalty to the King, Mira Honestly, we know that by Episode Three Margaery is angered with Mira no matter what you do, so you may as well try to appease Cersei.

Ask for help from Margaery, Mira We all know that this doesn't have an actual affect on anything, but it does allow you to take the Tyrell seal as Mira, which will be used in Episode Two of this guide.

Take the Tyrell seal, Mira Read above.

Show mercy to the thief, Ethan Ironrath needs all of the thankful citizens it can get.

Make Duncan your Sentinel, Ethan Duncan is not as aggressive as Royland is, and while Royland is still a great addition to the team as far as soldiers go, he does not seem to fit the leadership role of Sentinel in my opinion.

Episode Two: The Lost Lords

Don't kill the leader of the sellswords, Asher Just a suggestion, I didn't do this, though I'd assume that perhaps in the later episodes this could cause an avoidance of conflict.

Forge Margaery's Letter, Mira This is the only way to secure the marriage alliance with the Glenmores without offering half of your ironwood. Remember to tell Elaena that she is free to make her own decision, or else she will decline the marriage either way! The only issue with this is the unforeseen consequences in the later episodes, so this may or may not be edited out in the future.

Kiss Lord Whitehill's Ring, Rodrik This allowed you to see Ryon at the end of the game and remind him that his family has not forgotten him.

Don't Stand up for Cotter, Gared Try to remain neutral to the best of your abilities so you do not piss of Frostfinger and Jon, and so you don't take a side with Cotter and Finn.

Do not kill Mira's attacker and toss the Knife The coal boy survives either way and the man still dies, though now you technically have nothing to do with it. Also, you do not have the knife anymore as evidence.

Episode Three: Sword in the Darkness

Avoid Tyrion, Mira Self-explanatory. Even though Margaery is mad at you either way you should want nothing to do with Tyrion by now.

Do not burn the letter at the end, Mira The man negotiating for the Whitehills (I forget his name, sorry,) does not seem trustworthy. At all. I feel as though the letter could be of some help to Mira in securing a deal for the Ironwood later on.

Promise Jon that you will not cause trouble, Gared This could have an impact in the later episodes as Jon might testify on your behalf.
**Try to avoid the fight with Britt* Although his death is unavoidable, you can now still say that you did not mean to kill him and that his death was an accident, as well as using the fact that you promised Jon that you wouldn't cause trouble.

Do not tell anyone that Cotter is a Wildling. You may eventually be able to use this as a bargaining chip against Cotter, but it seems kind of pointless at the moment since I don't think anyone is entirely sure if he is truly a friend or foe.

Submit to Gryff, Rodrik Let Gryff think he has beaten you, obviously you will have the chance for revenge later.

Do NOT tell Lady Forrester about the traitor, Rodrik From what we've seen Lady Forrester can be quite brash in her dealings of politics. It would be best not to tell her as she seems to have quite a big mouth, and may be overly trustworthy to some.

Welp, this is my list of things so far. I worked hard on it, and I hope you guys liked it!


  • Wait, you've seen Bowen in the background at Ironrath?

    Pics or didn't happen.

  • Probably just a reused model.

    Wait, you've seen Bowen in the background at Ironrath? Pics or didn't happen.

  • Long story short, there is no "best outcome" and everyone will recieve the same outcome no matter what your choice is, the ending is inevitable.

  • Its episode 3, we have no idea how it plays out in the future, especially the episode 3 decisons

  • Keep thinking that bro.

    Its episode 3, we have no idea how it plays out in the future, especially the episode 3 decisons

  • These all sound like coward choices to me.

  • edited March 2015

    I play the Forresters as submissive as possible. They are an irrelevant house and can't act like they're big players. I'd like them to survive for a while though. I'd also like to change the words of House Forrester: When in doubt, chicken out.

    These all sound like coward choices to me.

  • Craven!!!

    rousseau posted: »

    I play the Forresters as submissive as possible. They are an irrelevant house and can't act like they're big players. I'd like them to survive for a while though. I'd also like to change the words of House Forrester: When in doubt, chicken out.

  • I feel like if you steal the Tyrell seal and use it when forging a letter, it will either result in Mira getting in trouble because she could certainly be linked with the theft, or it will strengthen the marriage alliance because the seal makes the letter more official as oppose to an unsealed letter.

  • I feel like burning the letter is actually the safer choice, since it's written by Tyrion. At this point, any connection to Tyrion is very bad for you.

  • stevean2 knows whats up.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Long story short, there is no "best outcome" and everyone will recieve the same outcome no matter what your choice is, the ending is inevitable.

  • I wouldnt have found a better use for this gif

  • Most of these are personal preferences and do in fact not guarantee the best outcome.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    1. Sweat nervously
    2. ??????
    3. Profit.
  • edited March 2015

    IMO Some of these choices don't seem good to me. Probably because I don't play my Forresters as lil' pussy ass bitches. My Forresters value honor above all and my sentinel pick is Royland and I stand by it. Thats the best part about TT games, there is no "best" outcome

  • LOL! I'm glad I chose Duncan.

    IMO Some of these choices don't seem good to me. Probably because I don't play my Forresters as lil' pussy ass bitches. My Forresters value

  • The lost thread has been found.

    loop hole posted: »

    LOL! I'm glad I chose Duncan.

  • These are in fact the WORST choices. If you want the game to troll you even HARDER than it already does, then you will take all the craven submissive choices. Either way you're headed for ruin by the sixth you might as well go down swinging. Especially with kissing the ring. F$%K THAT!

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