Finale Episode Discussion 'Conquer' (it's 90 minutes long)



  • I just don't think diversity is big enough of an issue to dictate which characters do or do not get switched around.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No I'm not talking about Morgans race. I'm saying replacing Tyreese with a white character would be similar to replacing Jesus with a straig

  • edited March 2015

    Pretty good episode, although it's kind of weird for a finale.

    Completely disagree with the people saying it's "utter trash." That's pretty much certain. Good cinematography, lot's of plotlines were wrapped up such as Pete and Sasha being crazy. A few more plotlines were left open for the next season, but it's not a gigantic cliffhanger.

    Rick and company's arc of getting used to Alexandria is over, and now it's time for Alexandria getting used to the real world next season. I guess people are angry that the wolves didn't get that much screen time, or that it wasn't super action packed. I think people are disappointed because hey we're focusing so much on the Wolves when really, they weren't supposed to pay so much attention to a group that is only going to be around for an episode or so. (If we can judge them off of their counterparts from the comics.)

    I give it an 8/10.

  • Sorry......did you read all out war?

    Spoiler alert

  • Yeah I did. And I agree with you. I was just worried about other people who hadn't read the comics. It's a fairly major plot point.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Sorry......did you read all out war?

  • Also, why did so many consider Rick to be psychotic when all he was doing was trying to stop domestic abuse? I just don't understand that at all. He was the only sane one there.

  • edited March 2015

    So proud of Rick Grimes in this episode. When he came in with that dead walker I thought he was going to fuck shit up but he did just the opposite. Then, after Pete slit the guy's throat, he still waited for Deanna's go-ahead to execute him.

    "We can survive. I'll show you how."

    Rick's got his shit together. He was never crazy like some people thought.

    Also, I thought the writing was kinda meh this episode. I rolled my eyes when Gabriel forgot how to close a door, that was lazy writing imo. There was also way too much jumping around. Just thought the pacing was off. For real, Glenn's fight with Nick was stretched out over 10 minutes. But after all this, I thought the final 5 minutes left me pretty satisfied.

  • ah yeah norman reedus i needed so much kleenex, i am so shattered that pete and reg died i am in so much tears boo hoo

  • For real the actors of this show always say that stuff it's so annoying.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ah yeah norman reedus i needed so much kleenex, i am so shattered that pete and reg died i am in so much tears boo hoo

  • It was really the way that Rick went about it. He threw the guy out a window, proceeded to nearly choke him to death, then waved his gun at a bunch of people (while bloodied and looking quite insane.)

    Everything Rick said was right, but he wasn't going about it correctly at all.

    JonnyHaas posted: »

    Also, why did so many consider Rick to be psychotic when all he was doing was trying to stop domestic abuse? I just don't understand that at all. He was the only sane one there.

  • Yeah i sry my bad. You know im actually kinda worried. I mean i liked the end of all out war but im afraid A LOT of people will hate it when it comes to tv. I mean if they honestly want Gabriel or Nicholas to die and get pissed when they don't how the heck will they react when you know who gets spared

    Yeah I did. And I agree with you. I was just worried about other people who hadn't read the comics. It's a fairly major plot point.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh yeah I know he didn't go about it correctly, I wrote up like an entire paragraph on that last week. But I'm still willing to look past that. You still have to take a step back and think about who's really in the wrong. One guy is beating his wife and the other guy is a constable who held back and chose not to kill the wife beater. Deanna keeps calling Alexandria civilized, but you can't call yourself civilized if you're enabling domestic abuse.

    The fact that so many thought Rick was the bad guy here might be an indication of bad writing. Even in tonight's episode, I felt that they were still trying to put Rick in the wrong and I didn't like that.

    It was really the way that Rick went about it. He threw the guy out a window, proceeded to nearly choke him to death, then waved his gun at

  • I can agree with this. Rick certainly isn't crazy, nor is he a bad guy. The only reason that Pete hadn't been dealt with yet is because Alexandria is too scared, and Pete was a surgeon. It's a completely immoral thing to do.

    Now, Rick was showing some dark undertones during his conversation with Jessie before the fight, namely whenever she asked him about whether he would stop a domestic abusement for anyone, and he said "No." Nonetheless, he is human, and humans have flaws. He's no Walter White by any means, but he has a few shades of Shane on him. I agree that Rick is a good guy though.

    JonnyHaas posted: »

    Oh yeah I know he didn't go about it correctly, I wrote up like an entire paragraph on that last week. But I'm still willing to look past t

  • God this episode was awesome but that ending was fucking infuriating. Now I have to wait another half year to see Morgan ;___;

  • It was really good i still don't get why people hate it. And you are right the ending was infuriating but it was perfect for a season finale.

    Green613 posted: »

    God this episode was awesome but that ending was fucking infuriating. Now I have to wait another half year to see Morgan ;___;

  • Yeah I agree I think he's a lot like Shane but their motives are totally different. Shane was a bad guy and Rick is a good guy. I wonder if Rick really meant it when he said he wouldn't stop a domestic abuse for anyone? I thought he was lying to try to make her feel special or something, because he's proven to do what's necessary over and over again. But you could definitely be right, maybe he really did mean that.

    I can agree with this. Rick certainly isn't crazy, nor is he a bad guy. The only reason that Pete hadn't been dealt with yet is because Alex

  • I think of Him more as Donny from TMNT

    The Dark Knight Rises. Couldn't resist. He doesn't kill, Morgan is Batman.

  • All the endings are fucking Infuriating, It was one of the Best seasons ever for me, But this trend they have of Making Shit hit the fan, MINUTES before the finale Needs to stop, Beth's death killed me.

    Green613 posted: »

    God this episode was awesome but that ending was fucking infuriating. Now I have to wait another half year to see Morgan ;___;

  • Can I know why everyone hates this season? Not the finale, Just the entire season in General, It was well done, and Terminus, the Hospital, and The Begining of Alexandria were the most boring parts in the Comics anyway. But they made it awesome! The season was so well done, and Had perfect timing on so many things (Other than tyreeses death, who should have lived until pete kill HIM and not Reg) I just don't see the big deal, It was FAR better than Season 2, and much better than season 4. So give me a reason please, what is the opinion that makes you hate it so bad?

  • They seem to have a hard job doing finales, they always seem like damn setup for next season, Other shows do this too but they have a huge episode the one before....

    it wasnt a bad episode (it would have been a decent one) but its not a finale, like last year.


    • They made Nicholas over the top, He's a coward yet hes trying to kill Glenn?

    • The speech's were pretty cool

    • Abe and Carol are the best ever

  • Wow! What a finale. The best yet.

    • Seeing Morgan again was awesome and now they have finally reunited. I'm over the moon about that.

    • Abraham forgiving Eugene. That was moving.

    • I'm glad Sasha didn't kill Gabriel and Glenn didn't kill Nicholas. Those deaths would have just confirmed what Gabriel said about them.

    • I was shocked when Pete killed Reg. I was like WTF?! Why did it have to take her husband's death before Deanna changed her mind? So tragic. Reg was a nice guy. :( And I'm glad Pete is dead. Fucking asshole.

    • So noble of Daryl to sacrifice himself like that to save Aaron. And Morgan was such a badass when he saved them.

    Amazing stuff. Now comes the agonizing wait till the next season. But I'm satisifed with the finale. So AMC....

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  • If you have read No Way Put and see their herd, put 2 & 2 together....

    I still think the Scavengers will attack, as a different entity.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I still liked. I thought more was going to happen, I just wish we could learn more about the W people. Like is there only 2 of them or something?

  • Yeah, but there is absolutely no chance Jesus isn't coming into this show. He has too.

    I see Morgan taking the Jesus route.

  • After giving it time I've changed my mind a little. I liked it when Deanna tells Rick to kill Pete, it's telling you change is coming. There's other points but I can't list all of them right now. So I give it a 6/10

  • Eh it was better than last seasons finale

  • edited March 2015

    Well because Glenn dosent kill people. He never did and if this follows the comics he never will.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Why won't Glenn just kill him already

  • 9/10....pls don't hate

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    What would you guys rate this episode? For me a 6/10.

  • But Petes death wasent thrown in at the last second they took the exact same scene from the comic and probably spent months planning it. Though i get what you mean.

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    Well, a lot of the storylines they were dealing with in this episode were resolved in underwhelming ways. Even the Pete thing felt like it w

  • I agree. Btw how did you feel about the sparing scenes apparently people did'nt like those.

    Pretty good episode, although it's kind of weird for a finale. Completely disagree with the people saying it's "utter trash." That's pret

  • I disagree.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Eh it was better than last seasons finale

  • Nicholas IS coward. Almost every single time in the fight he runs away or tries to use his gun.

    They seem to have a hard job doing finales, they always seem like damn setup for next season, Other shows do this too but they have a huge e

  • I don't know , i honestly like all of it (except the lack of comics favorite Heath) .

    Can I know why everyone hates this season? Not the finale, Just the entire season in General, It was well done, and Terminus, the Hospital,

  • Yeah i agree people are so blood thirsty sometimes they forget that if they kill these people then theire flat out murderer. Nicholas never had any chance against Glenn and neither did Gabriel against Sasha. This isn't like the Terminites or The Governors people they have a choice now.

    Wow! What a finale. The best yet. * Seeing Morgan again was awesome and now they have finally reunited. I'm over the moon about that.

  • Eh the only really memorable thing that happened in "A" was joe's groups death and terminus imo

    TWD_25 posted: »

    I disagree.

  • As much as I hated this season from time to time, I gotta admit that they always make the ending to their episodes so damn good. Although I wished the plot would have got pushed forward a little more this episode, a lot of petty issues were solved and the next season seems to be set up for something good.

  • I very much enjoyed this season finale. Sure it wasn't action packed and there weren't a bunch of deaths/major character deaths but it was interesting. As an episode 9/10 as a season finale 8/10.

  • Your username is disturbing

  • I agree

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I very much enjoyed this season finale. Sure it wasn't action packed and there weren't a bunch of deaths/major character deaths but it was interesting. As an episode 9/10 as a season finale 8/10.

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