Finale Episode Discussion 'Conquer' (it's 90 minutes long)



  • I doubt they'd replace a gay character with a straight one.

    I see Morgan taking the Jesus route.

  • Theyre yelling about it alot. Apparently alot of people liked him (don't ask me why). In fact HE was the fanfavorite who was going to die tonight.

    Belan posted: »

    ... how?

  • On another note: Do we really need another Terminator movie?

  • Yeah probably. I just hope it explains the Ws and everything.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    If you mean the 'Little pig Little pig let me in ' people then yeah. I think they changed them to reflect the quote since its theire most famous and theire giving them more precense since they the last villains before Negan.

  • I think he meant major characters.

    JustinCage posted: »

    But...people did die.

  • He barely had any screen time at all. I can't believe he was a fan favorite by any measure.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Theyre yelling about it alot. Apparently alot of people liked him (don't ask me why). In fact HE was the fanfavorite who was going to die tonight.

  • K........Shocked that some people are struck by his death.... xD

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Theyre yelling about it alot. Apparently alot of people liked him (don't ask me why). In fact HE was the fanfavorite who was going to die tonight.

  • That makes no difference on the story whatsoever, and I mean because he's badass like Jesus is.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I doubt they'd replace a gay character with a straight one.

  • I liked the spinoff teaser though. c:

    It takes place on the West coast?

  • Yeah i liked him and he was cool and his death was really sad but people are actiong like Glenn or Mggie died

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    K........Shocked that some people are struck by his death.... xD

  • Yes

    I think he meant major characters.

  • Let me be honest with you. I loved the episode (Please respect my opinion). And i liked Reg he was cool. But FAN FAVORITE. Just because alot of people like him dosent make him a fan favorite. Yeah its possible for characters to be favorites afther 2 or 3 episodes but compared to Daryl or Glenn (the two they CLEARLY were trying to trick us into thinking were going to die) are fan favorites. This guy we don't even know his last name.

    Belan posted: »

    He barely had any screen time at all. I can't believe he was a fan favorite by any measure.

  • edited March 2015

    It's more that doing stuff like that is pretty dodgy. Like if they'd replaced Glenn or Tyreese with a white man.

    That makes no difference on the story whatsoever, and I mean because he's badass like Jesus is.

  • 90 minute finale and it feels like they wasted it. Some parts were good but I was left underwhelmed by what I watched. They wrapped subplots up but they were wrapped up pretty boringly.

  • There must be a lot of aspiring architects on Facebook and Twitter. : /

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    It hit the fans on facebook and twitter REALLY HARD

  • edited March 2015

    For those who thought the episode was bad, can you give your reasons?

  • They already gender bent Douglas into Deanna for no reason.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's more that doing stuff like that is pretty dodgy. Like if they'd replaced Glenn or Tyreese with a white man.

  • edited March 2015

    Right, but there's far less of a problem with white straight men being underrepresented than black people, women, and gay people.

    There's a reason why there's no white history month for example - changing the race of minorities contributes to their erasure, whereas altering a white straight man so that more groups are represented at no cost to the story is hardly objectionable.

    I'm just saying, there's a reason why replacing Tyreese with a white man would be worse than replacing Rick with a black man.

    They already gender bent Douglas into Deanna for no reason.

  • They gave this bizzare expination at the beggining. Apparently colonial times still matter to people.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah probably. I just hope it explains the Ws and everything.

  • Apparently otherwise people must be desperate to like any alexandrians besides Aaron

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    There must be a lot of aspiring architects on Facebook and Twitter. : /

  • I think they were expecting a more action packed finale. They hear Norman Reedus say to bring your tissues and comic readers were expecting a major confrontation to happen and it didn't, so I can see why they were disappointed. I thought it was a great episode and it really sets the stage very well for Season 6.

    AGentlman posted: »

    For those who thought the episode was bad, can you give your reasons?

  • edited March 2015

    Well...Morgan is also black if that's what you're getting at. I don't understand all this need for diversity. If there's a white guy in the apocalypse, it's just as likely for him to get paired up with three other white guys as it is getting paired up with a black guy a gay guy and a woman.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Right, but there's far less of a problem with white straight men being underrepresented than black people, women, and gay people. There's

  • I 100%. I can't wait to see how Morgan and Rick handle the effects Petes murder had on theire relationship.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Wow was a great episode, people don't need to die for it to be good lol

  • Well Pete was TECHNICALLY a major character

    AGentlman posted: »


  • I agree with you on that

    I think they were expecting a more action packed finale. They hear Norman Reedus say to bring your tissues and comic readers were expecting

  • I liked it

    AAA_Jane posted: »

    lol that was trash. -2/10

  • Well the thing is that people don't need to die. Glenn isnt a killer (Yes go back and watch every episode his human kill count is 0). And to be honest Nicholas STILL did'nt deserve to die. Hes just a coward and an idiot but hes not a monster. Same goes for gabriel hes stupid not evil.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    That didn't hit me emotionally at all. It didn't satisfy me. I was rooting for Glenn to die for a couple minutes because I wanted to be sad,

  • Smalltown LA

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I liked the spinoff teaser though. c: It takes place on the West coast?

  • Oh my bad then. Sorry.

    AGentlman posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    I liked it too.......But did 'bringing tissues' really make people think it was going to be action packed? Really?

    Thats like saying "YEAH this finale is going to make us cry like little girls i must have Robot dinosaurs fighting against Daryl."

    I think they were expecting a more action packed finale. They hear Norman Reedus say to bring your tissues and comic readers were expecting

  • edited March 2015

    No I'm not talking about Morgans race. I'm saying replacing Tyreese with a white character would be similar to replacing Jesus with a straight character. That's all.

    Diversity makes the universe more realistic, as people are diverse.

    It's far less likely for him to be paired up with 3 white straight men than any gay people, black people or women.

    If you combine gay people, black people and women, they significantly outnumber straight white men. By like 4 to 1.

    Well...Morgan is also black if that's what you're getting at. I don't understand all this need for diversity. If there's a white guy in the

  • What I meant was that they wanted an action packed episode where someone major died in a very emotional way, not someone like Reg, a character no one really cared about, getting his throat slit.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I liked it too.......But did 'bringing tissues' really make people think it was going to be action packed? Really? Thats like saying "YEAH this finale is going to make us cry like little girls i must have Robot dinosaurs fighting against Daryl."

  • Your fine

    JustinCage posted: »

    Oh my bad then. Sorry.

  • Well have you seen Facebook and Twitter apparently Reg had some huge fanbase no one knew about till this point exept the creators. But i agree it wasent as emotional as i would have liked it. He needed a few more scenes before we cared about him THAT mutch.

    What I meant was that they wanted an action packed episode where someone major died in a very emotional way, not someone like Reg, a character no one really cared about, getting his throat slit.

  • But one from each? That's also unlikely.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No I'm not talking about Morgans race. I'm saying replacing Tyreese with a white character would be similar to replacing Jesus with a straig

  • I don't use Facebook and Twitter, I'll just take your word for it. It's kind of like what happened to Beth, a character that didn't seem like she had a huge following, but when she died, everyone's like, "How could they, I loved Beth, bring her back."

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well have you seen Facebook and Twitter apparently Reg had some huge fanbase no one knew about till this point exept the creators. But i agr

  • Me neither people who do have told me . And yep just like Beth i would'nt be supprised if Nicholas had a secret fanbase that did'nt want him to die. I din't either but thats because he stops being an idiot further in the series (if this follows the comic)

    I don't use Facebook and Twitter, I'll just take your word for it. It's kind of like what happened to Beth, a character that didn't seem lik

  • I really hope they follow the comics with him, he was a great character in the comics and I really enjoyed him

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Me neither people who do have told me . And yep just like Beth i would'nt be supprised if Nicholas had a secret fanbase that did'nt want him

  • Me too.

    I really hope they follow the comics with him, he was a great character in the comics and I really enjoyed him

  • edited March 2015

    Also if you don't like the characters sparing people..............yeah youre not gonna like the end of All out war wich will 100% happen.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    That didn't hit me emotionally at all. It didn't satisfy me. I was rooting for Glenn to die for a couple minutes because I wanted to be sad,

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