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  • edited March 2015

    I forgot my drawing stuff at my house over break

    This calls for a trip to your nearest store! :D lol Oh man! I don't kno WHAT I'd do without my stuff. Although, I've been known to doodle on napkins It was insane. SOOOOO many people; spring break for us starts tomorrow, so everyone was at the beach and walking around. :3 You should seriously go. Very theraputic just to get out....enjoy that sand and water. :3

    Oh'll find your place someday. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    I wish I could draw! I forgot my drawing stuff at my house over break . I haven't been to the beach in years! I bet it's getting rather busy! This I can do! Poor Barry...all he wants to do is fit in somewhere else XD

  • I wish! I would probably pay to see that actually XD. Ah lucky! :p I bet! Maybe someday I'll have to visit the beach this summer! XD Although it's not the beach I have been going outside more and doing stuff, although it normally on my own I'm still proud of myself for being motivated. :3

    Here's hoping the poor bastard does! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I forgot my drawing stuff at my house over break This calls for a trip to your nearest store! lol Oh man! I don't kno WHAT I'd do w

  • Looking at Robert's picture....

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD.....He's so sexy!!!! UGH! Those abs! And is that Peter and Ethan, too! OMG....the Porgie men have some very WELL genes there. Wow...they are so sexy and-looks over- Oh....hey

    Ahem. Um. Anyways, these are so good! I love the Georgie one; Now THAT is the Emily I want to see (dem boobies! Gren is a lucky man....) The one where she and Gren are making out and EVERYONE sees them! XD XD Even the Dof is like 'DAFUQ...' OMG! Little Josiah, Penny and Johann. Hey, Johann.....what IS your secret to grabbing a sexy thing like Penelope....huh!!!! lol

    Welcome back, man. I hopw you don't stop all together with the story but understand life happens. It was nice seeing you 3! These are wonderful again, man!

  • God damn Gren and Johann with their sexy ladies.... Gren's got one arm and Johann's old n' fat, what am I doing wrong with ma life?! XP

    Dude, these are awesome!!! XD

    Glad to hear that things are moving forward for you, it'll be sad to not see you as much on the thread, but life happens :P

  • Gren and Johann with their sexy ladies....

    LMAO JJ asked me the same thing. XD I always laugh like an idiot when you mention Johann is fat and old. XD XD Poor guy! And Gren. :3

    Thanks, man. :) Yeah it will be a bummer but that's life. I won't stop all together but I won't write and be as active as I am now.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    God damn Gren and Johann with their sexy ladies.... Gren's got one arm and Johann's old n' fat, what am I doing wrong with ma life?! XP D

  • edited March 2015

    LOL, Michelle's face is perfect!

    And the last picture: OH THE HORROR! I'd probably be flabbergasted like all the others in the crowd too. XD

    I knew that you would someday say you would be not as active like you used to. But at least you'll be on from time-to-time like you similarly said.

  • I personally love Michelle. To be honest, I was not going to do a whole lot with her but she's grown on me. :)

    Not sure when that will begin; I'm thinking around April or May when it will stop for some time but its all good. Seems like life is finally catching up to all of us lately. Life is strange like that. :3

    LOL, Michelle's face is perfect! And the last picture: OH THE HORROR! I'd probably be flabbergasted like all the others in the crowd too.

  • I obviously love her too, never leave her in the sticks or I'll be coming for you... (bwahahah)

    You just said the magical 3 words: Life is strange. Excuse me while I go rewind time in order to unintentionally spill paint on a bully.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I personally love Michelle. To be honest, I was not going to do a whole lot with her but she's grown on me. Not sure when that will begi

  • Oh man! So you DID get the little joke I was trying to add there. :3 Man, if only. Have a few moments I'd rewind, too. lol

    I obviously love her too, never leave her in the sticks or I'll be coming for you... (bwahahah) You just said the magical 3 words: Life is strange. Excuse me while I go rewind time in order to unintentionally spill paint on a bully.

  • Michelle almost tripped over Penkle, as the Troll stood near Charming's desk and marked several chapters. Charming left twenty minutes ago, leaving the frantic blonde assistant and trusty Troll companion alone to do the work. The Scouts returned to the office; one by one, they left with no leads or information about Mary. Michelle was beginning to doubt herself and the capability they all had. She almsot gave up once. Perhaps Mary would hide away from the world and they'd never hear or speak of her name again. That was the coward's way out and lately that option had become less and less.

    Before she could voice another word, the front door to the Business Office swung open. Lyla Porgie entered the room and scanned the area. Upon seeing Michelle, Lyla made her way over, peeking at the open books and highlighted passages as she trailed. Michelle and Lyla leaned against Ethan's dask.

    "Mrs. Porgie. I didn't think you were coming. Ethan never told-"

    "Ethan has no idea either." Lyla looks around. "Wow. Been years since I've set foot in this place. So many memories..."

    "Is there something I can assist you with, Lyla or will this require the Sheriff? He's gone for the moment and-"

    "I hear my sister Mary broke out of prison. Sounds a bit suspicious, seeing as my dear, charming older sister had the brains but not for something so perfectly planned and executed."

    "Your daughter, Katherine, said the same thing. She has Malcom searching the cell, even as we speak."

    Georgie Porgie found his way into the office following Lyla. Penkle seemed strartled by the former pimp's apperance. Michelle still found Ethan's biological makeup a mystery; she had heard the stories surrounding Georgie and the many years it took for him to be accepted back into the community of Fabletown. Glancing at Georgie's face, Michelle could pinpoint the exact traits he'd inherited from Georgie: the 'look' he made when something was wrong, his laugh and the way he carried himself. Michelle watched Georgie embrace Lyla before giving Penkle a pat on the shoulders. Michelle longed to one day have what the couple did-love and acceptance.

    "Oh. Mr. Porgie. This is a pleasent surprise, too."

    "Thought ya' folks could use some help." Georgie examines a nearby book dedicated to Wolves. "Hear Mary Smith got out."

    "Yes, she, uh, escaped early last night. We're trying to keep this under wraps until we know exactly what is taking place."

    "Any leads at all?"

    "No, Lyla. Nothing yet. Its a if she vanished without a single trace."

    Both Lyla and Georgie head to the mirror. It could not tell them Mary's location, for she was not of Fable blood. There was, however, another idea the couple had. The pair rummage through the back until they find a simple brass hand-held pocket mirror. Penkle and Michelle pause to watch the couple. Holding the item up, Lyla and Georgie look deep into the glass.

    "BloodyPorgie, BloodyPorgie, BloodyPorgie, BloodyPorgie, BloodyPorgie...."

    The mirror trembles against Lyla's hand. A ruby red glow cascades along the brass and reflects off of it. An eerie moan escapes the darkness. Seconds later, a pair or red eyes glows against the dark and a clawed hand leaps out from inside the shadows. Michelle stood back
    and covered her eyes from fear. She'd heard about Junior's apperance the minute you dared to repeat his name five times. The legend remained, of course but the person that dwelled inside was powerful and quick. Junior steps out into the Fable world and noticed his parents. His fearsome look melts away and left behind was an identical copy to Georgie. The only difference was the color of Junior's shirt and his height. The parents welcome their son.

    "Thought it was another set of mundy teens again." Junior smiles, picking a chunk of ember from his hat. "I had a devious plan and everything."

    "We need your help, Junior." Georgie leads his son to the front. "Mary broke out of prison and ya' sister is havin' a rough time findin' her. We're worried she might fookin' do somethin' like she tried doin' ta' Peter and Ethan some time ago."

    "Your father and I were wondering if you could scour through the mirrors in New York and see if you can spot here whereabouts."

    Junior takes out a cigarette and lights it. "JUST New York or-"

    "This area, too." Michelle points to a large map, covered in red highlights. "I want this entire region scanned and looked at. We think she might be hiding out with whom ever helped her escape. We want to quickly find her before she attempts anything that could injure or create a panic in the
    city. I want to keep a close eye but in secrecy. There is no need to say anything just yet."

    "What other methods have been used?"

    Lyla answers. "Your brothers are sending Scouts out and searching as well. So far, nothing but YOU can view into the homes of those carrying mirrors. Supposibly, one of the Scouts found a golden arm for Gren and assuming it has to do with what is occuring, he'll be joining us soon."

    Junior glares at his mother with incertitude. "A golden....arm?"

    "Think there is more to this than just Mary. I can't quite put my finger on it....maybe its my motherly instincts but-"

    Michelle adds to the conversation. "Actually, that was Penkle too, ma'am. Um, he stated to me earlier that something in his gut-he pointed right here, mind you-that it didn't 'feel' right. You know? Like, something else was lurking around the shadows...."

    Georgie spats on the floor, joining in with his son for a cigarette. "I'm gettin' too old fa' this fookin' shit. Ta' be honest, I just wanna find the fookin' bitch before she starts up again. Tryin' ta' kill my boys...makin' my wife lose sleep and ta' top it all off, knew that John was locked away in Pandora's Box fa' sometime, when Echidna tried killin' Jersey, Katie and the girls."

    "We'll find her, sir." Michelle could hear the devestation in his voice. "I promise you, whatever she has planned or WILL plan, will be foiled and nothing will come to harm you or the family. I can't risk losing Ethan again...."

    Both Georgie and Lyla glimpse at the blonde woman, just as Junior waves his hand in front of the mirror, steps his right foot inside and sighs.

    "Well, I'll be off. If I find anything, I'll let you all know."

    "Be careful, baby." Lyla blows a kiss as Junior enters the darkness. "Ugh. I still get the chills when he enters that thing."

    "He'll be fine, love." Gerogie stands up, takes a puff of his cigarette and stares at Michelle. "So, woot's the plan?"

    "You made it? For me?" Gren tries to keep up with his brother, as Isaiah walked towards the house. "Why the fuck did you make this?"

    "I've been working on this thing since I found out you tossed THAT arm into the flames."

    "Okay, again...why?" The three brothers enter the home, followed by Emily who begins heating a kettle for tea. "I tossed that fuckin' thing cause it was nothing but problems and-"

    "YOU made it your issue, Gren. By tearing that thing off and tossing it, you made a statement and you know it. Dad knew it, Robert knows it....even Emily."

    This was true. Since that afternoon, the hostility grew between the brothers and the mentality Gren had and his views were different. Emily made the point to mention this but assumed it had to do with his past and the history the arm alone carried. Gren saw it as a reminder of what he did back all those centuries ago. The blame and guilt Gren had hovering above his head that caused him to drown for years to follow.

    "You KNOW why I did it, Isaiah." Gren sits back into the chair. "It was always fuckin' there, to remind me of everything. I wasn't trying to fuckin' start anything with Robert OR you. I'm not-"

    Isaiah laughs, causing everyone in the room to look over. "You state this and it may be true to a point, Grendel. But we all know. This is not to challenge our dear brother Robert over there but I shall not lie or sugar coat the truth. Dad did not see it but I did. Out of the five of us-even the three living brothers RIGHT here in this room-YOU are the most powerful of us all. You, Gren."

    Robert huffs. "Oh please, Isaiah! Spending your time in the North has caused you to lose a few up here. All that snow and cold has drawn you to madness! Do you HEAR yourself!?"

    "Do YOU, Robert?" Isaiah turns to face his fuming brother. "Right now-are you still NOT challenging me and my explanation to Gren? I do not wish to enter your home and bring this upon your family, Gren. I'm aware you have four little ones, which are quite the characters, especially that Liam. Reminds me a lot of you when we were younger. WHICH brings me to the arm. I made this for you because your choice to toss the arm into the fire is like sweeping dust under the rug. Sure, you can't see it but we all know its still there. Eventually, in time, the dust collects. You tossed the arm into the fire to make a statement to dad. To Robert. Maybe even to mom. YOU'RE the stronger one, Gren. You have what mom had..."

    Emily hands Gren a cup of tea; Robert takes on but Isaiah polietly declines the offer. Taking her cup, Emily sits beside her husband. She grabs his hand; although much larger compared to her own, she could feel it tremble against her fingers.

    "Isaiah." Emily glares over. "Please tell me the truth. Woot is this REALLY about? Ya' mentioned ya' saw Calla and-"

    "I noticed you with it, Emily. Looks rather lovely with you. Reminds me alot of my mother...which leads me to your question. I've been seeing her, too, Gren. Robert. Not all the time but once every so often, she'll appear. As the same thing-the Koi fish. At first, I thought I was losing my grip on reality until she spoke in such a loving and generous voice. Like she used to. Then, she told me about the dream..."

    This caught both Robert and Gren's attention. Robert nearly drops his cup. "The told you about-"

    Isaiah nods. "She said BOTH of you have been having it for some time now. The one where you are fighting and you-" Isaiah looks at Robert. "-You, kill Gren. But in the dream, Gren does not have the left arm. WHICH, is where this comes in. I made this to perfectly fit your previous arm and become one with your body. It will look like this until it snaps into place. Then, the flesh, bone, tissue and all the fun attatchments will seep in until it becomes like the previous one."

    "But why Isaiah." Emily touches his hand. "Woot is going ta' happen if he refuses?"

    "I'm trying to protect you. Protect us all. This silly Alpha thing will drive you both into such a state of mind, no one can save either of you. Kids, loved ones. Nothing. You'll fight until the bitter end. By Gren tossing that arm in front of Robert, he silently challenged him, setting the battle into place before either could speak of it. This explains the dreams, the fights and the tension. I can feel it NOW, even just sitting over here. It also indicated how upset you truly are, Gren. How hurt you are at mom for taking your place. Angry with dad-with all of us-for casting you away when you needed us the most. Because you have a difficult time expressing your emotions, the dream kicked in for you. It ends today."

    Isaiah places the arm before Gren and begins to weep. "I will NOT lose either you or Robert to this silly bullshit. I know I have not been around. I know that. Dad is dying and I SAW that, too. The least I can do for her is stop this foolish bullshit and REALLY tackle what is going to happen. There is something big going on. She didn't tell me and said it won't happen all at once. But she wants you to be strong. All of us."

    Gren looks at Emily. "Think this has to do with Mary's escape?"

    "That and perhaps the fucka' the helped her escape."

    "And you, Emily." Isaiah pauses to glance at the woman. "She saw you, sitting upon a white stead and crown above your head. Holding the bow. That is all she could tell me. But you two are the ones that can end this war. Stop the feuding and bring peace."

    "The evil still urks around us all. We NEED to work together. It wants us ALL to fight like this, so it can truly feed into our emotions and create the puppets it wants us to be. To do the 'dirty' work and leave us as is. Please. Take these words and do as you all wish. Mom wants us to work together, Gren. Robert. THIS is what I got from her message and judging by the bullshit that is occuring outside these walls, I'd say that's not a bad idea."

    Gren grabs the arm. Emily remains silent but grasps his waist and holds tightly. He got his answer. Placing the arm against the knub, it connects and slowly develops the needed tissue to become his missing arm. Within seconds, it glows and is nothing more. Gren moves his fingers; it felt wonderful to see and feel the movement of the arm that once mocked him for centuries. He did notice a slight difference in the air. The tension was slowly vanishing.

    "COOL!" Liam bounces into the kitchen. "Ah, mom! I told you it was a cool lookin' arm!"

    All four kids climb Gren's new arm. He lifts all four as if they were weights at a Gym. Beaming, he looks at Emily. She knew it had to be done. Peter nods to Robert. Robert clears his throat and looks at Gren.

    "So, what now bro?"

    "We fight." Gren smiles, looking out the window. "We defend. Together. As one this time."

    As Gren speaks, his new arm glows. It was time.

    "And I saw and behold a white horse: as she that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given undo her and she went forth conquering."

    Any questions, you know the drill. :3 Well, its a good thing I'm leaving. Seriously. I'm officially an unemployed fool until I leave for San Fran. Pretty sad when you're fired because you were defending one of your students. Not my job? Are you KIDDING me?! -shakes head- Almost. Almost leaving for a new city. Almost....almost....

  • Hard Times Part: Three

    Kieron woke up his head pounder like he had been knocked out. He looked around his was the same as it had always been, grey with practically nothing in them. There are some things that he has gotten smuggled in his room though. He grabbed his MP3 player and headphones out of the inside of his bed. To hide this evidence he stitched the bed back spun the bed around and placed the sheet back on. He had learned where all the scientists routes are, so if need be he could hide his headphones and MP3. While putting on his headphones he noticed that he still had his clothes on from when he was in wonderland. But his sword was still there, which normally the clothes would too. He nodded his head and clipped the MP3 to the side of his jacket and put the headphones on. He should look for the Elf and Alice to see if they made it out as well.

    Simple and Clean is the way is the way that you're making me feel tonight it's hard to let it go...hold me whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on, regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all nothings like before. Kieron headphones blared as he walked down the hall.

    When he came up to the lobby he saw the Elf who was carrying Alice. She was pale and had dirty blonde hair which was in a ponytail, She had on a white tank top with black pants. None of the scientists were here, he took off his headphones and MP3 and hid them.

    "Hey." He waved

    This scared the elf and she jumped back. "Don't goddamn scare me like that!" She said with an australian accent.

    Kieron was surprised normally elves had their own language and accent or at least that's what he thought. "Where did you get the accent?" He asked

    "Hmmm? Oh my family went to Australia from the homelands when I was born. From there I just grew up and moved here to Fabletown." She said

    "Oh I see. How'd you end up here?" He asked

    "What is this twenty fucking questions?" She sighed "I'm sorry, it's just weird how I did got here. I've never been here, yet at the same time I feel like I've always been here." She said

    He threw a smile her way to show he was friendly. He sat down. "I'm Kieron, I'll try and explain this as best I can. But before that I need your name." He said

    She had distrust in her eyes "My names....Azaria"

    Kieron smiled "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you or anything. Now here's what we know so far...." He began explaining

    The two talked back and forth about what they've both seen and what to do.

    "Alright fine I'll help ya, but you betta not do anything stupid, ya hear?" She said

    "Promise, now let's go find-" He was cut off by doctors running down the hall in a panic. Kieron looked at Azaria.

    "You go look for Alice and her room number, I'll see what these guys are in a panic about!" He said running after the doctors.

    "Man I hope I don't always get the boring stuff." She sighed

    Kieron followed the doctors down the hall, he heard what he thought was Alices voice. If it was her she was wailing in pain and fear.

    "Alice! Calm down! Someone put this girl to sleep!" A doctor yelled further down the hall.

    Kieron began to run faster past the Doctors in front of him. He ran into the room and saw a scared doctor and Alice rolling in her bed with her eyes closed. Kieron ran over and grabbed Alice.

    "Alice? Alice! Hey, it's okay. Open your eyes!" Kieron said

    Alice wailed she kept patting her summer dress as if she was on fire. Kieron got the idea of using the sink and putting water on her. He took as much water as his hands could hold and dumped the water on her, after several attempts she stopped and the doctors came in.

    "What is going on in here?" One doctor yelled

    Alice came too and spoke. "Oh gosh, where are they? Where is my family!? I need to know they're safe!"

    "Alice your family is fine now why don't we all calm down and-" He was cut off by Alice

    "Fuck you! I wanna see my family! I know how you doctors can be!" She yelled

    Kieron kneeled near Alice and tried to calm her down. He started to make progress to have her stop crying when the doctor put her to sleep with a syringe. Alice fell on the bed asleep. Kieron got up and grabbed the doctor by the throat.

    "What was that for!? I had her under control, she was going to stop!" He said

    The doctor smiled. "Oh we don't care what kind of progress you are making." He said "We need to run more tests, and the prince would like to see you. So if you'll kindly take a nap with her with your Elf friend that'd be nice." He chuckled

    Kieron looked back and was also sedated. He hit the ground....

    "Hey!....HEY!" Kieron heard Azarias voice he leaned up

    "Not so head is killing me...where's Alice?" He asked

    "She's right over there. So is this wonderland?" She asked.

    Kieron got up waved at Alice. She waved back. He began to take a look out of the window, they seemed to be in a village. Houses ranging from big to small, wide to thin, various colors. The town was very lively and had lots of people and...things.

    "Does this place have a stove?" He asked

    "Yeah, why?" Azaria asked

    "I'm hungry, you and Alice should eat too." He said

    "But we don't have any-" She began to say but Kieron was already out of the door. Alice laughed

    "He does that to me too." She said

    "Well it wasn't very nice." Azaria said

    "I don't think he understands, he looks like he hasn't had a conversation in his whole life." Alice said

    "Ah, well I guess we'll just have to teach him then!" Azaria said

    Kieron came back right as Azaria said that and began cooking. Alice and Azaria began to ask him questions.

    "What are you making Kieron?" Alice asked

    "Hmmm? Steak and bread." He said.

    "That's it nothing else?" Azaria asked

    "Sorry, I should have asked." He said

    "Oh no it's fine! I was just wondering is all!" She smiled

    "I'll make yours a bit different how about that?" He smiled

    "It's going to take more than that to win me over." She laughed but her face was red.

    "What about you Alice? Want yours special too?" He smiled and asked

    "Oh no! That's fine!" She said

    Kieron nodded but made hers different as well.

    "Do you talk to a lot of people?" Alice asked

    "No, I never really found it necessary. But you guys are fun to talk to, plus we need to talk when we're in a crisis like this." He smiled

    "Oh that's good." She smiled back.

    Azaria began to ask a question but Kieron cut her off with a smile.

    "What is this twenty questions?" He chuckled

    Azaria laughed "You're lucky I don't slap you"

    The three of them laughed, when they heard a noise outside. When they went outside the whole town was set ablaze...

    That's all I have time for now! May write another part later but I've got to rest and finish up a part of my paper. Oh and if anyone can guess the song that Kieron was listening to I will give you major brownie points! Other than that any questions or comments or anything else let me know! :D

  • Well, duh! If it wasn't obvious already, I am a huge video game nerd. So any reference or joke you make I should be able to get. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh man! So you DID get the little joke I was trying to add there. Man, if only. Have a few moments I'd rewind, too. lol

  • Gotta point this out first, you repeated yourself:

    Glancing at Georgie's face, Michelle could pinpoint the exact traits he'd inherited from Georgie


    Everything is falling into place now it seems, looking forward to what comes next!

    And you got fired from your job?! Care to explain or is this more of a PM explanation?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Michelle almost tripped over Penkle, as the Troll stood near Charming's desk and marked several chapters. Charming left twenty minutes ago,

  • edited March 2015

    Seems like my mind is on repeat today. :3 lol

    Yes, Gren got his arm back! :D The Grendel brothers will work together, everyone will participate and all will be golden. For now, at least....It will all come together; I know some bits I'll bring from my past stories, so if it confuses you again, just let me know.

    No, I can say it here. Last Thursday, at the end of the day, I as the teacher have to speak to the parents and tell them how their child did that day. Well, one little boy was having just an awful day; would not listen, cried over everything and refused to behave. When I told the father this, he nearly lost it. Did not say anything, however and took his son to the truck. Make a long story short, one of the other parents came back to my room and explained to me the same man I spoke to earlier was beating the shit out of his son.

    I ran outside and sure enough, there he was-calling the kid an asshole, worthless, you coward, etc and slapping him around. I confronted the guy and told him off; this was highly inappropriate and he should never punish his child as so. The guy went to the Supervisor and said I belittled his parenting and its his constitutional right as a parent to discipline their child how they see fit. I'm sorry but when you are beating not only MY student but a little child like that-calling him an asshole and worthless-I'm going to step in.

    They told me this morning I stepped out of my 'boundary' and terminated me. Bullshit. I was protecting that boy but what can you do? Thank GOD I'm leaving. All I can say. :(

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Gotta point this out first, you repeated yourself: Glancing at Georgie's face, Michelle could pinpoint the exact traits he'd inherited

  • Grens got his arm back :3 woohoo!

    Also I am too curious as to what has happened! Why would they fire you for defending somebody? Tetra sighs what is this world coming to?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Michelle almost tripped over Penkle, as the Troll stood near Charming's desk and marked several chapters. Charming left twenty minutes ago,

  • edited March 2015

    Sadly I cannot guess the song you put in italics - so I'm going to assume it's a metal song I have no idea about. XD

    And from what I reads so far, Alice is unconscious from all the visions she's seen of Wonderland in previous parts, right? And Kieron and Azaria are both elves, too? Or is it just Azaria?

    EDIT: Saw pie's comment below. Shame I didn't have the Playstation to play much of these awesome games. :(

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Three Kieron woke up his head pounder like he had been knocked out. He looked around his was the same as it ha

  • (I have Deja vu right now, I SWEAR I've seen this comment before... :O)

    I'm more surprised you didn't break his face... Wanker. I wouldn't have fired you, tbh I would've agreed with you. Discipline is not making your child feel like shit and beating them, that makes things much worse! How did Tammy take the news of you being fired?

    Also, I don't think a new job would bring that situation up, you were doing what you thought was (and technically what IS) the right thing. I applaud you for stepping in bro.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Seems like my mind is on repeat today. lol Yes, Gren got his arm back! The Grendel brothers will work together, everyone will participa

  • OMG I know the italics song! Ain't it from Kingdom Hearts! Utada Hikaru sings it, I believe! My girl LOVES this song! Very fitting, actually, to what is going on. I'm guessing Alice in unconcious, too and is having all these errie and strange dreams.

    I love where this is going! Keep it up, man!

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Three Kieron woke up his head pounder like he had been knocked out. He looked around his was the same as it ha

  • edited March 2015

    That is pretty crazy, unfortunately, that's the way how it works in a lot of places. Most of them are like, "You're actually standing up for what you believe is right? Fuck that. We're going to fire you for being a noble human being."

    Too bad they didn't take your side after this problem, since, y'know, you've worked with them for all these months.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Seems like my mind is on repeat today. lol Yes, Gren got his arm back! The Grendel brothers will work together, everyone will participa

  • This shit happens all the time; people have kids and view them as objects to control, rather then nurture and love. Help grow and become a human being with hopes and feelings. I wanted to break his face; I wanted to slap him around and do to him what he put his own child through but that would make me look just as bad as him.

    Tammy was more upset with HOW they fired me and said I was out of boundary. She tried calling the Office of Education to complain but, again, stated the SAME bullshit; CPS apparently was called out but they found no traces of evidence that the boy was harmed in any way. Bullshit. Such bullshit.

    Thanks, bro. :) No regrets. Oh well. Looking forward to leaving, tbh.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    (I have Deja vu right now, I SWEAR I've seen this comment before... :O) I'm more surprised you didn't break his face... Wanker. I wouldn'

  • edited March 2015

    Yes in the beginning of this one Alice was still unconscious from their previous visit to wonderland to wake up and to go back XD. And Azaria is the only elf :)

    Oh man, well if they decide to start working on Kingdom Hearts 3 again you may be able to play that one! I'm sorry you had to miss out on that one man! :(

    Sadly I cannot guess the song you put in italics - so I'm going to assume it's a metal song I have no idea about. XD And from what I read

  • Oh man, this Wonderland/Mental Hospital thing is like Inception all over again!! :O

    I'm loving Azaria, she's feisty :P

    In a way, Kieron sounds a lot like you dude. If the Docs touch his headphones without asking then do they get floored as well? :P

    I await more! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Three Kieron woke up his head pounder like he had been knocked out. He looked around his was the same as it ha

  • edited March 2015

    It's a sad and terrible thing but I agree with you; I took this job and an oath to teach, yes but to PROTECT the children I encounter on a daily basis. I will not tolerate and stand back and not say a word; this is how problems begin and sadly, become more than it originally made out to be.

    Its a shame but, tbh, I'm glad to be leaving and hopefully, will meet individuals as myself that agree for the teaching and protecting as well. Apparently, they don't think so here. Oh well. :(

    That is pretty crazy, unfortunately, that's the way how it works in a lot of places. Most of them are like, "You're actually standing up for

  • That's exactly right! :D it's gotta be one of my favorite opening songs hands down! All three of them are unconscious but they all visit one wonderland in Alices head, which may look like dreams but they look and feel very real ;)

    Thanks Pie! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    OMG I know the italics song! Ain't it from Kingdom Hearts! Utada Hikaru sings it, I believe! My girl LOVES this song! Very fitting, actually

  • Then Kieron is just an ordinary Fable then? What's his deal besides being Alice's caretaker? :P (sorry if you ever mentioned or hinted at other things concerning his background earlier)

    If KH ever gets ported to Xbox (or at the very least, the new one), I'll totally buy the shit out of it for sure.

    Tetra posted: »

    Yes in the beginning of this one Alice was still unconscious from their previous visit to wonderland to wake up and to go back XD. And Azari

  • Yep... Anyone touches my kids they better run.. fast! I'm a peaceful man, the kind of guy to not start a conflict. But if I see women, children, or animals getting slapped around, I'm gonna do something worthy of an arrest!

    Well at least she tried to help. Thank God you just got fired and they didn't try and have you arrested or investigated you know?

    So what's the new job gonna be? More teaching?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    This shit happens all the time; people have kids and view them as objects to control, rather then nurture and love. Help grow and become a h

  • As many jokes I've heard from that movie I've never seen it! XD

    Eh I figured might as well give him a bit of my personality so I'd imagine so XD

    Glad you are enjoying the story! :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh man, this Wonderland/Mental Hospital thing is like Inception all over again!! :O I'm loving Azaria, she's feisty :P In a way, Kiero

  • Yup! :3 Actually out of all the characters I've written for the story so far he's the one I've written the least about XD The next part will have a bit more to him but for the most part he's a guy who has been to wonderland before. He was dropped of at the hospital when he was young and can't remember anything else before that, such as family, friends or other such things.

    Hopefully they do something with it soon!

    Then Kieron is just an ordinary Fable then? What's his deal besides being Alice's caretaker? :P (sorry if you ever mentioned or hinted at ot

  • Inception is weird film to understand in a way. So much about dreams and memories it gets confusing. My Dad wouldn't speak to us for about 15 minutes after we saw it at the cinema cuz he couldn't comprehend the outcome of the plot! XP

    Doctor: Kieron, where did you get those?"

    Doctor pulls an earphone out, Kieron turns around

    "Hey!" Kieron delivers a right hook and floors the unsuspecting Doctor

    "Don't touch my headphones unless I SAY you can!"


    Tetra posted: »

    As many jokes I've heard from that movie I've never seen it! XD Eh I figured might as well give him a bit of my personality so I'd imagine so XD Glad you are enjoying the story!

  • You'll meet them, screw that daycare you were previously working at. Bunch of Californian cokeheads. Sorry for saying such words, but they deserve it.

    Here's a positive gif from Alec Baldwin that'll hopefully get you into a good mood. :)

    Alt text

    pudding_pie posted: »

    It's a sad and terrible thing but I agree with you; I took this job and an oath to teach, yes but to PROTECT the children I encounter on a d

  • I'm the same way with Emily. Now THAT will find me being hog-tied and sent to jail if anyone dares lay a hand on my daughter.

    Tammy knows I love and care for children and it breaks her heart when someone as myself is fired for all the wrong reasons. I appreciate her love and support. :) The new job will be teaching. I live for it. This has always been for me. I MAY do little drawing commissions on the side for that extra cash but yeah. Teaching for me. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yep... Anyone touches my kids they better run.. fast! I'm a peaceful man, the kind of guy to not start a conflict. But if I see women, child

  • Ah, very fascinating background! I like it! Thanks for explaining!

    Tetra posted: »

    Yup! Actually out of all the characters I've written for the story so far he's the one I've written the least about XD The next part will h

  • Lol I will skip on that movie I think XD.

    Tetra nods. Yeah that sounds about right XD What did we learn doctor! XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Inception is weird film to understand in a way. So much about dreams and memories it gets confusing. My Dad wouldn't speak to us for about 1

  • No problem man! Glad to help :)

    Ah, very fascinating background! I like it! Thanks for explaining!

  • That baby girl deserves you!

    I MAY do little drawing commissions on the side for that extra cash

    Gonna draw Paul sticks like JJ said? XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm the same way with Emily. Now THAT will find me being hog-tied and sent to jail if anyone dares lay a hand on my daughter. Tammy knows

  • Doctor rubs his face, a fresh bruise is already forming on his cheek

    "That we don't touch Jared- I mean Tetra's headphones without asking him first..."

    Tetra posted: »

    Lol I will skip on that movie I think XD. Tetra nods. Yeah that sounds about right XD What did we learn doctor! XD

  • OMFG! That stick comment had me laughing like an idiot. I should do that; a stick with hair and clothes. Ugh. HATED that pic but yeah....things like that. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That baby girl deserves you! I MAY do little drawing commissions on the side for that extra cash Gonna draw Paul sticks like JJ said? XP

  • Hundred percent correct here XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Doctor rubs his face, a fresh bruise is already forming on his cheek "That we don't touch Jared- I mean Tetra's headphones without asking him first..."

  • You're awesome, man! :D No matter how pissed, Alec Baldwin always makes a person smile. California is a backwards state, my friend. REALLY backwards. XD

    You'll meet them, screw that daycare you were previously working at. Bunch of Californian cokeheads. Sorry for saying such words, but they deserve it. Here's a positive gif from Alec Baldwin that'll hopefully get you into a good mood.

  • Alt text

    SWEET! I got it right! Love those games! OH wow! Now THAT just screams trouble! I shall twiddle my thumbs and gladly wait now!

    Tetra posted: »

    That's exactly right! it's gotta be one of my favorite opening songs hands down! All three of them are unconscious but they all visit one wonderland in Alices head, which may look like dreams but they look and feel very real Thanks Pie!

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