Walking Dead Comics VS. TV show VS. Game
Alright, so I think that the title is pretty self explanatory. I'm also pretty sure this was already made as a discussion, but I just wanted an updated one...I guess...?
Anyways, out of the three, I would have to actually pick the game. My list goes:
3) TV show
2) Comics
1) Game.
The TV show has never made me cry, it's only made me either feel neutral or really hate characters (with the exception of Daryl). Same goes for comic books, and there are several comic book incidents I actually would've liked to see happen in the show. There was so much potential... wasted. I love the game, and it's not only because it can make me cry, feel real emotion, and actually care for the characters. I mean, Clem may not be real, but to me, she's my hero. Call it cheesy or whatever you want, but the game is not as predictable as the TV show or comics. Clementine is one of the few kids in games or shows that isn't a complete idiot or annoying. Even Carl was kind of annoying as a little kid- he never stayed in the house. To get to the point, I really love the game, but that does not mean I hate the comics or the show.
Which out of the three do you prefer? And why?
I have only ever played the game. I do no have any interest in the show or comics.
Despite my previous comments on these forums, I have developed a new sense of love and respect for the game. So I would not say its dead last on my last, but not at the top either.
IMO, its - Comics > Game or Show (both have had their disappointing moments but are great overall. I have to see how S3 turns out and whether AMC will stop the filler episodes before I make a clear cut decision).
Its hard to say for me. Since I have already read the comic the tv show is half spoiled. I have to say though season 1 of the walking dead was the most fun that I have had with the story. It's really hard for a comic to match it since its a different form of media.
The walking dead season 1 game >All of The walking dead comic excluding the issues between 101 till the near end of all out war >= TWD TV show minus the filler episodes > TWD season 2 game.
Comics = Game > Show
Miles below the rest, in a giant burning trash heap, inside an old box labeled "shit no one gave a fuck about" lies the battered body of Survival Instinct
I never read the comics but I'm seen little memes of them etc and having seen the show even though I love it with AMC budgets cuts and with tv being more strict with the content of what happens in case of offence, I have a strong feeling the comics are much better and much more exciting with no limits just the writers imagination the way it should be.
The game for me is the best and Clem/Lee are my favorite characters from all TWD's medians I really connected with these characters and really cared what happened the game really made me feel part of the journey and made me feel like I knew the characters and could affect their outcomes making me feel important within the story
While the show Rick/governor is the only characters I liked and I just watched a screen so I didn't feel the same immersion within the story
Comics(I never read but from the stuff I've seen it looks awesome)
I obviously like the game and i read the comics and watch the show and i really enjoy all three of them but the game is my favorite as i really love the characters and stories.
I played the game first and then i started watching the show before reading the comics, i am enjoying the comics a little bit more than the show but there are some aspects of the show that are much better than the comics (Carols character being the main one) and some other minor things.
So my choices in order
The comic decimates all. Hands down. As for the other two... Over the past couple years, the shows quality has really gone up. Im LOVING it right now. Where as the game..... eh. Season 1 is still legendary, but Season 2 just frustrates the hell out of me. Call me crazy, but i just dont love Clementine the way i used to. And seeing as how she is the only thing the game has going for it right now..... yeah.
Comics>>>>>> Show > Game
Game > Comics > Show
I recently started reading comics and I must say that I'm disapponted. It's chaotic, dull and full of people sleeping with each other. Seriously, like one big orgy.
Yeah, that's not going to happen anytime soon.
Before season 2 of the game I would have said Game > Show > Comics. Now it's Show > Game > Comics.
I'm not much of a comic reader, and I thought the artwork was rather crappy. It's started out okay, but then the quality dropped for some reason. But like I said, not really into comics anyway.
Yeah,lots of orgies at the prison.Dont give up,keep readin'!
For me the comics a close second and the game will always be number one. The tv show is rock bottom.
Show>Comics>Game, imo.
Comics=>Game>TV Show
Just my honest opinion, that's all. ^^
You seem to be disappointed in a lot of things :-/
I still love both seasons of TT's game and TV show, if that's what you mean. :>
I have no interest in comic books at all. Thinking of starting to watch the show, but people are always saying that the game is better.
What volume are you at? Have you reached No Way Out, the best volume?
Game > Show.
I don´t care about the comics.
Umm, I don't remember the exact number, something close to issue 25 or 26. They are in Woodbury I think.
No Way Out is in the late 70s and early 80s issues. Assuming you watch the show, it directly follows the events going on.
If you ever want to catch up fast, buying the volumes are the way to go. You are in like 4 or 5 I don't remeber.
Thanks, I don't want to quit reading them, so it probably would be better if I moved on to the later volumes to have any idea on where the show is going on right now.
I absolutely loved everything about the game and I've watched the show since day 1. Then lately, I decided to see what all the hub-bub was about over the comics. They are a fantastic read. I'm way more into them than the show right now. The t.v. show is just doing a lot of things that tick me off lately, but still it's entertaining.
I watched a little of the show before I found the game, never read the comics. The game is definitely my favorite though, I like how they don't kill off as much as they do in the show. But then again, I haven't watched much.
U wot M8? With the exception of Clem and AJ, TWD game's entire cast is either dead or missing.
Edit: I'm not dogging your opinion btw, I just had to point out that the game is notorious for killing off people too.
Can't believe I'm saying this butt:
Season 2 of the show and game were atrocious, but the show made up for it, the game hasn't. I like the comics a lot, too.
Yeah but they seem to last longer I guess.
Comics > Game >>>>>>>>>>> than that piece of shit TV show, absolute travesty this ever got produced and a stain on TWD's name.
I like the comics the most, the game is a close second, but the TV show in in last.
The comics never had a useless story within, great art, great characters, and it was what introduced me to The Walking Dead, so I like it the most.
I like the game's characters, story, but it had a few bugs that took the experience down a little, but it was worth it. The second season however, I felt wasn't as good as the first due to Episode 4, and the fact I felt they had originally planned for Jane to be Molly, and the Russians to be Carver's group. (But people complained that it would be impossible for the survivors to find each other again.) Also, I didn't like the 400 Days integration of only one episode. The story is still good and Kenny is my favorite character, but I felt the second season was a little weaker.
The TV show is good, I don't know why people hate it, I personally only hate the filler, and that was why I hated most of Seasons 2 and 4. I'll admit, it handles some things better than the comics, but I feel the comics overall does their stories better.
I prefer the game, but each medium offers a different experience
1 game 2 tv series for me. never interest for comics book