Only 3 left

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So im a huge GOT & telltale fan. But after the last "Waiting session" from TWD and TWAU i dont want to wait 2-3 month after every episode. So i decided to play the game when every 6 episodes are out (same on TFTB). So long story short: I wanted to ask you, how good is the game yet. from a 1 - 10 skale? I'm so hyped. Only 3 episode left, than i start



  • Heavily average to me so far. 5/10.

  • edited March 2015

    9.5/10. It's, IMO, better than even TWD: Season 1.

  • jesus, that sounds bad o_o

    fallandir posted: »

    Heavily average to me so far. 5/10.

  • 8.5/10, the third episode knocked it down half a point for me

  • At least 8.5/10. If you like Telltale games you will like this.

  • Personally, I find Tales way more entertaining, even though I'm not interested in its universe at all. Although I enjoy GoT in the form of books and TV series, the game fails me on so many levels. But it's just my opinion.

    Xemnes posted: »

    jesus, that sounds bad o_o

  • 9/10 totally love this serie so far! :D

  • i love it, and when i read some of the comments, it sounds really cool.

    unseenclass posted: »

    At least 8.5/10. If you like Telltale games you will like this.

  • Btw:
    TWD 1 was 10 for me
    twd 2 was a 8
    TWAU was a 7

  • 9/10, it's pretty damn awesome so far

  • Id give it a 7 as of now

  • Used to be a solid 8.5, after the third episode I'd say 7.5.

  • Episode 1: 7.0/10

    Episode 2: 9.0/10

    Episode 3: 9.2/10

    Average: 8.4/10

    Comments: My fourth favorite Telltale game (sorry TWAU), first episode starts off slow, but the last two have been fantastic, a must have for both Telltale and GOT fans.

  • edited March 2015

    Been wanting for a couple more situations where we can walk around and interact with the surrondings. Everything else is excellent, especially the voice acting. 8/10

  • 9.5/10 everything is perfect so far except for some technical issues here and there, but those are barely an issue, just keeping it from being a 10. If it keeps up this way, I definitely think it'll be better than TWD S1 IMO.

  • I give it a 8/10

  • 9/10

    I prefer TFTB but this one is still great in making me feel desperate.

  • 8.5 its gone down a bit after episode 3

    For me the payoff will be what decides it

  • edited March 2015

    I'd give

    7/10 for episode 1.

    9/10 for episode 2.

    8/10 for episode 3.

    Overall: 8/10

  • 8/10 episode 1

    9/10 episode 2

    8/10 episode 3

    This game is good so far. I have high hopes that you'll like it.

  • These are my ratings:

    TWD S1: 10/10
    TWD S2: 7/10
    TWAU: 8/10
    GoT: 7.5/10

    Currently, for me, it's around where TWD Season 2 was for me, maybe a bit better. I consider 7/10 to be pretty good. We're only half way through, so we'll see. One reason I rate Season 2 of TWD at 7/10 is because I felt there was a lot of lost potential with Carver and his camp.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Btw: TWD 1 was 10 for me twd 2 was a 8 TWAU was a 7

  • If this game was a potato, I would fock it.

  • Stop stealing other peoples' accounts, Cotter, you fockin' thief.

    If this game was a potato, I would fock it.

  • Solid 8/10

  • I am a big fan of the books, less so of the show but i do enjoy it too.

    With regards to the game, i really like getting another look into the world of Westeros, it is a very stressful look though. It seems like no matter what you do you cannot come out ahead. But that seems to be the way of things in all the different renditions of Westeros that we see. So at least it's consistent.

    Im really enjoying them though.

    Xemnes posted: »

    jesus, that sounds bad o_o

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

    Episode 1 - 6/10

    Episode 2 - 8/10

    Episode 3 - 7/10

    It's a good series, but I prefer Tales from the Borderlands.

  • edited March 2015

    9.5/10 overall - this is Telltale's best title IMO and my personal favorite game from them.

  • How so? For me at least, the game does a great job of capturing the universe and presenting it in a great new way. I like the game more than the show already (but not the books).

    fallandir posted: »

    Personally, I find Tales way more entertaining, even though I'm not interested in its universe at all. Although I enjoy GoT in the form of books and TV series, the game fails me on so many levels. But it's just my opinion.

  • It's pretty darn good at capturing the real GoT vibe (epic one-liners and chronic paranoia guaranteed).

  • It's hard to explain, I feel like the game copies too many aspects from the show (like, for example, the opening - it's aesthetically pleasing and I know TT put a lot of work into that, but is it really necessary?), four protagonists element doesn't fit me at all (while I love or hate many of TT's characters, I have no feelings at all towards Forresters), as well with this weird oil paiting style. Characters are too cliche, story is chaotic, sometimes tiresome or having no sense. And not to mention, I always notice a great soundtrack in TTs games, this time I have almost nothing to compliment.

    I know I sound much like a grouch, but it's the way I feel about it. We still have three more episodes ahead and I hope it will surprise me with something positive.

    How so? For me at least, the game does a great job of capturing the universe and presenting it in a great new way. I like the game more than the show already (but not the books).

  • So Episode two was that awesome?

    DoubleJump posted: »

    8/10 episode 1 9/10 episode 2 8/10 episode 3 This game is good so far. I have high hopes that you'll like it.

  • The story does make sense when you think of the show's plot and the overarching plot of gaining support for the forresters, everything coincides with each other.

    fallandir posted: »

    It's hard to explain, I feel like the game copies too many aspects from the show (like, for example, the opening - it's aesthetically pleasi

  • I guess.

    Talimancer posted: »

    The story does make sense when you think of the show's plot and the overarching plot of gaining support for the forresters, everything coincides with each other.

  • edited March 2015

    Episode 1: 8.2/10

    Episode 2: 9.5/10

    Episode 3: 9/10

    Overall: 9/10

  • Iron From Ice: 8/10

    The Lost Lords: 9/10

    The Sword in the Darkness: 9/10

    Overall: 8.6/10

  • edited March 2015

    I will go with a 7 out of 10.

    I would not claim it to be the best franchise in this format but, it has some serious potential. It will all depend on what direction takes the story from here on. I'm still waiting for that particular spark that other episodic series have to trigger. For now, it's good but it needs to step up a bit.

  • GOTY 11/10 wow would play again wow

  • 8.5/10

    It's awesome , they have actually managed to capture GoT's feeling . Play it as soon as the 6th episode comes out .

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