Overall Thoughts of Season 5 (T.V. Show, Straawpoll)
What do you think overall of The Walking Dead Season 5: http://strawpoll.me/4006458
I thought this was the best season of the show, the writers really stepped up their game this season. Other than a couple of the hospital episodes, this season was fantastic and had some of TWD's best written episodes. I absolutely love the direction the show has taken under the current show runner Scott Gimple, it follows a much stricter adherence to the comics while still adding or changing a few details, the pacing has gotten much better, and the characters are developing nicely, especially the character of Carol. So what do you guys think of the show's 5th season?
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Oh you're dern sure this was the best damn season of the show!!!!
The writing style for this season seemed much different than the previous seasons. I couldn't really get into it thanks to all the slow down moments with them just wandering around talking about their weird philosophy again and again. I think I heard that the writers tend to switch up their style every several episodes so maybe things will change. I wish that whoever writes the ending to these episodes would just extend that effort through the whole episode, cause it always ended nicely.
Although I must admit the beginning of this season with the hunters was fucking rad.
season 2 is still my favorite, season 5 was awesome
My fav season so far. Also seeing "Wolves not far" at the end gave me chills
It was ok, could have been better though.
I felt it only was good at the beginning 3 episodes and the last episodes with Alexandria, everything in the middle was all so boring IMO. Probably my 2nd least favorite season, not as bad as season 4 though.
Oh, this season...without a doubt this was the weakest season. The hospital storyline was very poorly written and centering it around Beth when her actress isn't that great was a TERRIBLE idea. The episode with Carol and Daryl was complete filler and only confirmed what we already knew and only gave Carol a tiny bit of development with the thing with the book about domestic abuse. The mid-season finale was very anti-climactic, Episode 9 when Tyreese died was just awful, and the episode after that when it's literally 40 something minutes of people crying and complaining was just unwatchable garbage. The season definitely picked up once Aaron and Alexandria came into the picture.
I think its the best Season yet, The only thing I didn't like was the hospital arc.
I thought it was great, just not the best though. The season finale, however, is probably the best season finale the show has had IMO.
It was okay, but IMO it had many wasted ideas that could've been developed more. Also, I didn't like killing off all neutral characters. Gotta love Andrew's Lincoln acting though. He really pulls up the level of the show.
Agreed, Terminus' storyline also seemed to be shortened. Went in, went out, eat some humans, die.
Terminus was based off of the Hunters from the comic (which you probably know) and they weren't in it for very long either. They left one hell of an impact on the group, though.
They were nice part of the plot, probably my favourite this season, even though Carol exploding all their shit up felt a little unrealistic.
"Season 2 is still my favorite" You sir, are the only Man I've ever heard say that. I think I'll keep you close by, you seem optimistic.
Oh, That ending made me lose it, I knew deep down at the moment, "Wolves Not Far" Means they're going after Alexandria. "No Way Out" Confirmed, and I sure as hell ain't ready.
S1 still my favorite (minus Lori)
Meh. I hated the first half besides the first 3 episodes with the hunters. The rest I couldnt stand. But I did like all of the second half.
It was By Far the Best Season in this Show. The Performances were Genius, the Foes were Interesting, and I will say, The Hospital Arc Bored me to Tears, But the midseason finale made me lose it, I mean, I saw it coming, Daryl had the hots for beth and Carol slept in the same bed as him, Welp, Sorry beth, You gotta go!
Terminus is one Of the Greatest Plot Lines ever in the show, The Hunters were so Amazing in the comics, and Seeing Gareth's group meet their end was awesome.
People who thought a lot was Filler really don't understand that not Much happens in the Middle of nowhere, They needed to Give the Characters More Development, This Happens in Every season you know! Tyreese's Death could not be any more expertly Planned, They were in a dark place, and the one Hope Tyreese tried to Represent was ripped away. Which made their situation so much worse. He Represented the one Grasp the group had on it's humanity, and He just died, and The way they killed him does feel wasted, Season Finale would have been much more deserving for the Cinematography and Script for that scene. "Them" Was by far one of the Smartest episodes of the Season for me, It made me realize how desparate their situation really was, and Rick's speech was powerful... Next to "Forget" "Four Walls and a Roof" and "Try".
It was one of the Greatest episodes this season.
The Alexandria Arc felt Boring at First, But "Forget" was on Of the Greatest episodes of the entire series, Eugene's Bravery was great, Aiden's death was well used, and They made me sad for a character I wasn't even that into yet! Also, Rick's Insanity and Carl's Relationship with Enid made Alexandria so much more entertaining for me!
I did feel that Although Pete's death in the comics was the same, It felt... Unrewarding. Idk why. But it did, and Having morgan witness all that... Ugh... "Hey Rick! We found mor-- Ohhhh, You're killing someone!" Lol
But Overall, Season 5 is a High 9/10 for me. I know most of you hate it a lot, But I thought it was perfect.
It was great, but not the best season. I don't know if I have a favorite season. Each season has it's achievements and shortcomings...but I must say that I really miss Shane. I know they stayed true to Shane's demise in the comics, but Shane is one of my favorite characters.
Season 5 is definitely one of the best. It and season 4 are neck and neck for my favorite season. I think Season 4 was more consistent, and as far as non-comic storylines go, the flu arc kicks the hell out of the hospital. But it also had "Still", while Season 5 didn't have a standout terrible episode like that. Thankfully, it was the only really bad episode of season 4, whereas seasons 2 and 3 probably had 5 truly awful episodes apiece, and the rest were either mediocre or the occasional really good one.
Terminus episodes were a brilliant start. The hospital storyline, while slowing things down and suffering from a lack of impact, was still nowhere near as bad as the Sophia storyline it mirrored, and had several interesting moments despite Beth's lack of any interesting qualities. So it's a good thing that she was really only called upon to carry one episode. The rest had more interesting things going on with the rest of the group. The conclusion was the only real bad part about it. Dawn was also an interesting underhanded antagonist, very different from the upfront villainy we usually see. Basically, the hospital storyline was worth it to me for pretty much every reason other than Beth. And then Alexandria was solid ("Forget", "Try") to brilliant throughout ("The Distance", "Remember", "Spend", "Conquer").
The hospital and what Dawn was doing also mirrored what was to come eventually in Alexandria. The whole theme of the season seemed to be what individual societies will allow for the sake of a greater good and safety. So in my eyes, it definitely had a larger point beyond trying to get Beth back.
I know it's all based on opinion, but seriously, I really can't fathom thinking season 5 is weaker than 2 or 3. S3 is without a doubt the reigning champion of wasted potential, shitty ideas, worthless plot points with not even contextual payoff, and just plain bad writing. Structurally speaking, it's the worst. S2 was more consistent than 3, and probably more consistent than 5, but only in the sense that it was consistently bad, whereas 5 had a drop in momentum with the hospital, even if it wasn't that bad. Season 1 is still the best on a purely technical level, but the writing was very "meh". It's mainly remembered for its big budget feel, and that's only because Darabont got lucky and AMC weren't being money-grubbing dicks back then.
I had higher expectations, and honestly it wasn't the best. Norman said to bring tissues, but I didn't cry. I mean, I was shocked, but I didn't cry when Reg died. I was disappointed overall.
I actually agree. The whole Sophia and Randall arcs, while they dragged on a lot, were the most intriguing plot lines for me in the whole show.
I loved Season 5, but what really set it all in motion is the beginning of the Alexandria Safe Zone storyline. The finale kept me on the edge of my seat with everything that was going on, Morgans return was brillant, and the WOLVES NOT FAR is more than enough to keep me anticipated and asking several questions. As a comic reader, I assume they are going to be rather similar with the Scavengers from Issue #75-78.
I can see that long-haired wolf being the one to say the classic "Little Pig, Little Pig, Let me in!" line.
Slightly creepy.
IMO one of the best scene in season 5
thanks it's nice to find people who exactly liked that season
yes I agree
Better than season 2 and 3 and slightly better than season 1 and season 4. Overall I think it might have been the best season so far.
Nebraska is nice lol. I live there. I got so excited when they were talking about it because no one ever talks about us :P
I stopped watching after Not Again episode. Just getting too real for me.
It was awesome. Extreme highs, mixed with extreme lows.
Oh I loved season 2, But I do not think it was the best, I thought the Sofia plotline was Fantastic, Randall's could've been better, But seeing Hershel be brought to life was awesome!
Oh yes it is.
Top 5 for me were:
Shane was the BEST Character! They've stayed true to Barely anything in the Comics, Imho the least they could have done was Keep shane.
Yeah. People can say what they want about season 2, but that scene when Shane unlocks the barn for the first time is undoubtedly a fantastic scene.
Green, You are one of my Closest friends on here, But I completely disagree with everything you just said except for the fact that first 3 episodes and alexandria arc was great. Sorry All mighty Kawaii Lord, But I disagree. XD
In my opinion it was certainly better than season 2 and 3. The episodes that are good, is really really good.
Its my favourite season, along with season 1
Same here. Everything else was fine.