Why couldn't we just restrain him?

It breaks your vows to kill a brother right? Britt tries to kill you, so why wasn't there an option to restrain him, then tell the others that he tried to kill you, then he gets punished for breaking his vows?
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This is probably our reason to go to the North Grove, and still not have us breaking our oath. I see it playing out like Jon sleeping with the wildling girl. Gared is going to justify it for both his personal reason because it will benifit the Night's Watch. Jon Snow will side with Gared and all will live happily ever after
You were in a fight to the death how could you possibly restrain him?
Well he certainly was restrained during the scene where you get to smash his head into the floor.
And then he breaks free even if that wasn't the case it's not like Gared has any rope on hand.
Yes, but he could have easily been restrained there.
It is hard to restrain a wild pig.
After I got him in the arm the fight was over. It could have stopped there, but this was not offered as an option. So, basically, AmazingAura01 presented the obvious reason.
I'm just mad that Finn didn't come to my aid until after he had died then ran off to report me! BAD FINN! No Gared bed warmer for you tonight!
Goes to show that being an asshole to Cotter instead of Finn is a stupid choice.