Looking forward to Season 6...

edited April 2015 in The Walking Dead

And this is the first time that I'm saying that in relation to The Walking Dead.

Writing is leaps and bounds better than previous seasons. Want proof? Okay.

Alt text

For those of you who don't know or you blocked it out of your memory, Glenn is being lowered into a well that has a walker in it in the hopes of putting a rope around the walker so they can get it out of the water. Why are they doing this? Well, they don't want the water to be contaminated. DUH!


I'm so glad we're past the Mazzara days.

EDIT - T-Dog approves Alt text


  • I don't know why people drink water anyway. Fish fuck and shit in their all the time.

  • Writing is leaps and bounds better than previous seasons.

    I concur, Season 5 was definitely the best season of the show, especially when it came to the writing. Over the past two seasons, with Scott Gimple as showrunner, the show has drastically improved in quality. Glen Mazzerra, he was a good writer, but not a great showrunner, his seasons were inconsistently paced and he deviated way too far from the comics. Under Gimple, the show still changes it up, but follows a much stricter adherence to the comics and has much better pacing.

  • i really am now too. first time since the end of S2. imo this season was completely saved and upped the season. they nearly fucked it all up with that awful hospital/cops story line they just shitted. the second half was very consistent and did great with the different lil story lines they set up.

    now i just hope they keep it consistent ALL season.

  • Season 5 had some moments, but overall quality was uneven. It started strong with the cannibals storyline, but then it completely lost it's momentum with the hospital storyline. Later part of the season had some good episodes, but then there were some episodes which weren't that good and didn't really move the story forward. But this isn't anything new, season 2 was the worst example of that. I still think that Season 1 was the best (although it's last episode was awful).

    Writing is leaps and bounds better than previous seasons. I concur, Season 5 was definitely the best season of the show, especially

  • i miss T-Dogg

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