Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • I couldn't keep it away for too long. I feel bad every time. XD

    This world is just a pile of problems, man. Basically, got fired for doing my job.

    Tetra posted: »

    Grens got his arm back woohoo! Also I am too curious as to what has happened! Why would they fire you for defending somebody? Tetra sighs what is this world coming to?

  • Gotta love when you do what you're supposed to and get fired anyways. What a bunch of trash. That sucks man.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I couldn't keep it away for too long. I feel bad every time. XD This world is just a pile of problems, man. Basically, got fired for doing my job.

  • I love this! So, Isaiah is a good guy! -whew- I thought he'd be the one to turn his back. It's nice to see he really does care for his brothers, especially Gren. You mentioned Gren is the strongest, though. Because of the same power Calla has-you know-the one Seraphina has, too? Hm. Very interesting. I'm glad, too, you gave him his arm back. :D

    I DO have a question: By Gren throwing his arm into the fire, that caused tension between him and Robert. He saw that as a challenge. I get that. That WAS pretty bold of Gren. So, by him accepting this new arm, the tension is gone and forgiven or does it ease the feelings between the two brothers? Something tells me it won't be that easy....

    BTW you got fired!? I get on here after a long day in court and THIS is what I see!? Because you defended that poor boy?!? OMG, dude! I'm so sorry! you didn't deserve that! In fact, they should be praising you! Celebrating the fact that you stood UP for that boy! stupid! Our state is so dumb! I'm sorry, pie! I'll tex you here in a bit....

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Michelle almost tripped over Penkle, as the Troll stood near Charming's desk and marked several chapters. Charming left twenty minutes ago,

  • Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's what being busy does to a person, I suppose. I'm going to be working every day this week after school since it's the week before Easter so if I'm absent for most of the week due to exhaustion and being busy, then don't worry, lol XD I'm doing pretty good, excited for spring break! I might buy some Easter candy from the store I work at on my last day (Saturday) because why the hell not? Lol. I just wanted to 'update' you guys on how I'm doing, and I'm curious as to how everyone else is doing and what's going on ^-^ I'll write most likely today if I'm up for it; I'm going to chill a little first and play the sims 3 or something.

  • Hey EMMY :)

    You buying candy reminds me that I must buy that chocolate bird from Blenheim Palace at some point this week :P

    I'm NEVER busy! lol

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's

  • Don't feel bad, Ems. I have not done a single page in weeks! Been busy myself. But, like pie said in a previous comment, that's life for you. :( Glad to know all is well for you, though. EVERYONE has been pretty busy....School, work and life. Who here regrets wishing to be an adult when they were little? raises both hands LOVE the Sims 3, too!

    BTW, that Easter candy sounds pretty damn good right about now. I couldn't work in a candy shop. Oh no. Too many of the Devil's temptations calling my name. Jacob...Jacob....come eat us! I'm so tasty and sweet....

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's

  • buy that chocolate bird from Blenheim Palace

    MMMMM....Chocolate Bird makes gurggle noises MAN! Now I want Chocolate....

    Alt text

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey EMMY You buying candy reminds me that I must buy that chocolate bird from Blenheim Palace at some point this week :P I'm NEVER busy! lol

  • It's this nicely sized, really well made Duck. Expensive as hell though, £16 I think it was... Thank God I get a 20% staff discount! XD

    Belnheim Palace does some really great food and drink, I still have a bottle of Mead Cider I bought during Xmas time. But their prices are ridiculous...

    JJwolf posted: »

    buy that chocolate bird from Blenheim Palace MMMMM....Chocolate Bird makes gurggle noises MAN! Now I want Chocolate....

  • Who here regrets wishing to be an adult when they were little?

    Oh man, early High School flashbacks... I used to cry at the thought of growing up :/

    ...I was so weird when I was younger...

    JJwolf posted: »

    Don't feel bad, Ems. I have not done a single page in weeks! Been busy myself. But, like pie said in a previous comment, that's life for you

  • Yo! :D

    I'm doing pretty great! My grades are finally going up! So that's good. It's alright if you're absent EMMY lol just make sure to pop in and say hi when you can like you just did :) I forgot Easter is coming up, I guess I should buy candy XD Have fun EMMY!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's

  • You have your break next week? Lucky. Mine ended today. :P Oh well, I enjoyed myself by visiting Wisconsin and all that. Enjoy yours in return!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's

  • I still have a bag of Hershey kisses I didn't even open yet, but you'd have to come to ALL the way to Illinois to get it. XD

    JJwolf posted: »

    buy that chocolate bird from Blenheim Palace MMMMM....Chocolate Bird makes gurggle noises MAN! Now I want Chocolate....

  • My grades are finally going up!


    Tetra posted: »

    Yo! I'm doing pretty great! My grades are finally going up! So that's good. It's alright if you're absent EMMY lol just make sure to pop

  • Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fell into a deep depression for some time and to be honest, tried killing myself one night. I thankfully have my own personal Vivian-Chad was there to save me and because of him, I am here and forever grateful. The love and kindness from this thread alone makes me smile and feel so welcomed. With that, the continuation of my story.


    "And the score for the third quarter: Green Bay 24, Patriots 21. We'll be right back after these commercial breaks-"

    "FOOOOOOOK YES!" Georgie, Mikhail and Tez jump up from the couch, join in a bro hug and spin around in place. The men sheer and stomp their feet. Georgie nearlt topples over Lyla's cup while Mikhail took one of the noise makers and created and ear piercing effect. Harmony, startled by the noise, knocks the bowl of popcorn down.

    Catherine was entertained by the noise and soon, all three began singing 'We will Rock you' by Queen. Nick, Gren and Robert ll roll their eyes and chuckle.

    "It's still early, Porgie." Robert taunts the man in the cheese head. "Patriots are ONLY behind 3 points."

    Georgie faces Robert and sends him the middle finger. "Ya' can suck my fat co-"

    "ALRIGHT!" Lyla stands up, looking at her daughter. "THAT is enough, dear. No more drinky drinks for you. Emily, sweetie-lets go into the kitchen and find more snacks."

    As Emily and Lyla walk in fron of the television, Gren reaches over and grabs a handful of Emily's butt. With a tight, firm grip, he snatches the jean covered butt and grunts.

    "Yeah...MMM yeah! Want some of THIS with a side of chips and-"

    "The fook did ya' say!?" Georgie stands up. "The fook ya' sayin' ova' there 'bout me Emily?"

    "Alright, boys. That's enough." Tez grabs Georgie. "Why don't you just sit down, watch the game and let Gren be Gren, alright?"

    "Yeah..." Gren nearly falls off the couch and points to himself. "Let Gren be Gren. He's an ass, that guy. And can we PLEASE talk about those stupid boots that fuckin' guy wears...."

    Emily taps Gren. "Uh, ARE Gren, sweetie."

    Gren looks up and smiles. "'re sexy as fuck, babe. Will you make daddy a sandwich? You know how daddy likes his meat-right in between two, thick pieces of white-"

    "I'M GUNNA KILL YA'!" Georgie leaps over the couch. "COME HERE, YA' DRUNK FOOKIN' TWAT!"

    Catherine catches Mikhail just as the tiny Dragon soars through the air and lands in her lap. Rose continued to laugh and encourage Georgie to 'tear off' the poor bastard's arm. Struggling on the floor, Gren and Georgie wrestle. Draco nearly loses his cup of soda; Harmony and Tim were surprised to see such action taking place during the superbowl. Although Harmony would never say this, she was secretly hoping Georgie would kick Gren's ass.

    She immediatly stands up. "YEAH! Go Georgie! Kick his ass! What he gets for breaking my phone on New Years Eve!"

    Emily and Lyla ignore their husbands and walk into the kitchen. Draco, however, yells for Emily. "HEY, EMS-can you get me another plate of potato salad? This shit is good. Who made this shit?"

    "I did." Mary raises her hand. "I can not STAND the store bought shit. Tastes like old socks and toilet paper."

    Junior claps for Mary's response. "Wow. Never a dull one with you, huh baby?"

    As Mary and Junior kiss, Rose makes a sour face. "UH! EWW! Get a room you two! SHIT! Sick!"

    "You'd watch us if T man over there would let you, Rose."

    "Yes." No hesitation. "YES I would!"

    The game returns to the screen; no one seemed to notice the players get into position and get ready for the game. Mikhail tries to point it out but failed against the two Fables still rolling on the ground. Cindy joined the women in the kitchen; Percy, still nibbling on his Doritos, looks at the game and cheers. He throws his little paw into the air.

    "Oh I love a good match, eh Robert my good man?"

    "Going to talk to me, eh?"

    "Why would I not speak ta' you, Robert ol' chap? Besides the part where you and your brother nearly devoured me like a fat man at a buffet does, I assure you all is under the table and long passed."

    "Alright." Robert laughs. "What he said."

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Gren jumps ontop of Georgie. "I'm going to rip your fuckin' ears off!"

    Nick stands up, searching for his cigarettes in his pockets. "So, I'm going to go outside and smoke. Anyone care to join me?"

    "MAYO!" Gren screams in the direction of the kitchen. "I FUCKIN' DEMAND MAYO!" He looks down at Georgie. "You know, Emily just LOVES that thick, creamy white stuff too, Georgie. MMMM yes-she loves it REAL good...."

    "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!" Georgie pins Gren to the floor. "I'll fookin' rip ya' damn ARM off, Grendel! Just ya' wait and see! I'm gunna-"

    "I'll join you." Robert walks over the dueling Fable men. "I need a break from all this excitment."

    "I fancy a fag myself, ol' chaps."

    Rose nearly spits up her soda. "FAG?! Did the Weasel guy say he wants to smoke a Fag-like, those guys that like other guys?"

    "No, Rose." Harmony tries not to laugh. "That's what cigarettes are called in England. Fags."

    "Wow." Rose leans back. "Wonder if anyone had THAT ever happen, though...."

    Nick, Percy, Draco and Robert all head outside. The kids continue to play and run around the house. George and Noah play football, while Ash, Scarlett and the twin girls Aubrey and Sophia play with their dolls. Sheila, however, notices Nick and without a word, runs over to the towering man. Smoking his cigarette, he looks down and sees a beaming little girl.


    "Hello Sheila." Nick laughs. "Watch out, sweetie-don't want this to get into your face."

    Sheila points to the house. "My mommy and daddy smoke all the time, Mr. big boots."

    "Nick." Nick kneels down and ruffles Sheila's hair. "Call me Nick. You know-your mommy and I are best friends."

    "My auntie Emmy says you can play darts really good!"

    "I can."

    Draco takes out his iphone, flips through his music folder and plays a Snoop Dog song. The good ones-you know, from the 90's-and soon, all the men are bobbing their heads to 'Gin and Juice.' Robert exhales a cloud of smoke. He tries not to laugh, for he could hear his brother and Georgie continue to fight inside the house.

    "Man, those two."

    Sheila pokes Robert's knee. "What are they doing in there, Mr. Grendel sir?"

    "Your papa Georgie and uncle Gren are playing a silly grownup gam."

    "Oh." Sheila returns her glance at Nick. "Can I see your neat toy now, Mr. Nick sir?"

    Draco eyes Nick through the clouds of smoke. "Neat toy, Nick?"

    Nick continues to smoke, as he fishes out his keys and opens his car. He pops the hood to his trunk and pulls out a solid silver sword, encrusted with jewels, a hanging skull and writing. Nick swings the sword around, making a hissing and whishing noise.

    "Wow." Sheila tries to touch it. "What is that thing?"

    "Uh, yeah Nick." Robert chuckles uneasily. "I mean, you carry that thing around, all the your car...."

    "This, my good men AND little lady, is the Sword of a thousand eyes. It can see and open a portal into a universe only so little have had the privelage of knowing. The mere glance of these worlds will cause a man to go insane, temporairly blinded by the thoughts it would produce and the madness that will follow. Death himself created this sword with his own hands and should it fall into the wrong hands, create unimaginable terror and destruction, leaving behind burning corpses and horrible nightmares for those that can survive."

    Sheila jumps in place. "COOL! I like all that!"

    "Uh, Nick....yeah, um, lets pull the creepy swrod away, alright? Let's not give little Mary junior over here any ideas because I like my life and although its painfully lonely at the moment, I don't want to live in a world with terror and horror."

    "I don't blame you." Draco chuckles. "You see it enough with your brother."

    Nick slides the item back into the trunk and slams it shut. "Alright, missy. There it is."

    "AH man....I wanted to see it in action."

    "Maybe another time. Ask your mommy and daddy. Sure Junior and mary would get a kick out of-"

    CRASH! BOOM CRASH! A potted plant flies through the window. The sound of Gren and Georgie continue in the house. Lyla peeks out the window and waves to Robert.

    "HEY! Please-come and get your brother off of Georgie! NOW!"

    "He losing?" Robert tosses the end onto the dirt. "I mean, if you-"


    "I'm going I'm going. Yeesh. Keep your panties on."

    Sheila chuckles. "Tee hee....panties. You said panties, Robert."

    Draco pokes Nick in the side with his elbow. "I'd like to see that, am I right Nick?"

    Nick nods. "Who wouldn't...."

    Robert lifts his hand up. "I second that, boys...."

    "Hey, Robert-what if you lose? What Lady Gaga song will you AND Gren sing too?"

    The men, along with Sheila, walk into the home. The game was currently tied; both teams had 24 points but at the moment, everyone was keeping score of the cursing, biting and bruising before them. Georgie, the cheese head, was winning. Robert looks over at the T man, who was thinking the same thing.

    Too bad no one took a bet on this.


    Any questions or comments, please leave them below. :D

  • Hey Ems! Glad to know everything is going great. Even though you are busy, that's a good thing. :3 I'm having my Spring break right now. It's been nice. I have soooooo much chocolate at my house at the moment. The misses keeps getting all these rabbits and peeps. XD For me, just getting ready for the BIG move! :D

    Now that you mentioned the Sims, that sounds like a plan. :3

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's

  • Who here regrets wishing to be an adult when they were little?

    LMAO The bills and repsonsibility can be a hassle but honestly, I love it. :3 WAAAAAAAY better than the high school Chad. Won't go there. lol

    JJwolf posted: »

    Don't feel bad, Ems. I have not done a single page in weeks! Been busy myself. But, like pie said in a previous comment, that's life for you

  • Tetra reads the top falls to his knees and starts to cry and smiles I'm sorry whatever happened to you happened but thank goodness you didn't go through with it man...I can't ...I can't lose another friend like that...It may sound weird since we never met personally but...Goddamnit you guys are the closest thing to friends I've had in years...I'm so glad you didn't do it man! I'm not one for hugs man but I'd give you one. And it's been forever since I've cried man...thank you for not doing it!

    This story was really good man! Catherine and Mikhail were cute! I kinda saw the Gren and Georgie fight! Keep up the awesome work man

    JJwolf posted: »

    Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fel

  • -Wipes away a tear-

    A lot of people were asking about you, Jacob. Questioning the depression. What they did to you-the reason you went to court-should never happen to anyone. Not even my worst enemy, would I wish that upon them. You are stronger then they are and when you called me that night....when you told me you were going to end it, I had to stop you. Your Vivian or not, I will not lose you to something like that. You're an uncle to my little Emily. Tammy ADORES the shit out of you. You've become my best friend. Something I have not had in a long time. I love you so much. From the bottom of my heart, this WILL get better. I promise you. You're among friends and not just me. Look at Tetra's comment. Hmans. Dragons...whom ever and see for yourself. You're not alone, Jacob...not anymore. :)

    With that being said (I'm going to kick your ass later for making me cry XD) I thought this was the funniest yet! Gren being drunk and not noticing he's talking about himself; the snadwich comment had me laughing beyond words and I thought it was too funny when Percy said that about the cigarettes. I almost forgot about Harmony and her phone! REVENGE! >:D

    I see you DID use my idea for Nick's little neat 'toy' he'd show Sheila. :3 And Draco is one slick muthabeeper, I tell you what! XD XD That panties thing, too. LMFAO Perverts! Leave my Lyla alone! -points to Robert-

    GREAT, man! I loved this! Well worth the wait! Can't wait for more. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fel

  • I couldn't work in a candy store, all the chocolate.....would strangely disappear lol. Right now I'm just sticking with moving boxes around and stuff. Seem easy and simple once you get use to it and once my lunch break comes around:

    Alt text

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Looks like everyone's been busy writing lately! I feel like I'm only half here most of the time, not entirely in the loop XD Oh well, that's

  • I'm sorry for what you are going though, I can't imagine the amount of pain. I'm no stranger to this, a family member of mines nearly went down the same road and thankfully because of losing someone he loved in a accident, he nearly lost his life with them to. On the night he was going to take his own life my uncle caught him just in time, if he got there a second later my cousin wouldn't be here. I grew up with him, he's like a brother to me. Thankfully, he had close friends and family to help through that terrible time, he's better now and stronger.

    This was hard for me to share this, but I did anyway out of respect. You have people to here who care for you, in the flesh and beyond. You'll be just fine JJ.

    And thank you for depicting to resemble him in his youth years. Your awesome!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fel

  • Ooh, a chocolate bird? We have a few little chocolate chicks in our story, but mainly it's just rabbits everywhere. And it's expensive too, sadly. I'll probably get myself a small bunny or two on Saturday when I get paid :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hey EMMY You buying candy reminds me that I must buy that chocolate bird from Blenheim Palace at some point this week :P I'm NEVER busy! lol

  • Yep. Life is like a kick in the ass sometimes XD But, to be honest, I don't mind being this busy sometimes. It kind of makes me feel responsible in some ways, which is a good thing. And I TOTALLY regret wishing I was an adult as a kid too XD

    Haha XD At this point, I'm sick of just looking at all of it and not being able to eat any of it. I mean, I'm allowed the extra jelly beans or little chocolates whenever I'm bagging those, but it's like barely a handful most times so it's not like I'm pigging out on chocolate covered bacon or giant bunny rabbits XD I intend on buying some at the end of the week, for Easter's sake.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Don't feel bad, Ems. I have not done a single page in weeks! Been busy myself. But, like pie said in a previous comment, that's life for you

  • Yeah we start Friday :) Sounds like fun, Wisconsin. There a lot of cheese? Lmao XD I'm sure you had a blast.

    You have your break next week? Lucky. Mine ended today. :P Oh well, I enjoyed myself by visiting Wisconsin and all that. Enjoy yours in return!

  • Sweet! Good grades = progress and relief XD And yeah, I will do! You'd better get to the store quick before an angry mob of last minute shoppers comes in and sweeps the stores of their goods XD I'm anticipating a TON of people to show up on the last few days of this week, because parents just LOVE to last minute shop for their kids and grandkids XP

    Tetra posted: »

    Yo! I'm doing pretty great! My grades are finally going up! So that's good. It's alright if you're absent EMMY lol just make sure to pop

  • Yeah its a good feeling :) People are really like that over candy o.o that's insane! I don't think I can imagine a a bombarded candy shop but hey anything can happen! XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Sweet! Good grades = progress and relief XD And yeah, I will do! You'd better get to the store quick before an angry mob of last minute shop

  • Sounds nice :) It's work, you know? And nice gif XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    I couldn't work in a candy store, all the chocolate.....would strangely disappear lol. Right now I'm just sticking with moving boxes around and stuff. Seem easy and simple once you get use to it and once my lunch break comes around:

  • Don't eat too much or you'll be sporting a daddy belly that Ems can jump on and knock the wind outa ya XD Glad you guys had a nice break, sometimes it's just needed. My family tends to wait until the day before Easter to buy all the chocolate and goodies, so it all sits on our dining room table the day before and stays untouched. It's always different each year, sometimes we get really awesome baskets and other times were just get what my parents decided to give us XD I hope its nice this year.

    Sims always sounds like a good plan XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Hey Ems! Glad to know everything is going great. Even though you are busy, that's a good thing. I'm having my Spring break right now. It's

  • edited March 2015

    (?)Silence is a valid option.


    Nick pause for a moment, looking into the the dying white eyes of the Wendigo. It waiting to be finished off by the Scotsman, so it tell Nick to get it over with already while lying it's head slowy on the ground. “Wait” Ashlyn cries out. Walking over towards Nick and the Wendigo, Nick informs her not to get to close, continues to get closer standing in front of it. She kneels down by his face and ask him “Why did you do it?” it looked her in the face, like it was in a trance himself. From the corner of his eye he could a two foot tall creature entering the massive room.

    The Wendigo pointed to the approaching shadowy figure and forced the words out of itself “It was.... him..”. The sound of tiny hands clapping can be heard getting closer and closer. Everyone turn their attention to the shadowy figure approaching them. Etan and Nick begins to laugh at everyone's reactions, while the student's are left in awe.



    What the @#$%?


    I'm done!

    Didn't see that coming....

    Did anyone inhale any strange fumes while down here...? I can't believe what I am seeing..

    These are everyone reaction when not other than Mr. Weasel emerges from the shadows while shipping on a cup of tea that he pulled out of thin air. “Impressive. Most impressive. I was hoping everyone could figure this out before my protege could spill the beans.” Nick breaks open the barrel of whiskey, pour it into a mug and a drop some salt in it and have a seat on a rock sharing among Tez, Rose and Etan. Ella questioned why Mr. Weasel would do something this this, he responded, “It special test for a certain group of people. No one really got hurt. That creature behind you is the Warden's son, Lenny. A master of disguise and illusion. Introduce yourself Lenny.”

    The creature transformed into a young man with dark brown hair. He greeted everyone with a Australian accent, before walking over towards Mr. Weasel. Everyone is still confused, so Dan asked Mr. Weasel again what was the point of all this. Mr. Weasel, taking another sip of tea told the student's that it was a test designated for certain people. He also told them that EVERY senior who graduated from this academy had a specific test. But not dramatic as this one, no one really died or anything. They freaked out of course, but it well worth it once they complete this task.

    He again apologized for and discomfort caused during this whole situation recognizing the student's act's of heroics,teamwork and more. They all received a outstanding grade on this test, higher the previous students before them. Each student had their own trait the Mr. Weasel defined them as, and the strong words stuck with them for the rest of their lives. Everyone then returned to the soon to be ending party for one more dance and as everyone make their way towards the exit, one of Mr. Weasel's favorite song can be heard from up stairs, Back Street Back. He zoom's up the stairs and immediately get on the dance floor before the song can end.

    The over the next week's the Fable League's finally arrive. With FableTown High going on consecutive win streak, they are in the finals with their rival school, Fables North. They went into a fierce battle of endurance, archery, speed, flight, swordplay, and various others against their rivals. It was tough, but in the end, FableTown High was victory, bring home the golden trophy. Nick nearly broke out into tears as they hand his school the trophy. “IT'S SO FUCKING SHINY! Shinier than our other ones!”. He grasped the trophy in his massive hands and held it high up in the sky. The field was in roaring like a city's team won the Superbowl.

    Nick and Ella waved at Franz as his team as they gracefully make their exit off of the field. Franz mutters something in German and gives Nick the middle finger. He would ran over there and slammed the trophy onto Franz head, but he was way to happy and proud right now.

    As the confetti rained down onto the field, Robert decided it was his chance to shine one last time, so he waltz onto the pavilion and popped a disk into the computer and began singing.

    Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!

    Because I'm happy!

    Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth!

    Because I'm happy!

    Clap along if you know what happiness is to you!

    Because I'm happy!

    Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do!

    This time, Robert's voice wasn't a nightmare like before. He actually sounded really majestic. Everyone began to dance to the tune as well. Everything went smooth until a magic veil fell out of his pocket and splashed onto the ground.... turning everyone naked, again.


    Graduation followed later, We have arrived at that time of year, when graduating students don their caps and gowns, and arm themselves with a big grin as they march across the stage to receive their diplomas. As a Fable, your journey is only beginning. Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else's path unless you're in the woods and you're lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that. Now go forth my Fables, walk through the door towards your next chapter.


  • That chocolate Duck is a typical thing to find for sale at Blenheim Palace...

    We're always filming some new movie at the Palace... And I haven't seen any of the actors walking about! We've had Tom Cruise and Daniel Craig here at some point! :(

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Ooh, a chocolate bird? We have a few little chocolate chicks in our story, but mainly it's just rabbits everywhere. And it's expensive too, sadly. I'll probably get myself a small bunny or two on Saturday when I get paid

  • edited March 2015

    First of all... You tried to kill yourself? Dude, I... don't know what to say :'(

    At least this court bullshit is over now and some form of justice got served!

    Now onto the story, I FREAKIN' LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!! XD XD XD

    Gren and Georgie fighting; Gren making those sexual innuendos about Emily, you really do have a grasp of comedy JJ!

    Will you make daddy a sandwich? You know how daddy likes his meat-right in between two, thick pieces of white-"

    First I'm laughing my ass off, but now I'm jealous of Gren and his sexy lady XP

    Now Nick, you captured him well in this chapter, my only gripe is that Nick is a cigar man, he never smokes cigarettes :P Nice to see Nick be sweet to Sheila though :)

    That sword was interesting! I will definitely be putting that in my story now... Although what was Pie's idea in regards to it?

    JJwolf posted: »

    Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fel

  • Hmph, didn't expect that to happen :P

    I love Nick's reaction to the trophy at the Fables League though:

    “IT'S SO FUCKING SHINY! Shinier than our other ones!”

    Well I would've loved to have seen more of this tale, but it has reached a suitable end I think. Good ol' Robert finshing it off though, that was a perfect touch! XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    (?)Silence is a valid option. Wow... Nick pause for a moment, looking into the the dying white eyes of the Wendigo. It waiting to be f

  • Each one of these you could put in a frame and hang it on a wall. :D Maybe for the birds it'd be good to have some seeds in your pocket when you're out, so you can throw it as a diversion! (I genuinely think that isn't a bad idea XD) Anyway, hope the move goes smoothly, whichever of the 3 you pick. :) Good to know you'll still be lurking and perhaps occasionally writing - we'd all miss you otherwise. XD

  • As soon as Lyla and Georgie walked in, you know things were really getting down to business. And with Junior, Mary surely won't be able to stay out of sight for long. Plus, with Gren getting the arm from Isiah it seems things might be coming to a pinnacle.

    That you were fired for defending one of your students is bullshit. Hopefully that student can take something away from you standing up for them and they can really know that whatever's being said to them isn't the truth; don't know exactly how young the students at the school are but it's important they build up self-esteem and not have it destroyed by others when they're at a young age. In my opinion, you did the right thing.

    On to San Francisco! :D

    And incertitude! New word! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Michelle almost tripped over Penkle, as the Troll stood near Charming's desk and marked several chapters. Charming left twenty minutes ago,

  • An Australian Elf? My estimation of Azaria has jumped up high. XD Just what's going on at the hospital in Fabletown? It doesn't seem like their number one priority is the patient's well-being.

    The three of them sitting around and eating their meal while chatting cordially is a great scene ^_^ though the ending is entirely ominous!

    Tetra posted: »

    Hard Times Part: Three Kieron woke up his head pounder like he had been knocked out. He looked around his was the same as it ha

  • Glad you enjoyed it. I have put together a small list of possible outcomes if everyone voted for the following:

    Tell someone.

    *Mr.Weasel add in two additional creatures.

    *Franz visit the school while Nick is there.

    *Lenny make a appearance at school, and gets blamed for the Wardens murder.

    Dan goes down into the dungeon himself.

    *He gets cought and imprisoned.

    *Find out a little bit more about the Wendigo.

    Kill him

    *Nick attempts to kill, but is stopped by Mr . Weasel who shows up earlier.

    *Lenny reveals himself.


    *Tezoth burps throughout the room create a small tremor from drinking wiskey.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hmph, didn't expect that to happen :P I love Nick's reaction to the trophy at the Fables League though: “IT'S SO FUCKING SHINY! Shi

  • Ya for the Australian Elf! :D lol. The way I see it, is that the patients are free test subjects.

    Things will definitely be picking up in the next chapter! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    An Australian Elf? My estimation of Azaria has jumped up high. XD Just what's going on at the hospital in Fabletown? It doesn't seem like th

  • It's probably good that I don't eat cheese there, since I'd most likely end up eating platefuls. XD

    I usually do. Rural scenery, Cracker Barrel breakfasts, scenic drives, burning stuff in a barrel - what's not to love?

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Yeah we start Friday Sounds like fun, Wisconsin. There a lot of cheese? Lmao XD I'm sure you had a blast.

  • edited March 2015

    It's great to hear you're still with us, man. Losing you would be like losing a family member on here - because that's what you are here, family. Don't let anyone tell you different.

    Anyway, yet again another entertaining chapter! Good to know my T-man wouldn't let his Rose watch people kissing, that's totally UNRAD! (Tez on attempting to speak in Rose Red's vocabulary XD)

    And concerning the ending, Rob and Tez were planning to make a bet on Georgie?

    JJwolf posted: »

    Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fel

  • I'm going with the spare option. Good old Tez has to let it out sometime. XD Awesome chapter btw.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Glad you enjoyed it. I have put together a small list of possible outcomes if everyone voted for the following: Tell someone. *Mr.Wea

  • The world is a better place for you being in it, JJ. Whatever's happened, you're making your way through it, and you're going to be stronger than ever before.

    internet hug

    Glad Pie was there to help you out.

    "Let Gren be Gren. He's an ass, that guy. And can we PLEASE talk about those stupid boots that fuckin' guy wears...."

    Can't help but love this guy XD Least he seems drunk enough that he probably won't remember the fight with Georgie; but then again, maybe he will.

    "Why would I not speak ta' you, Robert ol' chap? Besides the part where you and your brother nearly devoured me like a fat man at a buffet does, I assure you all is under the table and long passed."

    Yeah, Weasel does not hold on to grudges; glad to see him and Robert getting on. :D

    And I love how Nick stands up in the middle of it all and casually announces his cigarette plans, with others joining him. XD TWO close matches going down - not sure who's going to win either. Great as ever, JJ! :D

    And I wish you all the best. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I've been going to court for something silly and stupid and it never should have happened...I fel

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